Este grupo consiguio aislarse del resto con el proposito de llevar su investigación en secreto, pero con el tiempo fueron descubiertos y destruidos. | This group managed to isolate themselves from the others in order to pursue their study in secrecy, but they were eventually discovered and destroyed. |
Pero cuando vio a los otros niños caminar pero no el suyo... comenzó a aislarse. | But when I saw the other children walk but not yours ... He began to isolate themselves. |
Tratan de aislarse. | They try to isolate themselves. |
Tu subconsciente debe aprender a aislarse de Sarah. | Your subconscious must first learn to isolate itself from Sarah. |
algunos dicen que no era solamente por protección... pero para aislarse del partido. | Some say it was not for protection, but to isolate me from the party. |
"La lucha fue completamente Call aislado" Yugett-7. | "The fighting on a completely isolated" Yugett-7. |
"Las jornadas de abril no son algo aislado ni incontrolado. | "What happened in April is no isolated case. |
"Un episodio aislado de amnesia transitoria general". | An isolated episode of transient global amnesia. |
"Un puesto de tiro alemán aislado en el flanco derecho". | I was ordered to capture what I was told was an isolated German machine-gun post on the right flank. |
"un incidente aislado de comportamiento aberrante." | "an isolated instance of aberrant behavior." |
- aislándose ustedes... | - by isolating yourselves... |