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Gleyma (to forget) conjugation

81 examples

Conjugation of gleyma

Present tense
I forget
you forget
he/she/it forgets
we forget
you all forget
they forget
Past tense
I forgot
you forgot
he/she/it forgot
we forgot
you all forgot
they forgot
Future tense
mun gleyma
I will forget
munt gleyma
you will forget
mun gleyma
he/she/it will forget
munum gleyma
we will forget
munuð gleyma
you all will forget
munu gleyma
they will forget
Conditional mood
mundi gleyma
I would forget
mundir gleyma
you would forget
mundi gleyma
he/she/it would forget
mundum gleyma
we would forget
munduð gleyma
you all would forget
mundu gleyma
they would forget
Present continuous tense
er að gleyma
I am forgetting
ert að gleyma
you are forgetting
er að gleyma
he/she/it is forgetting
erum að gleyma
we are forgetting
eruð að gleyma
you all are forgetting
eru að gleyma
they are forgetting
Past continuous tense
var að gleyma
I was forgetting
varst að gleyma
you were forgetting
var að gleyma
he/she/it was forgetting
vorum að gleyma
we were forgetting
voruð að gleyma
you all were forgetting
voru að gleyma
they were forgetting
Future continuous tense
mun vera að gleyma
I will be forgetting
munt vera að gleyma
you will be forgetting
mun vera að gleyma
he/she/it will be forgetting
munum vera að gleyma
we will be forgetting
munuð vera að gleyma
you all will be forgetting
munu vera að gleyma
they will be forgetting
Present perfect tense
hef gleymt
I have forgotten
hefur gleymt
you have forgotten
hefur gleymt
he/she/it has forgotten
höfum gleymt
we have forgotten
hafið gleymt
you all have forgotten
hafa gleymt
they have forgotten
Past perfect tense
hafði gleymt
I had forgotten
hafðir gleymt
you had forgotten
hafði gleymt
he/she/it had forgotten
höfðum gleymt
we had forgotten
höfðuð gleymt
you all had forgotten
höfðu gleymt
they had forgotten
Future perf.
mun hafa gleymt
I will have forgotten
munt hafa gleymt
you will have forgotten
mun hafa gleymt
he/she/it will have forgotten
munum hafa gleymt
we will have forgotten
munuð hafa gleymt
you all will have forgotten
munu hafa gleymt
they will have forgotten
Conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa gleymt
I would have forgotten
mundir hafa gleymt
you would have forgotten
mundi hafa gleymt
he/she/it would have forgotten
mundum hafa gleymt
we would have forgotten
munduð hafa gleymt
you all would have forgotten
mundu hafa gleymt
they would have forgotten
Mediopassive present tense
I forget
you forget
he/she/it forgets
we forget
you all forget
they forget
Mediopassive past tense
I forgot
you forgot
he/she/it forgot
we forgot
you all forgot
they forgot
Mediopassive future tense
mun gleymast
I will forget
munt gleymast
you will forget
mun gleymast
he/she/it will forget
munum gleymast
we will forget
munuð gleymast
you all will forget
munu gleymast
they will forget
Mediopassive conditional mood
mundir gleymast
you would forget
mundi gleymast
he/she/it would forget
mundum gleymast
we would forget
munduð gleymast
you all would forget
mundu gleymast
they would forget
Mediopassive present continuous tense
er að gleymast
I am forgetting
ert að gleymast
you are forgetting
er að gleymast
he/she/it is forgetting
erum að gleymast
we are forgetting
eruð að gleymast
you all are forgetting
eru að gleymast
they are forgetting
Mediopassive past continuous tense
var að gleymast
I was forgetting
varst að gleymast
you were forgetting
var að gleymast
he/she/it was forgetting
vorum að gleymast
we were forgetting
voruð að gleymast
you all were forgetting
voru að gleymast
they were forgetting
Mediopassive future continuous tense
mun vera að gleymast
I will be forgetting
munt vera að gleymast
you will be forgetting
mun vera að gleymast
he/she/it will be forgetting
munum vera að gleymast
we will be forgetting
munuð vera að gleymast
you all will be forgetting
munu vera að gleymast
they will be forgetting
Mediopassive present perfect tense
hef gleymst
I have forgotten
hefur gleymst
you have forgotten
hefur gleymst
he/she/it has forgotten
höfum gleymst
we have forgotten
hafið gleymst
you all have forgotten
hafa gleymst
they have forgotten
Mediopassive past perfect tense
hafði gleymst
I had forgotten
hafðir gleymst
you had forgotten
hafði gleymst
he/she/it had forgotten
höfðum gleymst
we had forgotten
höfðuð gleymst
you all had forgotten
höfðu gleymst
they had forgotten
Mediopassive future perfect tense
mun hafa gleymst
I will have forgotten
munt hafa gleymst
you will have forgotten
mun hafa gleymst
he/she/it will have forgotten
munum hafa gleymst
we will have forgotten
munuð hafa gleymst
you all will have forgotten
munu hafa gleymst
they will have forgotten
Mediopassive conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa gleymst
I would have forgotten
mundir hafa gleymst
you would have forgotten
mundi hafa gleymst
he/she/it would have forgotten
mundum hafa gleymst
we would have forgotten
munduð hafa gleymst
you all would have forgotten
mundu hafa gleymst
they would have forgotten
Imperative mood
Mediopassive imperative mood

