"pero el capitán estaba determinado postularse para Noruega | "but the Captain was determined to run for Norway |
- Decidió postularse para alcalde. | - He decided to run for mayor. |
- Larry Becker Nací para postularse para un cargo . | - Larry Becker was born to run for office. |
- Y que a él le pidieron postularse y luego lo obligaron a renunciar antes de que usted decidiera postularse. | - And that he was asked to run and then forced to quit before you decided to run. |
Así que ahora tiene que postularse. | So he has to run on his own in the primary. |
Muy bien, adelante, postúlate. | Okay, Zack. Go ahead and run. |
Si quieres influir en política, postúlate. | If you want to influence policy, run for office. |
- ... buen hombre postulado para Alcalde. | "and then we saw pictures of you with the nice man running for mayor." |
- ...sin jamás haberse postulado. | - having never run for office. |
- Mire. Clarence no debió haberse postulado de nuevo por cantidad de razones. | Clarence shouldn't have run again for any number of reasons. |
Está postulado para congresista. | He's running for Congress. |
La Presidente Reynolds estubo en Tallahassee, Florida, esta mañana, le costo $5000 el desayuno con el Senador Martin Kleinhenz, quien esta postulado para la reeleccion. | President Reynolds was in Tallahassee, Florida, early this morning, attending a $5,000-a-plate breakfast fund-raiser for Senator Martin Kleinhenz, who's running for reelection. |
Alonzo, creo, que está postulándose para presidente del colegio ahora. | Alonzo,I think,is running for president of the school now. |
Empecemos con lo obvio. ¿Quién está postulándose contra ella? | Let's start with the obvious. Who's running against her? |
Es el tipo de cosa que cubriríamos hoy, ya saben, alguien postulándose a sheriff en Aspen, tratando de apoderarse de la ciudad. | it's the kind of thing we would run today, you know, somebody running for sheriff in aspen, trying to take over the town. |
Está postulándose para alcalde. | He's running for mayor. |
Ha estado postulándose tanto tiempo para gobernador de Washington que nos referimos a la Capital como Gibsonville. | He's been running the state of Washington for so long, we refer to the capital as Gibsonville. |