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Acabar (to finish) conjugation

50 examples
This verb can also mean the following: wind up, end, complete, end up

Conjugation of acabar

Present tense
I finish
you finish
he/she finishes
we finish
you all finish
they finish
Present perfect tense
he acabat
I have finished
has acabat
you have finished
ha acabat
he/she has finished
hem acabat
we have finished
heu acabat
you all have finished
han acabat
they have finished
Future tense
I will finish
you will finish
he/she will finish
we will finish
you all will finish
they will finish
Conditional mood
I would finish
you would finish
he/she would finish
we would finish
you all would finish
they would finish
Past perfect tense
havia acabat
I had finished
havies acabat
you had finished
havia acabat
he/she had finished
havíem acabat
we had finished
havíeu acabat
you all had finished
havien acabat
they had finished
Past impf. tense
I was finishing
you were finishing
he/she was finishing
we were finishing
you all were finishing
they were finishing
Imperative mood
let him/her finish!
let's finish!
let them finish!
Imperative negative mood
no acabis
don't finish!
no acabi
don't let him/her finish!
no acabem
let's not finish!
no acabeu
don't finish!
no acabin
don't let them finish!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria acabat
I would have finished
hauries acabat
you would have finished
hauria acabat
he/she would have finished
hauríem acabat
we would have finished
hauríeu acabat
you all would have finished
haurien acabat
they would have finished
Future perfect tense
hauré acabat
I will have finished
hauràs acabat
you will have finished
haurà acabat
he/she will have finished
haurem acabat
we will have finished
haureu acabat
you all will have finished
hauren acabat
they will have finished
Preterite past tense
I finished
you finished
he/she finished
we finished
you all finished
they finished
Past anterior tense
haguí acabat
I had finished
hagueres acabat
you had finished
hagué acabat
he/she had finished
haguérem acabat
we had finished
haguéreu acabat
you all had finished
haguéren acabat
they had finished
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) finish
(so that you) finish
(so that he/she) finishes
(so that we) finish
(so that you all) finish
(so that they) finish
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was finishing
(so that you) were finishing
(so that he/she) was finishing
(so that we) were finishing
(so that you all) were finishing
(so that they) were finishing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi acabat
(so that I) have finished
hagis acabat
(so that you) have finished
hagi acabat
(so that he/she) has finished
hàgim acabat
(so that we) have finished
hàgiu acabat
(so that you all) have finished
hagin acabat
(so that they) have finished
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués acabat
(so that I) had finished
haguessis acabat
(so that you) had finished
hagués acabat
(so that he/she) had finished
haguéssim acabat
(so that we) had finished
haguéssiu acabat
(so that you all) had finished
haguessin acabat
(so that they) had finished
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi acabar
(so that I) finished
vagis acabar
(so that you) finished
vagi acabar
(so that he/she) finished
vàgim acabar
(so that we) finished
vàgiu acabar
(so that you all) finished
vagin acabar
(so that they) finished
Periphastic past tense
vaig acabar
I finished
vas acabar
you finished
va acabar
he/she finished
vam acabar
we finished
vau acabar
you all finished
van acabar
they finished
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver acabat
I had finished
vas haver acabat
you had finished
va haver acabat
he/she had finished
vam haver acabat
we had finished
vau haver acabat
you all had finished
van haver acabat
they had finished