Examples of gleyma

Example in IcelandicTranslation in English
Ég á eftir að gleyma öllum aga og háIsbrjóta hann.One day I'll forget this discipline and break his neck.
Það er ekki auðvelt að gleyma þeim degi.Not an easy day to forget.
Segðu honum að gleyma þessu.Tell him to forget it.
Segðu honum að gleyma bílnum.Tell him to forget about her car.
Kannski ætti ég að gleyma Skógarhlíð.Perhaps I'd better forget about Forest Hills.
Hagnýt atriði Ekki gleyma að hugsa um hagnýtu atriðin – ætlar þú að aðstoða nýja starfsmanninn við að finna húsnæði, eða veita ráðgjöf um heilbrigðistryggingar og almannatryggingar?Practical arrangements. Don’t forget to consider the practicalities – are you going to help your new employee find accommodation, or provide advice on health insurance and social security?
Ekki gleyma að það að fara beinustu leið í átt að starfsframa er ekki eini kosturinn.Don’t forget, going straight into a career is not your only option.
Ekki gleyma að senda upplýsingar um hvernig hægt sé að hafa samband við þig.Do not forget to include your contact details.
Vertu viðbúinn símtölum sem hluta af ferlinu, þar sem þú þarft að fá svör við spurningum þínum (ekki gleyma þeim) og einnig þarft þú að geta svarað spurningum fyrirvaralaust.You should prepare for telephone contacts, as you need to have your questions answered (do not forget them) and also respond spontaneously.
Við gætum varið mörgum blaðsíðum til að nefna allt það fólk sem hjálpaði okkur, og jafnvel þótt við gerðum það myndum við líklega gleyma einhverjum.It would take many pages to name everybody, and even if we did, we would no doubt forget someone.
Og ég gleymi ūví aldrei...And I' il never forget...
- Ég gleymi ekki peningunum.- Oh, I ain't forgetting about the money.
Ég gleymi alltaf að ég er ekki í Kansas.I keep forgetting I'm not in Kansas.
Ég gleymi ykkur ekki.I won't forget you guys.
Kannski lifi ég svo lengi að ég gleymi henni.Maybe I'll live so long that I'll forget her.
Strax að viðtalinu loknu ættir þú að skrifa hjá þér mikilvæg atriði svo þú gleymir þeim ekki.After the interview you should make notes right away, so that you do not forget the critical details.
Mađur gleymir ūví aldrei.You never forget for one second.
Barn gleymir ekki föđur sínum ūķtt hann sé ķnytjungur.Even a good- for- nothing father never forgets a child.
Barn gleymir aldrei foreldrum sínum.A child never forgets its parents.
- Þú gleymir sjálfum þér.- You forget yourself.
En stundum... í kapphlaupi um frægđ og áhorfstölur... gleymum viđ loforđi okkar.But sometimes... in the mad race for glory and ratings... we forget our promise.
Nei, við gleymum þessu öllu.Will we, men? No, we'll forget all about it.
Við eyðum svo miklum tíma í að elta peninga að við gleymum því mikilvæga.We spend so much time pursuing that almighty dollar... ...that we can forget what matters most.
Við gleymum honum hvorugt.I can't forget him, and neither can you.
En stundum... í kapphlaupi um frægð og áhorfstölur... gleymum við loforði okkar.But sometimes... in the mad race for glory and ratings... we forget our promise.
Rétt er að biðja strax um að fá að hitta viðmælandann og gleymið ekki að fá upplýsingar um hvernig hægt sé að hafa samband við viðkomandi.Ask for a personal appointment right away and do not forget to ask for their contact details.
Losnið úr lífsgæðakapphlaupinu og gleymið yfirborðskenndu hlutunum sem altaka ykkur. Beinið athygli ykkar að því sem skiptir máli núna.Get your head out of the rat race... and forget about the superficial things that preoccupy your existence... and get back to what's important now.
Þið gleymið allir reglunni.You're all forgetting the rule.
Segið henni bara að þið gleymið aldrei hommanum sem þið þekktuð.Just say you"II never forget the queer you once knew.
Nú nálgumst við Dayton-flugvöllinn. Stígið varlega frá borði og gleymið ekki farangrinum. Takk fyrir./We are now approaching /Dayton International Airport. /Please use caution as you exit the bus. /And don't forget any of your belongings. /Thank you. /Attention, passengers.
Bíllinn sat fastur og ég gleymdi handbremsunni.The car got stuck, and I forgot the parking brake.
Beljan gleymdi ađ skeina sig!That cow forgot to wipe its ass!
Fyrirgefđu ađ ég gleymdi ađ taka hjķliđ úr búrinu.I' m sorry I forgot to take the wheel out of your cage.
Og, já, ég gleymdi að óska ykkur gleðilegra jóla.Oh, I forgot to wish you fellas a merry Christmas.
