Oí que tiene una piedra de afilar y la usa para afilarse los dientes. | I hear he's got a whetstone and a chisel, and he uses them to sharpen his teeth. |
Parece que tienen a un egipcio sin edad alguna, que en algún punto de su indeterminado periodo de vida decidió afilarse los dientes, cubrirse con jeroglíficos y dejarse crecer un exoesqueleto. | Well, it would appear you have an Egyptian man of no particular age, who, at some point in his indeterminate lifespan, decided to sharpen his teeth, cover himself in hieroglyphics and grow an exoskeleton. |
- ¿Y un lápiz afilado? | - No! - Do you have a sharpened pencil? |
-Por eso le di un cuchillo bien afilado. | That is why we have a sharpened knife, pal. |
Ante cualquier signo de debilidad, 20 tipos harían fila para clavarme un cepillo de dientes afilado en el ojo. | Any sign of weakness, 20 guys would line up to stick a sharpened-up toothbrush in my eye. |
Apodado "Dearduff la Prostituta", asesinó a docenas de viajeros incautos con su afilado garfio. | Dubbed "Dearduff the Hooker," he murdered dozens of unwary travelers with his sharpened hook. |
Así que en realidad es como un puño afilado. | You are right there in the end and the sword, in many ways, is an extension of that character's arm so it's really a sharpened fist. |
Ella acaba de entrar y está abriendo y cerrando sus manos, cómo un gato enojado afilándose las garras. | She has just come in and is closing and unclosing her hands, like an angry cat sharpening its claws. |
Lo que acabamos de ver allá arriba eran cuchillos afilándose. | What we just saw up there was a sharpening of the knives. |