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Vivir (to live) conjugation

150 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to make a living, inhabit, reside, make

Conjugation of vivir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I live
you live
he/she/it lives
we live
you all live
they live
Present perfect tense
he vivido
I have lived
has vivido
you have lived
ha vivido
he/she/it has lived
hemos vivido
we have lived
habéis vivido
you all have lived
han vivido
they have lived
Past preterite tense
I lived
you lived
he/she/it lived
we lived
you all lived
they lived
Future tense
I will live
you will live
he/she/it will live
we will live
you all will live
they will live
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would live
you would live
he/she/it would live
we would live
you all would live
they would live
Past imperfect tense
I used to live
you used to live
he/she/it used to live
we used to live
you all used to live
they used to live
Past perfect tense
había vivido
I had lived
habías vivido
you had lived
había vivido
he/she/it had lived
habíamos vivido
we had lived
habíais vivido
you all had lived
habían vivido
they had lived
Future perfect tense
habré vivido
I will have lived
habrás vivido
you will have lived
habrá vivido
he/she/it will have lived
habremos vivido
we will have lived
habréis vivido
you all will have lived
habrán vivido
they will have lived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I live
(if/so that) you live
(if/so that) he/she/it live
(if/so that) we live
(if/so that) you all live
(if/so that) they live
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya vivido
I have lived
hayas vivido
you have lived
haya vivido
he/she/it has lived
hayamos vivido
we have lived
hayáis vivido
you all have lived
hayan vivido
they have lived
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have lived
(if/so that) you have lived
(if/so that) he/she/it have lived
(if/so that) we have lived
(if/so that) you all have lived
(if/so that) they have lived
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have lived
(if/so that) you have lived
(if/so that) he/she/it have lived
(if/so that) we have lived
(if/so that) you all have lived
(if/so that) they have lived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera vivido
I had lived
hubieras vivido
you had lived
hubiera vivido
he/she/it had lived
hubiéramos vivido
we had lived
hubierais vivido
you all had lived
hubieran vivido
they had lived
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese vivido
I had lived
hubieses vivido
you had lived
hubiese vivido
he/she/it had lived
hubiésemos vivido
we had lived
hubieseis vivido
you all had lived
hubiesen vivido
they had lived
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have lived
(if/so that) you will have lived
(if/so that) he/she/it will have lived
(if/so that) we will have lived
(if/so that) you all will have lived
(if/so that) they will have lived
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere vivido
I will have lived
hubieres vivido
you will have lived
hubiere vivido
he/she/it will have lived
hubiéremos vivido
we will have lived
hubiereis vivido
you all will have lived
hubieren vivido
they will have lived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's live!
Imperative negative mood
no vivas
do not live!
no viva
let him/her/it live!
no vivamos
let us not live!
no viváis
do not live!
no vivan
do not live!

Examples of vivir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Me gustaría vivir Shawn! .I'd like to live. shawn!
! Porque Houston es un lugar terrible para vivir.Because Houston is a terrible place to live.
! Quiero vivir entre gente normal!I want to live among normal people.
! Yo no quiero vivir así!I don't want to live like that.
! Esta vivo!He's alive!
! Esta vivo¡It's still alive!
! Estas vivo!You're alive!
! Estoy vivo!l am alive!
! Está vivo!He's alive!
"A la gente que se quiere, con los que vives," eso les lleva a la miseria.People who like each other, trying to get on with their lives - it really puts them in a jam.
"Bueno", dijo, "eso está muy bien para que tú lo digas pero tú no vives junto a Esther Rantzen y Desmond Wilcox"."Ah, well," he said, "that's all very well for you to say. "But you don't live next door to Esther Rantzen and Desmond Wilcox."
"Catigre", ¿tu vives por ahí abajo?Blondie, do you live down there?
"George Lucas arruinó mi infancia" porque aún vives tu infancia."George Lucas ruined my childhood" Because you still live your childhood.
! Rez vive en una nube de pedos!Rez lives in a cloud of gas!
" está Cornish, New Hampshire, y J. D. Salinger vive allí."is Cornish, New Hampshire, and J.D. Salinger lives over there.
""¿A que no sabes quién vive a cinco casas de Ia nuestra?""."You're not going to believe who lives five houses down from us."
