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Agafar (to take) conjugation

61 examples
This verb can also mean the following: seize, catch, grasp, pick, pick up, hold

Conjugation of agafar

Present tense
I take
you take
he/she takes
we take
you all take
they take
Present perfect tense
he agafat
I have taken
has agafat
you have taken
ha agafat
he/she has taken
hem agafat
we have taken
heu agafat
you all have taken
han agafat
they have taken
Future tense
I will take
you will take
he/she will take
we will take
you all will take
they will take
Conditional mood
I would take
you would take
he/she would take
we would take
you all would take
they would take
Past perfect tense
havia agafat
I had taken
havies agafat
you had taken
havia agafat
he/she had taken
havíem agafat
we had taken
havíeu agafat
you all had taken
havien agafat
they had taken
Past impf. tense
I was taking
you were taking
he/she was taking
we were taking
you all were taking
they were taking
Imperative mood
let him/her take!
let's take!
let them take!
Imperative negative mood
no agafis
don't take!
no agafi
don't let him/her take!
no agafem
let's not take!
no agafeu
don't take!
no agafin
don't let them take!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria agafat
I would have taken
hauries agafat
you would have taken
hauria agafat
he/she would have taken
hauríem agafat
we would have taken
hauríeu agafat
you all would have taken
haurien agafat
they would have taken
Future perfect tense
hauré agafat
I will have taken
hauràs agafat
you will have taken
haurà agafat
he/she will have taken
haurem agafat
we will have taken
haureu agafat
you all will have taken
hauren agafat
they will have taken
Preterite past tense
I took
you took
he/she took
we took
you all took
they took
Past anterior tense
haguí agafat
I had taken
hagueres agafat
you had taken
hagué agafat
he/she had taken
haguérem agafat
we had taken
haguéreu agafat
you all had taken
haguéren agafat
they had taken
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) take
(so that you) take
(so that he/she) takes
(so that we) take
(so that you all) take
(so that they) take
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was taking
(so that you) were taking
(so that he/she) was taking
(so that we) were taking
(so that you all) were taking
(so that they) were taking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi agafat
(so that I) have taken
hagis agafat
(so that you) have taken
hagi agafat
(so that he/she) has taken
hàgim agafat
(so that we) have taken
hàgiu agafat
(so that you all) have taken
hagin agafat
(so that they) have taken
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués agafat
(so that I) had taken
haguessis agafat
(so that you) had taken
hagués agafat
(so that he/she) had taken
haguéssim agafat
(so that we) had taken
haguéssiu agafat
(so that you all) had taken
haguessin agafat
(so that they) had taken
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi agafar
(so that I) took
vagis agafar
(so that you) took
vagi agafar
(so that he/she) took
vàgim agafar
(so that we) took
vàgiu agafar
(so that you all) took
vagin agafar
(so that they) took
Periphastic past tense
vaig agafar
I took
vas agafar
you took
va agafar
he/she took
vam agafar
we took
vau agafar
you all took
van agafar
they took
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver agafat
I had taken
vas haver agafat
you had taken
va haver agafat
he/she had taken
vam haver agafat
we had taken
vau haver agafat
you all had taken
van haver agafat
they had taken

