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Dispararse (to rocket) conjugation

8 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to go off, bolt, go

Conjugation of dispararse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me disparo
I rocket
te disparas
you rocket
se dispara
he/she/it rockets
nos disparamos
we rocket
os disparáis
you all rocket
se disparan
they rocket
Present perfect tense
me he disparado
I have rocketed
te has disparado
you have rocketed
se ha disparado
he/she/it has rocketed
nos hemos disparado
we have rocketed
os habéis disparado
you all have rocketed
se han disparado
they have rocketed
Past preterite tense
me disparé
I rocketed
te disparaste
you rocketed
se disparó
he/she/it rocketed
nos disparamos
we rocketed
os disparasteis
you all rocketed
se dispararon
they rocketed
Future tense
me dispararé
I will rocket
te dispararás
you will rocket
se disparará
he/she/it will rocket
nos dispararemos
we will rocket
os dispararéis
you all will rocket
se dispararán
they will rocket
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me dispararía
I would rocket
te dispararías
you would rocket
se dispararía
he/she/it would rocket
nos dispararíamos
we would rocket
os dispararíais
you all would rocket
se dispararían
they would rocket
Past imperfect tense
me disparaba
I used to rocket
te disparabas
you used to rocket
se disparaba
he/she/it used to rocket
nos disparábamos
we used to rocket
os disparabais
you all used to rocket
se disparaban
they used to rocket
Past perfect tense
me había disparado
I had rocketed
te habías disparado
you had rocketed
se había disparado
he/she/it had rocketed
nos habíamos disparado
we had rocketed
os habíais disparado
you all had rocketed
se habían disparado
they had rocketed
Future perfect tense
me habré disparado
I will have rocketed
te habrás disparado
you will have rocketed
se habrá disparado
he/she/it will have rocketed
nos habremos disparado
we will have rocketed
os habréis disparado
you all will have rocketed
se habrán disparado
they will have rocketed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me dispare
(if/so that) I rocket
te dispares
(if/so that) you rocket
se dispare
(if/so that) he/she/it rocket
nos disparemos
(if/so that) we rocket
os disparéis
(if/so that) you all rocket
se disparen
(if/so that) they rocket
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya disparado
I have rocketed
te hayas disparado
you have rocketed
se haya disparado
he/she/it has rocketed
nos hayamos disparado
we have rocketed
os hayáis disparado
you all have rocketed
se hayan disparado
they have rocketed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me disparara
(if/so that) I have rocketed
te dispararas
(if/so that) you have rocketed
se disparara
(if/so that) he/she/it have rocketed
nos disparáramos
(if/so that) we have rocketed
os dispararais
(if/so that) you all have rocketed
se dispararan
(if/so that) they have rocketed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me disparase
(if/so that) I have rocketed
te disparases
(if/so that) you have rocketed
se disparase
(if/so that) he/she/it have rocketed
nos disparásemos
(if/so that) we have rocketed
os disparaseis
(if/so that) you all have rocketed
se disparasen
(if/so that) they have rocketed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera disparado
I had rocketed
te hubieras disparado
you had rocketed
se hubiera disparado
he/she/it had rocketed
nos hubiéramos disparado
we had rocketed
os hubierais disparado
you all had rocketed
se hubieran disparado
they had rocketed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese disparado
I had rocketed
te hubieses disparado
you had rocketed
se hubiese disparado
he/she/it had rocketed
nos hubiésemos disparado
we had rocketed
os hubieseis disparado
you all had rocketed
se hubiesen disparado
they had rocketed
Future subjunctive tense
me disparare
(if/so that) I will have rocketed
te disparares
(if/so that) you will have rocketed
se disparare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have rocketed
nos disparáremos
(if/so that) we will have rocketed
os disparareis
(if/so that) you all will have rocketed
se dispararen
(if/so that) they will have rocketed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere disparado
I will have rocketed
te hubieres disparado
you will have rocketed
se hubiere disparado
he/she/it will have rocketed
nos hubiéremos disparado
we will have rocketed
os hubiereis disparado
you all will have rocketed
se hubieren disparado
they will have rocketed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's rocket!
Imperative negative mood
no te dispares
do not rocket!
no se dispare
let him/her/it rocket!
no nos disparemos
let us not rocket!
no os disparéis
do not rocket!
no se disparen
do not rocket!

Examples of dispararse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Y la temperatura está a punto de dispararse.And the temperature's about to rocket. Come on.
Adams ha estado muy ocupado con sus asuntos en Columbia mientras el crimen se ha disparado un 12%.Look, Adams has had his head so far up Columbia domain fund's a... that crime has skyrocketed 12%.
Además, su nivel de azúcar en la sangre se ha disparado cielo.Also, your blood sugar level has sky rocketed.
Al mismo tiempo la educación y el coste de la vida se ha disparado mientras los salarios apenas han variado.Meanwhile our schools and the cost of living has skyrocketed over inflation, while starting salaries have hardly changed.
Al poco tiempo, los niveles de defecación se habían disparado hasta el techo... pero la ciudad se lleno de adictos... debido a que las "barras jugosas" eran altamente adictivas.Later, defecation amounts have skyrocketed, but the city became full of addicts due to the juicybar's strong addiction.
Allí imprimimos, y en las últimas semanas el precio del papel se ha disparado.It's where we get our books printed. And in the last week, the paper costs have just skyrocketed.
El desempleo es de 9.2 por ciento, la inflación está disparándose, estamos a punto de perder nuestra mayoría.Inflation is skyrocketing. We're on the verge of losing our majority.
Podríamos conseguir mucho más con el valor de las plantaciones disparándose.We could get a good deal more with plantations skyrocketing in value.

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