Asta mă face să-mi doresc să fi avut nişte ferestre aici să putem aerisi locul, ştii? | Yeah. You know, that makes me wish that we had some windows down here so we could air out the place, you know? |
Mâine voi aerisi casa. | I will air the house tomorrow. |
Putem aerisi, te rog? | Can we clear the air,please? |
deschid fereastra, sa vad daca putem aerisi putin. | Gonna open a window, see if we can air it out a little bit. |
- Pentru a se aerisesc . | - To air it out. |
- Îmi aerisesc bluza. - Ce ? | I'm airing out my shirt. |
A trebuit ori să aerisesc, ori să mor. | I had to air it out or die. |
Adică să aerisesc şi să spăl. | It means from letting in some air and doing the washing. |
Cred că ies să mă aerisesc puţin. | I think I'm gonna go out and get some air, alright? |
Am deschis să aerisim camera! | Nothing, I just aired the room! |
Ar trebui să aerisim camera? | Should we air the room? |
Avem 40 de maşini şi opt ore să aerisim locul ăsta! | We got 40 cars and we got eight hours of the air down here! |
Dacă aerisim asta, poate obţinem o mostră destul de mare s-o identificăm. | If we air-flush this, maybe we'll get a sample big enough to identify. |
De ce nu aerisim puţin aici? | Why don't we let some air in? |
- Patul nu e aerisit. | - That bed isn't aired. |
Am deschis ferestrele si am aerisit. | I opened her up and aired her out. |
Dorea acel material aerisit. | He wanted that material aired. |
Ei bine, cred ca daca este bine frecat cu sterilizator Milton si apoi aerisit... | Well, I suppose if it's thoroughly scrubbed with Milton's fluid, and then aired... |
Joseph, ai aerisit cămărutele? | Joseph, would you've the closets aired? |