"... en recuerdo de alguien muy querido que ya no vive."...in the memory of someone who no Ionger lives.
"...quién vive en mí, entonces.""..then who lives within me?"
" Para eso vivimosThat's all that we live for
" Quizás tardes en regresar, pero recuerda que Timmy y yo vivimos esperando el día que vuelvas para siempre".I know it'll be a long time before you return to us, but remember all that Timmy and I live for is the day that you'll come back forever."
"A través de la mente inteligente vivimos para siempre "."Through the intelligent mind live forever. "
"Aunque vivimos en el temor del infierno, nosotros..."Whilst we live in fear of hell, we...
! Los faisanes son de sí mismos y viven en el bosque de los faisanesThe pheasants are their own and live in the pheasants forest
" Ellos viven en el orgullo."They live in pride. They are fearless."
" Marjorie yJo-Jo viven y trabajan en Nueva York." Marjorie and Jo-Jo live and work in New York City.
" nuestros hombres viven todos en una misma casa"our men live all in one house
" porque viven en climas más fríos."for they live in colder climates.
" Yo dí el nacimiento a un bebé en un V. W. el carro de mudanzas donde yo viví durante casi un año. ""I gave birth to a baby in a V.W. van where I lived for nearly a year."
"Asesiné y viví, Aurangzeb"I killed and I lived, Aurangzeb I did what I did, Aurangzeb
"Cerré mis ojos y viví en la oscuridad, escogiendo no ver que el mundo estaba enfermo y volviéndose loco."'I closed my eyes and lived in the dark, choosing not to see the world outside was sick and running mad.
"Dejadme creer que no viví en vano.'Let me not seem to have lived in vain.
"Durante seis años, viví momentos hermosos como un sueño."'For six years, I lived these beautiful moments like a dream.'
- Debes aceptar el hecho de que viviste."You must learn to accept the fact that you lived.
- Déjame adivinar. La vida con mamá y papá era como fastidiosa así que te fugaste, viviste con amigas y fuiste de fiesta con chicos que sabías que tus padres odiarían y luego, cuando te cansaste de ser rebelde, volviste a casa.Let me guess, life with mom and dad was kind of a drag so you just ran away, lived with friends and partied with guys that you knew your parents would hate, and then when you got tired of being a rebel, you just went home.
- Es un subalquiler, y cuando viviste aquí te largaste en mitad del año.- Well you are subletting from me and the last time you lived here, you just up and left in the middle of the year.
- Gavin, fuiste un mamífero adorable con todos los que conociste, y si te conozco cómo te conozco sé que te hubiera gustado que la gente pensara en sobre cómo viviste en lugar de cómo moriste.Okay, Gavin, you were a loving mammal to everybody that you met. And if I know you the way that I think I do, I think what you would have wanted would be for everybody to focus on the way you lived rather than the way you died.
- Nunca viviste en Montana.- You never lived in Montana.
" tú eres la que que vivió con J. D. Salinger."You're the one that lived with J.D. Salinger.
""Porque esta doncella vivió sin otro pensamiento"Because this maiden she lived with no other thought
"...y por eso cuando Lelewala, la hija del jefe Ojo de Águila, se rindió a su destino..." "... la tribu vivió en paz y prosperidad."And, because Lelawala, daughter of Chief Eagle Eye, surrendered to her destiny... the tribe lived on in peace and prosperity.
"Ahora manejarán 210 kilómetros a la casa donde vivió Butch Cassidy""You will now drive 130 miles to the house where Butch Cassidy lived
"Aquí vivió varios años Alain Leroy"."Here, for several years, lived Alain Leroy."
- ¿ambas vivisteis en Fort Marshall?{\pos(192,215)} - You both lived at Fort Marshall?
De acuerdo, vosotros vivisteis en la más absoluta castidad.I mean, yes, I realize you have lived entirely chaste lives
Nos concierne pero hay cierta diferencia entre las raíces europeas y el estado totalitario que vivisteis, y el tipo de estado totalitario en el que empezamos a vivir nosotros.There's a relevance, but it's a different form of relevance between the European roots and the totalitarian state that you've lived under, and the sort of totalitarian state that we're coming to live in.
