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Gastar (to spend) conjugation

120 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to wear, play, use up, wear, to consume, wear out, consume, to have or wear, to play, have

Conjugation of gastar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I spend
you spend
he/she/it spends
we spend
you all spend
they spend
Present perfect tense
he gastado
I have spent
has gastado
you have spent
ha gastado
he/she/it has spent
hemos gastado
we have spent
habéis gastado
you all have spent
han gastado
they have spent
Past preterite tense
I spent
you spent
he/she/it spent
we spent
you all spent
they spent
Future tense
I will spend
you will spend
he/she/it will spend
we will spend
you all will spend
they will spend
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would spend
you would spend
he/she/it would spend
we would spend
you all would spend
they would spend
Past imperfect tense
I used to spend
you used to spend
he/she/it used to spend
we used to spend
you all used to spend
they used to spend
Past perfect tense
había gastado
I had spent
habías gastado
you had spent
había gastado
he/she/it had spent
habíamos gastado
we had spent
habíais gastado
you all had spent
habían gastado
they had spent
Future perfect tense
habré gastado
I will have spent
habrás gastado
you will have spent
habrá gastado
he/she/it will have spent
habremos gastado
we will have spent
habréis gastado
you all will have spent
habrán gastado
they will have spent
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I spend
(if/so that) you spend
(if/so that) he/she/it spend
(if/so that) we spend
(if/so that) you all spend
(if/so that) they spend
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya gastado
I have spent
hayas gastado
you have spent
haya gastado
he/she/it has spent
hayamos gastado
we have spent
hayáis gastado
you all have spent
hayan gastado
they have spent
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have spent
(if/so that) you have spent
(if/so that) he/she/it have spent
(if/so that) we have spent
(if/so that) you all have spent
(if/so that) they have spent
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have spent
(if/so that) you have spent
(if/so that) he/she/it have spent
(if/so that) we have spent
(if/so that) you all have spent
(if/so that) they have spent
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera gastado
I had spent
hubieras gastado
you had spent
hubiera gastado
he/she/it had spent
hubiéramos gastado
we had spent
hubierais gastado
you all had spent
hubieran gastado
they had spent
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese gastado
I had spent
hubieses gastado
you had spent
hubiese gastado
he/she/it had spent
hubiésemos gastado
we had spent
hubieseis gastado
you all had spent
hubiesen gastado
they had spent
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have spent
(if/so that) you will have spent
(if/so that) he/she/it will have spent
(if/so that) we will have spent
(if/so that) you all will have spent
(if/so that) they will have spent
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere gastado
I will have spent
hubieres gastado
you will have spent
hubiere gastado
he/she/it will have spent
hubiéremos gastado
we will have spent
hubiereis gastado
you all will have spent
hubieren gastado
they will have spent
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's spend!
Imperative negative mood
no gastes
do not spend!
no gaste
let him/her/it spend!
no gastemos
let us not spend!
no gastéis
do not spend!
no gasten
do not spend!

Examples of gastar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Bueno, ahora, porque no cepillas a tu gato tú mismo, y le das ese dinero que ibas a gastar en que alguien más lo cepillara a esas personas que están tratando de encontrar la forma de generar acceso ilimitado a energía limpia?"Well, actually, why don't you brush your own cat, "and take the money you were going to spend having somebody else brush it "and give it to those people who are trying to find a way
"Gana tanto dinero como tu imaginación te permita gastar"?"Only earn as much money as your imagination allows you to spend"?
"Gaste todo el dinero que voy a gastar en esta pelicula. ""I spend all the money I am going to spend on this film. "
"No he sido capaz de gastar el dinero."Haven't been able to spend the money.
"Quien cree que el dinero es para gastar y actúa según sus convicciones"Who thinks that dough was made to spend and acts the way he thinks
"El ministro de ese programa justifica su campaña por el incremento del gasto, alegando que es para protección".'The minister on that programme is justifying his campaign 'for increased spending, claiming it is for protection.'
"Mis días son inquietos, lo gasto sacudir alrededor.""My days are restless, I spend it tossing around."
"Somos el partido que rechazó recortar el gasto"."We're the party that refused to cut spending."
*Mi esposa me golpea igual que un irlandés* *Voy al bar y gasto toda nuestra pasta*♪ I punch me wife the Irish way ♪ Huh! ♪ Go to the bar, spend all our quid ♪
- ...aumentado el gasto en Defensa--- increased D.O.D. spending, and--
! Sólo gastas esa cantidad de dinero si proteges algo de importancia vital.You only spend that kind of money if you're protecting something important.
