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Mostrar (to show) conjugation

61 examples
This verb can also mean the following: display

Conjugation of mostrar

Present tense
I show
you show
he/she shows
we show
you all show
they show
Present perfect tense
he mostrat
I have shown
has mostrat
you have shown
ha mostrat
he/she has shown
hem mostrat
we have shown
heu mostrat
you all have shown
han mostrat
they have shown
Future tense
I will show
you will show
he/she will show
we will show
you all will show
they will show
Conditional mood
I would show
you would show
he/she would show
we would show
you all would show
they would show
Past perfect tense
havia mostrat
I had shown
havies mostrat
you had shown
havia mostrat
he/she had shown
havíem mostrat
we had shown
havíeu mostrat
you all had shown
havien mostrat
they had shown
Past impf. tense
I was showing
you were showing
he/she was showing
we were showing
you all were showing
they were showing
Imperative mood
let him/her show!
let's show!
let them show!
Imperative negative mood
no mostris
don't show!
no mostri
don't let him/her show!
no mostrem
let's not show!
no mostreu
don't show!
no mostrin
don't let them show!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria mostrat
I would have shown
hauries mostrat
you would have shown
hauria mostrat
he/she would have shown
hauríem mostrat
we would have shown
hauríeu mostrat
you all would have shown
haurien mostrat
they would have shown
Future perfect tense
hauré mostrat
I will have shown
hauràs mostrat
you will have shown
haurà mostrat
he/she will have shown
haurem mostrat
we will have shown
haureu mostrat
you all will have shown
hauren mostrat
they will have shown
Preterite past tense
I showed
you showed
he/she showed
we showed
you all showed
they showed
Past anterior tense
haguí mostrat
I had shown
hagueres mostrat
you had shown
hagué mostrat
he/she had shown
haguérem mostrat
we had shown
haguéreu mostrat
you all had shown
haguéren mostrat
they had shown
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) show
(so that you) show
(so that he/she) shows
(so that we) show
(so that you all) show
(so that they) show
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was showing
(so that you) were showing
(so that he/she) was showing
(so that we) were showing
(so that you all) were showing
(so that they) were showing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi mostrat
(so that I) have shown
hagis mostrat
(so that you) have shown
hagi mostrat
(so that he/she) has shown
hàgim mostrat
(so that we) have shown
hàgiu mostrat
(so that you all) have shown
hagin mostrat
(so that they) have shown
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués mostrat
(so that I) had shown
haguessis mostrat
(so that you) had shown
hagués mostrat
(so that he/she) had shown
haguéssim mostrat
(so that we) had shown
haguéssiu mostrat
(so that you all) had shown
haguessin mostrat
(so that they) had shown
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi mostrar
(so that I) showed
vagis mostrar
(so that you) showed
vagi mostrar
(so that he/she) showed
vàgim mostrar
(so that we) showed
vàgiu mostrar
(so that you all) showed
vagin mostrar
(so that they) showed
Periphastic past tense
vaig mostrar
I showed
vas mostrar
you showed
va mostrar
he/she showed
vam mostrar
we showed
vau mostrar
you all showed
van mostrar
they showed
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver mostrat
I had shown
vas haver mostrat
you had shown
va haver mostrat
he/she had shown
vam haver mostrat
we had shown
vau haver mostrat
you all had shown
van haver mostrat
they had shown

Examples of mostrar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Torna en acabat, i s'estigué vora el clos fins a la caiguda de la nit, «fent-se veure» com abans; pero la noia no torna a mostrar-se, encara que Tom es reconfortés una mica amb l'esperança que ella, mentrestant, devia estar vora alguna finestra, adonant-se de les seves atencions.He returned, now, and hung about the fence till nightfall, "showing off," as before; but the girl never exhibited herself again, though Tom comforted himself a little with the hope that she had been near some window, meantime, and been aware of his attentions.
Tom es sentia abatut, pero lluitava de valent per no mostrar-ho.Tom was downhearted, but tried hard not to show it.
No cal que us en rigueu: em penso que us els puc mostrar.Oh, you needn't smile--I reckon I can show you.