Blikksmiðurinn gleymdi að setja hjarta í mig.The tinsmith forgot to give me a heart.
Þú gleymdir því, er það ekki?You kind of forgot that, didn't you?
- Heyrðu, þú gleymdir þessu.Hey, you forgot this.
þú gleymdir töskunni, Doc.You forgot your bag, Doc.
Þ ú gleymdir að slökkva á því.You forgot to turn it off.
Viđ sendum honum myndir og bréf í nokkur ár en gleymdum honum ūegar ég fékk áhuga á skautum.So we start sending him like pictures and letters and stuff for years... but then I got really into ice- skating, so we sort of forgot about him.
Við gleymdum því.We forgot it.
- Við gleymdum að tengja dúkkuna.We forgot to hook up the doll.
Sjäðu hverjum við gleymdum.Look who we forgot.
Sjáðu hverjum við gleymdum.Look who we forgot.
Fólki líkar við ykkur sem persónur en ekki fyrir það sem þið gefið þeim. Í kapphlaupi ykkar við frægð og frama gleymduð þið einu smáatriði.People will like you for what you are, not for what you can give them. /In your race /for power and glory, you forgot one small detail.
- Þið gleymduð að tengja dúkkuna. KJARNORKUPÓKER:You forgot to hook up the doll.
- Þið gleymduð afganginum.-You forgot your change.
- Þið gleymduð sígarettunum ykkar.- You forgot your cigarettes.
Strákar þið gleymduð einkennismerkinu.You guys forgot your badges.
Kennarar gleymdu því hvað umhyggja var.Teachers, they forgot how to care.
En í heift sinni gleymdu guðirnir leyndarmálinu við stálið og skildu það eftir á vígvellinum.But in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel. . . . . .and left it on the battlefield.
Og flestu þau gleymdu er æskan frà leið."And down they forgot As up they grew. "
Þeir gleymdu að kvitta.- Hey, they forgot to sign their papers.
- Sumir gleymdu.- Somebody forgot.
Ef þú talar nógu mikið um það, gleymist það, er mér sagt.If you talk about it enough, you do forget, so they tell me.
- Það gleymist auðveldlega.- Something very forgettable.
Ég gleymist auðveldlega.I'm easy to forget.
Jimmy, þetta gleymist aldrei.Jimmy, that was unforgettable!
Höfuðverkur er eins og ásetningur, gleymist þegar sársaukinn fer.Headaches are like resolutions, you forget them as soon as they stop hurting.
Yfirleitt gleymast slíkir menn hérna inni.We usually forget people like that in here.
Þessi staður mun seint gleymast.I'll not soon forget this place.
Það vill gleymast hve auðveldlega við getum misst það dýrmætasta.One forgets how easily we can lose the most precious things.
Ég man varla hvađ ég heiti eđa í hvađa landi ég bũ en ūađ er tvennt sem virđist aldrei gleymast:I may have trouble remembering my own name, or what country I live in, but there are two things I can't seem to forget:
Ūessi stađur mun seint gleymast.I'll not soon forget this place.
Hann gleymdist vissulega ekki.Well, he certainly wasn't forgotten.
Í öllu ruglinu þarna inni gleymdist að fá fingraförin hjá þessum trúð.All the confusion in there, forgot to get this clown's prints.
Brúðkaupið gleymdist í kyrrþey.The marriage was quietly forgotten.
Það gleymdist að fylla á ísskápinn hjá mér.They forgot to restock my mini bar.
Brúđkaupiđ gleymdist í kyrrūey.The marriage was quietly forgotten.
Maður gleym¡r.A man forgets.
E¡tthvað ger¡st, hann gleym¡r bara.Something happens, he just forgets.
Stundum gleym/ ég að ég sé hundur.[ Marley Narrating ] Sometimes I forget I'm jast a dog.
Síđan Ken dķ er ég eins og kanarífugl...... sem hefur gleymt ađ syngja.Since Ken died I' m like a canary...... that' s forgotten its song.
Flest fķlk hefur gleymt draumunum sem komu ūeim á stađinn.Most people have forgotten about the dreams that brought them here.
- Ég hef gleymt nafninu.- I've forgotten it.
Ég hef næstum gleymt hvernig gamli staðurinn lítur út.I've almost forgotten what the old place looks like.
Hafa þeir gleymt því hvernig stjarna lítur út?Have they forgotten what a star looks like?
Þetta er það sem hefur gleymst.This is what we had forgotten.
Þrátt fyrir loforð Nottinghams um að Skeeter fengi að reka staðinn virðist hafa gleymst...Yes, though Mr. Nottingham's promise for Skeeter to run the place - seems to have been forgotten...
Newman-drengjaheimilið, það hefur ekki gleymst.The Newman Home For Boys, that has not been forgotten.
Hefði hann gleymst, væri stórt skarð í vorum mannfagnaði.If he had been forgotten, it'd have been a gap in our great feast.

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