- Eso es lo que tú gastas.- That's what you spend.
- Oye, vaya que gastas.Hey, big spender.
- Si gastas dinero haces dinero.-You spend money to make money.
- Y también lo gastas.- You also spend it.
- Benny gasta mucho dinero aquí.Benny spends a lot of money here.
- El hombre corriente gasta dos semanas de su vida besando.The average man spends two weeks of his life kissing.
- Quizá le dijera... que ella gasta más en retocarse la tintura que yo en comida.- I may have told her she spends more money dyeing her roots than I do on groceries.
- Sabes lo que su gobierno gasta un día en Iraq podría financiar NorBAC por una década.- You know... every day your government spends in Iraq could fund NorBAC for a decade.
- ¿El Sr. Jefferson gasta dinero?Mr Jeffersοn spends his mοney, I see. Oh, yes.
"Nosotros" no me paré y apos; t gastamos."We" didn't spend it.
"nunca gastamos lo suficiente en las personas mayores.""you can never spend too much on seniors."
- 48 millones. Sólo en comida para mascotas nos gastamos cuatro mil millones.We spend $4 billion on pet food alone.
- Contemos mientras nosotros lo gastamos.- Let's count while we spend it.
- No gastamos ni cinco.Paulie, we don't spend a nickel, all right?
Al año, gastáis 10,000$ en...Annually, you spend $10, 000 on paper products.
Si lo gastáis todo ahora, no habrá nada para pagar la universidad, o Dios no lo quiera, una emergencia.If you spend it all now, there will nothing left for college or, god forbid, an emergency.
¡Vigilad cómo lo gastáis!- Be careful where you spend it.
¿Cuánto dinero gastáis en comida?How much are you spending on meals?
¿Para qué os gastáis un montón de dinero en fertilizantes y vitaminas y después cometéis un genocidio hortícola?Why do you people spend hundreds of dollars on fertilizer and plant food on us? And then perForm horticultural genocide?
"Algunos gastan 5 dólares;"Some people like to spend five dollars;
"y gastan dinero en un hombre con experiencia en una ciudad moderna"."and have coin to spend on a man with experience of a modern city."
, la mayoría de la gente cuando se divorcia, se meten en relaciones tormentosas o se gastan el dinero viajando por Europa intentando encontrarse a sí mismos, pero tú... adoptas una niña"."Jo, you know, when most people get divorced, "they just rebound into some awful relationship "or they spend all their money traveling through Europe trying to find themselves, but you... you adopt a child."
- El dinero que estos oficiales gastan en maniobras ...!- The money these officers spend when on maneuvres...!
- En el chico lo gastan...- They'll spend it on a boy...
"Nunca gasté nada de él, excepto lo que costó construir esta casa""Never spent any of it, except what it cost to build this house."
# ...y gasté todo mi dinero en whisky y cerveza. #And I spent all my money on whiskey and beer...
$25 por un Bitcoin, así que gasté 4.32 Bitcoins.$25 for one Bitcoin, so I spent 4.32 Bitcoin.
- Bueno, gasté $806.I don't see how you did it. - Well, I spent $806.
- Genial. - En la que gasté tres años y más de 16.000 dólares aprendiendo cómo se hace.- Yay. .. - which I spent three years and over $16,000 learning how to do.
, con todo este tiempo que gastaste, me hubieras traído mi cerveza.Actually, this is all time that could be spent getting me my beverage.
- Díles en que lo gastaste.- Tell her what you spent it on.
- Sé que gastaste mucho dinero en esto. Pero es terriblemente primitivo.I know you spent a lot of money on this place, Fry... but it's awfully primitive.
- Tú gastaste nuestros ahorros.- You spent all of our savings.
- ¿Así que te gastaste 50.000?- So you spent 50.000?
"Bueno, Papi gastó todo nuestro dinero en un amortiguador""Well, Daddy spent all our money on shock absorbers."
"Me atormentó, me engañó y se gastó toda nuestra comida, dinero y cerveza.""He tormented me, he cheated on me and he spent all our food money on beer." - He's dead, Sue.
"¿Qué quiere decir, gastó dinero?"What do you mean, you spent money?
## El matrimonio gastó #### The marriage spent ##
- El dinero se gastó, Ari.- The money's been spent, Ari.
Donde gastasteis 150 crores, podríais haber gastado sólo 100 crores.Where you have spent 150 million, you would only spend 100 million.
No, os gastasteis 500$ cada uno, y todavía es virgen.No, you spent $500 each, and he's still a virgin.
¿Lo gastasteis?Because you spent it?
