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Venir (to come) conjugation

111 examples
Present tense
Present perfect tense
he vingut
has vingut
ha vingut
hem vingut
heu vingut
han vingut
Future tense
Conditional mood
Past perfect tense
havia vingut
havies vingut
havia vingut
havíem vingut
havíeu vingut
havien vingut
Past impf. tense
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
no vinguis
no vingui
no vinguem
no vingueu
no vinguin
Conditional perfect tense
hauria vingut
hauries vingut
hauria vingut
hauríem vingut
hauríeu vingut
haurien vingut
Future perfect tense
hauré vingut
hauràs vingut
haurà vingut
haurem vingut
haureu vingut
hauren vingut
Preterite past tense
Past anterior tense
haguí vingut
hagueres vingut
hagué vingut
haguérem vingut
haguéreu vingut
haguéren vingut
Subjunctive of present tense
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi vingut
hagis vingut
hagi vingut
hàgim vingut
hàgiu vingut
hagin vingut
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués vingut
haguessis vingut
hagués vingut
haguéssim vingut
haguéssiu vingut
haguessin vingut
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi venir
vagis venir
vagi venir
vàgim venir
vàgiu venir
vagin venir
Periphastic past tense
vaig venir
vas venir
va venir
vam venir
vau venir
van venir
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver vingut
vas haver vingut
va haver vingut
vam haver vingut
vau haver vingut
van haver vingut

Examples of venir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
- Capità, pot venir ?Captain? Yes? Could you come here a minute, please?
Podem venir i donar un cop de mà.I'm so sorry. We can come over and help.
Si podíeu venir en una corredora per assistir al vostre funeral, hauríeu pogut deixar-vos caure aquí i dar-me una entresenya o altra que no éreu mort, sinó que us havíeu escapat només.If you could come over on a log to go to your funeral, you could have come over and give me a hint some way that you warn't dead, but only run off."
Que poiriá pas venir d'el.And it couldn't possibly come from him.
Podeu jeure i deixar-ho córrer, tot maleint Déu per aquesta injustícia, o podeu venir amb mi... buscar un lloc per viure, per poder construir la comunitat que esperàvem trobar aquí.You can lie down and quit, curse God at the unfairness of it all, or you can come with me find another place to live, a place where we can build the community that we hoped to find here.
No, escolta Jérôme, ja n'hi ha prou de sarcasmes. Si creus que aquestes reunions són carrinclones, no cal que vinguis. Però vinc perquè m'ajuden, ja està, imagina-t'ho.Jérôme, l think we've had enough sarcastic remarks lf these meetings seem so ridiculous, then don't come l come because they do me good believe it or not lt does me the world of good, just like you
Molt bé, de seguida vinc.All right, I'll come along quickly.
D'on vinc?Where did I come from?
vinc, estigueu preparats o no!Here I come, ready or not!
Avui no, però no ho sé, potser vinc un altre dia.Maybe not today, but you never know, I might come back another time. I'd do it.
D'on véns?Where did you come from?
O véns o et mato.You will come or I'll kill you.
Si véns aquí, mai més hauràs de sentir-te així.You come here, and you ain't never got to feel that way again.
Quan no véns a casa, haig de venir aquí i veure com estàs.When you do not come home, I have to come here and see how you feel.
Si véns amb mi, Pots lluitar.You come with me, and you can fight. Come on.
Xi respon: «Això ve del Japó» i «Són gossos que rebutgen disculpar-se a la República de la Xina».Xi answers, "That comes from Japan" and "They are dogs who refuse not apologize to the Chinese Republic."
El que ve a continuació és molt exquisit.Now, pay attention, detective. What comes next is really quite exquisite.
Ara ve el menjar.Here comes food.
Preguntaria com has entrat, però el vigilant de Starling City va i ve com vol, no?I'd ask how you got in here, but the Starling City vigilante comes and goes as he pleases, doesn't he?
Lluites per enderrocar un rei, i ni tan sols tens un pla per al que ve després?You're fighting to overthrow a king, and yet you have no plan for what comes after?
Però quan el Rei al Nord ens convoca, venim.But when the King of the North summons us, we come.
Ja venim.wecome.
Hola, Artista, et venim a veure.Hello, Artist. We've come to see you.
El fiscal general i jo venim de la Casa Blanca.The Attorney General and I have just come from the White House.
