Apa Bajak Laut muncul karena One Piece Berada di sisi lain New World ? | Does pirates appear because the One Piece is on the other side of the sea of the New World? |
Cara sistem itu muncul bekerja untuk aku adalah | The way the system appeared to work to me was |
Dari sudut itu, juru kamera akan muncul di cermin. | From that angle, the cameraman should appear in the mirror. |
Kami juga menemukan bahwa ketika cahaya sejati dari Brown gunung muncul ... Ada ... interferensi elektromagnetik. | And what we realized is that when a legitimate Brown Mountain light appeared there was electromagnetic interference. |
Mayatnya akan muncul kembali disuatu tempat seperti halnya fosil gajah yang ditemukan. | You know, somewhere it'll reappear, along with the Elephant Man's bones at some sideshow. |