Examples of acabar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Tot i així, la seva voluntat d'acabar la cursa i l'esperit de lluita li van valer l'ovació entusiàstica del públic.Yet his willingness to finish the race, while struggling mightily earned him a standing ovation from the audience.
Però abans he d'acabar el meu llibre sobre l'Amèrica Central i aleshores viatjarem de nou.But before we do it, I need to finish my book on Central America, then we will go travelling again.
10 min abans d'acabar de coure, afegim les trufes a l'olla.Add the truffles to the pot about 10 minutes before finishing.
El maig de 2012, el primer ministre Baburam Bhattarai va dissoldre l’Assemblea Constituent elegida –que no havia estat capaç d’acabar la Constitució- i amb açò va posar fi a quatre anys de treball.In May 2012, Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai dissolved the elected Constituent Assembly after it failed to finish the constitution, ending four years of constitution drafting and leaving the country in a legal vacuum.
Abner mai no va acabar l'institut.Sauveur never finished high school.
-L'acabo de matar?Shall I finish him off? No.
Després t'acabo d'explicar el conte, d'acord?I’m gonna finish the story later.
Només dóna'm un minut mentre acabo amb el nostre amic aquí.Just give me a minute while I finish up with our friend here.
Pancarta: «Si acabes una carrera a España tens 3 sortides: terra, mar o aire».Sign: "If you finish your degree in Spain you have 3 ways out: by land, by sea or by air".
Mentre te l'acabes.Maybe just until you finish?
Mentre te l'acabes. Potser la pròxima.Maybe just until you finish?
Mira, si l'acabes, truca'm si vols.Look, if you finish it, give me a call if you want.
En el cas de la blocosfera, segons Rogelio Díaz, “l’any que acaba aquest dilluns 31 de desembre, segons el calendari occidental, no va ser gaire feliç per a la intel·ligència, el debat o la lliure expressió de les diferències inevitablement existents entre les visions i aspiracions de cada cubà”.Where the blogosphere is concerned, according to Rogelio Díaz, "the year that finishes this Monday 31st December, according to the Western calendar, was not a very happy one for intelligence, debate or the free expression of the inevitably existing differences among the visions and aspirations of each Cuban."
I acaba tot fent-se ressò del sentiment dels jueus locals que el cas ha fet aflorar:He finishes by reflecting on local Jewish sentiment about the case:
Suposant que ell acaba el seu café I decideix mostrar-se per la feinaAssuming he finishes his latte and decides to show up for work.
Aquí és on s'acaba l'imperi, Demetri. Només en queda aquest mur.Here and where finishes the empire, no there is anything else that this wall.
Vegem qui acaba Primer aquesta ronda.Let's see who finishes first this round.
Asseu-te, acabem amb això.Come on, sit down. Let's finish this.
Et fa res que ens acabem les nostres begudes?Do you mind if we finish our drinks?
Quan ho acabem, marxem.When we finish this, we leave.
Per què no acabem la peça d'abans?.- Why don't we finish this section first?
Si la guerra acaba primer, abans d'acabar amb l'esclavitud, podríem ... - El president Lincoln diu que la guerra no acabés llevat que acabem amb l'esclavitud ...If the war finished first, before we end slavery, would... – President Lincoln says the war won’t stop unless we finish slavery... – But... if it did.
Als visitants hom els dona el més alt seient d'honor, i, tan prest com fou acabat el discurs del senyor Walters, ell els presenta a l'escola.The visitors were given the highest seat of honor, and as soon as Mr. Walters' speech was finished, he introduced them to the school.
La família encara era a taula, pero havien acabat el desdejuni.The family were still at table, but they had finished breakfast.
Havia acabat de baumar una panotxa, i ara hi adaptava una tija, carregava de tabac, i apretava una brasa contra el carregament i bufava un núvol de fum olorós: estava en plena florida de luxuriosa gaubança.He had finished gouging out a cob, and now he fitted a weed stem to it, loaded it with tobacco, and was pressing a coal to the charge and blowing a cloud of fragrant smoke--he was in the full bloom of luxurious contentment.
Quan el sermó fou acabat, la muller del jutge Thatcher es decanta al costat de la senyora Harper, en anar passadís avall amb la multitud, i digué: -Que dormira tot el dia, la meva Becky?When the sermon was finished, Judge Thatcher's wife dropped alongside of Mrs. Harper as she moved down the aisle with the crowd and said: "Is my Becky going to sleep all day?
