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Meninggal dunia (to die) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of meninggal dunia

Present tense
meninggal dunia
I die
Past tense
sudah meninggal dunia
I died
Present perfect tense
sudah meninggal dunia
I have died
Future perfect tense
akan sudah meninggal dunia
I will have died
Future recent tense
meninggal dunia nanti
I will die
Future distant tense
meninggal dunia kelak
I am going to die
Present continuous tense
sedang meninggal dunia
I die
Past distant tense
dulu meninggal dunia
I (a long time ago) died
Past recent tense
meninggal dunia tadi
I (recently) died
Past very recent tense
baru saja meninggal dunia
I (just now) died

Examples of meninggal dunia

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Orangtuaku meninggal dunia sana.My parents had died there.
Sampai ibuku memindahkan kami ke Reading ketika ayahku meninggal dunia.Newcastle. Until my mom moved us to Reading when my dad died of the scales.
Setelah Taiko Hideyoshi meninggal dunia Siapa lagi selain Ieyasu yang pantas.... Memerintah negri ini?After Taiko Hideyoshi had died... who else than Ieyasu should... rule this country?
Sejak ayahku meninggal dunia saat aku masih kecik,Since my father died when I was young,
Victor Lazarro meninggal dunia hari ini.Victor Lazarro died today.

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