Sabía que mi abuela se había criado allí y ahora me entero de que mamá y tú vivisteis allí siendo yo un bebé...I know that my grandmother was raised here. And now I find out that you and Mom lived there when I was a baby...
"... y cabello oscuro como el marco de esta ventana..." ...y vivieron felices y comieron perdicesand as black as this frame ...and they lived happily ever after.
"...mi padre y mi madre vivieron aquí,... y mi abuelo.""...my father and mother lived here,... and my grandfather."
"...que no pasaron a personas que nunca vivieron."...that didn't happen to people who never lived.
"...y regresaron a su casa rodante y vivieron felices por siempre"."And they went back to their trailer and lived happily ever after. "
"Abraham y Bera iniciaron una dinastía impresionante y vivieron felices con sus países vecinos.""Abraham and Bera started an impressive dynasty "and lived happily with their neighboring countries."
"'a partir de ahora, viviré en la esperanza.'"" 'From now on, I will live in hope.' "
"Deambulando como fantasma en la base de una cima, atormentado por todo ese espacio en que viviré sin ti"."Spinning like a ghost on the bottom of a top I am haunted by all the space I will live without you"
"Tú eres el principio, tú eres el fin" "Yo siempre viviré bajo tu sombra."You are boundless faith l will live in your care
*Y viviré sobre lo que esta vida se trata** And I will live what this life's about *
- Y viviré para siempre.- And it will live forever.
"Puedes ser engañado si confías demasiado pero vivirás atormentado si no confías lo suficiente. ""You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough."
"Si me dejas tirado, vivirás para arrepentirte."If you bail on me, you will live to regret it.
"Un limón por día y vivirás siempre". De mi bisabuelo."A lemon a day you will live forever. "
"Y vivirás felizYou will live in happiness too
*Estás seguro, vivirás...*♪ You are safe, you will live... ♪
"...vivirá para arrepentirse de ello"."..you will live to regret it."
"Aquel que crea en mí, vivirá,"He who believes in me will live,
"Aquel que cree en mí vivirá, aún después de la muerte".He who believes in me will live even though he dies.
"Ayer,... 7 de diciembre... de 1941 ... un día que vivirá... en la infamia... los Estados Unidos de América... fueron atacados súbita y deliberadamente, no importa cuánto tiempo nos requiera... para superar esta premeditada invasión... el pueblo estadounidense obtendrá... el triunfo inevitable... que corresponde al derecho".Yesterday, December 7th 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States Of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory!
"El 7 de diciembre 1941, es una fecha que vivirá en la infamia.""December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."
"Crea el mundo en que viviremos"."Create the world we will live in. "
"Doy este salto de fe sabiendo que el amor de Elena me acogerá... y viviremos juntos eternamente"."I take this week of faith knowing that elena's love will surely catch me... and we will live life eternal".
"Doy este salto de fe sabiendo que el amor de Elena me acogerá... y viviremos una vida eterna, y saltó a su muerte.""i take this leap of faith knowing elena's love will catch me and we will live life eternal,'... and jumped to his death."
"Si nos sacan de la casa, viviremos en una zanja,"If they drive us from the house, we will live in a ditch,
- Cuando lleguemos a América, viviremos en una casa.-in America we will live in a house.
De este modo la anulación será efectiva y viviréis dónde y cómo queráis.The termination of the marriage will followe by itself. And you will live somewhere, where and how it pleases you.
Mientras viváis en mi océano, viviréis bajo mis reglas.As long as you live in my ocean, you will live by my rules.
Mis niños, vosotros viviréis todavía muchos años. Apretaréis todavía la mano de vuestro padre.You will live long lives and grip your father's hand.
Niños, viviréis todavía muchos años y apretaréis la mano de vuestro padre.Children, you will live long lives and grip your father's hand.
Niños, viviréis todavía muchos años y apretaréis la mano de vuestro padreChildren, you will live long lives and grip your father's hand.
"Aquellos que creen en mí, incluso cuando mueran, vivirán."Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.
"Sus corazones vivirán por siempre jamás."Their hearts will live forever and ever.
"Y en el futuro, las dos partes vivirán en paz",And hereafter, both sides will live in peace
"Yo tengo un sueño que mis cuatro hijos pequeños vivirán en una nación"I have a dream that my four little children will live in a nation
- Algunos vivirán.Some will live.
