- Sedamoodi jah. Uurin laevaregistrit, vaatame, mida ma leian. | I'll check the shipping registry to see what I can discover. |
Ehk leian tema arvutist seose Veldti ja Wesley vahel. | With her computer, perhaps I can discover the connection between Veldt and Wesley. |
Ise leian ma midagi vastupandamatut idees leida mõni märk, võib-olla mõni kirjamärk, mis annaks võtme eksootilise võõrtsivilisatsiooni mõistmiseks. | For myself, I find something irresistible in the idea of discovering a token, maybe a simple inscription which would provide the key to understanding an alien civilization. |
Ja kui leiad tee, mis sind tagasi ei too, siis loodan, et saadad mulle sõnumi. | And if you discover a path that doesn't lead back here... Well, I hope you'll text. |
Ja leiad end olevat teadmistes, mida tead. Ja rääkimata kellelegi midagi. | He discovered you know what, you know where and kept it secret. |
Kui lasen su tööle ja sa leiad tema kohta mõne süütõendi, pole mul põhjust uskuda, et sa seda ei varja. | If I let you into the field and you discover some incriminating information on him, I have no reason to believe you won't suppress it. |
Kui ta mu leiab... | - If he discovers me... |
Samal hetkel leiab Félix L'Herbier La Villette' aias võimalike ühenduste arvu inimese ajus. See on suurem aatomite numbrist universumis. | At the same moment, at the La Villette garden Félix L'Herbier discovers... ..that the number of possible connexions in a human brain.. ..is superior to the number of atomes in the universe. |
Ta leiab keha ja kutsub politsei, ah. | She discovers the body, she calls the police. Fix me a drink, will you? |
Me leiame, kes on teie kaasosalised. | We'II discover who your confederates are. |
Mõte on selles, et kui me kaevume liig sügavale siis ma olen kindel, et me leiame su süü. | The point is, if we dig deep enough I'm sure we'll discover this is all your fault. |
Andke teada, kui midagi leiate. | Let me know what you discover. |
Head õhtut, Sir Malcolm. Miss Ives. Kui hieroglüüfidest midagi olulist leiate, andke mulle teada. | If you discover anything pertinent in the hieroglyphics, let me know. |
Kindlasti leiate te probleemid ülesse. | I'm sure you can discover the problems. |
Kui leiate ühegi elusolendi peale Piloodi, hävitage laev. | If you discover any life other than its pilot, annihilate the vessel. |
Aga kui Jedid leiavad, et Äärmuslased pole sellega seotud, äkki siis on võimalik leida rahumeelne lahendus. | But if the Jedi discover that the Separatists aren't behind this Then perhaps there is a peaceful resolution |
Jah. - Ja sa saadad selle telefoni sisu eetrisse, kust siis inimesed selle video leiavad ning avastavad minu? | - And you're going to send this phone out into the ether, and people are going to find it and discover me? |
Kui ameeriklased leiavad selle kõvaketta, siis see paneb ohtu meie järgmise plaani. | If the information on that hard drive is discovered by the Americans, it'll jeopardize the next phase of our plan. Well, it's not here. |
Mõned teist leiavad endale... imelise kutse, millest te unistadagi ei osanud. | Some of you may discover... a wonderful vocation you never imagined. |
Kui leitakse mingi uus kahjulik organism, siis leiutavad meie teadlased talle vasturohu mis takistaks sellise organismi kasvu meie süsteemis. | If some new, malicious organism is discovered, our scientists engineer an anti- substrate growth blocker to stop it from affecting our system. |
Kui ta leitakse, oleme juba vabad. | By the time he is discovered, we will be free. |
Kui ümbervahetatud laps leitakse, pole sinust enam mingit kasu. | If the changeling is discovered, YOU will not be so useful any more. |
Aga ma leidsin neeldumiskoha ja sellega oli keegi mässanud. | But l discovered the absorption port and its redundancy had been tampered with. |
Clouseau, samal ajal kui sa Paavsti rõdult alla kukkusid, riietasid ennast Paavstiks, leidsin ühe võtme asitõendiks. | Clouseau, while you were falling off of the Pope's balcony dressed as the Pope, I discovered a key piece of evidence. |
