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Veetma (to spend) conjugation

98 examples

Conjugation of veetma

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I spend
you spend
he/she/it spends
we spend
you all spend
they spend
ei veeda
(do/does) not spend
it is spent
ei veedeta
it is not spent
Past tense
I spent
you spent
he/she/it spent
we spent
you all spent
they spent
ei veetnud
did not spend
it was spent
ei veedetud
it was not spent
Conditional mood
veedaksin, veedaks
I would spend
veedaksid, veedaks
you would spend
he/she/it would spend
veedaksime, veedaks
we would spend
veedaksite, veedaks
you all would spend
veedaksid, veedaks
they would spend
ei veedaks
would not spend
it would be spent
ei veedetaks
it would not be spent
Imperative mood
let him/her/it spend
let's spend
let them spend
be spent
Imperative negative mood
ära veeda
do not spend
ärgu veetku
let him/her/it not spend
ärgem veetkem, ärme veedame
let him/her/it not spend
ärge veetke
do not spend
ärgu veetku
let them not spend
ärgu veedetagu
do not be spent
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been spent
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen veetnud
I have spent
oled veetnud
you have spent
on veetnud
he/she/it has spent
oleme veetnud
we have spent
olete veetnud
you all have spent
on veetnud
they have spent
ei ole veetnud, pole veetnud
(have/has) not spent
on veedetud
it has been spent
ei ole veedetud, pole veedetud
it has not been spent
Pluperfect past tense
olin veetnud
I had spent
olid veetnud
you had spent
oli veetnud
he/she/it had spent
olime veetnud
we had spent
olite veetnud
you all had spent
oli veetnud
they had spent
ei olnud veetnud, polnud veetnud
had not spent
oli veedetud
it had been spent
ei olnud veedetud, polnud veedetud
it had not been spent
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin veetnud; oleks veetnud; veetnuksin; veetnuks
I would have spent
oleksid veetnud; oleks veetnud; veetnuksid; veetnuks
you would have spent
oleks veetnud; veetnuks
he/she/it would have spent
oleksime veetnud; oleks veetnud; veetnuksime; veetnuks
we would have spent
oleksite veetnud; oleks veetnud; veetnuksite; veetnuks
you all would have spent
oleksid veetnud; oleks veetnud; veetnuksid; veetnuks
they would have spent
ei oleks veetnud; poleks veetnud; ei veetnuks
would not have spent
oleks veedetud
it would have been spent
ei oleks veedetud; poleks veedetud
it would not have been spent
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) spends
ei veetvat
(allegedly) does not spend
(allegedly) it is spent
ei veedetavat
(allegedly) it is not spent
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat veetnud; veetnuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has spent
ei olevat veetnud; polevat veetnud; ei veetnuvat
(allegedly) has not spent
olevat veedetud
(allegedly) it has been spent
ei olevat veedetud; polevat veedetud
(allegedly) it has not been spent
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it spend
ärgu veetku
so that he/she/it do not spend
so that it be spent
ärgu veedetagu
so that it not be spent
Jussive perfect mood
olgu veetnud
so that he/she/it have spent
ärgu olgu veetnud
so that he/she/it do not have spent
olgu veedetud
so that it have been spent
ärgu olgu veedetud
so that it not have been spent
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while spending
while spending
(due to/following/for) spending
for the purpose of spending
without spend
that can be spent
being spent

Examples of veetma

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
"Bioloogiline isa, kellega üle nädala aega veedan"The biological father that I spend every other week with,"
"See on see mees, kellega ma veedan oma ülejäänud elu.""This is the man I'm going to spend... "the rest of my life with."
- John, kui koolinädal lõppeb, veedan ma öö sinu majas ja ma tõestan, et siin pole miskit muud, kui keegi üritab sind hirmutada.- John when the school week is over, I will come and spend the night at your house and I will prove to you that this is nothing more than someone trying to frighten you.
"Aga see on ju tõsi." - "Tahad sa väita, et kui sa veedad aega võõraste naistega haihtub hiljem see su peast?"-"Well, it's true." -"So you're saying "that the time you spend with other women "doesn't exist any more in your brain.