"... viviría aún en su sueño ...""He would live even in his sleep ..."
# viviría para tener el bebé,... # llenarlo de besos... # y abrazarlo suavemente... # y fuerte.# she would live to have the baby, # To fill him with kisses... # and hug him gently... # and tightly.
- Cuando era una niña, no me dijiste dulces mentiras como los otros padres, fingiendo que yo viviría una larga y placentera vida.- When I was a child, you didn't tell me sweet lies like the other fathers, pretending I would live a long and full life.
- Rambaldi le prometió que viviría una vida imposiblemente larga.Rambaldi promised him he would live an impossibly long life.
- ¿Quién viviría en una cueva?- Who would live in a cave?
Me dijiste que me querías que vivirías siempre conmigoYou said you loved me that you would live forever with me
Nunca pensé que viviría para ver la noche en que tú vivirías para ver esta noche.I never thought I would live to see the night that you would live to see this night.
Si fuera un hombre con honor, vivirías.If he were man with honor, you would live.
Si sabía que vivirías tan poco te habría robado para casarme contigo.if he/she knew that you would live so a little, would have stolen to marry with you.
Y vivirías para siempre.And you would live forever.
Ahí... viviríamos nuestras vidas... juntos.There, we would live out our lives together.
Bueno, me imaginé que tú y yo viviríamos en Marina di Pisa en la casa en la que nací.Well, I figured you and I would live at Marina di Pisa in the house where I was born.
Había decidido que viviríamos en el sur de la argentina, en la patagonia. Para más precisiones, al pie del monte tronador, sobre un lago.l decided we would live in Patagonia, by a lake at the foot of Mount Tronador.
Había un terreno cerca de Iguatemi... había un anteproyecto, regalo de él mismo... Había una promesa de que un día viviríamos en la casa de Oscar.COMPOSER There was this piece of land near Iguatemi... there was the sketch, a gift from Oscar... there was the promise that one day we would live in Oscar's House.
Honestamente, ¿pensaste que viviríamos tanto tiempo?Be honest, did you ever think either one of us would live this long?
"Un día encontraría a su guapo y amable príncipe "que la subiría a su gran caballo blanco "y se la llevaría para casarse con ella y vivirían felices por siempre"."Someday she would find her kind, handsome prince, "and he would sweep her up on a big white horse, "and he would take her away and marry her, and they would live happily ever after."
Algunos vivirían, les racionarían la comida que quedó.Kodos began to separate the colonists. Some would live, be rationed whatever food was left.
Así todas sus crías vivirían.Then all their babies would live.
El autor griego Hesíodo escribió que sin el miedo a la ira de Zeus los seres humanos vivirían como bestias y los débiles estarían en manos de los fuertes.The Greek author Hesiod wrote that without the fear of Zeus' wrath humans would live like beasts and the weak would be in the hands of the strong.
El odio y la guerra desaparecerían y los hombres vivirían en armonía,Hatred and war will disappear and men would live in harmony,
! Necesita a su madre viva!But he needs his mother, you know, alive, no matter where!
! Que viva Jánošík! !Long live Jánošík!
! Quieres que tu abuela viva o no?Do you want your grandma to live or not?
! ¡¿Está viva?Is she alive?
! ¿Qué hay de malo con la gente viva?What do you have against live people?
" No vivas donde tus padres" ."Don't live in the same city as your parents."
"A veces, un muerto es mejor que miles de personas vivas"."One dead man is sometimes better than a thousand live ones."
"Come para vivir y no vivas para comer".Eat to live and don't live to eat.
"Cosechan órganos humanos con sus víctimas vivas, parece que les produce placer el salvaje dolor que causan."They harvest human organs while the victims are still alive, "seeming to take pleasure in the savage pain they cause.
"Esas fotografías aún están vivas en mis recuerdos."Those pictures are still very much alive in my memories.
"Ah, vivamos y amemos sin pensar en los chismes de las vírgenes ahora viejas y arrugadas.Then let us live and love Without one thought For the gossip of virgins Now grown old and stale
"Mientras vivamos" es decir lo mismo.As long as we live- That's the same thing.
