"Helista mulle ja ma tulen talle järgi ja parandan, mida iganes ta lõhkunud on." | "Call me and I'll come pick him up and fix whatever he broke." |
"Jah, ma tulen ja aitan sul ahju või seifi vedada". | you're like, "Yeah, I'll come help you move your stove or your safe. "' |
"Kallis June, mind ei huvita, mida sa teed kuni sa tuled tagasi ja räägid mulle sellest. | "dear June, "I don't care what you do "as long as you come back into beans |
"Kas sa tahad terve ülejäänud elu suhkruvett müüa või tuled minuga, et koos maailma muuta?" | "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, "or come with me, and change the world?" |
"Kas sa tuled telki ma-ga-ma?" | ♪ Tou come sleepin' in the tent ♪ |
"Kui sa tuled, siis oleme järelikult loodud olema koos ja alati hoiame meie suhteid." Aga kui ei.... | "If you come, it means we're meant to be together and we'II treasure our relationship forever." And if she doesn't-- |
" mehest....keda...armastan. " Ühel päeval ta tuleb, " Ta on suur ja tugev, " Ja kui ta satub mu teele, " teen ma kõik, et ta jääks. " Ja nii, vaatamata kõigele, | I... love ♪ ♪ One day he'll come along ♪ ♪ He'll be big and strong ♪ ♪ And when he comes my way ♪ ♪ I'll do my best to make him stay ♪ ♪ And so all else above ♪ ♪ I'm dreamin' of ♪ ♪ The man I love ♪ |
"...kuni Birnam Wood tuleb Dusinani!" | " ...till BirnamWood comes to Dunsinane! " |
"Ainus tõeline jõud tuleb seestpoolt." | "The only true power... comes from within." |
"Me tuleme õhtusöögile uue aasta õhtul." | "We'll come to dinner New Year's Eve." |
# Lähme tähistame seda kust me tuleme | # Let's celebrate where we come from |
" Miks sa ei tulete oma naisega õhtusöögile üks öö ? " | "Why don't you and your wife come for dinner one night?" |
- Hea küll, teie kaks tulete minuga. | All right, you two need to come with me. |
- Jonas ütles, et te tulete. | - Jonas said you would come. |
! Arvad, et su tunded tulevad mõnest heldest kohast? | You think your sentiments come from some generous place? |
"'sest olevused tulevad mulle muidu järele," ...ja ta ütles, "Mehed tähtedelt," ...ta ütles, "nad tulevad mulle järele. " | "'cause the creatures are gonna come get me," ...and he said, "The men in the stars," ...he said, "they're coming to get me. " |
"'sest olevused tulevad mulle muidu järele," | "'cause the creatures are gonna come get me," |
"Aga püüan avaldada suurt muljet, kui nad tulevad. | "But will try to make a big impression when they come. |
"Kui eesel läheb reisima, ei tule ta tagasi hobusena." | "If an ass goes a-traveling, he'll not come back a horse." |
"Kui eesel läheb reisima, ei tule ta tagasi..." | "If an ass goes a-traveling, he'll not come back a..." |
- Ei, ta ei tule siitkaudu. | He will not come this way. |
! Sa kutsusid mind ja ma tulin! | You called me, I came! |
"Kallis Silvia... ma tulin sulle midagi rääkima ja siis ma ei teinud seda. | "Dear Silvia, I came to tell you something and then didn't. "... |
"Eelmisel ööl tulid sa mu unedesse". | 'Last night you came to my dreams' |
"Ei hoolinud haavadest, mis tulid samast allikast, kust tema vägi." | "Denying her wounds came from the same source as her power." |
"Eikusagilt nad tulid Tagasta need nüüd | "From whence they came Return them now |
"Eikusagilt nad tulid Tagastaneednüüd | "From whence they came Return them now |
""Välja tuli päike | "Up came the sun |
"Charlie tuli täna minu poole ja vabandas. Oli see alles vabandus. | "Charlie came over and apologized today, and, oh, what an apology it was. |
"Goodie" ei olnud esimene sõna, mis tuli minu arvates. | "Goodie" wasn't the first word that came to my mind. |
"Isa, sõjaajal tuli kaunis naine mu juurde ja palus, et ma kaitseksin teda natside eest ja peidaksin ta ära." | "there was this beautiful woman that came to my house "and asked me to protect her from the Nazis, |
