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Venir (to come) conjugation

147 examples

Conjugation of venir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I come
you come
he/she/it comes
we come
you all come
they come
Present perfect tense
he venido
I have come
has venido
you have come
ha venido
he/she/it has come
hemos venido
we have come
habéis venido
you all have come
han venido
they have come
Past preterite tense
I came
you came
he/she/it came
we came
you all came
they came
Future tense
I will come
you will come
he/she/it will come
we will come
you all will come
they will come
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would come
you would come
he/she/it would come
we would come
you all would come
they would come
Past imperfect tense
I used to come
you used to come
he/she/it used to come
we used to come
you all used to come
they used to come
Past perfect tense
había venido
I had come
habías venido
you had come
había venido
he/she/it had come
habíamos venido
we had come
habíais venido
you all had come
habían venido
they had come
Future perfect tense
habré venido
I will have come
habrás venido
you will have come
habrá venido
he/she/it will have come
habremos venido
we will have come
habréis venido
you all will have come
habrán venido
they will have come
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I come
(if/so that) you come
(if/so that) he/she/it come
(if/so that) we come
(if/so that) you all come
(if/so that) they come
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya venido
I have come
hayas venido
you have come
haya venido
he/she/it has come
hayamos venido
we have come
hayáis venido
you all have come
hayan venido
they have come
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have come
(if/so that) you have come
(if/so that) he/she/it have come
(if/so that) we have come
(if/so that) you all have come
(if/so that) they have come
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have come
(if/so that) you have come
(if/so that) he/she/it have come
(if/so that) we have come
(if/so that) you all have come
(if/so that) they have come
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera venido
I had come
hubieras venido
you had come
hubiera venido
he/she/it had come
hubiéramos venido
we had come
hubierais venido
you all had come
hubieran venido
they had come
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese venido
I had come
hubieses venido
you had come
hubiese venido
he/she/it had come
hubiésemos venido
we had come
hubieseis venido
you all had come
hubiesen venido
they had come
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have come
(if/so that) you will have come
(if/so that) he/she/it will have come
(if/so that) we will have come
(if/so that) you all will have come
(if/so that) they will have come
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere venido
I will have come
hubieres venido
you will have come
hubiere venido
he/she/it will have come
hubiéremos venido
we will have come
hubiereis venido
you all will have come
hubieren venido
they will have come
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's come!
Imperative negative mood
no vengas
do not come!
no venga
let him/her/it come!
no vengamos
let us not come!
no vengáis
do not come!
no vengan
do not come!

Examples of venir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! De todas maneras no quiero venir a clase!I didn't want to come to school, no way!
! No quiero venir a tu boda.I don't want to come to your wedding.
! Tiene que venir con nosotros, señora.You have to come with us, Ma'am.
" Las jóvenes salen al mundo Y tienen que venir a verme"Young girls go out in the world And they got to come see me
"A curar tus heridas con mis besos, vengo"."I have come to heal your wounds by kissing them."
"Ahora vengo a ti porque enviaré sobre ti mi ira"."Now I've finally come upon you for I'll send my wrath... "
! ¡Si no vienes a clase mañana, jamás te perdonaré!If you don't come to school tomorrow, I'll never forgive you!
" -- ¿Por qué no vienes a casa conmigo?I hate to see you sitting all alone. - Why don't you come home with me?
"Caleb, en presencia de Dios y estos testigos vienes hoy, libre e incondicionalmente comprometido a este pacto matrimonial con Catherine?""Caleb, in the presence of God and these witnesses do you come today to freely and unconditionally commit to this covenant marriage to Catherine?"
"Como una nube lluviosa, ¿por qué vienes tan poquito?"Like clouds in rainy season, you come intermittently...
! - Pero si siempre viene en Julio...- But he always comes in July...?
! Aquí viene!He comes!
"Aquí venimos... caminando calle abajo... "Here we come Walkin' down the street
"Hijo, de ahí venimos nosotros". Sin ninguna explicación.And said 'Son, that's where we come from.' with no explanation.
"No venimos a ofender, sino por bien mostrar nuestra... habilidad.""We come not to offend, but with goodwill to show our... Our simple skills."
! Ahí vienen!Here they come!
! Aqui vienen las razones!Here comes reason!
! Aquí vienen las lágrimas!Here come the waterworks!
! ¿Por qué vienen a mí?Why do they come to me?
" ..se siente como las estrellas vienen a la tierra. " Lucy!"..it feels like the stars come on land."