¿Os gastasteis el dinero del rescate?You spent the ransom money?
$15 millones de dólares se gastaron en sombras para gatos Dethklok anteojos de sol para gatos.Fifteen million dollars was spent on Dethklok kitty shades, sunglasses for cats.
- El punto es que Global National compró esta compañia, y gastaron mucho dinero, así que esto es lo que haremos:- Point is, Global National bought this company, and they spent a lot of money, so here's what we're gonna do:
- Ellos gastaron mucho más.- They spent more.
- Lo gastaron. Está bien.They spent it.
- Los Estados Unidos gastaron $ 44 billones en el Plan Marshall luego de la 2da Guerra Mundial y casi $ 100 millones reparando Irak y Afganistán.- The United States spent $44 billion under the Marshall plan after World War II and over $100 billion repairing Iraq and Afghanistan.
Me gastaré mil guineas, incluso tres mil seiscientas si es necesario pero pienso llegar hasta el fondo de este asunto.I will spend my own guineas! 3.600 of them, if need be! But I am getting to the bottom of this matter.
Pero sí realmente vamos a hacerlo, gastaré lo último de mi fortuna y pediré algo de hierba del gordo Ken.But if we're really gonna go for it, I will spend the last of my fortune and order some weed from fat Ken.
Ya sabes, gastaré 25 centavos extra por una esponja con una flor en ella?You know, I will spend an extra quarter for a sponge with a flower on it?
Si te vas, gastarás tu dinero fuera.If you leave, you will spend your money outside.
- Ella se gastará 250 dólares...- She will spend $250...
Cualquiera de nuestros ingresos, mi Emily lo gastará.Whatever our income, my Emily will spend it.
Después de todo, un hombre gastará tres dólares por semana en rosas cuando está cortejando a una chica pero una vez casados ni siquiera llevan a casa el valor de una moneda en Dientes de León.After all, a man will spend three dollars a week on roses when he's courting a girl but once married he won't even take home a nickel's worth - of dandelions.
El gobierno lo gastará en armas de destrucción masiva.The government will spend it on weapons of mass destruction.
La gente gastará más, porque creen que se llevan un producto mejor.People will spend more, because they feel they're getting a better product.
Usted déjenos el dinero pacificamente Y le garantizamos a sus mujeres que lo gastaremos todo el dinero solo con ellasYou let us get that money peaceable-like, and you can guarantee your ladies that we will spend it all on them!
Encontrarás muchos gastarán todo su dinero ... pero a nadie que derrame su sangre por ella como yoYou'II find many who will spend all their money... but not a single one who will shed his blood like me
Se gastarán mucho más dinero y arriesgarán la vida de su gente perfeccionado el diseño.They will spend more money and risk the lives of their people perfecting the design.
Ahora, ¿piensas, realmente piensas que gastaría esa cantidad de dinero en ti?Now, you think... you really think that I would spend that kind of money... on you? !
Ayer a la mañana, usted me dijo que era culpable como el pecado, que se trataba de un caso-y-cierre abierto, y el hijo de puta gastaría el resto de su vida en la cárcel por haber matado a mi chica.Beverly: Yesterday morning, you told me he was guilty as sin, that this was an open-and-shut case, and the bastard would spend the rest of his life in jail for killing my girl.
En serio, ¿crees que Kyle gastaría cientos de dólares en rosas?Seriously, you think Kyle would spend hundreds of dollars on roses?
Entiendo por qué Phil gastaría dinero que no tenía.We spent the money. So, what? So, I get why phil would spend money that he didn't have.
Me gastaría en ello cada céntimo que tengo y los que pudiese pedir prestados.I would spend every cent I own and all I could borrow to block you.
En realidad, Cleveland, ¿crees que podría usar los cinco dólares que gastarías en esa cerveza en tal vez un sándwich para mí?Oh, actually, Cleveland, do you think I could use the $5 you would spend on that beer maybe for a sandwich for me?
Nunca te daría tu parte sin antes asegurarme de que te lo gastarías sabiamente en belleza y cultura.I wouldn't dream of giving you your share without ensuring that you would spend it wisely on beauty and culture.
Si quieres gastar la energía valiosa que gastarías en el periódico... obsesionándote en torturarme, entonces es tu decisión.If you want to spend the precious energy that you would spend on the paper... obsessing on making me miserable, then that's your choice.
Solo tú te gastarías cientos de dólares en un tatuaje solo para conseguir algo de comer de 99 centavos.Only you would spend hundreds of dollars on a tattoo just to get a free 99-cent food item.
