Tom va colgar-se entre els llençols aquella nit, projectant una venjança contra Alfred Temple; perque, avergonyida i penedida, Becky li havia fet una narració completa, sense oblidar la seva propia traidoria. Pero fins i tot el daler de venjança hagué de cedir aviat a pensaments més gustosos, i a la fi va adormir-se amb les darreres paraules de Becky, somniosament penjades de la seva orella: -Tom! | Tom went to bed that night planning vengeance against Alfred Temple; for with shame and repentance Becky had told him all, not forgetting her own treachery; but even the longing for vengeance had to give way, soon, to pleasanter musings, and he fell asleep at last with Becky's latest words lingering dreamily in his ear-- |
…i no podem oblidar el territori del Nepal, perquè també pertany a l'Índia… | …not to forget the Nepal territory because Nepal territory is also a part of India… |
Em sento francesa i res més, no hi puc fer res, és la meva història i no em molesta que alguns vulguin parlar a més del francès una llengua diferent. Tot i això, no hem d'oblidar els "altres" francesos que tenen també el dret de viure amb una sola llengua. | I feel I am French and nothing else, I can't help it, it is my history and it doesn't bother me that some people wish to speak another language but they shouldn't forget the other French who also have the right to live with one single language. |
No hauríem d'oblidar que les estàtues no són objectes innocus. | We shouldn't forget that statues are not harmless objects. |
Tot i aixì, els debats sobre el poble Rohingya no hauria de fer-nos oblidar que el conflicte local, que ha afectat als pobles Rohingya i Rakhine, ha desplaçat milers de vilatans innocents. | Still, the debates over the Rohingya issue should not make us forget that the local conflict has displaced thousands of innocent villagers which affected both the Rohingya and the Rakhine people. |
I no me n'oblido, no. | And I don't forget it, I don't. |
Mai oblido una cara. Per Deu! | I never forget a face, me God! |
Mai oblido una cara. | I never forget any face. |
No oblido que la dictadura aixafà la vida, enfonsà la vida democràtica, imposà el diner i el consum com a únic valor. | I can't forget that the dictatorship crushed life, drowned the democratic process, imposed money and consumerism as the only values |
Si tens gana, perds la raó. Si penses, t'oblides del cor. I si parla el cor... | If you are hungry, you lose the reason of it, if you think, you forget some your heart and if your heart expresses itself! |
Si parla el cor, t'oblides de tot! | If your heart expresses itself, you forget all! |
Però te n'oblides a l'endemà. | But you forget about it in a day or two. |
No oblides tot el que has sacrificat per a arribar a on estàs ara. | Don't forget all you sacrificed to get where you are right now. |
Si penses, t'oblides del cor. | If their brain speaks, they forget their hearts. |
Tot el món oblida que sóc periodista i que hi ha una guerra no puc fugir ara. | But the only thing everyone forgets is that I'm a reporter and there's a war. I can't run out on this war |
Quan treballa s'oblida del món. | He forgets everything while he works. |
La Colònia mai oblida. | The colony never forgets. |
Però oblida que té responsabilitats, Tots dos en tenen. | But he forgets that he has responsibilities, that they both do. |
No oblidem, que la investigació està a les mans fiables de l'inspector Glebsky. | But don't forget, that investigation is in inspector Glebsky's reliable hands. |
Però no oblidem, companys, que hi ha un govern presidit pel company Allende, i que I'hem d'obeir; que hi ha I'organisme dels treballadors, i que hi ha organismes que són els partits de classe, que també ens orienten. | But lest we forget, comrades, that there is a government presided by comrade Allende, and that we must obey it; that there a workers' organization, and that there are organizations the class-parties, that also lead us. |
No oblidem que ets el noi de Nathan Petrelli. | Let's not forget you're Nathan Petrelli's boy. |
I oblidem-ho de pressa. | Just forget everything! |
Oh, i no oblidem Als meus psiquiatres. | Oh, can't forget about my shrinks. |
Al cap de dos minuts, o menys i tot, havia oblidat tots els seus mals de cap. | Within two minutes, or even less, he had forgotten all his troubles. |
Hi hagué una vegada un chor d'església que no era mal educat, pero he oblidat on va ésser. | There was once a church choir that was not ill-bred, but I have forgotten where it was, now. |
Se n'han oblidat? | Have they forgotten? |
Ja és prou lamentable que un ciutadà australià mori tot sol al seu país però és molt pitjor que ho faci a l’estranger oblidat fins i tot pel seu propi govern. | It is bad enough when an Australian dies alone in his own country. It is worse when he or she dies alone in a foreign country, forgotten even by his own government. |
El poble belga no ha oblidat tampoc l'afer de l'any 2007 en què el príncep Llorenç de Bèlgica, fill menor del rei, va estar involucrat per malversació de fons destinats a l'armada, d'on va emprar una part per moblar la seva casa nova, ni tampoc el seu viatge no autoritzat a la República del Congo, que de poc li fa perdre la designació oficial. | Belgian people haven't forgotten that in 2007, Prince Lorenz, the king's youngest child, was involved in a embezzlement case of Navy funds , part of which were used to furnish his new house, or his non-authorized trip to Republic of the Congo , that almost caused him to lose his official assignement. |
Cal que no oblideu la vostra urbanitat. | You mustn't forget your manners." |