Han d'haver vingut d'aquesta banda.Must have come in this way.
de la societat humana, hem vingut a veure quelcom d'extraordinari,We have come to see...
No has vingut aquesta nit.You didn't come tonight.
Ells testifiquen que els comissionats en realitat han vingut al nord i haurien d'haver arribat ja a la ciutat de Washington, portant una oferta per al cessament immediat de la nostra guerra civilThey testify that Commissioners have indeed come north and ought to have arrived by now in Washington City, bearing an offer of immediate cessation of our civil war!
He vingut en un mal moment?Did I come at a bad time?
Em veniu a tocar els collons aquí baix a aquestes hores?Can I touch you come to hell down here at this hour?
No perdeu temps: veniu de pressa!Don't wait--come quick!"
A partir de les 18:00 de la tarda entre setmana, però, no hi ha gaire clients, així que si veniu per demanar un cafè amb art 3D, és aconsellable que vingueu a partir d'aquesta hora.At least the cafe is relatively slow after 6 p.m. on weekdays, so if you are visiting for 3D latte art, please come around these times.
Glenn, Daryl, veniu amb nosaltres.Glenn, Daryl, come with us.
Pare, veniu a veure!Father, come see!
Les visions... em vénen com vénen.The visions, they come to me as they come.
Vaig perdonar el teu maldestre treballet d'assassinat en massa amb l'autobús... Joventut exuberant i tot això... Però si no teniu el maleït seny de saber que quan vénen estranys fent preguntes, tanquem files, llavors em temo que la nostra línia ha acabat de veritat.Now, I forgave your ham-handed mass murder business with the bus-- overexuberance of youth and all that-- but if you haven't got the goddamn brains to know that when strangers come asking questions, we close ranks,
Aquí vénen.You're creeping me out. Oh, here they come.
Mubarak, (beneït) karim (generós) o tranquil són les paraules que normalment vénen al cap durant el ramadà, el mes que l'islam dedica al dejuni i en què famílies i comunitats es reuneixen alegrement per resar i trencar amb els hàbits alimentaris de cada dia.Mubarak, (blessed) kareem (generous) or peaceful, are the usual words that come to mind during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting when families and communities joyfully come together to pray and break their daily fasts.
Els precientfics vénen dos cops al'any per a intercanivs els seus vaixells pujen les ones, flotant misteriosament sobre Old Uns.Prescients come batterin' twice a year, their ships creep-crawlin' on the waves, just floatin' on the Smart o' the Old Uns.
si el seu exèrcit desembarca a Northumbria, vindré immediatament en el teu ajut, i confio que faràs el mateix per mi.If his army lands in Northumbria, I will come at once to your aid, and trust that you will do the same for me.
- Faré un tracte, no has de parlar amb els americans si no vols, si creus que això et converteix en una traïdora, però vindràs amb mi i amb els nens.- I'm gonna make a deal where you don't have to talk to the Americans if you don't want to, if you think that'll make you a traitor, but you will come with me and the kids.
El xofer del bisbe vindrà a recollir les meves coses.The bishop's driver will come by and pick up my things.
El treball dur vindrà després.The hard stuff will come later.
En Cloud vindrà ací, ens va dir.Cloud will come here, she said.
Encara no sabem perquè se'n va anar l'electricitat, però tenim l'esperança que vindrà algú i il·luminarà el camí.We still don't know why the power went out, but we're hopeful that someone will come and light the way.
Ella vindrà.She will come.
Et vindrem a buscar quan s'hagi acabat.We will come for you when it's over. Okay.
Els àngels vindran, i... em sembla que venen a per tu.The Angels will come, and... I think they're coming for you.
Si els matem, totes les naus de la Federació vindran aquí.If we kill them, all of the ships of the federation will come here!
però tot i així, "Ram vindran aquí i encara té una última oportunitatbut she's still, "Ram will come here and you still have one last chance
Els meus amics vindran a buscar aquesta espasa.My friends will come looking for this blade.
"Què pot fer per vostè Carnero, bla, bla, bla, que no puc?" però tot i així, "Ram vindran aquí i encara té una última oportunitat"what can Ram do foryou, blah blah blah, that I can't?" But she's still, "Ram will come here and you still have one last chance
Sabia que vindria, Sr. Lawrence.I knew you would come, Mr. Lawrence.
Sabia que algú vindria... un moment o un altre.I knew someone would come... eventually.