Amb prou feines hi hagué una interrupció de ningú que trenqués l'encís de son doll. Quan Tom hagué acabat, el senyor Jones digué: -Em creia haver manegat una petita sorpresa per a aquesta ocasió, pero ara ja no val res.When he had finished, Mr. Jones said: "I thought I had fixed up a little surprise for this occasion, but it don't amount to anything now. This one makes it sing mighty small, I'm willing to allow."
Quan acabeu les obres, nen?When are you going to finish the building?
Quan acabeu les obres?When are you going to be finished?
Us espero aquí fins a que acabeu, eh?I'll wait in the car here till you're finished nightclubbing, okay?
Les flors s'acaben, les persones romàntiques desapareixen progressivament, la gent pensa únicament en omplir el pap, cal menjar. Com a conseqüència, els productes de moda són el kebab i els ingredients que l'acompanyen: patates fregides i amanida; un producte assequible per a totes les butxaques.Flowers are finished, romantics are progressively disappearing, people are thinking only about their stomachs (we need chow!); as a result, the currently preferred product is the kebab and its various accompaniments: chips and salad - inexpensive products within the reach of every budget.
Les condicions en què viu l'ós Arturo al zoològic provincial de Mendoza són deplorables i, malgrat tot, no deixen d'indignar-nos cada dia més: ara circula per YouTube un vídeo en què es pot veure com els empleats del Zoo utilitzen mànegues per refrescar l'animal que continua vivint al mateix recinte mentre acaben de construir-ne un de nou.The conditions that Arturo the bear is living in at Mendoza's zoo are deplorable, yet they continue to outrage us even more everyday: There is now a video going around on YouTube that shows the zoo employees using hoses to refresh the animal that is still living in the same enclosure while they finish building a new one.
Ara, les seves forces se li acaben, i acaba estès al terra.And now the warriors finish the death dance for Ridjimiraril.
Mentre vostès s'acaben el porto i les nous, jo passaré navegant per davant de la casa.By the time you've finished your port and walnuts, I shall be sailing past the house.
Havien vogat cap a la ribera del Missuri en una corredora, el dissabte, quan ja era fosc, desembarcant cinc o sis milles més avall del poblet i havien dormit al bosc, al caire del poblet, gairebé fins a trenc de dia, i aleshores haven lliscat a través de camins i carrerons on daven els darreres de les cases; i acabaren llur son a la tribuna de la l'església, entre un caos de bancs invalids.They had paddled over to the Missouri shore on a log, at dusk on Saturday, landing five or six miles below the village; they had slept in the woods at the edge of the town till nearly daylight, and had then crept through back lanes and alleys and finished their sleep in the gallery of the church among a chaos of invalided benches.
Res, acabi mon repais !- Sit down, finish my dinner.
Mas ieu, acabi las causas.But me, I finished things.
Deixem-lo que l'acabi!We've gotta let him finish!
Qui acabi primer ajuda al company.Whoever finishes first helps his colleague.
Ningú espera que acabis l'expedient de Davenport aquesta nit.So no one expects you to finish the Davenport file tonight.
La duràs a la seva cambra quan acabis i li ensenyaràs el que has fet.You will bring her to his chambers when you're finished and show him what you've done.
Has d'entregar la feina de seguida que acabis!Submit your work as soon as you finish!
Perquè no m'estimaràs quan acabis i no vull veure com això passa.Because you won't love me when you've finished and I don't want to see that happen.
Si se t'acut fer un sol moviment, el teu cervell tocarà el terra abans que acabis de pensar.You even think about making a move, your brains hit the dirt before you finish the thought.
Amb la Sra. Haverdy podríen encarregar-se de que avui s'acabin tots els formatges holandesos.With Ms. Haverdy you could make sure to finish all the cheeses in Holland
M'estic acabant el cafè.I'm finishing my coffee.
Estic acabant el meu informe.Just finishing my report.
No m'importa, jo ho estic acabant.I don't care. I'm finishing it.
Suposo que el que està passant els 14 anys s'estaven acabant i calia trobar una manera ràpida de tornar.I guess what is happening was the 14 years were finishing and they had to find a quick way to get back.
Estava acabant.I was just finishing.

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