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Veni (to come) conjugation

89 examples

Conjugation of veni

Present tense
I come
you come
he/she/it comes
we come
you all come
they come
Present perfect tense
am venit
I have come
ai venit
you have come
a venit
he/she/it has come
am venit
we have come
ați venit
you all have come
au venit
they have come
Past preterite tense
I came
you came
he/she/it came
we came
you all came
they came
Future tense
voi veni
I will come
vei veni
you will come
va veni
he/she/it will come
vom veni
we will come
veți veni
you all will come
vor veni
they will come
Conditional mood
aș veni
I would come
ai veni
you would come
ar veni
he/she/it would come
am veni
we would come
ați veni
you all would come
ar veni
they would come
Subjunctive present tense
să vin
(so that/if) I come
să vii
(so that/if) you come
să vină
(so that/if) he/she/it come
să venim
(so that/if) we come
să veniți
(so that/if) you all come
să vină
(so that/if) they come
Subjunctive past tense
să fi venit
(so that/if) I have come
să fi venit
(so that/if) you have come
să fi venit
(so that/if) he/she/it have come
să fi venit
(so that/if) we have come
să fi venit
(so that/if) you all have come
să fi venit
(so that/if) they have come
Past impf. tense
I was coming
you were coming
he/she/it was coming
we were coming
you all were coming
they were coming
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu veni
do not come!
nu veniți
do not come!
Past pluperfect tense
I had come
you had come
he/she/it had come
we had come
you all had come
they had come
Future alternative 1 tense
am să vin
I am going to come
ai să vii
you are going to come
are să vină
he/she/it is going to come
avem să venim
we are going to come
aveți să veniți
you all are going to come
au să vină
they are going to come
Future alternative 2 tense
o să vin
I am going to come
o să vii
you are going to come
o să vină
he/she/it is going to come
o să venim
we are going to come
o să veniți
you all are going to come
o să vină
they are going to come
Future perfect tense
voi fi venit
I will have come
vei fi venit
you will have come
va fi venit
he/she/it will have come
vom fi venit
we will have come
veți fi venit
you all will have come
vor fi venit
they will have come
Future in the past tense
aveam să vin
I was going to come
aveai să vii
you were going to come
avea să vină
he/she/it was going to come
aveam să venim
we were going to come
aveați să veniți
you all were going to come
aveau să vină
they were going to come
Conditional past tense
aș fi venit
I would have come
ai fi venit
you would have come
ar fi venit
he/she/it would have come
am fi venit
we would have come
ați fi venit
you all would have come
ar fi venit
they would have come
Presumptive tense
oi veni
I might come
oi veni
you might come
o veni
he/she/it might come
om veni
we might come
oți veni
you all might come
or veni
they might come
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi venind
I might be coming
oi fi venind
you might be coming
o fi venind
he/she/it might be coming
om fi venind
we might be coming
oți fi venind
you all might be coming
or fi venind
they might be coming
Presumptive past tense
oi fi venit
I might have come
oi fi venit
you might have come
o fi venit
he/she/it might have come
om fi venit
we might have come
oți fi venit
you all might have come
or fi venit
they might have come