Una disposició de la Constitució està dedicada a la política d’ajuda Política d’ajuda humanitàriade la Unió (gestionada per l’Oficina d’Ajuda Humanitària, l’ECHO)humanitària per mostrar adequadament la seva naturalesa específica (està sotmesa al drethumanitari internacional i no és un mitjà de pressió política).One Constitutional provision focuses on the Union’s humanitarian aid policy(managed by ECHO) in order to show its specific nature (it complies withinternational humanitarian law and is not a means of political pressure).
La campanya fa servir un seguit d’escenes de circ per mostrar com fa front als reptes socials la UE.The campaign uses light-hearted circus images to show how the EU is helping to address social challenges in a practical way.
Li mostro el cadàver a les autoritats per demostrar que en veritat la vaig matar.I show that corpse to the authorities, proving yes, indeed,
¿Els mostro la casa?— May I show you around?
Li podries preguntar a Ser Davos quanta misericordia mostro amb els criminals.Perhaps you should ask Ser Davos how much mercy I show to lawbreakers.
Tanmateix, pero, no s'acudia altra remei: així és que, amb totes les mostres d'alegria que pogueren aplegar, demanaren la pipa i llançaren la seva bafarada, en passar ella, segons l'estil exigit.However, there was no other way; so with such show of cheerfulness as they could muster they called for the pipe and took their whiff as it passed, in due form.
En un article del LiveJournal, la fundadora de Children-404 va donar a entendre que recorrerà la resolució de Roscomnadzor davant el tribunal. Amb tot, no dóna mostres de molt optimisme sobre les oportunitats que té d'anular la resolució.Writing on LiveJournal, Children-404 founder Klimova implies she will challenge Roscomnadzor’s ruling in court, but doesn’t show much optimism about the chances of overturning the decision.
No mostres remordiment per les teves accions.You show no remorse for your actions.
Hotch, mirem e garatge i llavors em mostres el que aconsegueixes.Hotch, let's check the garage, then show me what you got.
I els mostres que si ets una líder, ets una líder.If you show them you're a leader, you're a leader.
• En segon lloc, la velocitat del lliurament segueix millorant: l’índex de pagaments realitzats en relació als compromisos financers adquirits mostra que la Comissió és cada vegada més capaç de convertir els compromisos en acció sobre el terreny, i en menys temps.• Secondly, the speed of delivery is still improving – the ratio of payments to commitments shows that the Commission is increasingly able to turn commitments into action in the field, in a shorter time; sufficient for the commitments to be approved.
L'experiència ens mostra que aquells qui van veure amb els seus propis ulls la pena i el patiment, i van sentir amb el seu propi cor el problema del seu país, no acceptaran mai que s'ha perdut.Experience shows us that those who saw with their own eyes sorrow and worry and felt in their own hearts the trouble of their native country will never accept that it is lost.
El president Aquino, juntament amb els mateixos funcionaris, no mostra desaprovació per aquest pla i el DENR (Departament de Medi i de Recursos Naturals) concedeix el permís per a l'execució del projecte.President Aquino along with city officials themselves shows no disapproval of this plan and the DENR issued the permit for the implementation.
La imatge destacada en miniatura mostra la Marxa per la Llibertat del Tibet que va tenir lloc al centre de Londres, Anglaterra, feta per Sinister Pictures, copyright Demotix (12-03-2011).Thumbnail and featured image shows annual Tibet Freedom March in central London, UK, by sinister pictures, copyright Demotix (12/03/11).
La informació actualitzada mostra que, en total, el nombre de persones que s'encaren a la pressió imposada pels malfactors en conflictes per la terra i l'aigua al Brasil ha passat de 38.555 el 2010 a 45.595 el 2011.Current information shows that, in total, the number of people coping with pressures imposed by outlaws due to land and water conflicts in Brazil increased from 38.555 in 2010 to 45.595 in 2011.
La indústria dels refrescs s'hi oposa – mostrem-los on acaba el seu fem.The beverage industry opposes container refunds – let‘s show them where their trash ends up.
Si no mostrem a aquesta ciutat qui és realment la regina, qui ho farà?If we don't show this town who Regina really is, who will?
