Zuetako bat etorri aurrera. | All right, one of you guys has to hop up here with me. |
Norbanako bat etorri da zu ikustera... bere batzarrera gonbidatzea nahi zintuen irakasle bat. | There was someone here for you, a professor. He wanted to invite you to his lecture. |
Apaiz bat etorri zen Felsonen herrira. | It was a priest who came to Felson's village. |
Aitortzen dut ez zela anima bat etorri etxe honetara azarotik otsailera. | I declare, not one soul came to the house from November to February. |
Ezin naiz bere proposamenarekin bat etorri. | I cannot agree to his proposal. |
Argi gogoratzen dut Hanki esan niola... tsunami bat etortzen ikusten genuela... eta zuen asmoa da galdegin dezagula... zein bainujantzi erabili. | And I clearly remember telling Hank: we are watching this tsunami coming... and just... proposing... that we ask which swimming costume we're going to put on. |
Asko dira lehendakari gisa egiten ditudan erabaki eta politika guztiekin bat etorriko ez direnak. | There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. |