Examples of veni

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Ei nu vor veni in cautarea in cazul in care m-ai prins !They're not gonna come looking if they've got me!
" Colegiu adventiste " va veni , așa'Seventh Day Adventist college' will come up, so
" Da ", spune el . " E ca si cum Frank veni la viață . ""Yes," he says. "It's like Frank come to life."
" Este ma inspirat de a veni cu propria mea teorie."it's inspired me to come up with my own theory.
" Furia va veni cu un avertisment dar fără să ofere o cale de scăpare.""meltdown will come with fair warning "but no possible means of escape.
! Ele vin şi se duc.They come and go.
" Am să vin în în urma acestei."I'm gonna come in in the wake of this.
" Asta am primit că m-am hotărât" " să vin aici..." " în ţinutul ăsta, cu ăştia doi nebuni."That's what happens to me after my decision to come here... to this land, with these two fools.
" Cuvintele nu vin uşor."Words do not come easy.
" Dacă îţi convine, vin în această seară"."If it suits you, I will come this evening.
! Da' tu de unde vii ? De unde venit ?Where did you come from?
! Nu cred că ai curaj să vii să mă vezi!I don't think you actually dare to come and see me in person!
! Să-mi vii acasă cu asta?To come home to this?
! Vreau să vii joi.- I want you to come here-
" Dacă vii aici pentru a încerca și a furat-o de la mine,"If you come in here to try and steal it from me,
! Problema e că vine aproape numai cu numele.The trouble is, she comes with next to nothing to her name.
! Până când vine Henry.Till Henry comes.
" Aici vine lumina, aici vine vânt."Here comes light, here comes wind.
" Aici vine sirena matasoasa.."Here comes the silky siren.
" Aici vine sirena matasoasa."Here comes the silky siren.
"Asa ca atunci cand venim pentru ea, veti sti ca e fata noastra.""so when we come for her, you'll know that she's our girl."
"Capre de munte", de unde venim noi?Mountain goats, where do we come from?
"Convocaţi"... că am fost convocaţi prin curier să venim aici ca să hotărâm vinovăţia sau nevinovăţia unei persoane... de care n-am mai auzit până acum.That we are notified by mail to come down to this place to decide on the guilt or innocence of a man we... we have never heard of before.
"Când o să am o logodnică, o să venim aici şi vom fi singuri singurei."When i have a fiancée, we'll come here all alone.
"Dar o să venim în LA, şi o să te găsim.""But we're gonna come to I.A., and we're gonna find you."
! -Nelson n-a venit!Nelson didn't come!
! Anotimpurile au venit si au plecat!The seasons have come and gone!
! Bun venit, turişti, la Chewandswallow.Welcome, tourists, to Chew And Swallow.
! Da' tu de unde vii ? De unde venit ?Where did you come from?
! De când am venit la Vancouver, fetele nu se pot sătura de mine!Ever since I've come to Vancouver, girls just can't get enough of me!
- Aș dori să veniți să mă susțineți.- Wish you'd come and put me through it.
- D-nă Stacey, veniți să vedeți!Miss Stacey, come and see!
- De unde veniți?- Where do you come from?
- Puffy, Oko, veniți aici imediat.- Puffy, Oko, come back here right away. - Fuse!
- Voi doi, veniți cu mine.- You two, come with me.
"Va venii dinspre est, şi va avea asupra ei trei clopoţei. ""He came from the east, bearing three bells."
"În ţinutul aflat în întuneric şi disperare, va venii... ""To a land darkened by plague he came..."
- Nu l-am văzut înainte de a venii în sat.- I never saw him before he came.
Cartofule am venit sa-ti spun ca ea nu poate venii cu tine la bal pentru ca a gasit un partener.Potato came to told you that he cant come with you on student's bowl. because he found a date.
Cred ca ar fi dragut daca ai venii si tu.I think it would be nice if you came.
"Zăpada şi vântul veniră şi într-o peşteră se târî Angus."Snow came and wind came, "and into a cave crawled Angus.
Dinspre sud, pînă în cîmpia Iordanului veniră patru regi războinici :From the south, even unto the plain of Jordan came four warring kings:
Regi şi regine veniră de peste tot să-i ofere daruri copilului.Kings and Queens came from all around to offer the gifts to the child.
Şi-atunci actorii fiecare, veniră pe-un măgar călare...Then came each actor on his ass.
- Da ... veneam la ea.- Yes... I was coming to her.
- Domnule Batuk, veneam la tine.- Mr. Batuk, I was coming to you.
- Eu tocmai veneam dupa colt atunci când ... Kevin, te simți bine?- I was coming around one of the corners when... (gunshot)
- Eu veneam la tine.I was coming to see you.
- Nu, veneam sa te caut.- No, I was coming to find you.
- ...si acolo te-am văzut prima dată si veneai cu fata aia pe care o chema Jan Wolfman si noi am compus o piesă numită Înaltă si Obraznică.- ...and that's the first place I saw you and you were coming on to this girl by the name of Jan Wolfman and we've written a song called Tall And Teasin'.
- Când erai mică veneai la mine în pat.- You were coming to my bed.
