Ma olen palju vanem, kui paistan, neiu. | I'm much older than I appear, lassie. |
Ma pole see, kes ma välja paistan. | (undistorted) I am not what I appear to be. |
Ma uurisin saadud energialugemeid ja paistan, et Michael suutis kuidagi modifitseerida | I've been examining the energy reading we picked up, And it appears that michael has somehow managed to modify |
- Sa paistad olevat vigastamata. | - You appear undamaged. |
Ja kuna sina paistad tema asju ajavat, ehk saad talle minu sõnumi edastada. | And since it appears you still run his errands, perhaps you could deliver a message for me. |
Kuid tunnistan, et teada saades, et hr Worthingi hoolealune oled, soovin, et oleksid... pisut vanem, kui paistad olema ja välimuselt ehk mitte nii kütkestav. | But I am bound to state that now that I know you are Mr Worthing's ward, I cannot help expressing a wish that you were, well, a little older than you seem to be and not so alluring in appearance. |
Mida rohkem sa silma paistad. Seda vähem kahtlasem sa tundud. | No, the more obvious you are, the less suspicious you appear. |
"Kaup paistab olevat ehtne, punkt. | "Merchandise appears genuine, stop. |
"Lõige ohvri põsel, mitte surmav, paistab olevat mingisugune allkiri. | "the cut on the victim's cheek, While not fatal, "appears to be a signature Of sorts. "because of the lack Of evidence |
- Nii see paistab. | So it appears. |
... paistab, et firma asutaja, Victor Marchetta, varjas tahtlikult ehmatavaid ja püsivaid kõrvalmõjusid. | ... it appears the founder, Victor Marchetta, deliberately covered up his discovery of shocking and permanent side effects. |
Aga ma olen elanud küllalt kaua, et teada, et kõik pole sugugi nii, nagu paistab. | But I've lived long enough to know that everything is not as it appears. |
Kellena me siis paistame? Fännipoisid. | Uh, what do we appear to be? |
Kellena me siis paistame? | Uh, what do we appear to be? |
Mida kirevam pidu, seda tugevamad me paistame. | The more flamboyant the pageantry, the stronger we appear. |
Seepärast on ka tähtis, et me paistame Goa'uldidena. | Therefore it's important that we appear to be Goa'uld. |
Ja kui te arvate, et asi on mingis ülespuhutud aurahas, mida me püüame saada meeste eest, kes sooritasid 10 aastat tagasi mingi kuriteo, mida keegi nagunii ei mäleta, siis olete te veel lollim, kui te paistate. | And if you think this is a simple matter of the upper brass... trying to get credit for apprehending men wanted for some 10-year-old crime that nobody remembers anyway... - then you are more stupid than you appear. |
Loodan, et kohtus olevad ametnikud on ohvrite õiguste suhtes pisut enam tundlikud, kui Teie paistate olevat. | I certainly hope that the people who are prosecuting this case can muster a little more sensitivity for the rights of the victims... - than you appear to have. - I didn't mean to sound uncaring. |
Mina keppisin teda. Proua, te paistate purjus olevat. | Ma'am, your appearance appears to be drunken. |
Olete näljasemad, kui paistate. | You are hungrier than you appeared. |
- Eemalt paistavad nad... | - From a distance, they appear to... |
Ajad pole alati sellised nagu välja paistavad, kullake. | Things aren't always what they appear to be, luv. |
Asjad ei pruugi olla sellised, nagu need paistavad. | Things ain't all they appear to be. |
- See ei paista veel töötavat. | - It does not appear to be yet functional. |
Esimeste teadete kohaselt ühtegi ellujäänut ei paista olevat. | First reports are that due do not appear to be any survivors. |
Mu mured paistsid olevad põhjendamatud. | My concern appeared to have been unfounded. |
Mõned asjad paistsid talle veidrana, kuid ta ei pööranud neile tähelepanu. | Some things appeared strange to him but they didn't frighten him. |
See paistis pärinevat vanast tsivilisatsioonist, võimalikult Paleoliitikum, kuigi need paistsid olevat silindrilise esemega valmistatud, mida polnud enne pronksiaega leiutatud. | * You lively up... * It looked like it was from some ancient civilization, possibly Paleolithic, though it appeared to have been struck with a cylindrical object that wouldn't have been invented until the Bronze Age. |
...lootuses levitada uut elu galaktikas, kus paistis olevat mitte midagi. | ...In the hope of spreading new life in a galaxy where there appeared to be none. |
12-aastaselt avastasin, et mu sõber Johnny Stockwell polnud selline, nagu pealtnäha paistis. | At 12, I discovered my friend Johnny Stockwell wasn't all he appeared to be. |
Admirali tütar paistis torpeedodest huvitatud ja ta on relvaspetsialist. | The Admiral's daughter appeared to have interest in the torpedoes and she is a weapons specialist. |
Avastatu paistis olevat grisli kätetöö. | Officers there... discovered what appeared to be a grizzly work of art... |
Aga me paistsime olevat ümber piiratud. | But we appeared to be surrounded. |
Tema haav ei paistnud ohtlikuna. | The wound did not appear fatal. |
Hullumeelses maailmas... normaalne inimene... peab... paistma... hullumeelne. | In an insane world, a sane man... must... appear... insane. |
Kui täht oleks sama lähedal kui Päike, peaks ta paistma sama suurena kui Päike. | Now, if a star were as near as the sun... should appear as big and as bright as the sun. |
Mõnikord, kui valgus kaob, siis jääb hetkeks paistma järelhelendus. | Sometimes when the light disappears, an afterimage remains, just for a moment. |
- Ei paista niimoodi. | - Doesn't appear that way. |
- Ei paista sedamoodi. | - He doesn't appear to be. |
- Ei paista töötavat. | Doesn't appear to be on. |
See tegi sellist häält, nagu valju heli. Ei paistnud, nagu see teeks midagi, kuid tegi. | It just appeared like it came through the window, and what was on the other side of it was different. |
Niiviisi aga paistaks kõik siis, kui liigume veidi alla valguse kiiruse. | But this is how it would appear... ...if you were traveling at close to the speed of light. |