No todas las mujeres gastarían su dinero en llevar su familia a Hawái.It's not every wife that would spend the money To fly a family to Hawaii.
- Bueno, probablemente haya mejores formas de que se gaste su dinero, pero está en él decidir cómo quiere hacerlo.Well, there are probably better ways for him to spend his money, but it's his to do with how he pleases.
- No lo gaste todo en un Hotel.- Don't spend it all in one hotel.
- ¡Y no se los gaste todos en bebida!- Don't spend it all to drink!
-Para que la gente lo gaste.- So people would spend it.
A el le gustan las fotos de bodas, pero la solo idea de que alguien... gaste un montón de dinero en equipo costoso... sabes, Tenga un estudio en un apartamento... eso lo cambia mucho a el.He likes wedding photos, but the whole idea that somebody might... spend a lot of money on expensive equipment... you know, turn their apartment into a studio... that's very challenging for him.
"No es lo que tú gastes, es lo que tú sientas"."It's not what you spend, it's what you feel."
"No gastes todo tu dinero en la Fiesta de Cohetes';Don't spend all your money on the Rocket Riot.
"No gastes"."Don't spend."
"No gastes...""Don't spend..."
"No molestes". "No gastes". etc."Don't bother." "Don't spend." And so on.
- Mientras gastemos esta plata.- spending all this cash.
- No lo gastemos tan pronto. Tiene razón.-Never spend the money too soon.
-No lo gastemos tan pronto. Tiene razón.- Never spend the money too soon.
Cuando nos gastemos todo tu dinero.When we're spending all your money.
Depende de cuanto gastemos en los preparativos.Depends how much we spend on the set up.
Aquí tenéis, chicos, no os lo gastéis de golpe.Here you go, boys, don't spend it all at once.
Así que no los gastéis todos de una vez.So don't spend them all in one place.
Los perseguiremos hasta Tejas, así que no gastéis demasiado.We'll chase them clear to Texas, so don't spend too much money.
No las gastéis todas en el mismo sitio.Don't spend them all in one place.
No lo gastéis todo de golpe.Don't spend it all in one place.
- El problema No es que los ricos gasten demasiado de lo que ganan.- The problem isn't that the rich spend too much of what they earn.
- No lo gasten todo en un solo lugar. - Cuídense.- Don't spend it all in one place.
A menos que se gasten los 6,3 millones en boletos de lotería.Unless they spend all 4.6 million on lottery tickets.
Ahora me voy, no gasten un centavo.I'm leaving now; don't spend a penny.
Ahora miren, no lo gasten.Now look, don't spend it.
Así que, divertíos, disfrutad de la fiesta, y gastad mucho dinero.So, let's have fun, let's party, and spend a lot of money.
! Lo he gastado todo pagandole a medicos que como usted han tratado de curarme.I spent all my money paying doctors like you to try and cure me.
! Me he gastado 3,6 millones en ese montón de estuco! !I spent $3.6 million for that pile of stucco you see over there!
" Ah, pero, " él dijo, " nosotros hemos gastado el dinero.But, he said "we have spent money".
"...con su magnífico trabajo, espero Haber gastado bien el tiempo"Your own great work, I'll consider my time well-spent...
"1900" fue una película maldita... en el sentido que Bertolucci había gastado mucho dinero en ella."1900" was a very jinxed film... in the sense that Bertolucci had spent too much money on it.
"Siempre supe que iba tras su dinero, y ahora lo están gastando como si no hubiera mañana.""Always knew he was after her money, and now they're spending it like there's no tomorrow."
# Lo estás gastando conmigo #♪ You're spending with me ♪
- A un grupo de chicos ricos y egoístas... hijos de los poderosos, que escapan del colegio... pasan días bebiendo, gastando mucho dinero... en una hazaña estúpida y peligrosa... a sabiendas de que no se meterán en problemas... porque sus papis son importantes. Todos son así.- Like a bunch of selfish rich kids... the children of entitlement, blowing off school... drinking for days, spending thousands... on a stupid and potentially dangerous stunt... knowing full well that they're not gonna get in trouble... 'cause Daddy is important.
- Entonces, ¿gastando dinero?- Absolutely. - So spending money?
- Es tu herencia la que me estoy gastando.It's YOUR inheritance I'm spending.
-Ah, sí, gastá mi dinero por mí.That's right, spend my money for me.
En segundo lugar, nunca gastás el dinero que gastás para este lugarSecondly, you never spend the money you earn on this place.
¿Vos gastás una fortuna y yo no entiendo nada?- I'm not the one spending a fortune!

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