"Ja jooksen ruttu, ruttu otse teed koju." | I'm gonna run, run right home. |
"Ma ei lähe," ütles Barnaby Jack. "Täna jooksen ma päriselt minema. Seekord mind kinni ei püüta." | "'But I'm not going, ' said Barnaby Jack. "'I'm running away tonight for good. "'And this time I won't get caught.' |
# Sa jooksed ringi, rääkides kõigile oma sõpradele | # You run around telling all your friends # |
- Aga kui keegi varastab? Kuidas sa jooksed varga järgi kui sul on üks jalg lühem kui teine? | How you gonna run after a thief, with one leg shorter than the other? |
- Hei, kuhu sa jooksed? | - Hey, where you running to? |
"Kui paat jookseb kaldale on meri rääkinud." | "When a boat runs ashore, the sea has spoken. " |
"Metsas jookseb vabalt hirv | "The stag in the forest runs free |
"Ta jookseb..." | "She runs... " |
"Me jookseme ja tantsime ja laulame ja mängime"? | "We run and dance and sing and play"? |
"Miks me ilma käteta ringi jookseme?" | "why are you guys running around with no hands?" |
"siis me mängime ja jookseme, | "'we'll run and play, |
- Kui ma ütlen läks, siis te jooksete kui hullud. | - When I say go you run around like crazy. |
- Te jobud. Te jooksete ringi suusamaskides püüdes asju õhku lasta? | You're running around in ski masks trying to blow things up? |
31 päeva pärast algab hooaeg, ja te jooksete kõigil neil päevil. | There's 31 days before the season starts, and you're gonna run every one of 'em. |
"Bruce, mu poiss, filmiäri on õel ja madal raha-kraav, kus vargad ja kupeldajad jooksevad vabalt ringi ja head mehed surevad nagu koerad." | "Bruce, my boy, the movie business is a cruel and shallow money trench. where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs." |
"Need, kes jooksevad minema, püsivad elus, et edasi võidelda." | (lN SlNG-SONG VOlCE) Noland, run away, live to fight another day. |
"Neli hunti, kes jooksevad koos kõrbes, Las Vegases, otsivad strippareid ja kokaiini. " | "Four of us wolves running around the desert together in Las Vegas looking for strippers and cocaine. " |
-Mis sest ma ei jookse. | I'm not running. |
-Ta ei jookse kodunt ära. | - She's not - She's not running away from home. |
Aga ma ei jookse ju kohe välja uue laksu järele. | I'm not running out the door to score more. |
Ei, ma ei jookse. | I'm not running. |
Lühikest sprinti joostakse närvidel. | A short sprint is run on nerves. |
"Ma jooksin kogu tee koju" | "I ran all the way home" Come on. |
- Ah, ma jooksin vastu ust. | - Ah, ran into a door. |
"...tunneb muret kolme pärismaalasest tüdruku pärast, vanuses kaheksa kuni neliteist aastat, kes jooksid kuu aega tagasi ära Moore River'i Pärismaalaste Keskusest." | ...Is concerned about three native girls, ranging from eight to fourteen years of age, who a month ago ran away from the Moore River Native Settlement." |
"Angus ja teine koer jooksid koos mööda laada..." - "Laia." | "Angus and the "other dog "ran together |
"Angus ja teine koer jooksid koos mööda laada..." | "Angus and the "other dog "ran together |
"Külaelanikud kõik jooksid peitu, aga Leedi Ursula libises katedraali trepil ja lohe laskus ta peale, kattis ta oma hiiglasuurte tiibadega ja viis ta kõrgele üles kiriku- torni tippu." | "The people of the village all ran to safety, but Lady Ursula slipped on the cathedral steps and the gargoyle descended upon her, wrapping her in its huge wings and taking her high up into the spires of the cathedral. " |
"'Voo, voo,' hüüdsid silmad, ja Angus jooksis, et kodu üles leida, | "'Woo, woo,' called the eyes, and Angus ran to find his house, |
"...aga Gretel jooksis ära ja jättis ta hukatusse. | "but Gretel ran and left her there to perish nonetheless. |
"Blood jooksis nagu jõgi, mis päeval südamevalu katuseharja. " | "Blood ran like a river that day on heartbreak ridge." |
"Imetledes vaatasime, kuidas ta ära jooksis." | "We watched in awe as he ran away, |
- Ma käisin eile Max'iga väljas, ja siis me jooksime mõndadele sõpradele otsa, ja see oli väga hea. | - I went out with Max last night, and then we ran into some friends, and it was really good. You should have come. |
- Ma tõmbasin mõned stringid koos Reilly, ja me jooksime oma sõrmejäljed kaudu Wisconsin riigi andmekogu, ja me saime selle. | - I pulled some strings with Reilly, and we ran your fingerprints through the Wisconsin state database, and we got that. |
- Me jooksime lihtsalt minema. | - We just ran away. |
Aga ta eiras neid ja me jooksime koos minema. | But she defied them and we ran off together. |
- Te jooksite kogu selle tee? | You ran that whole way? |
Ja te jooksite minema? | - And you ran away? |
Kas te oskate meile ütelda, miks te jooksite põlevasse majja? | Can you tell us why you ran into a burning house? |
Nagu sa näed, ei jooksnud ma minema, et hakata rockstaariks. | Well, as you can see, I did not run off to become a rock star. |
See ei olnud võõras kes võttis Nowalingu ja ta ei jooksnud ära. | It was not the stranger who took Nowalingu, and she did not run away. |
