Example in Catalan | Translation in English |
En aquest cas, Floki, seràs el responsable de construir el que ens calgui per a escalar aquestes muralles. | In which case, Floki, you will be responsible for constructing whatever it is we need to scale these walls. |
La política d'immigració actual ha refrenat "l'obertura" dels anys 80, i s'obeeixen escales de valors molt estrictes, que depenen de les habilitats i la probabilitat que els immigrants es quedin al Canadà un cop hagin obtingut el passaport privilegiat. | The current immigration policy has reined in the "openness" that began in the 80s, and are currently adhering to strict scales of value depending on skills and the likelihood of the immigrants staying in Canada after obtaining that privileged passport. |
Llavors el noi escala l'autobús i llavors salta a 10 metres des del seu sostre. | So the guy scales the bus and then jumps 30 feet off its roof. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Dutch | schubben | English | scale |
Finnish | suomustaa | German | erklimmen,schuppen, skalieren |
Greek | απολεπίζω, απολιπαίνω, απολιχνίζω, απολύομαι | Italian | desquamare, squamare |
Portuguese | descamar, escamar | Spanish | escalar |
Thai | เกล็ด, ชั่ง |