(44- 20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44- 20) 74 18 84 16 E- mail: mail@ emea. europa. eu http: // www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged Liema benefiċċju wera PROTELOS waqt l- istudji li ġew mwettqa? | (44-20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44-20) 74 18 84 16 E-mail: mail@emea. europa. eu http: / /www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged What benefit has PROTELOS shown during the studies? |
(44- 20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44- 20) 74 18 84 16 E- mail: mail@ emea. europa. eu http: // www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged X’ benefiċċju wera Dynepo waqt l- istudji? | (44-20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44-20) 74 18 84 16 E-mail: mail@emea. europa. eu http: / /www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged What benefit has Dynepo shown during the studies? |
(44- 20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44- 20) 74 18 84 16 E- mail: mail@ emea. europa. eu http: // www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged X’ benefiċċju wera Eurican Herpes 205 waqt l- istudji? | (44-20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44-20) 74 18 84 16 E-mail: mail@emea. europa. eu http: / /www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged What benefit has Eurican Herpes 205 shown during the studies? |
(44- 20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44- 20) 74 18 84 16 E- mail: mail@ emea. europa. eu http: // www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged X’ benefiċċju wera Ibraxion waqt l- istudji? | (44-20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44-20) 74 18 84 16 E-mail: mail@emea. europa. eu http: / /www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged What benefit has Ibraxion shown during the studies? |
(44- 20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44- 20) 74 18 84 16 E- mail: mail@ emea. europa. eu http: // www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged X’ benefiċċju wera Nobilis IB 4- 91 matul l- istudji? | (44-20) 74 18 84 00 Fax (44-20) 74 18 84 16 E-mail: mail@emea. europa. eu http: / /www. emea. europa. eu ©EMEA 2007 Reproduction and/ or distribution of this document is authorised for non commercial purposes only provided the EMEA is acknowledged What benefit has Nobilis IB 4-91 shown during the studies? |
- Dejjem uri l- Kard ta ’ Twissija tal- Pazjent lil kwalunkwe tabib involut fit- trattament tiegħek, inkluż | - Always show the Patient Alert Card to any doctor involved in your treatment, including physicians |
41 Fil- każ ta ’ bligħ aċċidentali fittex parir mediku immedjatament u uri it- tikketta lit- tabib. | In case of accidental ingestion seek medical advice immediately and show the label to the physician. |
47 Fil- każ ta ’ bligħ aċċidentali fittex parir mediku immedjatament u uri it- tikketta lit- tabib. | In case of accidental ingestion seek medical advice immediately and show the label to the physician. |
F' każ li tinjetta lilek innifsek/ li tibilgħu/ li xxerred fuq il- ġilda, fittex parir mediku minnufih u uri l - fuljett ta ’ tagħrif fil- pakkett jew it- tikketta lit- tabib. | In case of accidental self-injection, ingestion or spillage onto skin, seek medical advice immediately and show the package leaflet or label to the physician. |
Barra minn hekk, il-korpi xjentifiċi tagħhom qed juru preferenza li l-klieb il-baħar jinħattu bil-pinen hekk kif jikbru b’mod naturali fuq ġisimhom u qegħdin jinnotaw li dan huwa l-aħjar mod li jimpedixxi t-tneħħija tal-pinen tal-klieb il-baħar, u li jiffaċilita l-ġbir tad-data li hemm bżonn għall-valutazzjonijiet tal-istokkijiet. | In addition, their scientific bodies are showing a preference for sharks to be landed with their fins naturally attached to their bodies and are noting that this is the best way to prevent finning and to facilitate the collection of data needed for stock assessments. |
Bil-maqlub tal-merluzz, il-pelaġiċi żgħar qed juru sinjali ta’ tnaqqis minħabba tnaqqis kostanti fir-reklutaġġ. | Unlike cod, small pelagic species are showing signs of decline as recruitment continues to shrink. |
Fil-fatt, b¢al fil-kumplament tad-dinja, diversi stokks tropikali, b¢alƒerti speƒji ta’tonn, qed juru sinjali ta’tnaqqis. | a number of tropical stocks, including certain species oftuna, are showing signs of depletion. |
Filwaqt li l-irkupru għadu fraġli u żbilanċat madwar iż-ŻEE, xi Stati qed juru rati ta’ tkabbir modesti jew aktar robusti. | While recovery is still fragile and uneven across the EEA, some states are showing modest or even more robust growth rates. |
Anke kieku l-prinċipju tal-kreditur tas-suq privat kien applikabbli f’dan il-każ, il-Kummissjoni uriet li kreditur privat f’relazzjoni kontrattwali fit-tul, imqiegħed fl-istess pożizzjoni bħall-Istat, ma kienx jadotta miżura komparabbli mal-Artikolu 8c(1a) KStG. | Even if the private market creditor principle were applicable in this case, the Commission has shown that a private creditor in a long-term contractual relationship, placed in the same position as the State, would not have adopted a measure comparable to §8c(1a) KStG. |