T'he vist a la tele, i he pensat que vindria per assegurar-me que estaves bé. Han estat quatre encaputxats armats.And I was gonna call... but then I saw you on TV... so I thought that I would come and make sure you were safe.
Cridaria, i potser vindria algú.He would shout and maybe some one would come.
Va dir que vindries.She said you would come.
Sabia que vindries, amic meu.I knew you would come, my friend.
Aviat els nois en llibertat vindrien corrent, esmerçant-se en tota mena de delitoses expedicions; i en farien qui-sap-la riota, d'ell, perque havia de treballar. Només el pensar-hi l'abrusava com un foc.Soon the free boys would come tripping along on all sorts of delicious expeditions, and they would make a world of fun of him for having to work--the very thought of it burnt him like fire.
Ell li ha demanat què hi venia a fer, aquí.He asked her why she was coming here and about us.
Si, va dir que algú venia a per nosaltres.Yeah, they said someone was coming for us.
Com saps que jo també venia?How did you know I was coming?
En Gary Blauman és aquí i no tenia ni idea que venia.Gary Blauman is here, and I had no idea he was coming.
Pel meu entendre, ens va faltar coratge, en el sentit que potser, si ja sabíem que venia un cop d'estat,I believed we lacked courage, in the way that, maybe, if we knew the coup was coming,
- M'han dit que venies.- I was told you were coming.
En realitat, crec que venies d'aquesta direcció perquè recordo mirar en aquesta direcció, així que potser si ens canviem.Actually, I think you were coming from that direction because I remember looking that way, so maybe if we switch.
Des que li vas dir que venies, en Charlie no ha parat de parlar-ne.Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming.
Sabien que veníem!They knew we were coming!
Però tu li has dit a en Johnny que veníeu junts.But you told Johnny that you were coming here together.
Quan vaig saber que veníeu a la nostra ciutat, vaig fer un tracte amb el rei de Qarth.When I learned you were coming to our city, I made an arrangement with the King of Qarth.
No sé que és el que està malament a casa teva... però recorda sempre, capità... si alguna vegada tens problemes, crida i vine corrents.I don't know what's wrong up at your house... but always remember, cap... if you're ever in trouble, holler and come a-runnin'. Uncle Birdie's your friend.
Només vine amb mi.Just come with me.
Olaf, vine aquí.Olaf, come here.
Erlendur, vine.Siggy: Erlendur, come.
Reina, vine.Princess, come here.
Un jove vingué a nosaltres no fa molt.A young man came to us not long ago.
Aleshores, precisament, el so d'una trompeta d'estany vingué tot desmaiat sota les verdes naus de la boscúria.Just here the blast of a toy tin trumpet came faintly down the green aisles of the forest.
Ella se n'estranya: després estigué una mica contorbada; després una vaga sospita vingué i passa i retorna de bell nou; ella sotja; una llambregada furtiva li digué qui-sap-les coses, i aleshores son cor es trenca, i es sentí gelosa, i irosa, i li vingueren les llagrimes als ulls, i odia tothom: Tom més que tots els altres, pensa ella.She wondered; then she was just a grain troubled; next a dim suspicion came and went--came again; she watched; a furtive glance told her worlds--and then her heart broke, and she was jealous, and angry, and the tears came and she hated everybody. Tom most of all (she thought).
Al cap de poc en vingué una altra de més poderosa.By and by another came, a little stronger.
La memoria de com l'havia tractada Tom quan ella parlava de la seva forada vingué a coure-li de bell nou, i l'ompli de vergonya.The thought of Tom's treatment of her when she was talking about her picnic came scorching back and filled her with shame.
Ella se n'estranya: després estigué una mica contorbada; després una vaga sospita vingué i passa i retorna de bell nou; ella sotja; una llambregada furtiva li digué qui-sap-les coses, i aleshores son cor es trenca, i es sentí gelosa, i irosa, i li vingueren les llagrimes als ulls, i odia tothom: Tom més que tots els altres, pensa ella.She wondered; then she was just a grain troubled; next a dim suspicion came and went--came again; she watched; a furtive glance told her worlds--and then her heart broke, and she was jealous, and angry, and the tears came and she hated everybody. Tom most of all (she thought).