! No, vine hasta aquí a finalizar los tramites del divorcio.No, I came down here to finalize my divorce.
" Pero vine aquí, y ahora que yo sé más de ti ..."But after I came here... After I know more about you...
"Asi que vine aquí a pensar.""so I came down here to think it over."
! - Sí. Cuando me viniste llorando...- When you came to me whining...
! ¡Y tú nunca viniste a buscarme!And you never came!
"...el clima de Nueva Inglaterra, regresa al lugar de donde viniste. ""... the weather in New England, go back where you came from. "
"Ahora vuelve al lugar de donde viniste"."Now go back to where you came from."
"Christopher, el lunes pasado viniste a casa drogado... "y agresivo, y me agrediste físicamente. "'Christopher, last Monday you came home from work high... 'and belligerent, and you were physically abusive to me. '
! Estoy cuidando del hijo de la vecina, luego vino ese perro!I'm taking care of the neighbor's kid then this dog came!
! Él vino a por mí.He came at me.
" Como un cordero vino el Mesías "# Like a lamb came the Messiah #
"'Es imposible decir qué fue lo primero que le vino a la mente... "'la visión de esa joven o los actos que siguieron.It is impossible to say which came first to his mind -- the sight of this young girl or the resolution which followed.
"Jinna nehsiku" significa "vinimos a contarlos"."Jinna nehsikum" means "We came to count you."
"Jinna nekhsiku" es "vinimos a castrarlos"."Jinna nekhsikum" with an accent is "We came to castrate you."
"Nosotros vinimos aquí esta tarde para hacer otro reportaje en el orfanato Ivezic de Ljubica.'We came here this evening 'to make another report on the Ljubica Ivezic Orphanage.
"vinimos en su lugar a ver a Suzujiro..."we came to see Suzujiro on her behalf...
*I wannarockeneste momento* *líricada reinayyo vinimos* *bajar** I wanna rock right now * * lyric da queen and I came * * to get down *
"Cuando vinisteis a ver la casa para una película que ibas a hacer..."When you came to check the house for a film you were going to do...
Aditya y Shashank, vinisteis para arrestar a Himmat.Aditya and Shashank, you came here to arrest Himmat.
Ahora bien. Me podéis decir de donde vinisteis, o puedo permitir al Subcomandante Krolak continuar con su Interrogatorio.Now, you can tell me where you came from, or I can allow Subcommander Krolak to continue his interrogation.
Ahora, lo que vinisteis a demostrar aquí, creo que ya lo habéis demostrado.Now, whatever you boys came here to prove, I think you've proved it.
Asumí cuando vinisteis a esta casa que queríais que lo cuidara yo.I just naturally assumed when you came to this house you wanted me to take care of him.
" En el siglo 16 ellos vinieron a pasar---""In the 1 6th century there came to pass--"
""Y Ios mismos pájaros en vuelo... vinieron y lloraron la muerte de campanilla."...and the very birds of the air... came and bewailed Snowdrop's death.
"Al día siguiente Moisés se sentó para hacer de juez y vinieron a consultarlo desde la mañana hasta la noche."And it came to pass on the morrow that Moses sat to judge the people: and the people stood by him from the morning unto the evening.
"Al tiempo, los discípulos vinieron a Jesús y preguntaron:"at that time, the disciples came to jesus and asked,
"Así es que vendré a buscarte a las 8 mañana por la mañana"."so I will come to fetch you at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."
"Esta noche vendré a buscarte, Elsalill."Tonight I will come for you, Elsalill.
"Luego vendré a ti."Then I will come to you.
"Si me tropiezo y caigo, apresuradamente vendré.""Whether I stumble and fall, with haste I will come."
"Y entonces vendré a ti ... en mi camello y lo arrastraré por el desierto! ""And then I will come to you... on my camel and I will sweep you away across the desert!"
! Ya no tendrás que deslomarte en esta choza, yo he venido por ti, tú vendrás al castillo!You will not work hard in this cabin any more, you will come with me to my manor-house.
"El corazón me dice que vendrás tarde.My heart tells me you will come too late.
"Pero estoy seguro que vendrás algún día"But I am sure you will come one day"
# Ya lo verás, tú vendrás a mí #*You shall see, you will come to me
- ¿Prometes que vendrás a verme?- Promise you will come ?
" Este momento dulce vendrá ""That sweet moment will come"
" La muerte vendrá."Death will come.