- Aga kui ta varem ärkab, siis veedad sa päeva mu kapis.- But if she does, - then you'll be spending the day hiding in my closet.
- Jah, ma mõtlesin, et kuna sa veedad nii palju aega kodus.- Yeah, I figured since you'd be spending so much time at home
- Kas veedad enamuse päevast kontoris?You spend most of your day at a desk?
"Kui naine veedab terve päeva kuuma pliidi ääres oma meest orjates, siis mees võiks vähemalt nõud ära pesta"."A woman spends all day slaving over a hot stove for a man, the least he can do is the dishes."
- Ta veedab jõulud oma emaga.He spends Christmas with his mother. POWELL:
- Ta veedab liiga palju aega internetis.- You did this? - He spends too much time on the Internet.
- Ta veedab viis tundi mõeldes, et Serena on jube pruut.Think everyone forgot his birthday? He spends five hours thinking Serena's a terrible girlfriend.
- Hei. Nii, paistab, et me veedame nädala koos.So, looks like we're gonna spend the weekend together.
- Kas kuulsid? Me veedame Judithiga romantilise nädalalõpu Lagunas.Judith and I are spending a romantic weekend in Laguna.
- Mul on nii hea meel, et puhkuse kodus veedame.I'm so glad we're spending our vacation at home.
-Mul on nii hea meel, et puhkuse kodus veedame.I'm so glad we're spending our vacation at home.
- Olge lahked. Kuidas veedate ülejäänud päeva?And how will you spend the rest of your day?
- Siis veedate järgmised viis aastat külmikus.You spend the next five years in the fridge.
- Te vaevalt veedate mõned minutid lahus.- You rarely spend a minute apart.
Aga te veedate neli aastat lahus.But you're spending four years apart.
Ehk teete meile au ja veedate terve ülejäänud päeva pärast jalutuskäiku meiega?Perhaps you would do us the honour of spending the rest of the day with us, after your walk? .
"kui linnakodanikud veedavad meeldiva õhtu," "nautides Pawnee üht parimat parki.""as citizens spend pleasant evening enjoying one of Pawnee's finest parks."
- Inimesed veedavad 90% oma ajast, jätkates midagi, mida nad on alustanud.- People spend 90% of their time - continuing with something they once started.
- Mis siis, kui nad lõpetavad sellega, et veedavad oma elu koos, kas tead?Hey, hey. What if they end up spending their life together, you know?
"Mu arm, ma ei veeda seda sõda, olles kellegi maasturi kapoti all,"My love, I'll not spend this war "underneath the oil pan of some toff's jeep.
- Olgu, siis lähme meie, sest me ei veeda sekunditki koos selle naisega.Then we're leaving, 'cause we're not spending another second with this woman.
Aga sa ei veeda seda.But you do not spend it.
Ei ole mingit mõtet, kui me seda koos ei veeda.No way we're not spending it together.
! Ole nüüd, ma veetsin oma terve suve koolis sinu pärast.Come on,I spent the whole summer in summer school because of you.
"Ja siis veetsin ma palju öid, mõeldes, mida sa valesti tegid.-Have mercy Then I spent so many nights, thinking how you did me wrong
- Ei, aga ma veetsin terve päeva selles lollakas linnas koos selle kuti lollaka kruusiga ja oletatavasti joob ta selles lollakas baaris.no. but i spent all day canvassing this stupid town with this guy's stupid mug, and,supposedly, he drinks at this stupid bar.
- Hei, mis toimub? veetsin terve hommiku pr Roseni ees vabandades.Hey. How's it going? Hmm, well, I spent the entire morning apologizing to Old Mrs. Rosen.
- Jah, ma veetsin seal palju aega, vanglates.- Yeah, I spent a lotta time there, in jail.
- Ja nad veetsid...- And they spent...
- Ja sa veetsid terve öö reanimatsioonis?- And you spent all night with him in the E.R.?