Examples of agafar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Podia apallissar qualsevol home d'Anglaterra amb una ma fermada al seu darrera, i podia agafar el seu arc de teix i encertar una peça de deu centims cada vegada, a una milla i mitja.He could lick any man in England, with one hand tied behind him; and he could take his yew bow and plug a ten-cent piece every time, a mile and a half."
Els vilatans no van poder endur-se-la amb ells, ni tampoc cremar-la, així que van agafar els nens i se'n van anar.The villagers were not able to take her with them, nor bury her, so they just carried the kids, and left.
Encara hi ha companyies que obliguen els nous treballadors a agafar lloc per al hanami de la companyia?Are there still companies that force new employees to take place for company’s hanami spot?
És trist... no poden agafar la seva manera de treballar i implementar-la a l'estranger sense perdre .Sadly ... they cannot take and implement their approach to work abroad without a loss .
Com que hi ha multitud de biblioteques en línia entre les quals es pot triar, Flibusta probablement va perdre usuaris que van optar per agafar la sortida més fàcil.There are plenty of online libraries to choose from, and because of that Flibusta probably lost users who preferred to take the easy way out.
-Escolteu: si ha de durar gaire més aquest desvergonyiment, agafo una pedra i us enceto el cap."Say--if you give me much more of your sass I'll take and bounce a rock off'n your head."
Que tal si tu agafes $600 i jo n'agafo $1,000? I juguem per la resta?How about you take six hundred and I take a thousand and we gamble for the rest?
Et dono el sobre amb els 20 dòlars, agafo els 19 i me'n vaig.And I give you the envelope with the $20 in it, and I take the $19, and I go home.
Ja l'ha agafo per tu, John.I'll take over for you John.
Em dono la volta i l'agafo per aquí.So I turn around and take you here.
Quan et quedes a un lloc, caus en un ritme monòton: t'aixeques, et fas un café, agafes el tramvia o el metro per anar a l'oficina i el 80 per cent del teu dia és previsible.When you stay in one place you get into this daily rhythm, you get up, grab a coffee in the morning, you take a tram or metro and you go to your office, and 80 percent of your day is predictable.
L'agafes com un símbol de la teva intenció de romandre sobri.You take it as a symbol of your intention to stay sober.
Que tal si tu agafes $600 i jo n'agafo $1,000? I juguem per la resta?How about you take six hundred and I take a thousand and we gamble for the rest?
Això és massa dur, pertu. Demà mateix agafes el tren.I'll take you to the train in the morning.
Per què no t'agafes el dia lliure?Christ, Molly! Why don't you just take the day off, okay?
Ell digué: -Tia, a Sid no el tusteu pas quan n'agafa.He said: "Aunt, you don't whack Sid when he takes it."
Una senyora que neteja les finestres al tercer pis s'agafa un descans per a xerrar amb un veí que li diu hola des del carrer.A lady washing her windows on the third floor takes a break to chat with a neighbor hollering hello from the street.
Li agafa la mà.She takes his hand-
Bé, però llavors ell agafa el cos i el tira a camp obert, amb l'arma assassina a la vora.Okay, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby.
Les víctimes dels crims violents... ..son agredides per un subjecte... ..que s'agafa per a ell mateix... ..el decidir la vida o mort d'un esser humà.Victims of violent crimes are brutalized by a subject who takes it upon him or herself to decide life or death of a fellow human being.
És més possible que, si agafem la Duma, hi hagi equilibri entre Rússia Unida i l'oposició; i si agafem la branca executiva, hi haurà víctimes de la guerra entre clans.More likely, if you take the Duma, there will be a balance between "United Russia" and the opposition, and if you take the executive branch, the victims will come from inter-clan warfare.
O, agafem la famosa frase de la cantant de salsa Celia Cruz: ¡Azúcar!, que també prové de l'àrab.Or, take late salsa singer Celia Cruz's catchphrase, ¡Azucar!, meaning sugar, based on another Arabic word.
D'acord, si agafem el procés que acabem de veure i l'executem contínuament, el que passa en el cervell amb el temps és...Okay, if we take the process that we just saw and then we run it continuously, what happens to the brain over time is...
Prenem casa seva, li agafem l'or, li prenem el poder.Take his home, take his gold, take his power.
Elcosprodueixproteïïnes. AI'hipotàIem,agafem Iescadenesanomenadespèptids iIescomcinemper octenir neuropèptidsoneurohormones quecorresponen aIesemocionsqueexperimentem.In the hypothalamus, we take small-chain proteins called peptides... and we assemble them into certain neuropeptides or neurohormones... that match the emotional states that we experience on a daily basis.
No s'ha agafat unes vacances en 40 anys. S'estima més el seu reialme.You haven't taken a vacation in 40 years, rotting away in your kingdom.
Ha agafat la meva habilitat per tocar?You've taken my ability to play?
Hauries d'haver agafat el maleït rellotge i quedar-te a casa.You should have just taken the damn watch and stayed home.
No puc dormir per les nits, així que també he agafat una ocupació de cambrera en un bar.I haven't been able to sleep at night so I've also taken a waitressing job at a bar
Mai he vist la seva cara abans. ha agafat un apartament a Baker Street, a dues portes de vosaltres.Never seen his face before? Um... He's taken a flat in Baker Street, two doors down from you.