Barra minn dan, l-esperjenza tul dawn l-aħħar snin, u dan l-aħħar minħabba l-kriżi finanzjarja, uriet li l-istrutturi tar-rimunerazzjoni qegħdin isiru dejjem iktar kumplessi, iffukati wisq fuq kisbiet imwettqa fuq perjodu qasir ta’ żmien u f’xi każijiet dawn wasslu għal rimunerazzjoni żejda li ma kinitx iġġustifikata mill-prestazzjoni tagħhom. | Moreover, experience over the last years, and more recently in relation to the financial crisis, has shown that remuneration structures have become increasingly complex, too focused on short-term achievements and in some cases led to excessive remuneration, which was not justified by performance. |
Barra minn hekk, l-esperjenza fl-applikazzjoni tad-Direttiva 92/65/KEE uriet li l-eżami kliniku ta’ annimal 24 siegħa qabel it-tluq, fil-parti l-kbira tal-każijiet mhuwiex prattiku. | Moreover, experience in the application of Directive 92/65/EEC has shown that carrying out the clinical examination of an animal within 24 hours before dispatch is in most cases impracticable. |
Barra minn hekk, l-esperjenza fl-applikazzjoni tad-Direttiva 94/47/KE uriet li xi suġġetti li huma diġà koperti jeħtieġ li jiġu aġġornati jew iċċarati, bil-ħsieb tal-prevenzjoni tal-iżvilupp ta’ prodotti li jkollhom l-għan li jevadu d-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ din id-Direttiva. | In addition, experience with the application of Directive 94/47/EC has shown that some subjects already covered need to be updated or clarified, in order to prevent the development of products aiming at circumventing this Directive. |
Barra minn hekk, l-esperjenza uriet li kemm l-istrumenti ko-regolatorji kif ukoll dawk awto-regolatorji, implimentati skont it-tradizzjonijiet legali differenti tal-Istati Membri jista’ jkollhom rwol importanti fl-għoti ta’ livell għoli ta’ protezzjoni lill-konsumatur. | Furthermore, experience has shown that both co-regulation and self-regulation instruments, implemented in accordance with the different legal traditions of the Member States, can play an important role in delivering a high level of consumer protection. |
( 1 ) It-traspożizzjoni tad-DR VII permezz tal-leġiżlazzjoni tal-Komunità għalleġiżlazzjoni nazzjonali Ir-riżultati tal-konsultazzjoni urew appoġġ massiv mill-imsieħba kollha ( il-Komunità bankarja , il-banek ċentrali nazzjonali , il-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew u l-Istati Membri ) biex jittrasponu l-SR VII permezz ta » leġiżlazzjoni Komunitarja u mhux b' leġiżlazzjoni nazzjonali . | ( 1 ) The transposition of SR VII through Community legislation versus national legislation The results of the consultation have shown overwhelming support from all stakeholders ( the banking community , national central banks , the European Central Bank and Member States ) to transpose SR VII through Community legislation rather than national legislation . |
101 Riżultati kliniċi fit- tfal urew li, ġeneralment iktar ma jkunu żgħar il- pazjenti iktar ikun hemm bżonn ta ’ dożi ta ’ NeoRecormon għoljin. | Results of clinical studies in children have shown that, on average, the younger the patients, the higher the NeoRecormon doses required. |
107 urew mortalità eċċessiva mhux spjegabbli. | In controlled clinical studies, use of Epoetin alfa and other erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) have shown: • shortened time to tumour progression in patients with advanced head and neck cancer receiving radiation therapy when administered to target a haemoglobin of greater than 14 g/ dl (8.7 mmol/ l), • shortened overall survival and increased deaths attributed to disease progression at 4 months in patients with metastatic breast cancer receiving chemotherapy when administered to target a haemoglobin of 12-14 g/ dl (7.5 -8.7 mmol/ l), |
113 Riżultati kliniċi fit- tfal urew li, ġeneralment iktar ma jkunu żgħar il- pazjenti iktar ikun hemm bżonn ta ’ dożi ta ’ NeoRecormon għoljin. | Results of clinical studies in children have shown that, on average, the younger the patients, the higher the NeoRecormon doses required. |
121 tumuri komuni li jinkludu kanser skwamuż tar- ras u l- għonq, kanser tal- pulmun, u l- kanser tas- sider urew mortalità eċċessiva mhux spjegabbli. | In controlled clinical studies, use of Epoetin alfa and other erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) have shown: • shortened time to tumour progression in patients with advanced head and neck cancer receiving radiation therapy when administered to target a haemoglobin of greater than 14 g/ dl (8.7 mmol/ l), • shortened overall survival and increased deaths attributed to disease progression at 4 months in patients with metastatic breast cancer receiving chemotherapy when administered to target a haemoglobin of 12-14 g/ dl (7.5 -8.7 mmol/ l), |