"...el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús." | "...the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus." |
"Ave María, llena de gracia el Señor sea contigo, bendita eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito sea el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. | "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. |
"Bendice el vino y el fruto del vino, a este país grande, bueno y hermoso que Dios nos dio a nosotros y a nuestros antepasados, de modo que podamos probar sus frutos y beneficios." | ""Bless the vine " and the fruit of the vine, "this great, good and beautiful country ""that You gave " to us and our forefathers, |
"Bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús"? | Like when it says, "Blessed be the fruit of thy womb, Jesus"? |
"Bendito seas Dios que has creado el fruto de la vid." | "Blessed God who has created the fruit of the vine." |
" Algunas frutas dejan caer su tallo. | "Some fruits drop with their stalk. |
"Alimentado sólo por el pastel de frutas de su madre... | [Maggie] "Nourished only by his mother's fruitcake... |
"BoJack se tragó una docena de pasteles en el tiempo que le llevó a la mesera abrir una bandeja de frutas. | BoJack swallowed a dozen pastries in the time it took the caterer to unwrap a fruit tray. |
"De chocolate, de vainilla, de frutas, sin huevo ..." | "Chocolate cake, vanilla cake, fruit cake, egg-less cake..." |
"Después una ensalada de frutas marinadas con licor" | "Then, a fruit salad marinated in alcohol" |
"Cómete la fruta y licúa las verduras". | You've got to eat your fruits and juice your vegetables. |
"Querido Samuel, la fruta prohibida es siempre la más dulce. | "Dearest Samuel, "forbidden fruits are always the sweetest. |
- Comer sí pero para fruta confitada ya no sirven. | Edible, yes, but not good for making candied fruits. |
- Está comprando fruta. | - He's buying fruits. |
- La fruta | - The fruits |
Debe hacer una trata de frutes excepcional. | She does make an exceptional fruit cake. |
- Maracuyá, una frutá. | - Passion fruit. |