- Ma arvasin, et veetsid öö... kasse õgides.i thought you spent the whole night ... eating cats.
"1956 aastal sai 16-aastasest Bruce Leest Ip Mehe õpilane." "Bruce Lee õppis Wing Tsuni pühendunult ja aitas seda propageerida." "Ip Mees veetis järgmised 22 aastat Wing Tsuni õpetades ja levitas seda üle kogu maailma."(In 1956, 16 year-old Bruce Lee became Yip Man's disciple) (Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun extensively and helped promote it) (Yip Man spent the next 22 years teaching Wing Chun and spreading it all over the world)
"Taas kord kaldus ta kõrvale väljakujunenud tavadest ja veetis mitmeid aastaid Aafrikas, tehes seal vaestele elundite siirdamisi."Once again, he turned his back on the established norm... "...and spent several years in Africa... "...performing organ transplants for the poor."
- Aga ta veetis palju aega jõusaalis.- But he spent a lot of time at the gym.
- Ja et kõik see aeg, mis me koos veetsime, oli väga eriline, ja kui ta midagi vajab, las ta siis helistab mulle.-And that the time we spent together is very special to me, and if she needs anything, uh, just call me.
- Me veetsime mõne aja koos.- We spent some time together.
- Seal veetsime me mesinädalad.It's where we spent our honeymoon.
- Ma arvasin, et te veetsite päeva koos.-I thought you spent the day together.
- ja et veetsite öö kurjategijate pilte uurides?- and that you spent the night looking at mug shots?
Aga toimiku jaoks, äkki ütlete kuidas te veetsite oma eilset õhtut.But just for the record, why don't you tell me how you spent last night.
Adam oli Dougiga samas äris, nad olid üksteise vastu sõbralikud, seda ka New Yorgis, kuid nad ei veetnud palju aega koos.Adam was in the same business Doug was in and they were friendly although in New York, they did not spend a lot of time together.
Ma ei veetnud 16 aastat selles armetus hurtsikus koos nende kahe lolliga... Vait!I did not spend 16 years in this miserable hovel with these two imbeciles...
Ma ei veetnud need jubedad kaheksa kuud oma elust selleks, et sa tuled koju ja käitud täieliku idioodina!But I did not spend the last eight months of my life in sheer hell for you to come home and be an asshole!
Ma veedaksin iga öö voodis väherdes...I would spend every night tossing and turning...
Ma siin mõtlesin, et kui paljud poisid veedaksid oma kevad vaheaja... kala söögikohas, et oma tüdrukule lähedal olla.l was just wondering how many guys would spend spring break in a fish eatery just to be in close proximity to their girlfriend.
Ma tahaks ainult teada, kas sa veedaksid kogu oma ülejäänud elu koos minuga.I just want to know if you would spend the rest of your life with me.
See tähendaks mulle väga palju, kui te veedaksite nädala mõnes minu kuurordis.It would mean so much to me if u would spend a week at any one of my resorts
"Mu arm, ma ei veeda seda sõda, olles kellegi maasturi kapoti all,"My love, I'll not spend this war "underneath the oil pan of some toff's jeep.
"Sa ei veeda koeraga aega, Eddie."You don't spend time with the dog Eddie."
- Olgu, siis lähme meie, sest me ei veeda sekunditki koos selle naisega.Then we're leaving, 'cause we're not spending another second with this woman.
- Pole võimalik. Nad ei veeda eriti palju aega Hollywoodi puiesteel.They don't spend time on Hollywood Boulevard.
Kui selles on kahtlusi, veetke 10 minutit mu ämmaga.If there's any doubts about that, spend ten minutes with my mother in law.
Kui ta nii üksik on, siis veetke temaga rohkem aega koos.If he's so lonely, why don't the you spend more time with him?
Sa ütlesid, et veetke päev Disneyworldis?You said spend the day at Disney World.
"Me" läheme suve veetma Hamptoni idarannikule."We" are going to spend the summer in East Hampton.
- Kas nendega peab siin aega veetma?Do you have to spend time with them here?
