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Olvidarse (to forget) conjugation

45 examples

Conjugation of olvidarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me olvido
I forget
te olvidas
you forget
se olvida
he/she/it forgets
nos olvidamos
we forget
os olvidáis
you all forget
se olvidan
they forget
Present perfect tense
he olvidado
I have forgotten
has olvidado
you have forgotten
ha olvidado
he/she/it has forgotten
hemos olvidado
we have forgotten
habéis olvidado
you all have forgotten
han olvidado
they have forgotten
Past preterite tense
me olvidé
I forgot
te olvidaste
you forgot
se olvidó
he/she/it forgot
nos olvidamos
we forgot
os olvidasteis
you all forgot
se olvidaron
they forgot
Future tense
me olvidaré
I will forget
te olvidarás
you will forget
se olvidará
he/she/it will forget
nos olvidaremos
we will forget
os olvidaréis
you all will forget
se olvidarán
they will forget
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me olvidaría
I would forget
te olvidarías
you would forget
se olvidaría
he/she/it would forget
nos olvidaríamos
we would forget
os olvidaríais
you all would forget
se olvidarían
they would forget
Past imperfect tense
me olvidaba
I used to forget
te olvidabas
you used to forget
se olvidaba
he/she/it used to forget
nos olvidábamos
we used to forget
os olvidabais
you all used to forget
se olvidaban
they used to forget
Past perfect tense
había olvidado
I had forgotten
habías olvidado
you had forgotten
había olvidado
he/she/it had forgotten
habíamos olvidado
we had forgotten
habíais olvidado
you all had forgotten
habían olvidado
they had forgotten
Future perfect tense
habré olvidado
I will have forgotten
habrás olvidado
you will have forgotten
habrá olvidado
he/she/it will have forgotten
habremos olvidado
we will have forgotten
habréis olvidado
you all will have forgotten
habrán olvidado
they will have forgotten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me olvide
(if/so that) I forget
te olvides
(if/so that) you forget
se olvide
(if/so that) he/she/it forget
nos olvidemos
(if/so that) we forget
os olvidéis
(if/so that) you all forget
se olviden
(if/so that) they forget
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya olvidado
I have forgotten
hayas olvidado
you have forgotten
haya olvidado
he/she/it has forgotten
hayamos olvidado
we have forgotten
hayáis olvidado
you all have forgotten
hayan olvidado
they have forgotten
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me olvidara
(if/so that) I have forgotten
te olvidaras
(if/so that) you have forgotten
se olvidara
(if/so that) he/she/it have forgotten
nos olvidáramos
(if/so that) we have forgotten
os olvidarais
(if/so that) you all have forgotten
se olvidaran
(if/so that) they have forgotten
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me olvidase
(if/so that) I have forgotten
te olvidases
(if/so that) you have forgotten
se olvidase
(if/so that) he/she/it have forgotten
nos olvidásemos
(if/so that) we have forgotten
os olvidaseis
(if/so that) you all have forgotten
se olvidasen
(if/so that) they have forgotten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera olvidado
I had forgotten
hubieras olvidado
you had forgotten
hubiera olvidado
he/she/it had forgotten
hubiéramos olvidado
we had forgotten
hubierais olvidado
you all had forgotten
hubieran olvidado
they had forgotten
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese olvidado
I had forgotten
hubieses olvidado
you had forgotten
hubiese olvidado
he/she/it had forgotten
hubiésemos olvidado
we had forgotten
hubieseis olvidado
you all had forgotten
hubiesen olvidado
they had forgotten
Future subjunctive tense
me olvidare
(if/so that) I will have forgotten
te olvidares
(if/so that) you will have forgotten
se olvidare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have forgotten
nos olvidáremos
(if/so that) we will have forgotten
os olvidareis
(if/so that) you all will have forgotten
se olvidaren
(if/so that) they will have forgotten
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere olvidado
I will have forgotten
hubieres olvidado
you will have forgotten
hubiere olvidado
he/she/it will have forgotten
hubiéremos olvidado
we will have forgotten
hubiereis olvidado
you all will have forgotten
hubieren olvidado
they will have forgotten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's forget!
Imperative negative mood
no te olvides
do not forget!
no se olvide
let him/her/it forget!
no nos olvidemos
let us not forget!
no os olvidéis
do not forget!
no se olviden
do not forget!

