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Alerga (to run) conjugation

59 examples

Conjugation of alerga

Present tense
I run
you run
he/she/it runs
we run
you all run
they run
Present perfect tense
am alergat
I have run
ai alergat
you have run
a alergat
he/she/it has run
am alergat
we have run
ați alergat
you all have run
au alergat
they have run
Past preterite tense
I ran
you ran
he/she/it ran
we ran
you all ran
they ran
Future tense
voi alerga
I will run
vei alerga
you will run
va alerga
he/she/it will run
vom alerga
we will run
veți alerga
you all will run
vor alerga
they will run
Conditional mood
aș alerga
I would run
ai alerga
you would run
ar alerga
he/she/it would run
am alerga
we would run
ați alerga
you all would run
ar alerga
they would run
Subjunctive present tense
să alerg
(so that/if) I run
să alergi
(so that/if) you run
să alerge
(so that/if) he/she/it run
să alergăm
(so that/if) we run
să alergați
(so that/if) you all run
să alerge
(so that/if) they run
Subjunctive past tense
să fi alergat
(so that/if) I have run
să fi alergat
(so that/if) you have run
să fi alergat
(so that/if) he/she/it have run
să fi alergat
(so that/if) we have run
să fi alergat
(so that/if) you all have run
să fi alergat
(so that/if) they have run
Past impf. tense
I was running
you were running
he/she/it was running
we were running
you all were running
they were running
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu alerga
do not run!
nu alergați
do not run!
Past pluperfect tense
I had run
you had run
he/she/it had run
we had run
you all had run
they had run
Future alternative 1 tense
am să alerg
I am going to run
ai să alergi
you are going to run
are să alerge
he/she/it is going to run
avem să alergăm
we are going to run
aveți să alergați
you all are going to run
au să alerge
they are going to run
Future alternative 2 tense
o să alerg
I am going to run
o să alergi
you are going to run
o să alerge
he/she/it is going to run
o să alergăm
we are going to run
o să alergați
you all are going to run
o să alerge
they are going to run
Future perfect tense
voi fi alergat
I will have run
vei fi alergat
you will have run
va fi alergat
he/she/it will have run
vom fi alergat
we will have run
veți fi alergat
you all will have run
vor fi alergat
they will have run
Future in the past tense
aveam să alerg
I was going to run
aveai să alergi
you were going to run
avea să alerge
he/she/it was going to run
aveam să alergăm
we were going to run
aveați să alergați
you all were going to run
aveau să alerge
they were going to run
Conditional past tense
aș fi alergat
I would have run
ai fi alergat
you would have run
ar fi alergat
he/she/it would have run
am fi alergat
we would have run
ați fi alergat
you all would have run
ar fi alergat
they would have run
Presumptive tense
oi alerga
I might run
oi alerga
you might run
o alerga
he/she/it might run
om alerga
we might run
oți alerga
you all might run
or alerga
they might run
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi alergând
I might be running
oi fi alergând
you might be running
o fi alergând
he/she/it might be running
om fi alergând
we might be running
oți fi alergând
you all might be running
or fi alergând
they might be running
Presumptive past tense
oi fi alergat
I might have run
oi fi alergat
you might have run
o fi alergat
he/she/it might have run
om fi alergat
we might have run
oți fi alergat
you all might have run
or fi alergat
they might have run