La pròxima vegada mostrem la "poteta".Next time, show a little leg.
El noi no hauria mostrat un interes més salvatge, més sincer, si ella hagués calat foc sota sos peus.The boy could not have shown a wilder, heartier interest, if she had built a fire under him.
La sèrie Seekers s'ha mostrat en exposicions individuals a Dinamarca, Rússia, Argentina i Bolívia i en exposicions col·lectives als Estats Units i Irlanda.Seekers has been shown in solo exhibitions in Denmark, Russia, Argentina and Bolivia, and has been part of collective shows in USA and Irland.
Però jo penso que en realitat ha mostrat tot el contrari.But I actually think that they have shown the opposite.
La població palestina s'ha mostrat molt entusiasmada i m'ha donat molt de suport, i sento que Iman, Shareef i DiaaMahmoud s'han convertit en amics meus durant aquest projecte.A great feeling of warmth and support has been shown by the people of Palestine, and I feel I've made friends along the way with Iman, Shareef and DiaaMahmoud, who have shown invaluable support towards the project.
Arrel de l'elecció del president Rouhani i l'arribada de nous oficials al càrrec de la indústria cinematogràfica, Parinaaz va rebre un permís de projecció, però la pel·lícula encara no s'ha mostrat al públic.After President Rouhani’s election and the arrival of new officials in charge of the film industry, Parinaaz was issued a screening permit but the film has still not been shown in public.
WikiLeaks va tuitejar: "Si us plau, mostreu en quin cable es basa aquesta afirmació.In a tweet WikiLeaks wrote: “Please show which cable this claim is based on.
Per què no us mostreu?Why don't you show yourself to me?
Per què no mostreu la misericòrdia que Nostre Senyor va mostrar amb aquells que eren dèbils de carn? !Why cannot you show the mercy that our Lord showed to those weak in the flesh?
Soldats! , no mostreu pietat! .Soldiers, show no mercy.
Però sempre són els usuaris de l'iPhone els qui mostren el seu telèfon en públic, elogiant-lo sense parar amb els rostres exultants d'orgull.But it is always the iPhone users who show off its phone in the public, praising it nonstop with their faces glowing with pride.
Sorprenentment o no, els internautes brasilers han estat crítics amb la música de Teló i mostren una certa preocupació per la visió internacional de la música brasilera dels darrers temps.Surprisingly or not, Brazilian netizens have been critical towards Teló’s music to show a certain concern about the international view of Brazilian music these days.
L'any passat, tal com va informar Global Voices , la CPT va publicar dades que mostren que 1.614 persones van morir assassinades durant els últims vint-i-cinc anys a causa dels conflictes rurals.Last year, as Global Voices reported, the CPT published data which shows that 1,614 people have been murdered in the last 25 years due to rural conflicts.
Les manifestacions, a tres setmanes de les eleccions presidencials, mostren un fort compromís ciutadà en favor del reconeixement de les llengües regionals i autòctones.These demonstrations took place three weeks prior to the French presidential election and showed a strong citizen commitment in favor of the recognition of regional and indigenous languages.
Dies abans de les protestes, el compte va publicar aquesta invitació en què es mostren dibuixos de detinguts, que és com els presos palestins són simbolitzats durant l'última campanya a les xarxes socials:Days before the protests, the account posted this invitation which showed drawings of detainees the way the Palestinian prisoners were symbolized in a late social media campaign:
M'ho mostraràs a mi primer.You will show it to me first.
I encara diré més: la tragèdia d’avui no acabarà en un pou sense fons, mostrarà per què lluitaven els altres, la memòria.I will go further to state that today's tragedy will not go wasted and will show what others were fighting for - the memory.
La història mostrarà qui va ser un autèntic heroi i que va fer més pel nostre país.History will show who was a real hero and who did more for our country.
Aviat la Terra ens mostrarà la seva sòlida esferaSoon the Earth will show us its solid sphere
En Joffrey mai et mostrarà una devoció així.Joffrey will show you no such devotion.
Si no, Li mostrarem el nostre puny de ferro.If not, we will show her the iron fist.
Això li mostraria de quin costat estàs.That would show him whose side you're on.
