El que m'agrada és goma de mastegar! | What I like is chewing-gum." |
Us la deixaré mastegar una estona, pero me l'heu de tornar. | I'll let you chew it awhile, but you must give it back to me." |
Prometé abstenir-se de fumar, de mastegar tabac, i de tota profanitat, mentre en fos membre. | He promised to abstain from smoking, chewing, and profanity as long as he remained a member. |
Tendeix a mossegar més del que pot mastegar. | He tends to bite off more than he can chew. |
Massa mastegar i empassar... | All that chewing and swallowing |
Mai mastegues xiclet. | You never chew gum. |
Una criatura que anomenen "Meep l'estrany" mastega els caps de coses vives només per diversió i entreteniment, enfosquin encara més els meus malsons. | A creature they call "Meep the Geek" chews off the heads of living things for sport and amusement, darkening further the edges of my nightmares. |
La Lily mai mastega xiclet. | Lily never chews gum. |
Bé, masteguem una mica de xiclet i els registrem. | Okay, let's chew some gum and get you guys all checked in. |
Ja he mastegat quatre d'aquestes caixes aquesta setmana. | I've already chewed up four of these boxes this week. |
Et mastegarà i t'escopirà. | She will chew you up and spit you out. |
Estàs mastegant xiclet? | Are you chewing gum? |
Està mastegant xiclet? | Are you chewing gum? |
Està mastegant xiclet. | She's chewing gum. |
Vaig arribar a menjar al jardí, mastegant el corder al so del... | I would eat my lunch in the garden, chewing my mutton to the music of... |
Lily... estava mastegant... xiclet. | Lily... was chewing... gum. |