"Nademos, y respiremos, y vivamos...""Let's swim, and breathe, and live..."
"Para que un día vivamos en una bonita casa.""so one day we can live in a beautiful house."
"Por lo tanto, ya sea que vivamos o perezcamos, somos del Señor".Whether we live, therefore, or we die, we are the Lord's.
"Y que los dos viváis tanto tiempo como deseéis..."And may you both live as long as you want...
"para que los ejecutéis, y viváis, y poseáis la tierra..."that ye may live and go in and possess the land...
- Lástima que no viváis para verlo.- I almost wish you'd live to see it.
- ¿Tú, Julia, quieres a este hombre ,Hank, desde este día en lo bueno o en lo malo, en la riqueza o en la pobreza, para amarle y respetarle mientras viváis?Do you, Julia, take this man, Hank, from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish as long as you both may live?
Brindo por los recién casados y con paja y heno digo que viváis felices en Battipaglia.I raise my glass to the newlyweds on this day full of hay and say, may you live happily in Battipaglia, night and day.
"Dios no quiere que sus hijos vivan así.This is not the way God wants his children to live...
"Hagan su trabajo y vivan."Do your jobs and live.
"Histórica". Su nombre perdurará con la gloria que antaño se mereció... mientras que a su esposa e hijo no les faltará de nada mientras vivan.Your name would live on in the glory it once deserved... while your wife and son would never want for either safety or comfort... as long as they live.
"Los valientes quizás no vivan para siempre,"The brave may not live forever...
"Mientras ambos vivan".Uh, uh, "as long as we both shall live."
Estoy segura que murió como quise que viviera, ...con generosidad y valor.I'm sure he died as I wish he would have lived-- with generosity and courage.
Ojalá la Sra. McDowell viviera para verlo.I only wish Mrs McDowell could have lived to see it.
Puede que viviera del otro lado del arroyo pero cuando remaba hacia acá, sentía que remaba a casa.l may have lived across the creek, but it was only when l rowed here that l actually felt like l was rowing home.
Si su madre viviera para ver este día...If only your mother could have lived to see this day.
Supongamos que ella viviese hasta los... 94.Well, let us suppose that she might have lived until she was... 94.
"Arrojad de él la peor parte y vivid más pura.Oh, throw away the worser part of it and live the purer with the other half.
"Por caridad, vivid en una sola casa."I beg you, live your life as before.
"Pídele matrimonio, criad hijos juntos y vivid una vida llena, rica y feliz"."Ask them to marry you, raise children together and live a full and rich, happy life."
Arrojad la peor parte y vivid más pura con la otra.O, throw away the worser part of it, and live the purer with the other half.
Así que, vivid en paz,So as thou livest in peace,
" He vivido aquí durante un año :""I've lived here for a year:"
! Así que, ¿cómo, exactamente, está tu viejo cuerpo viviendo ahí, abuelo Rick?So, how, exactly, is your old body living in there, grandpa Rick?
"Si vivís o morís. .""Whether you live or die"
"... ya que nadie ha vivido en esta casa por años."...since no one has lived in this house for years.
"A veces aún dudo haber... vivido esos días."Even now I sometimes doubt I ever... lived those days,
"Aquellos que no han vivido los años... antes de la revolución... no pueden entender... la dulzura de la vida. " Talleyrand"Those who have not lived the years before the revolution cannot understand the sweetness of life." Talleyrand
"Aquí empezó, donde todos los grandes compositores han vivido."He started here, where all the great composers had lived."
" común para ellos, durante el cual se refugian en los infiernos que la moda para ellos mismos, viviendo de su botín " ."common for them, during which they retreat into the hellholes they fashion for themselves, living off their plunder."
" que los niños viviendo allí, sabiendo lo que pasa""the children living in this house... "knowing what's happening...
""No te preocupes por Ios niños, Están viviendo con nosotros"",Don't worry about the boys. They are living with us and getting along fine.
"... viviendo dentro del marco de un cuadro extraño."... living within the frame of a strange painting.
- ? Los negros vivís ahí?- Do all the coloured live there?
- Bien, vosotros vivís en la ciudad de Nueva York.- Well, y'all do live in New York City...
- Bueno, lo vivís.You live it.

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