- Ma tean, et see polnud päriselt, aga kui ma peaksin veetma kellegagi igaviku...- I know this wasn't real. But if I was gonna have to spend eternity with somebody--
- Me peame rohkem aega koos veetma, uuesti ühinema.- We need to spend some time together, reconnect.
"Ja kuna sorts oli varastanud ta armastuse, Needis ta tema puhtamasse südamesse, kus ta sai veeta igaviku tundes reetmise valu.""And because the warlock had stolen her love, she cursed him into the pewter heart where he could spend eternity knowing the sting of betrayal."
"Kas te ei võiks mulle lihtsalt raamatut anda ja siis mu teenijad õpivad selle minu eest ära ja siis ma saaksin terve päeva veeta oma juukseid sättides"."Can't you just, like, give it to me in a book and then my servants can learn it for me? "And then I could spend, like, all day brushing my hair."
"Lähme keerame su maja täiesti persse," "nii, et sa ei tahaks seal enam kunagi ühtegi ööd veeta."Let's completely screw up your house... ...so you never wanna spend another night in it.
"Ma ei taha tervet oma järele jäänud elu selles neetud puksiirlaevas veeta.""I don't want to spend the rest of my life on a goddamn tugboat. "
'Queen Christina', kus Greta Garbo jättis hüvasti ruumiga... kus ta oli veetnud öö John Gilbertiga.I shall live a great deal in this room. Queen Christina... where Greta Garbo bids farewell to the room... where she spent the night with John Gilbert.
- Kas sa ei arva, et me oleme küllalt aega koos veetnud?- l think we spent enough time together, don't you?
- Kõige külmem talv, mis ma eales veetnud olen, oli suvi San Franciscos.It's cold as hell out these mornings, and you know what the man said. No. "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer I spent in San Francisco."
- Lahe! Olen selle puldi taga palju aega veetnud.I've spent a lot of time in front of that board.
Mu elu õnnelikumad hetked Paraguayst lahkumisest peale on veedetud selles toas.Happiest moments of my life since we left Paraguay... have been spent right here in this room.
Aeg, mille ma olen veetnud sellel laeval...The time that I have spent on that ship...
Ja ma olen veetnud kaheksa kuud seda hetke meenutades.And I may have spent eight months chasing that moment.
Kapten Hanks... ... ma olen veetnud oma elu mereväes püüdes edasi jõuda.Captain Hanks, I have spent most of my life in the Navy trying only to succeed.
Kuid ma olen veetnud palju aega paaride terapeudina.But I have spent quite some time as a couples therapist.
Nüüd, kus oled veetnud teise aasta värske rockitähena, jagan sinuga haruldast fakti.Well, as you have spent another year as the only drug-free rock star in the world, I'm gonna share a little-known fact with you.
Sa oled veetnud mõned viimased aastad mind otsides, aga mina olen kulutanud kogu oma elu sind otsides.You may have spent the last few years looking for me, but I've spent my entire life looking for you.
Sa oled veetnud mõned viimased aastad... ...mind otsides, aga mina olen kulutanud kogu oma elu... ...sind otsides.You may have spent the last few years... ... looking for me, but I've spent my entire life... ... looking for you.
Sa tegutsed nüüd terves maailmas, mis on tegelikult äge, aga sa oled veetnud rohkem aega varjudes kui oled viibinud rambivalgel.You are going global now, which is...awesome, frankly, but you have spent more time in the shadows than you ever have in the spotlight.
-Ma ei varastanud- Miss Ventura. Mr.Bextrum on veetnud... ...30 minutit, et veenda Miss Lane`i loobuma hagi esitamisest.-I didn't steal-- -Miss Ventura, Mr. Bextrum has spent... ...30 minutes trying to persuade Miss Lane not to press charges.
Jõuluvana on veetnud aasta, kogudes kogu inimkonnalt maagilist jõudu, seepärast tapamegi ta täna keskööl.Santa has spent a year gathering a magical power from the entire human race, so we will kill him precisely at midnight.
Kuid ta on veetnud poole oma elust vanglas.But he has spent more than half his life in prison.