Drake, ma leidsin põhjuse sinu mälukaotusele. Mis see on? | Drake, I've discovered the reason for your memory loss. |
Drake, ma leidsin põhjuse sinu mälukaotusele. | Drake, I've discovered the reason for your memory loss. |
- Kas sa leidsid midagi? | - Have you discovered something? |
25 a tagasi läks rühm Alaskale arheoloogilisele uurimisretkele. Meteoriidikraatrist leidsid nad munakilde. | 25 years ago, a team went on an archaeological exploration to Alaska, and they discovered fragments of what appeared to be an egg in a meteoric crater. |
Aastal 1929 leidsid ajaloolased maakaarti, mis oli joonistatud loomanahale. | In 1929, historians discovered a map which was painted in suede |
"Ta leidis et katuse luuk oli avatud, | "He discovered the roof access door unlocked. |
- Greer leidis veel mitu kookonit, kõik tühjad. | Greer has discovered Several more pods, all empty, |
- Kuule, Audric. Naine kes koopa leidis, tema nimi on Alice Tanner. | The woman who discovered the cave, her name is Alice Tanner. |
- Paistab, et ta leidis raha ülesse. | He seems to have discovered some cash, Mr. Grant. Good. |
Aga hea külg on see, et põhinedes tekstile, mille me leidsime Glastonbury koopast, see Iidsete seade, mille avastasime, võib olla suuteline galaktikavaheliseks suhtluseks. | But on the bright side, according to the text we found in the Glastonbury cavern, the Ancient device we discovered may be capable of intergalactic communication. |
Aga umbes 15 aastat tagasi leidsime vanast keldi koobast kulda. | But I tell you, about 15 years ago we discovered gold in an old Celtic cave. |
Aga võimalik, et me leidsime kõige tähtsama osa kogu tehnoloogias ..mille SGC on üldse avastanud. | But we may have stumbled on the most important piece of technology... ..the SGC mission has discovered to date. |
Ja all kanalisatsioonis me leidsime staadioni põhi äravoolutoru. | And down the sewer here we discovered a foundation pipe of the stadium. |
- Ütlesite, et leidsite sõrmuse aga mingit sõrmust ei ole. | You claim to have discovered a ring in the cave, but no ring has been found. |
Hr Wickham, kas mul on õigus, et täpset kohta, kust te kapten Denny metsast leidsite, ei leitud kunagi? | Mr Wickham, am I correct that the precise location where you first came across Captain Denny in the woods has never been discovered? |
Kamber, kust leidsite selle kasseti, avastati natuke enne me lahkumist. | The chamber where you discovered this tape should be discovered shortly before we're set to leave. |
- "Brent Miller leiti kaks päeva peale röövi, ta eksles tänaval. | - "Brent Miller was discovered two days after he was taken, roaming the streets. |
- Mida sealt leiti? | -What was discovered? |
...mil leiti mees, kes tunnistas üles DEA salaagendi tapmise, aga teda ennast oli juba 7 aastat surnuks peetud. | ... when It was discovered the man who confessed... ... to kllllng an undercover DEA agent... ... was actually himself thought dead for seven years. |
1994. aastal leiti Mongooliast dinosauruse pesa suurte munadega. | In Mongolia in 1994, a nest of very large dinosaur eggs was discovered. |
Kuna viirust ei leitud, teeme järelduse, et kriisi põhjus... | Ultimately, the virus was not discovered and we conclude that the cause of the crisis... |
-Ei nad leia. | - If I wait much longer, they'll discover me. |
Isegi, kui me ei leia midagi, on tegemist avastusega. | Well, even if we found nothing, it's in effect a discovery. |
Isegi, kui me midagi ei leia, on tegemist avastusega. | Well, even if we found nothing, - it's in effect a discovery. |
Küsitlege tunnistajaid, leidke juhtlõngad ja otsige üles kondid. | "interview witnesses, discover clues, "and find the bones. |
Te peate vaimu kinni püüdma. Küsitlege tunnistajaid, leidke juhtlõngad ja otsige üles kondid. | "this hotel is haunted. you must hunt down the ghost. "interview witnesses, discover clues, |
Iga mees peab ise avastama oma saatuse. Kane peab oma eesmärgi leidma. Lunastuseni on palju radu, kõik neist pole rahumeelsed. | Every man must discover his own destiny Kane must find it to have his There are many paths to redemption, not all of them peaceful |