Examples of alerga

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Am conduce acasă repede, pentru că nu am vrut să alerga afară de gaz regulat."I drive home fast, 'cause I didn't wanna run out of the regular gas.
"Apoi, el va alerga, si intr-o zi el va patina ca tatal sau. ""Then he will run, and one daY, he will skate like his father. "
"Ar trebui să nu alerga în acest fel?""Should I not run this way?"
"Asigurați-a alerga creierul mai repede, a lovit-o cu Lash, a lovit-o.""Make your brain run faster, hit it with lash, hit it."
"Dacă aş alerga repede..."If I'd run faster...
"Dar eu alerg înapoi la tine""But I'll come running back"
"Doctorii îmi spun să alerg... Rolando Jones a suferit o entorsă... si nu se va întoarce în a doua repriză."Doctors tell me running back Rolando Jones has suffered a torn ACL and will not be returning for the second half.
"In nici un caz n-am sa alerg pe pereti. """well, no, of course I'm not gonna run sideways along a wall. ""
"La cine pot sa alerg?"Who can I run to?
"M-am saturat sa alerg de colo-colo. ""I was tired of getting the run-around. "
! De ce alergi?Why are you running?
"N-o să ajungi acolo şi n-o să vorbeşti normal şi n-o să alergi de colo-colo...""You're not going to be up there talking normally and running around...
"Obisnuiai să alergi prin casă cu arma.""You used to run all over the house, shooting the gun."
"Pentru a cunoaşte pe cineva, trebuie să alergi un kilometru" "cu o geantă grea cu lucrurile lor în spate?" Aruncă geanta!Haven't you ever heard the saying to really someone you got to run a mile carrying a heavy bag full of their junk?
"S-alergi..."To run...
"Inima aleargă oriunde.""The heart runs here and there. "
"Sergentul aleargă triatlon, "îşi face propria bere,"Sarge runs triathlons, "Sarge makes his own beer,
#Aleargă, aleargă Maladia amoruluiShe runs, she runs the plague of love.
#Aleargă, aleargă, maladia amoruluiShe runs, she runs The plague of love
#Aleargă, aleargă- She runs, she runs
"Ai ajuns în frumosul loc spre care alergăm.""You have come forth to the beautiful place to which we run."
"Toată ziua alergăm... "până marşu-l terminăm!Gotta run all day till the running's done!
"si am început să alergăm... bum-bum-bum-bum." and we started running.. boom-boom-boom-boom.
# lanţul ne ţine împreună # # în timp ce alergăm în noapte # # lanţul ne ţine împreună # # în timp ce alergăm în noapte # # lanţul ne ţine împreună ## chain, keep us together # # running in the shadows # # chain, keep us together # # running in the shadows # # chain, keep us together #
- ...ca şi cum, credem sau nu, alergăm cu toţii în braţele sale.You see him like that, religious or not, you just want to run into his arms.
"Au alergat încoace şi-ncolo fără ţintă, şi şi-au târît aripile prin noroi. ""They run hither and thither aimlessly, draggle-winged. "
"Candidatele Omega au alergat goale înapoi.""Omega pledge runs naked mile backwards."
"Ne-am alergat în jurul campurilor."♪ We'd run around in the fields. ♪
"Te-am privit cum ai alergat 300 de metri?I've just watched you run 300 meters.
- ... când am alergat după...- After the run-in with...
Dacă nu e nimic de pierdut de ce nu alergați pentru voi?If there's nothing to lose then why not run for yourselves?
De asemenea, nu puteți să alergați prin Moscova... spunând, "Lucrăm pentru Elțin, bla, bla, bla."You also cannot run around Moscow... saying, "We work for Yeltsin, blah, blah, blah."
Nu alergați!No running!
Nu alergați, da?No running, okay?
Nu alergați.No running.
Harold alergă după autobuz pantofii săi de piele tare făcând un oribil zgomot de scârţâit în timp ce se încovoiau pe asfalt.Harold ran for the bus his stiff leather shoes making a terrible squeaking sound as they flexed against the asphalt.
S-a întâmplat când alergă spre poartă, aşa că...- It was when he ran into the goalpost, so...
Îmi aduc aminte că odată, pe când Scufiţa Roşie îl alergă pe bietul lup în jurul casei bunicii şi ea avea un topor şi...I remember this one time when the poor wolf was being chased by Little Red Riding Hood around his grandmother's house and she had an axe. Oh.
Câteva clipe mai târziu, mesagerii alergară să transmită ordinele mareşalului.Moments later, couriers ran to give out the marshal's orders.
- Da, alergam pe stradă.- Yeah, I was running in the street.
Acum ceva timp m-am rătăcit prin campus în timp ce alergam.- I got... I got lost while I was running on campus a while ago. I can't...
Adică, ultimul lucru pe care mi-l amintesc era că alergam în braţele tale şi mă simţeam în siguranţă.I mean, the last thing I remember, I was running into your arms and I felt so safe.
Adineauri alergam şi s-a ţinut după mine cu jeepul.I was running, and she chased me with her pick-up.
Ai văzut cât de repede alergam?Did you see how fast I was running?
- Ce s-a întâmplat în timp ce alergai, Sheldon?- What happened while you were running, sheldon?
Aseară alergai pe aici,cu o capă pe spate,făcând...Last night you were running around with a cape on, going "Whoo-whoo."
Atunci, când alergai pe câmp..!- ...that time we were running in the field...
Ca şi când alergai spre leagăne. Sau când fugeai de Satan?Like when you were running towards the swings or running away from Satan?
Cam aşa alergai.That's how you were running.
Adevărul era că alergau spre mine.When the truth was, they were running to me.
Am întâlnit atâţia tineri de-a lungul anilor... care credeau că alergau spre duşmanii lor.I've met so many young men over the years... who have thought they were running at their enemy.
Azi dimineaţă copiii alergau prin casă, iar Annie făcea clătite la bucătărie.This morning, the kids were running around like crazy... Annie's standing in the kitchen making pancakes.
Baietii care alergau pe aici mai adineauri.The guys who were running up here just now.
Ceilalţi copii alergau în jurul lui, jucându-se şi ţipând, aşa că mama ne-a închis uşa.The other kids were running around, playing and screaming, so Mom made us shut the door.
"Am rămas timp de două ore în extaz..." "...alergând prin imensele camere si încercând să citesc..." "...inscriptiile exterioare la lumina lunii."We stayed there two hours in ecstasy running through the huge rooms and trying to read the exterior inscriptions in the moonlight."
"Chiar ieri, le-am văzut pe surorile ei, Jane şi Elizabeth," "aproape alergând pe strada Market," "în încercarea de a scăpa de ruşinea lor."Only yesterday, I saw her sisters, Jane and Elizabeth, almost running down Market Street, in an attempt to escape from their disgrace.
"Pe lângă asta, vor fi o grămadă de fete alergând de colo până colo în uniforme catolice.""Besides, there'll be all kinds of hotties "running around in catholic school girl uniforms."
"Voi veni alergând atunci când mă veţi chema""I'll come running at a call from you"
"Zi şi noapte stau tot treaz..." "...alergând ca un bezmetic."Day and night, l've been awake running helter skelter.

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