"Aga siis tõusis päike ja tulime maa peale tagasi." See ongi reaalsus. | "but then the sun came up and reality set in." * everything I think need here on the... * |
"Kui tulime vahistamismäärustega, avasid nad meie pihta tule, tappes ühe juhtiva eriagendi, jätmata meile muud valikut, kui võtta kasutusele surmav jõud." | "When we came with arrest warrants, they opened fire on us... killing the assistant special agent in charge... leaving us no choice but to take the premises with deadly force." |
"Me tulime Gary´s Papaya´sse süüa võtma.." "...ja ta vist ärkas ülesse. | Yeah, well, we came to Gray's Papaya to grab a bite to eat and she must've woke up. |
- Ikkagi tulite. | You came. |
- Kaduge tagasi, kust tulite. | - Go back where you came from. |
- Kena, et tulite. | -How wonderful that you came! |
- Ma ei tulnud Ameerikasse, et elada tänaval nagu mingi räpane araablane. | I did not come to America to live in the street like a dirty Arab. |
- Me ei tulnud seda teed. - Mis mängu ta meiega mängib? | We did not come this way! |
- Me ei tulnud siia võitlema. | - We did not come here to fight. |
Aga ta ütles, et te ei ole liitlased ja tõenäoliselt selle tõttu, ei tulnud sa siia minu plaani rikkuma. | But, she did say you aren't allies and that, in all probability, you did not come here to impede my plan. |
"Inimesed sööksid kanatiibu, siis tuleksin mina sisse ja nad hüüaksid: | "People would be eating their wings. Then I would come in and they'd be like |
Brooksley Born küsimus mu käest, kas... ma tuleksin tema juurde tööle. | Brooksley Born ask me if... I would come work with her. |
Crosby... Kui ma oleksin sina, siis ma tuleksin sealt ära! | Crosby... if I were you I would come out of there. |
"Ma soovin,et paharetid tuleksid ja viiksid su minema kohe praegu. | "I wish the goblins would come and take you away right now." |
Olen kindel, et teil on raske uskuda, miks me sellega lagedale tuleksime. | I'm sure what you find hard to believe is why we would come forward with this. |
Sealt tuleksime koju tagasi kenas vormis ja ordenitega. | All of them would come home with neat uniforms and medals. |
Harriet kogub mõistatusi väikesesse raamatusse, ja me teadsime, et teie tuleksite välja millegi kavalaga. | Harriet is collecting riddles for a little book, and we knew you would come up with something cunning. |
Igatahes meil oleks au kui te tuleksite meie kooli õppima. | Anyway we would be honored if you would come study with us. |
Igatahes... ...meil oleks au kui te tuleksite meie kooli õppima. | Anyway... ...we would be honored if you would come study with us. |
O'Neil, ma eeldan, et sa ei tuleks siia ja räägiks meile sellise fantastilise loo, ilma mingisuguse reaalse asitõendita. | O'Neil, I'm gonna assume that you would not come up here and tell us this fantastic story without some tangible proof. |
! Hei, tule tagasi siia! | Hey, come back here ! |
! Hei, tule tagasi! | Hey, come back! |
" Shane, tule tagasi! | "Shane, come back! |
" Üks, kaks, tule ringi nüüd " | # One, two, come up the ring now # # What you gonna do? |
"'Ja tulge minu juurde ning sööge kõik tema viinamarju | "'And come out to me and eat thee every one of his vine |
"A-st" "M-ini" tulge minuga. | "a" through ms, if you come with me. |
"Doktor kõik tulge osakonda seitse." | "Doctor all come to ward seven." |
"Hei, lesbivampiirid, tulge mu suvilasse", kas pole nii? Oo pask! | "Hey, lesbian vampires, come into my cottage", is it? |
- Ei, ära tule siia. | - No, you do not come here. |
- Pööra selg ja ära tule tagasi. | - Turn around and do not come back. |
Hunt ära tule siia ligi. | Wolf, wolf, do not come here |
Kordan, ärge tulge läbi. | Repeat, do not come through. |
Ma kordan, ärge tulge välja! | I repeat, do not come out! |
