"Ne cherche pas la guerre, mais sache l'achever." | Never start a fight, but always finish it. |
"les finissions" les achever? | "Finish them" finish them? |
- Allez, c'est l'heure de vous achever. | All right, it's time to finish you off. |
- Clyde a dû les achever. | - Clyde must have finished them off. |
- Elle veut t'achever. | She wants to finish you off. |
'Tout pourrit avant d'être achevé celle-là aussi vieillira avant qu'on la termine.' ll avait la phobie des clous. | Everything rots before it is finished. This house will also get older before it is completed. |
- Cette foutue colline m'a presque achevé. | - Bleeding hill nearly finished me. |
- Cette marque, sur les côtes, suggère qu'on l'a achevé avec une lance. | -If you see this mark on the ribs... looks like they finished him off with a round spear. |
- Comme un travail non achevé ? | - Like you have unfinished business? |
- Il n'est pas encore achevé. | - But it isn't finished yet. |
"fils de pute", mais si tu m'appelles encore "mon p'tit papa", je t'achève. | "a dirty son off a bitch", but iff you call me "Daddy" again I'll ffinish this ffight. |
- Faudra recoudre. On l'achève et on le recouvre de neige. | Couple of stitches, hang on, we'll finish him up, we'll cover him with snow. |
- J'achève ce que je commence. | Oh, I always finish what I start, Charlie. |
- J'achève ton verre. | I'll finish your drink. |
- Je l'achève ? | I notice your gun's gone missing. You want me to finish him? |
- Allez avec vos hommes et achevez-le. - Qui ? | Take your men and finish him off |
Allez-y et achevez-la. | Go in there and finish her off. |
Alors, achevez-le! | Then finish him off! |
Et si vous ne vous achevez pas, je m'en occuperai. | So be sure to finish each other off, because if you don't, I will! |
Guerriers, achevez-le ! | Warriors, finish him! |
Je te rends service en t'achevant. | I'm doing you a favor by finishing you off. |