-Ves, agafeu el gat i us en aneu i entreu al cementiri, tard, al volt de la mitja nit, i aneu on algun dolent hagi estat enterrat; i quan sera mitja nit un dimoni vindra, o potser dos o tres, pero no els podreu llucar: només podreu sentir una cosa com el vent, o bé podreu sentir-los enraonar; i quan se'n duran aquell company, els tirareu el gat al darrera i direu: «El dimoni segueix el cos mort, el gat segueix el dimoni, les berrugues segueixen el gat, i jo ja estic sense!»"Why, you take your cat and go and get in the grave-yard 'long about midnight when somebody that was wicked has been buried; and when it's midnight a devil will come, or maybe two or three, but you can't see 'em, you can only hear something like the wind, or maybe hear 'em talk; and when they're taking that feller away, you heave your cat after 'em and say, 'Devil follow corpse, cat follow devil, warts follow cat, I'm done with ye!'
Si necessiteu peles les agafeu.lf you need pretty polly, you take it.
Escolta, si voleu la caravana, agafeu- la i marxeu.Look, if you want the motorhome, just take it and get out.
Si voleu ostatges, agafeu- me a mi.- lf you're taking people, take me.
-Oh! Tenen una vida escometedora: prenen vaixells, i els calen foc, i agafen els diners i els enterren en indrets paorosos de llur illa, on hi ha fantasmes i coses a vigilar, i maten a tothom en els vaixells: els fan caminar per un tauló.Tom said: "Oh, they have just a bully time--take ships and burn them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where there's ghosts and things to watch it, and kill everybody in the ships--make 'em walk a plank."
Sí; i agafen llesques de pa i hi posen argent-viu, i les deixen surar; i, onsevulla que hi hagi algun ofegat, se'n van cap a ell i s'hi aturen.Yes, and they take loaves of bread and put quicksilver in 'em and set 'em afloat, and wherever there's anybody that's drownded, they'll float right there and stop."
Els tuitaires zupertruper (@whoanrubi), Яubén Sánchez (@rubensancheztw), Ciudadano Libre (@SuperTTuitero) i SorriSorrilla (@SorriSorrilla) s'ho agafen amb humor:Tweeters (@whoanrubi), Яubén Sánchez (@rubensancheztw), Ciudadano Libre (@SuperTTuitero) y SorriSorrilla (@SorriSorrilla) take a humorous approach:
Després del viatge, continuo convençut que tots nosaltres tenim el mateix Déu i que els cristians i els islàmics, per exemple, simplement agafen un camí diferent per arribar a Déu.After this trip, I am even more convinced that we all have the same God and that for instance, Christians and Muslims simply take different paths to reach God.
Tenim tendència a caricaturitzar els revolucionaris, com Txe Guevara: companys amb un fusell, que agafen la motxilla, se'n van a la muntanya i fan la revolució prenent el poder per assalt.We have a tendency of caricaturizing revolutionaries, like Che Guevara: Comrades with a rifle, that take up a rucksack, go up to the hills and make the Revolution taking power by assault.
És bastant simple... quan caigui la nit tu agafes aquest i jo agafaré aquest.It's quite simple-- when night falls, you take this and I will take this.
No, però agafaré aquesta estúpida bola de llum i la llançaré ben lluny.No, but I will take this stupid ball of light and throw it away.
Si podem humanitzar l'Íngrid a l'opinió publica el públic s'agafarà qualsevol cosa que l'hi facin a ella...If we can personalize Ingrid to the public, the public will take any harm that comes to her at the hands of the kidnappers personally.
En Barney agafarà el sobre amb els diners que li doni i anirà directe a la nostra trampa.Barney will take the envelope of cash I gave him and head straight into our trap.
A l'alba, agafarem una barca i baixarem fins al mar.To the dawn, we will take a boat and we will go toward the sea.
Si hi ha impostos o honoraris d'advocats, els agafareu d'aquí.If there are taxes or lawyers' fees owed, you will take it right from here.
Aviam si pots esbrinar quin camí agafaran els teus amics.See if you can guess which road the friends will take.
Des d'aquí el president agafà el telèfon i es dirigí al poble de Xile en tres ocasions.From here the president took the phone, and... on three occasions adressed the Chilean people.
Tingui, agafi això.Here take this
Per favor agafi el seu fill.Please take your boy.
Quan agafi la seva mà i el guiï...When I take his hand and I lead him...
Bé, llavors, agafi's la nit lliure.Yes. Well, then, take the night off.
Aquesta nit agafi una patrulla i enterri'l, caporal.Well, take a detail out tonight, Corporal. And bury him.
Va, no t'ho agafis així, fill..Now don't take it like that, son.
No t'ho agafis malament, però em podies haver avisat perquè vingués.You know, I don't want to bitch or anything, but you were supposed to take me along on that one.
Vull que els agafis.I want you to take it.
I dir-los que s'agafin el que queda del cap de setmana lliure?Tell them to take the rest of the weekend off?
‏@MameBroth: Com que sóc nou empleat, estic agafant lloc per al hanami.‏@MameBroth: I am taking place for hanami spot as a new employee.
Els estan agafant a tots.They're taking everyone.
Llavors, estàs dient que està agafant partícules de la sang? Per què?So, what, you're saying he's taking particles from their blood?
M'estic agafant un temps... de casa meva.I'm taking some time-- from home.
La gent està agafant els cubs dels carrers per portar-los dins de les oficines i cases...Despite official warnings, people have been taking the cubes from the streets, into offices and homes.

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