"Ei veena teid tulema te armastus, siis ärgu veenaku mu kirigi." | "if love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter. " |
"Ma arvan, et ma häälestun tulema!" | "I think I'm fixin' to come!" |
"Miks me peame siia tulema?" "Miks me selle auto võtame?" | "Why did we have to come here?" "Why do we have to take this car?" |
! Sina käskisid mul tagasi tulla ja ta peatada! | You're the one that told me to come back here and stop him! |
"... Jeannie pulma Denver'isse." "Jeannie palus mul tulla varem..." | Jeannie begged me to come out early and help her with the arrangements but I told her I needed some time to myself. |
"A" tahab meile öelda, et ta võib tulla ja minna Ezra korterisse, millal tahab. | "A" wants us to know that she can come and go through Ezra's apartment. |
"Caleb, Jumala ja tunnistajate juuresolekul... ...kas oled sa tulnud täna siia vabal tahtel..., ...et astuda tingimusteta ametlikku abiellu Catherine'iga?" | "Caleb, in the presence of God and these witnesses... ...do you come today to freely and unconditionally commit... ...to this covenant marriage to Catherine?" |
"Ega sa ometi siia jahile ei tulnud?" | "You didn't come here to hunt, did ya?" |
"Freddy, üks aasta on möödunud, on tulnud aeg mil mõlemad lähme oma rada." | Freddie, one year has passed... ... and the time has come for us to take our separate paths. |
Dr Bryson, olen tulnud siia kaugelt. | - Dr. Bryson, I have come a long way. |
Ja olen tulnud seda andma sulle. | And I have come to give it to you. |
Kuna olen tulnud nii kaugele, siis jään ka lõpuni aga ma ei lase teil kahel teha enesetappu. | As long as I'm here now and have come this far, – – well, I might as well stay here and see how it all turns out. |
Sa oled tulnud minuga ühinema. | You have come to join me. |
Sa oled tulnud mu juurde, mu poeg. | You have come to me, my son. |
Sa oled tulnud pika maa. | You have come a long way. |
"Freddy, üks aasta on möödunud, on tulnud aeg mil mõlemad lähme oma rada." | Freddie, one year has passed... ... and the time has come for us to take our separate paths. |
"Sest kurat on tulnud maha teie juurde ja tal on suur viha," "sest ta teab, et tal on pisut aega!" | For the devil has come down unto you with great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." |
"Me oleme tulnud su kristallkingade järele." | "we have come for ye glass slippers." |
"Sest me oleme näinud tema tähte hommikumaal ning oleme tulnud teda kummardama." | "For we have seen his star in the east... and have come to worship him." |
- Püha isa... Me oleme tulnud selleks, et anda ravimise oskus teie maailma elanikele. | - Father... we have come to deliver the power to heal... to your world and your people. |
Annie ja Bryan. Te olete tulnud siia, et oma käed ühendada. | Annie and Bryan, you have come here today to join your hands-- |
Fakt, et olete tulnud sealt, mida meie ei tea, tõestab, et mul on õigus. | The fact that you have come here from a place we do not know proves I am right. |
Härrad, olete tulnud vaatama meie töövilju, jah? | Gentlemen, you have come to see the results of our work. |
Aga härrased, te ei ole tulnud siia selleks, et oma peaga mõelda. | But gentlemen, you have not come here in order to think for yourselves. |
Ma ei ole tulnud hoiatada, et te võiks lõpuks põrgus. | I've not come to warn you that you could end in Hell. |
Ma olin tulnud kohta millest mu õpetaja ei olnud kunagi rääkinud. | I felt I had come to a place my master had never told me about. |
Ma olin tulnud, et elada ilma ühegi pennita, Ma olin tulnud, et kirjutada tõest, ilust, vabadusest ja ka sellest, mida mina pidasin tähtsamaks kõigest - armastusest. | I had come to... ... write about truth, beauty, freedom... and that which I believed in above all things: love. |
Ma olin tulnud, et elada ilma ühegi pennita, | I had come to live a penniless existence. |