Per què no us en oblideu tots d’en Broadway Bill? | I wish you guys would forget about Broadway Bill. |
Capità Preston, us oblideu d'una cosa. Heu estat absolt per un jurat d'homes de Nova Anglaterra. | No, you forget, Captain Preston, you have just been acquitted by a jury of New England men. |
Pare, oblideu que la senyora Stark és aquí. | Father, you forget yourself. Lady Stark is here-- |
Vaig conviure amb ell a la cort des de que era un nen, no ho oblideu! | I lived with him at court since he was a boy, don't forget. |
-No: s'ho pensen, que hi tornaran; pero generalment obliden les marques, o bé moren. | "No, they think they will, but they generally forget the marks, or else they die. |
Anunci de la campanya per l'alliberament de l'activista siriana Razan Ghazzawi: "El règim no té por dels qui estan empresonats, sinó dels qui no els obliden." | Banner from the campaign for the release of Syrian activist Razan Ghazzawi: "The regime does not fear those imprisoned, but those who do not forget them." |
Esperem les vostres autofotos per a mostrar la gravetat de la situació dels nostres carrers a tot el país... Les autoritats busquen amagar la trista realitat dels nostres barris amb postals de bonics paisatges de Tunísia i s'obliden que hi ha gent que viu entre escombraries... | We are waiting for your selfies to show the grave situation in our streets and everywhere in the country...They are seeking to hide the sad reality in our neighborhoods with postcards of the beautiful landscapes of Tunisia and forget that there are people living in trash... |
Es fan il·lusions, pare, i obliden que jo sóc la filla gran. | They forget that I'm the eldest daughter. |
Els que obliden això, moren. Aquest tigre ... ... | People who forget that get themselves killed. |
Si n'olora el perfum... ho oblidarà tot. | If she/it breathes some perfume... she/it will forget all. |
Desprès d'un temps, la gent t'oblidarà. | After a while, people will forget you. |
I quan hàgim acabat, la gent oblidarà que això va ser seu d'uns Jocs Olímpics. | And when we're done, people will forget that it has ever been in the Olympics. |
Deixeu-lo anar i us juro que oblidarem tot això. | Let him go and I swear that we will forget this. |
Esperava que Maria s'oblidaria de les seves sabates, pero l'esperança es mustiga; va untar-les totes amb seu, com era el costum, i les porta. | He hoped that Mary would forget his shoes, but the hope was blighted; she coated them thoroughly with tallow, as was the custom, and brought them out. |
La seva no és una cara que oblidaria. | Your face is not a face I would forget |
O millor dit, el cuiner oblidà tornar-li. | Or rather, my chef forgot to give it back to you. |
El meu estimat pare qui en canvi oblidà visitar el seu fill ferit després de caure al camp de batalla. | My beloved father who somehow forgot to visit his wounded son after he fell on the battlefield. |
Joe estava agenollat al recó, ara, cavant amb el seu ganivet de caça. Els minyons, en un moment, oblidaren totes llurs temences, totes llurs miseries. | The boys forgot all their fears, all their miseries in an instant. |
Així et van anomenar quan oblidaren qui ets. | It's what they called you when they forgot who you were. |
I Doctor, si us plau, oblidi que alguna vegada va ser la seva promesa. | And Doctor, please forget that she's been your fiancee, once. |
No oblidi que vostè ha signat un contracte. | Zhengfeng, don't forget, - that you signed contract. |
Ara he de tornar allà a buscar la roba abans no oblidi on és. | I’ve go back and get those clothes before I forget where they are. |
Ho he d'escriure tot abans no se m'oblidi. | I gotta write it all down before I forget. |
Yuri Pogorely: No oblidis que la nostra pàgina web és només la punta de l'iceberg, mentre que les vostres pàgines són tot l'iceberg. | Yuri Pogorely: Don’t forget that our website is just the tip of the iceberg, while your sites are the whole icebergs. |
Es fabulos, fa que oblidis de la guerra i dels problemes. | It's lovely, isn't it? Short of makes you forget of the war |
Però no oblidis, que això no és cap desig. | Don't forget that it is not a vow. |
No oblidis la teva visita del diumenge. | Don't forget your visit Sunday. |
Escolta sucret, no t'oblidis de dir les teves oracions. | Don't forget to say your prayers. |
No ho oblidin. | Don't forget that. |
No s'oblidin de portar els seus propis filets. | And don't forget to bring your own steaks. |
No ho oblidin mai. | Don't ever forget that. |
Perquè no l'oblidin tan aviat. | So they don't forget him too soon? |
I aquesta és una lliçó que no vull que oblidin! | He will be a man sooner than you think. And this is a lesson I do not want them ever to forget. |
Bé, potser està oblidant les mesures del pla R, Sr. El pla R? | Perhaps you're forgetting the provisions of Plan R, sir. |
Bé, potser està oblidant les mesures del pla R, Sr. | Perhaps you're forgetting the provisions of Plan R, sir. |
Et garanteixo que si inclous els 12 punts per dissenyar el gratacel, els 83 punts per xocar-la amb en Tommy Lee i els 9000 punts per tirar-te la Robin abans que jo, el nostre total de punts estaria a la par, però hi ha una cosa que estàs oblidant. | I'll grant you that if you include the 12 points for designing the skyscraper, the 83 points for slapping five with Tommy Lee and the 9,000 points for banging Robin before me, our point totals would be about neck and neck, but there's one thing you're forgetting. |
Segueixo oblidant que ja no hi és. | I keep forgetting she's gone. |
però hi ha una cosa que estàs oblidant. | but there's one thing you're forgetting. |