" Y en este tiempo vendrá el Elegido."And in this time will come... "the anointed,
- Bueno, está bien... Mañana vendremos otra vez.Tomorrow we will come again.
-Escóndete, vendremos a por ti.One of us will come back tonight, blink the headlights.
Anne y yo vendremos a buscarte a eso de las 3.Anne and I will come by and pick you up at about 3:00.
Comparte esto con el mundo, y si no lo haces, vendremos por ti y todos los que te importan.Share this with the world, and if you don't, we will come for you and everyone you care about.
Dentro de un momento, aquellas de vosotras que planeéis un parto en el agua vendréis conmigo a la piscina.In just a moment, those of you planning a water birth will come with me to the pool.
Estoy seguro que de tú y papá vendréis...I'm sure that you and Dad will come...
Monsieur Colbert, vendréis cada noches antes de que me acueste, para trabajar conmigo.Mr. Colbert, you will come every evening before I go to bed to work alone with me.
No, vendréis a Venecia conmigo y harás otra allí.No, you will come with me to Venice and make another one there.
"Alto índice de mortandad" Los alienígenas vendrán a darte tu medicina.High mortality Rate the aliens will come to give you their medicine.
"Constrúyelo y vendrán.""Build it and they will come."
"Cuando muera... mis amigos vendrán a vengarme."When I die my friends will come... to avenge me.
"El prometió que un Mesías vendría de entre la gente..."He promised that a Messiah would come from among the people...
# Ella sabía que su oportunidad vendría. Sólo tenía que esperar...♪ She knew her chance would come She just had to wait
# Y sabía # # Que mi gente vendría # # Y sabía ## and I knew # my people would come # # and I knew # my people would come # # and I knew # my people would come to me soon #
- Creí que no vendrías.I didn't think you would come. -Are you kidding?
- Dijiste que vendrías - Vengo- You said you would come.
- No creí que vendrías.I didn't think you would come here.
- No imaginaba que vendrías- I did not know that she would come
- No sabía que vendrías, papá.- I didn't know you would come here, Dad.
El cree que si tuviéramos niños, vendríamos a vivir a Armenia.He thinks that if we had children, we would come to live in Armenia.
Pero sabía que vendríamos.But he knew we would come.
Yo,... recuerdo que nosotras- vendríamos aquí cuando quisiéramos sentirnos mejor.I, uh, remembered that we would-- We would come here when we wanted to feel better.
tenía esta idea de que tu y yo vendríamos de golpe y resolver este caso en una semana y... continuar donde lo dejamos hace dos años.I had this idea that you and I would come swooping in and solving this case in a week and... picking up where we left off two years ago.
- o Jax vendríais a decírmelo.- or Jax would come by to tell me.
Estaba segura que vendríais a la fiesta.I was sure that you would come for the holidays.
- Dio que vendrían otros.- He said others would come.
- No creí que vendrían.I never believed they would come.
- Sí. Miller y sus amigos vendrían a través de, sobre todo tratar de anotar basura en el baño de hombres.Miller and his pals would come through, mostly try to score junk in the men's room.
- Te dije que vendrían.I told you they would come.
" Cuando venga el fin, sé que dirán : sólo un gigoló "When the end comes I know They'll say just a gigolo
" Gracias, venga otra vez."Thank you, come again.
""...santificado sea Tu nombre, venga Tu reyno,"""...hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,"
""venga Tu reyno, hágase Tu voluntad, así en la tierra como en el cielo..."""Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."
"'Ahora venga a ayudar."'"'Now come and help."'
! He dicho que vengas!I said, come here!
""lra, deseo que cuanto antes dejes a Pablo y vengas a mí, te esperaré."""Ira, I wish you to leave Pavel and come to live with me"
"...pero no vengas por ahora.But, don't come now.
"Ahora estoy en el parque Estaré aquí hasta que vengas"I'm at the park now I'll be here until you come.
"Cuando te vaya mal no vengas a mí llorando.""When you go wrong not come to me crying. "
# Cuando vengamos corriendo♪ When we come running
- # Cuando vengamos corriendo - # Whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh... #- ♪ When we come running - ♪ Whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh... ♪
- # Cuando vengamos corriendo - # Whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh- ♪ When we come running - ♪ Whoa-oh, oh-oh-oh
# No vengáis a mí si queréis compasión# Don't come to me if you need pity #
- Necesito que vengáis conmigo.I need you to come with me.