Ma olin tulnud, et kirjutada tõest, ilust, vabadusest ja ka sellest, mida mina pidasin tähtsamaks kõigest - armastusest. | I had come to... ...write about truth, beauty, freedom... ...and that which I believed in above all things: love. |
... lasi Hr. Kaplanit kaks korda kohkunud inimeste ees, kes olid tulnud parki vaatama kuulsat Rushmore'i mäe monumenti. | ...shot Mr. Kaplan twice in full view of horrified men, women and children who had come to the park to see the famed Mt. Rushmore monument. |
Nad olid tulnud ja maha raiunud iga süstitud käe. Seal nad olid riidas, riit... | We went back there... and they had come and hacked off... every inoculated arm. |
Ning lõpuks seadsid tee tähtede poole, millelt nad 5 miljardit aastat tagasi olid tulnud. | And ultimately, they set out for the stars... ...from which they had come 5 billion years earlier. |
Andreid nägemata, talle selgitamata, milleks oli tulnud. | without seeing Andrei, without telling him why she had come. |
JAMES: Õnneks oli tulnud vihm, mis tähendas, et libiseda oli lihtsam. | Fortunately for us, the rain had come, meaning our slides would be easier. |
Ma ei tea, miks ma siin olen või kes ma olen, aga ma oleksin tulnud tagasi. | I don't know why I'm here or who I am, but I would have come back. |
Ma oleksin tulnud tagasi. | I would have come back. |
Kui ma poleks täielikult teadlik oma kohustustest perekonna ja kodumaa ees, ma ei oleks tulnud täna tagasi. | Were I not completely aware of my duty to my family and my country, I would not have come back tonight. |
Ma polnud kindel, et tulete. Ma ei oleks tulnud üldse. | I would not have come at all, except money's something I could use. |
Kontrollivad Horvaatiast tulevat kaupa. | - They run stuff that comes in through Croatia. |
- Aitäh sulle tulemast. | - Thank you for coming. |
- Aitäh tulemast, Andreotti. | - Thank you for coming, Andreotti. |
Doug oleks tulnud ja meile öelnud. | Doug would have come and told us. |
Ma pole tulnud ohutuse pärast nii kaugele, doktor. | I have not come all this way for safety, Doctor. |
Me poleks tulnud... -Ma tulin päev varem tagasi... | - We would not have come... - I came back a day early... |
- Mitte peale seda hommikut, mil räägiti, et ta siia tuleks. | No, not since this morning when it was decided he would come here. |
Kui ma poleks akent sulgenud, tulnuks lastekaitsjad kohale. | If I hadn't closed the window, social services would have come. |
Driscoll oleks tulnud, kui mind poleks kaitsmas olnud. | Driscoll would have come when I wasn't here to protect her. |
Kui Katherine oleks siin, siis ta oleks tulnud lagedale millegi väga naljaka ja targa lausega. Ja mina oleksin saanud kogu au endale. | If Katherine were here, she would have come up with somethin' really funny and clever for me to say, and I'd have taken full credit. |
Ma pole tulnud siiani, et nüüd loobuda. | I tell you, I have not come this far to give up now. |
Niisiis ja järelikult, meie, Ekdahlid, pole tulnud siia ilma selleks, et seda läbi näha. | I will be brief. Therefore... and consequently... we Ekdahls have not come into the world to see through it. |
Me poleks tulnud... | - We would not have come... |
Ainult karpaatialane ärkaks nüüd uuesti ellu, ning tuleks New Yorki. | Only a Carpathian would come back to life now... and choose New York. |
Ainult tõsiselt põikpäike gringo tuleks siia... päästemissioonile täiesti üksi. | Only a hardheaded gringo... would come down here... On a rescue mission... ALL ALONE. |
Sa polnud mingil geide kruisil, sest kui sa oleks olnud, tulnuks sa tagasi rohkema, vungiga, mitte vähemaga. | You weren't on any damn gay cruise. Because if you were, you would have come back with more pizzazz, not less. |
Ta tulnuks, kui oleks saanud? | So he would have come? |