Durant tota la nit tediosa, el poble espera noves; pero en albejar, finalment, el matí, tots els mots que vingueren foren: -Porteu-nos més candeles, i porteu queviures.- La senyora Thatcher estava gairebé folla, i la tia Polly també.All the tedious night the town waited for news; but when the morning dawned at last, all the word that came was, "Send more candles--and send food." Mrs. Thatcher was almost crazed; and Aunt Polly, also.
Una multitud de respostes a favor i en contra del seu argument en vingueren com a conseqüència de compartir la seva opinió als mitjans de comunicació socials.After sharing his position on social media platforms, a number of replies came in favor and against his argument.
No, la gent que va construir aquest lloc no van inflingir la seva vanitat a aquells que vingueren després de la manera que Baelor va fer amb aquella mostruositat daurada allà amunt.No, the people who built this place didn't inflict their vanity on those who came after them the way Baelor did with that great gilded monstrosity up there. Hmm.
Tota la natura era ja desperta i moguda; llargues llances de sol atravessaren el fullatge espes d'ací d'alla, i unes quantes papallones vingueren a voleiar per l'escenari.All Nature was wide awake and stirring, now; long lances of sunlight pierced down through the dense foliage far and near, and a few butterflies came fluttering upon the scene.
No sóc cap toro mecànic que puguis muntar quan et vingui de gust.I ain't some mechanical bull you can come and ride on whenever you feel like it.
He amagat una mica la veritat per tal que l'Elena no ho deixi tot i vingui corrent a casa a ajudar.I withheld a bit of the truth so that Elena wouldn't drop everything and come running home to help.
Per a mi pots ho pots fer per a qui et vingui de gust.You're welcome to pose for whomever you wish,
- Estàs demanant que vingui a veure't?You asking for him to come and see you?
Mandrake, vingui aquí, els rojos estan de camí!Mandrake, come over here. The redcoats are coming.
No, escolta Jérôme, ja n'hi ha prou de sarcasmes. Si creus que aquestes reunions són carrinclones, no cal que vinguis. Però vinc perquè m'ajuden, ja està, imagina-t'ho.Jérôme, l think we've had enough sarcastic remarks lf these meetings seem so ridiculous, then don't come l come because they do me good believe it or not lt does me the world of good, just like you
Tan aviat com tu vinguis a buscar-me.As soon as you come and get me.
I la propera vegada que vinguis, Per que cony no em avises abans?And next time you come over, why don't you goddamn tell me first!
Però ens agradaria, et proposem, que vinguis amb nosaltres.But what we would like, what we propose, is that you come with us.
I vull que vinguis a viure amb mi al Nord Pas-de-Calais.I want you to come live in the north.
Voleu que vinguem d'un en un, que vinguem tots alhora, què?Do want us to come one at a time, or all together. What do you want?
És perquè els nanos us han dit que vingueu, no?It's 'cause the nano told you to come, am I right?
Crec ja va sent hora que tu i en Henry, vingueu a sopar a casa.You know, I think it's about time for you and Henry to come over for dinner.
A partir de les 18:00 de la tarda entre setmana, però, no hi ha gaire clients, així que si veniu per demanar un cafè amb art 3D, és aconsellable que vingueu a partir d'aquesta hora.At least the cafe is relatively slow after 6 p.m. on weekdays, so if you are visiting for 3D latte art, please come around these times.
El que no vull és que vingueu a investigar-me.I just don't want them come sniffing in my other pockets.
Vingueu amb mi, vingueu amb mi.Come to me, come to me.
Espero que vostè i la seva dona vinguin a la conferència de la IAC.I hope you and your wife come to the IAC Conference.
Lluitaràs contra el poble lliure quan vinguin?You're going to fight the free folk when they come?
Fins que arribi l'hivern i els caminants blancs vinguin per nosaltres i no quedi ningú per cantar.Until winter comes and the white walkers come for us all and there's no one left to sing.
Que passarà quant els emprenyats homes blancs vinguin a les portes dels vostres fills maleint per la mort de la seva gent?What's going to happen when the angry white men come to the doors of your children blaming you for the killing of their people ?
Per què no ho has dit abans? Diga-li a aquests policies que vinguin amb mi.Look, tell these two policemen to come with me.
Podrien estar venint ara mateix.They could be coming right now.
I que continuïn venint.And keep 'em coming.
Seguiran venint, no ho veus?They keep coming back, don't you see?
És un tren venint cap a tu.– There's a train coming to you.
Estan venint.They're coming.

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