Examples of olvidarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
""Pecker debe olvidarse de su estupida camara..."Pecker ought to forget about his stupid camera...
"...grandioso, y una vez en la gruta, deseando olvidarse del mundo..."... Large mountain, and once in the cave, hoping to forget the world...
"A veces, un momento es todo lo que necesita olvidarse de toda la vida."Sometimes, a moment is all it takes to forget a lifetime.
"en olvidarse de esta mujer que ahora dice..."to forget this woman, who now says,
- Debe olvidarse de ella.Well, it's time to forget her.
"Así que digo, olvídate del campo de los Marshall."So I said, 'forget Marshall field's.
"Trabaja en la casa y olvídate del asunto"Work on the house and forget about it,
# Solo olvídate del amor #Just forget about love
*O si no olvídate sobre eso*.♪ Or else forget about it. ♪
, olvídate más vale que me lleve a casa mi conductor debe andar por algún barCome on, forget it. Better drive me home. My driver must be in some bar...
"Si no acabamos a Malik ahora, olvídese de arrestarlo...""If we don't finish Malik right now, forget arresting him..."
- ...pero no puedo tomar una decisión-- - Bueno, hágame un favor, y olvídese de mi reputación.Well, do me a favor, and forget my reputation.
- Bueno, olvídese, por favor.- Well, forget it, please.
- Cúrelo y olvídese del resto.- Cure him and forget the rest.
- Entonces, olvídese.- Then forget the whole deal.
"Oh olvidémonos de abogados, y salidas, y estudios, y celebridades."Oh let's forget about lawyers, and exits, and studios, and celebrities.
- Mira, olvidémonos de ti por un segundo.-Look, let's forget about you for a second.
...pero olvidémonos de esas cosas malas....but let's forget all those bad things.
Ahora, olvidémonos de la cómoda, y contratemos a un par de chicos y subamos a perder el tiempo.Now, let's forget about this dresser, And let's hire a couple guys And go upstairs and fool around.
Ahora, olvidémonos de todo lo que nos hizo tristes.Now, let's forget everything that made us unhappy.
! Y esta semana, olvidaos de ir a la bolera!And you can just forget about bowling this week!
Así que olvidaos del resto de la temporada.So forget about the rest of the season.
Chicos, olvidaos de la chica.Guys, forget about the girl.
Chicos, olvidaos de los cotilleos.Guys, forget about the gossip.
De acuerdo, olvidaos del piano.Okay, forget the piano.
"Devuélvanlo a Londres y olvídense de ello. "'Return him to London and forget about it."
"Y olvídense de las scooby galletas, ese perro es adicto al crack."And forget about scooby snacks, That dog's doing scooby crack." "Zoiks, like, hey, scoob, like, He's right.
- Chicos, olvídense de esto.- Guys, forget about this.
- Sí, bueno, olvídense de él.Yeah, well, forget about him.
-No sé, olvídense.- Don't know, forget about it.
! El sacrificio de Roarton jamás será olvidado.Roarton's sacrifice will never be forgotten.
"A veces no sé si usted lo habrá olvidado,"Sometimes I do not know if you have forgotten,
"A veces no sé si usted lo habrá olvidado..."Sometimes I do not know if you have forgotten...
"Claro que me había olvidado, pero no tu cumpleaños ""I sure had forgotten, but it wasn't your birthday"
"Como nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores" No, no lo he olvidado... ¡Son mentiras que se enseñan a los niños!No, I haven't forgotten, they're lies we teach children and they stick with them, even if they know it isn't the truth.
- Asi que olvidate de la cámara.- So forget the camera's there.
- La próxima vez, olvidate de la moto.- Next time, forget the bike.
- Marie, olvidate de eso.- Marie, forget about it.
- No, olvidate, no.- No, forget it.
- No, olvidate. - Eso es... - Olvidate de eso.- No, forget- forget about it.
- O, ya sabes, podría ser una de esas cosas de relación Eso es sólo mejor olvidándose, como la vez que cogí Kevin masturbándose a Lincoln.- Or, you know, it could be one of those relationship things that's just better off forgetting about, like the time I caught Kevin masturbating to Lincoln.
Ahí van de nuevo, hablando de cosas difíciles para ellos mismos y olvidándose de los demás.There they go again, talking about difficult things all by themselves and forgetting about the rest of us.
Cada uno vivió olvidándose de eso.Everyone lived forgetting about it.
Cree que conseguir que lo maten la impresionará olvidándose, claro, de que si consigues que te maten quiere decir que estás muerto.He thinks that getting killed will impress her, forgetting, of course, that the thing about getting killed is that you're dead.
Era una de esas jóvenes que vienen a Nueva York llenas de sueños y acaban atrapadas en un trabajo, olvidándose de por qué vinieron.She was one of those armies of people who come to New York filled with dreams, and end up on a treadmill, working and working, forgetting why they came here.

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