" y les dijo: Dejad que los niños vengan a mí,"and said unto them, 'Suffer the little children to come unto me,
"... entonces por favor tomen sus lugares y por favor vengan despacio y tranquilamente, para que podamos comenzar el procedimiento sin perder tiempo. ""So please take your seat and please come slowly and gently.." "So that we can start the proceeeding without losing time."
"... que vengan a la sala y que solo se acerquen a la flor"/i"... To come in the room and just go near the flower."
"Anhelo una patria donde la vida, como el amor, vengan del corazón, donde si hay razón para quejarse, sea a causa de la muerte."I long for a homeland" "Where life, like love, comes from the heart" "Where if there is cause to complain, it is because of death"
"Aquí está el rebelde HongByuk, vengan a atraparlo.""Here is the Red Messenger, so come and catch him."
- No mercecía la pena que viniera."I should never have come.
- Si alguien viniera... - Entiendo.If anyone would have come along...
Desde el principio, tú no querías que ella viniera.You wished she wouldn't have come with us.
En ese momento, si alguien pudiera venir aquí Si el señor Disparo Rápido o cualquiera viniera a aquíAt the time, if someone would have come in here, if Mr Speed-gun Man or whatever had come in here
Lo que es por mi, no hacía falta que vinieras.As for myself, you needn't have come at all.
Si tenias dudas, hubiera deseado que vinieras a decirmelo.If you had any doubts about it, I wish you'd have come to me yourself.
si vinieras a lastimarte ya estuvieras lastimado el clan completo ha venido a oir tu propuesta bien, parece que este es mi día de suerte debo advertirte que no vinimos a conversar no le parece que el dinero es lo único que me importaIf we had come here to hurt you, you'd be hurting already. The Foot Clan and l have come to hear your offer. Well, it appears that today is my lucky day.
¡Me marcaron para que tú vinieras!They have marked me so you woud have come!
Como si viniéramos a un picnic...As if we have come for a picnic.
Nos dijeron que no viniéramos.We shouldn't have come. They told us not to.
Te dije que no viniéramos acá, Julia.I told you we shouldn't have come here, Julia.
Pero no hacía falta que vinierais tan lejos. ¡Dios mio!But you didn't have come all this way.
A partir de la interpretación de Marcia, creo que es posible que vinieran seres de otras partes de nuestro universo a este planeta y se hubieran mezclado con los genes que había aquí.From Marcia's interpretation, I believe that it is possible that beings have come from other parts of our universe to this planet and have mingled with the genetics that were here.
Me alegro de que vinieses, tenía ganas de divertirme.I am glad that you have come, I wanted to have a good time.
! Chauncey, ven!Chauncey, I said come!
! David, ven aquí!David, come here.
! Hasal ven acá!Hasal come here!
! Tía Elizabeth, ven!- Aunt Elizabeth, come on!
! Venid, venid, espíritus que alentáis pensamientos de muerte!Oh, come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts.
"Chicas, venid a besarme, demostradme que me echaréis de menos# Girls, come and kiss me Show how you'll miss me #
"Dejad las cosas en los camarotes y venid al auditorio, Harry"Keep your stuff in your cabins and come to the auditorium, Harry"
"Eh, chicos, venid.Hey, everybody, come here.
! Dijeron que querían venir, pero no han venido porque... no querían.They said they wanted to come, but they couldn't because... they didn't want to come.
(Abuela) ¡Valentín, vení ya!Valentin, come in and drink your milk.
"Si venís a por este bebé, pereceréis de la forma más cruel posible"."If you come after this baby you will die in the cruellest manor possible.
! - Esta viniendo.This coming.
! Me alegra que hayan venido!I'm glad you could come.
! Sé que has venido ha salvarme!I knew you'd come to save me!
! Ya no tendrás que deslomarte en esta choza, yo he venido por ti, tú vendrás al castillo!You will not work hard in this cabin any more, you will come with me to my manor-house.
- Ernesto, vení acá. Carajo.Ernesto, come back damn it!
- Las tres palabritas, vení.- Three little words, come on.
- Perdón Kalinki, vení.Sorry Kalinki, come here...
"Y vamos a ver con qué venís""Let's see what you come up with."
"¿Por qué no venís ...?"Oh, why don't you come...
"¿Por qué no venís...?"Oh, why don't you come...
"¿Por qué no venís?"Oh, why don't you come...
! - Otra chica está viniendo.- I have another girl coming over.
! - ¡Está viniendo, jefe!- He's coming, boss!
! Alguien está viniendo, amigo!Someone is coming in, dude!

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