Leigh Teabing on veetnud terve oma elu... ...uurides Graali.Leigh Teabing has spent his entire life... ...studying the Grail.
Ja me oleme veetnud palju õhtuid koos vahvlimajas kell 2 öösel üleval ja ikka jutustame jutte.So we have spent so many nights at the Waffle House at 2:00 in the morning, sitting around and telling stories.
Ja me oleme veetnud palju õhtuid koos vahvlimajas... ...kell 2 öösel üleval ja ikka jutustame jutte. niiet me otsustasime lõpetada etenduse nii et... ...igaüks tuleb ja räägim ühe naljaka loo mis on meid kõiki naerma pannud läbi aasta.So we have spent so many nights at the Waffle House... ...at 2:00 in the morning, sitting around and telling stories. So we decided that's the way we would close this thing every night... ...is to come out and tell stories that made each of us laugh through the years.
Kui võidame selle kihlveo surmaga, siis peaks meie tabamatu saatus meid üksisilmi vaatama, siis oleme taevasse jõudnud. Isegi oleme veetnud terve elu põrgus.Look, we will win Heaven, because we have spent our whole lives in Hell
Me oleme veetnud koos terve suve.We have spent the entire summer together.
Ta oli veetnud neli aastat et täita absurdset ja tüütut kohustust lõpetada Kolledz, ja nüüd ta oli vabanenud sellest abstraktsionistlikust maailmast, võlts turvalisusest, vanematest ja asjade kultusest, nendest asjadest, mis lõikasid Chris'i ära tema tõelisest eksistentsist.That he had spent four years fulfiIling the absurd and tedious duty of graduating from coIlege, and now he was emancipated from that world of abstraction, false security, parents and material excess, the things that cut Chris off from the truth of his existence.
Ta oli veetnud neli aastat et täita absurdset ja tüütut kohustust lõpetada Kolledz, ja nüüd ta oli vabanenud sellest abstraktsionistlikust maailmast, võlts turvalisusest, vanematest ja asjade kultusest,That he had spent four years fulfilling the absurd and tedious duty of graduating from college, and now he was emancipated from that world of abstraction, false security, parents and material excess,
Ta oli veetnud viimased neli tundi pimeduses, koos Ethaniga vaadates klassikalist holokausti dokumentaalfilmi Shoah.She had spent the last four hours in the dark with Ethan watching the classic holocaust documentary Shoah.
Ma olen nii väsinud veetmast õhtuid... tehes võltsperspektiive inimestega, kes töötavad Düsenteeria heaks.l'm so tired of spending evenings... making fake insights with people who work for Dysentery.
See on nüüd takistuseks veetmast oma armastatud lapselapsega aega.It's now an obstacle to my spending quality time with my beloved grandchild.
Või läks välja sööma lihtsa lahkumineku tava kohaselt... et hoiduda veetmast minuga ööd?Or was going out to dinner simply a diversionary tactic... to keep me from spending the night?
See kohutav mees oleks veetnud aastaid surmamõistetute kambris, televiisorit vaadates ja rasvudes.You know, that awful man he would have spent years on Death Row just watching TV and getting fat.
Me veedaks oma elu vanglas, kui keegi selle koha avastaks.Who would spend their lives in jail if anyone ever found this place.
Publik veedaks terve filmi vaatamise aja oodates, et pr Frank leiaks laiba, mille olen pööningule peitnud.The audience would spend the entire picture... waiting for Miss Frank to discover the corpse I'd hidden in the attic.
Siis veedaks ta kõik oma elupäevad kahetsuses raisates kogu oma jõu ja rikkuse et taaselustada oma kivist väepealikud.He would spend the rest of his days in regret spending all of his riches and all of his power to find a way to revive his stone generals.
Siis veedaks ta kõik oma elupäevad kahetsuses... ...raisates kogu oma jõu ja rikkuse... ... et taaselustada oma kivist väepealikud.He would spend the rest of his days in regret... ...spending all of his riches and all of his power... ...to find a way to revive his stone generals.

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