- Karie, chiar veneai!- Karie. You were coming!
Ai zis că veneai aici s-o scoţi pe Cassie în oraş.You said you were coming here to pick Cassie up for a date.
Am auzit că veneai să vorbeşti cu Peter.I heard you were coming to talk to Peter.
"este foarte probabil ca, chiar dacă înăuntru şoimul venea prompt pe braţ acum va refuza să vină.""lt is quite likely that although she was coming to the fist promptly indoors, she will now refuse to come at all."
"Între timp, în întuneric, James venea peste tot budist."'Meanwhile, in the darkness, James was coming over all Buddhist.'
- A fost un... venea...It was coming...
- A spus de unde venea?Did he say where she was coming from-- Building, store?
- Ai idee de unde venea?Any idea where she was coming from?
"Pentru ca au existat întrebari la care noi, familiile, a scris, pentru fiecare dintre oamenii pe care veneau sa depuna marturie astazi, si întrebarile nu au fost puse. ""Because there were questions that we, families, wrote, for each of the people that were coming to testify today, and the questions weren't asked."
- A fost cam ciudat veneau doctorii cu studenţi medicinişti.- It was kind of weird, I mean these doctors were coming with med students.
- Cum veneau spre mine, unii cântau...- As they were coming towards me...
- Eu sunt ... ei veneau în a vedea Luca , și eu sunt aici o mulțime , așa că ...- I'm... they were coming in to see Luke, and I'm in here a lot, so...
- Pe bune veneau!- They were coming!
! - Te rog, vino cu mine!- Please, come with me!
! Atunci, vino.! Huh? Well, come on, then.
" O, frumoaso..." "vino la mine, dragostea mea""Everybody sing..." "O beautiful one..." "come to me, my love"
""M-a tinut de brat si a spus, vino mai aproape, draga.""He held my arm and said, come closer, darling
Apoi am realizat pentru ce venisem aici.And then I realized all at once what I had come here for.
Dar deşi venisem la mănăstire ca să uit, eu nu fusesem dată uitării,But if I had come to the Mother House of the order to forget, I was not forgotten.
De aceea venisem ca să implor de la tine.That's what I had come to beg from you.
De fapt, venisem s-o cunosc pe ea.'Actually I had come to meet her.'
Eu venisem sa lucrez pe camp.I had come to work in the fields.
"Adorabilul care, fără ca eu să fi putut spera cândva... "...venise, nu s-a întors si nu se va mai întoarce vreodată".The godhead which had come without my hoping for it has not returned, and will never return again
"Auzise de boala împărtatului şi venise să-i cânte.""He had heard of his Emperor's plight and had come to sing of hope. "
"Preeti, un caz similar venise la mine, chiar acolo. ""Preeti, a similar case had come to me even there. "
- Că vulpea venise s-o ia pe Kai.- That fox had come to get Kai.
- Nu stiu daca era invidios, cu siguranta a vazut ca acest tanar care ii fusese asistent, fiul unui fierar, venise cu una dintre cele mai uimitoare descoperiri ale epocii victoriene.I don't know if he was envious, but he certainly saw that this young man who had been his assistant, this mere blacksmith's son, had come up with one of the greatest discoveries of the Victorian era.
E o ironie, faptul că veniserăm să studiem Luna şi, de fapt, descopeream Pământul.It was ironic that we had come to study the moon and was really discovering the Earth.
Ajunsesem în locul în care mulţi alţii veniseră înaintea mea să-şi îndeplinească visele.♪ her hair is hollow gold I had arrived To the place where so many before me had come To live out their dreams.
Betania era la mai puţin de 4 mile de Ierusalim... şi mulţi locuitori ai Iudeei veniseră la Marta şi Maria... să le consoleze în legătură cu moartea fratelui lor.Bethany was less than two miles from jerusalem... and many Judeans had come to see Martha and Mary... to comfort them about their brother's death.
De pe insulă veniseră mulţi oameni de-ai lui Han.Many of Han's men had come in from the island.
Doi tineri, care veniseră în Anglia cu o canoe mi-au fost prezentaţi.It had two youngsters that they had come for England of canoe e had been presented that me.
După maşini, se vedea că veniseră numai celebrităţi.Judging by the cars that were turning up, it was clear Delhi's elite had come to the party.
" A fost venind spre mine " E adevărat că trandafirii sunt unice..'He was coming towards me.' lt's true that roses are unique.
" Dreptul de lucru ? " Asta-i ciudat venind de la tine ."The right thing?" That's funny coming from you.
"Am sfeclit-o, venind in locul asta uitat de Dumnezeu," nu?"I screwed up, coming to this god-forsaken place," no?
"Am văzut umbra venind ca o... am văzut umbra pe o clădire de vizavi"" I seen the shadow coming like the, I seen the shadow on a building across the street "
"Anotimpurile schimbătoare, venind şi plecând."The changing seasons, coming and going.

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