Kui jumalad on meid tõesti saatnud ulgumerele, siis peame koos leidma põhjuse, et naasta nende õnnistuse kaldale. | If the gods have cast us adrift, we must together discover the course to return to the blessing of their shores. |
Kui on nii nagu ma arvan, siis selle aja inimesed olid tuttavad kosmoses rändamisega ning nad suhtlesid olenditega teistelt planeetidelt. Me peaksime sellisel juhul leidma tõendeid nende kirjutistes, mida me ka oleme leidnud. | If as I believe, peoples of ancient civilizations were familiar with space travel if they could communicate humanoid beings other planets then I think we expect to discover evidence of this found in the literature |
"Ajaloolased on edutult püüdnud leida, mis sellel õnnetul retkel juhtus." | "Historians have tried and failed to discover what happened on that fatal voyage, |
Aga kui Jedid leiavad, et Äärmuslased pole sellega seotud, äkki siis on võimalik leida rahumeelne lahendus. | But if the Jedi discover that the Separatists aren't behind this Then perhaps there is a peaceful resolution |
Aga oma närviarsti... ja kooli nõudel, tulin ma tagasi loodusesse, et leida oma jumalik eesmärk. | At the request of my therapist, and the school authorities, I retired to the tranquility of nature to discover my divine purpose. |
"Voyager" oli leidnud esimese tegevvulkaani väljaspool Maad. | SAGAN: Voyager had discovered the first active volcano beyond the Earth. |
Aga ma olen selle leidnud... See võib olla maailma ainus sõna, mis suudaks haavu täielikult asendada. | But I discovered that one thing can make things less imperfect, one thing can bring life close to perfection. one thing can make things less imperfect, one thing can bring life close to perfection. |
Aga ma olen selle leidnud... | But I discovered that one thing can make things less imperfect, one thing can bring life close to perfection. |
Ameerika sõdurid on leidnud üle 70 kaaslase laibad, kes olid vangi võetud ning siis sakslastest vaenaste poolt julmalt hukatud. | American troops have discovered the frozen corpses of over 70 fellow GIs, taken prisoner then fiendishly executed by their German captors. |
70ndate äärmuslasest tagaotsitav Nicholas Sloan on leitud Albanyst, kus ta tegutseb James Granti nime all advokaadina. | Nicholas Sloan has been discovered in Albany, living as a lawyer named James Grant. |
Ainuüksi Kreetal on leitud 23 kohta, mis on kaetud tuhandete savifiguuride jäänustega. | In Crete alone, 23 sites have been discovered, littered with a remains of thousands of clay figurines. |
Hr Wickham, kas mul on õigus, et täpset kohta, kust te kapten Denny metsast leidsite, ei leitud kunagi? | Mr Wickham, am I correct that the precise location where you first came across Captain Denny in the woods has never been discovered? |
Kaheksa laipa on leitud. Roim on kõige hullem, mis sealkandis on toimunud. | Eight corpses have been discovered in what is already being called the most brutal and heinous crime in local history. |
Mina, Lex Luthor, moodsa ajastu suurim kurjategija, olen leidnud viisi Supermani hävitamiseks. | i, Lex Luthor, the greatest criminal mind of the modern era, have discovered a way to destroy Superman. |
Olen avastanud üle 40 erineva liigi läheb ja luuüdist, ja see on alles alates pool tosinat või nii sissepääsud, et olen leidnud. | I have discovered over 40 different species going to and from The Marrow, and that's just from the half dozen or so entrances that I have found. |
70ndate äärmuslasest tagaotsitav Nicholas Sloan on leitud Albanyst, kus ta tegutseb James Granti nime all advokaadina. | Nicholas Sloan has been discovered in Albany, living as a lawyer named James Grant. |
Zürichist on leitud üks sheiff Plummeri nimele. | A safety deposit box has been discovered in Zurich in the Plummers' name. |
"Voyager" oli leidnud esimese tegevvulkaani väljaspool Maad. | SAGAN: Voyager had discovered the first active volcano beyond the Earth. |