Obrir-los mostraria al poble de Meereen que respectau les seves tradicions.Opening them would show the people of Meereen that you respect their traditions.
És irònic que Facu Díaz rebés notícies just un dia després de l'atemptat a la revista satírica francesa Charlie Hebdo, mentre que el President espanyol Mariano Rajoy mostrava el seu «suport a la llibertat d'expressió» en nom del Govern i del poble espanyol.It is ironic that Facu Díaz received the news just one day after the attack on French satiric magazine Charlie Hebdo, while Spanish President Mariano Rajoy was showing his "support of freedom of expression" on behalf of the Spanish government and people.
El senyor Gatsby ens mostrava el jardí.Mr. Gatsby was showing us the grounds.
Michael Bengwayan (director executiu de Cordillera Ecological Center-PINE TREE) va dir que, dels 497 pins que va trasplantar Camp John Hay Development Corp. l'any 1994, només en van sobreviure menys del 20%, i els que no van morir mostraven signes de deteriorament.Dr. Michael Bengwayan (executive director of Cordillera Ecological Center-PINE TREE) said that, for the 497 pine trees that were being earth-balled by Camp John Hay Development Corp. last 1994, only less than 20% survived and those not dead were showing signs of deteriorating.
Bé senyors, arriben a punt per que els mostri el pla relatiu a. .. el trasllat a Istanbul dels nostres diamants valorats, aproximadament en mil milions.Well gentlemen, I'll get quickly to the point in orderto show you the relative plan to the Istanbul shipment of our diamonds from you guaranteed for approximately a billion.
Seria molt demanar-li que em mostri una mica del seu poder?Would it be too much to ask for you to show me?
Demani-li que li mostri les fotografies.Ask her to show you the pictures.
I que la Vella, que coneix el destí de tots els homes, li mostri el camí que ha de caminar i el guiï a través dels llocs foscos que l'esperen.And may the Crone, she that knows the fate of all men, show him the path he must walk and guide him through the dark places that lie ahead.
Deixa que et mostri una cosa d'autèntic poder.Let me show you some real power.
S'espera que diguis les coses adequades, que mostris l'adequat grau de remordiment.People expect you to say the right things, show the right degree of remorse.
Tant bon punt com et mostris per Shreveport, Bon Temps, o algun lloc on la meva manada et pugui ensumar, no hi seré per protegir-te d'ells.You so much as show your face in Shreveport, Bon Temps, anywhere my pack can sniff you out, I ain't gonna be there to protect you from 'em when they do.
Només que mostris la teva cara en algun lloc on la meva manada et pugui ensumar jo no hi seré allà per protegir-te d'ells.You so much as show your face anywhere my pack can sniff you out, I ain't gonna be there to protect you from 'em.
És molt sorprenent que mostris tant interès en política, Walter.Well, it's unlike you to show such interest in politics, Walter.
Així que no te'n vas enlloc fins que no em mostris una mica de gratitud.I got six drinks invested in this little party. So you ain't going nowhere till you show me a little gratitude.
La polícia va reaccionar a les protestes amb violència amb estudiants ferits i detinguts; s'ha gravat diversos vídeos mostrant abusos contra menors d'edat, dones, i la gent gran:Police reacted to the protests violently with students injured and detained; many videos have been made showing the abuses against minors, females and the elderly.
El cartell de l'hospital, mostrant a tres noies saltant d'alegria perquè ara poden pagar a terminis els avortaments.The hospital's poster, showing three girls jumping with joy because now they can pay by installment for abortion.
Foto d'un dels xeics de la tribu mostrant el seu document de trànsit; l'únic paper oficial de què disposa.A photo of one of the tribe’s sheikhs showing his passage document; the only official paper he has.
Pot representar models alternatius de comportament de manera selectiva "tot amagant-ne els aspectes negatius i mostrant-ne només els positius".Selectively depicting alternative models of behavior, “hiding all the negative aspects of these models, and showing only the positives.”
Les notícies es van difondre ràpidament als mitjans socials, mostrant imatges gràfiques de les víctimes i dels danys en la mesquita.The news quickly spread on social media, showing graphic images of the victims and the damage in the mosque.

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