Sellest saab kohe aru, et see hirmus lugu polnud, sest Michael-iina siin, ei jooksnud kiljudes ukse poole. | You can tell it was not scary because Michael-ina here... did not run screaming for the door. |
Su isa ei jooksnud minema. | Your father did not run away. |
Sinu asemel ma jookseksin. | I would run. |
Kui nad näeksid nõida nad vist jookseksid saba jalge vahel. | I think if they saw a witch, they would run the other way. |
Kui seal üleval süüa jagataks, siis lausa jookseksid. | If a chili dog was up there, you would run up there, wouldn't you? - What time is it? |
Vean kihla, et te jookseksite kiiremini ... ... kui mul oleks teie vanaema kuum võiküpsis. | I bet your country ass would run faster if I had... one of your grandmama's hot butter bis cuits. |
" Kui nad lendavad, siis parem jookse. Neil tiivulistel on valus torge." | "At night they fly, you better run... these winged things are not much fun." |
"Abe, sa võid teha, mis sa tahad, aga järgmine kord, kui me kohtume, jookse kiiresti minema" | But the next time you see me coming, you better run.´´ |
"Jookse, Jane, jookse." | Run, jane, run." |
"Jookse, Spot, jookse!" Pole rottweilerile üldsegi paha nimi. | "Run, Spot, run!" It's not a bad name for a Rottweiler. |
"Ärge jookske minu hoovis. | "Don't run across my yard. |
- Härra Davidson, jookske. | - Mr. Davidson, run! - Don't hurt me, big daddy. |
- Jookske end tühjaks, kutid, jookske end tühjaks. | - (man) Run it out, guys, run it out. |
luba mul suudelda end... ära jookse ära. | let me kiss you... do not run from me. |
Hästi, daamid ja härrad, palun mulle tavapärasel moel järgneda. Pidage meeles, kõndige, ärge jookske! | Ok, ladies and gentlemen, please follow me in an orderly fashion, and remember - walk, do not run. |
"...pean jooksma alasti mööda tänavat." | "... I have to run naked through the streets." |
"Enne maailmalõppu pean jooksma alasti mööda tänavat." | "Before the world ends, I have to run naked "through the streets." DAVID: |
"Oi ei, Alvin ajab mu koju emme juurde jooksma." | "Uh-oh, Alvin's going to make me run home to Mommy. " |
"Sparky teadis, et Bumper hakkab jooksma, ja ta saab teda üle terve aasa taga ajada. | "Sparky knew that Bumper would run "and that he could chase him over the field. |
"Ma ei suuda muud teha, kui suudelda teda hullunult igale poole üle ta näo, söösta tema käte vahele ja joosta rõõmust karjudes siit eemale." | I won't be able to do anything, except kiss her madly ... all over every part of her face, swoop her into my arms, and run screaming away." |
"Ma vigastasin jalga, ma ei suuda joosta, lõvi sööb mind ära ja ma olen surnud." | I can't run, a lion eats me, and I'm dead. " |
"Ma võiksin joosta,kihutada ja tantsida.." "Ja taga ajada,hüpata ja põrgata," | ¶¶I could go running, and racing, and dancing... ¶¶and chasing, and leaping and bounding. ¶¶ |
"Ma võiksin joosta,kihutada ja tantsida.." | *I could go running, and racing, and dancing... |
"Vaadake, faktid näitavad et 99 korral 100-st, ilmub laps hommikuks välja, ning samuti ei ole meil ressursse, et iga sõpradega minema jooksnud last, otsima hakata." | Look, 99 times out of 100, the kid shows up by morning. We don't have the resources to go chasing every kid who runs off with his pals. |
# Me oleme jooksnud huntidega, roninud Suurel Munamäel # | # We've run with wolves, we've climbed K2 # |
Laev oli jooksnud karile. Sumatrast lääne poole. | His ship had run aground on an island way west of Sumatra. |
Ta laev oli jooksnud karile Sumatra saarest lääne poole. | His ship had run aground on an island way west of Sumatra. |
Nagu minu fotograafia. Tean, et pole suurt nõudlust joostes tehtud udustele piltidele, aga... | I know there isn't that much demand for photographs... ...taken while running, but... |
Tean, et pole suurt nõudlust joostes tehtud udustele piltidele, aga... | I know there isn't that much demand for photographs taken while running, but... |
Aga,kas see takistas teda jooksmast kolme võiduringi või kallistamast pealkirju järgmisel päeval? | But did it stop him from running three victory laps? Or hogging the headlines in the papers the next day? |
Hea küll, võibolla sa räägid meelsamini, kui oled väsinud jooksmast. | Well,maybe you'll feelmore talkative when you get tiredof running. |
Ma olen nii väsinud jooksmast... | I'm so sick of running from this- |
Mina ja Emily Koza olime need, kes püüdsid teda takistada ära jooksmast. | Heh, me and Emily Koza's the ones tried to talk her out of running away. |
Aga kui ma annaks end sulle, siis sa jookseks kabuhirmus minema, sest sa pole minusse armunud. | But if I were to give myself to you, you would run for the hills, 'cause you're not in love with me. |
Aga kui ma seda teeksin, siis ma jookseks kiiremini, kui Robby. | But if I did, I would run way faster than Robby. |
Aga ma jookseks sinu nimel maratoni. | But I would run a marathon for you. |