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Comer (to eat) conjugation

148 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to have sexual intercourse, to capture a piece, capture, have, corrode

Conjugation of comer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I eat
you eat
he/she/it eats
we eat
you all eat
they eat
Present perfect tense
he comido
I have eaten
has comido
you have eaten
ha comido
he/she/it has eaten
hemos comido
we have eaten
habéis comido
you all have eaten
han comido
they have eaten
Past preterite tense
I ate
you ate
he/she/it ate
we ate
you all ate
they ate
Future tense
I will eat
you will eat
he/she/it will eat
we will eat
you all will eat
they will eat
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would eat
you would eat
he/she/it would eat
we would eat
you all would eat
they would eat
Past imperfect tense
I used to eat
you used to eat
he/she/it used to eat
we used to eat
you all used to eat
they used to eat
Past perfect tense
había comido
I had eaten
habías comido
you had eaten
había comido
he/she/it had eaten
habíamos comido
we had eaten
habíais comido
you all had eaten
habían comido
they had eaten
Future perfect tense
habré comido
I will have eaten
habrás comido
you will have eaten
habrá comido
he/she/it will have eaten
habremos comido
we will have eaten
habréis comido
you all will have eaten
habrán comido
they will have eaten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I eat
(if/so that) you eat
(if/so that) he/she/it eat
(if/so that) we eat
(if/so that) you all eat
(if/so that) they eat
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya comido
I have eaten
hayas comido
you have eaten
haya comido
he/she/it has eaten
hayamos comido
we have eaten
hayáis comido
you all have eaten
hayan comido
they have eaten
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have eaten
(if/so that) you have eaten
(if/so that) he/she/it have eaten
(if/so that) we have eaten
(if/so that) you all have eaten
(if/so that) they have eaten
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have eaten
(if/so that) you have eaten
(if/so that) he/she/it have eaten
(if/so that) we have eaten
(if/so that) you all have eaten
(if/so that) they have eaten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera comido
I had eaten
hubieras comido
you had eaten
hubiera comido
he/she/it had eaten
hubiéramos comido
we had eaten
hubierais comido
you all had eaten
hubieran comido
they had eaten
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese comido
I had eaten
hubieses comido
you had eaten
hubiese comido
he/she/it had eaten
hubiésemos comido
we had eaten
hubieseis comido
you all had eaten
hubiesen comido
they had eaten
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have eaten
(if/so that) you will have eaten
(if/so that) he/she/it will have eaten
(if/so that) we will have eaten
(if/so that) you all will have eaten
(if/so that) they will have eaten
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere comido
I will have eaten
hubieres comido
you will have eaten
hubiere comido
he/she/it will have eaten
hubiéremos comido
we will have eaten
hubiereis comido
you all will have eaten
hubieren comido
they will have eaten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's eat!
Imperative negative mood
no comas
do not eat!
no coma
let him/her/it eat!
no comamos
let us not eat!
no comáis
do not eat!
no coman
do not eat!

Examples of comer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Estoy intentando comer!Can't you see I'm trying to eat here?
! Fiona, no debes comer pizza!Fiona, you're not supposed to eat pizza!
! Tenía que conseguir algo de comer!I had to get something to eat!
! ¿Cómo voy a comer con ustedes encima de mí?How am I supposed to eat with you guys on top of me?
" Los galanes acicalados No tienen que pecar para comerFine airs and fine graces Don't have to sin to eat
! Deja de tratarle como un niño!Stop treating him like a child!
! Deja de tratarme como un esclavo!Stop treating me like a bond slave!
! Te atreves a tratarme como a un chico estúpido!You dare treat me like a stupid child!
" El diseño experimental ' muerte dulce ' debe considerarse como un gran fracaso " .Experimental project Operation Sweet Death must be considered a complete failure.
"A veces te comes la barra""Sometimes you eat the bar and" Much obliged.
"Brian, si te comes todo te dejaré dormir conmigo..."Brian, if you eat it all up, I will let you sleep with me like I never did when you were little."
"Cría cerdos... que después te los comes"."Raise hogs, 'cause then you can eat them."
"Cuando comes pasta esencialmente le mandas un mensaje hormonal a tu cuerpo, diciendo, acumulemos más grasa.""When you eat pasta you are essentially sending a hormonal message to your body saying, 'pack on more fat'."
"Dessert" es lo que comes tras el almuerzo.Dessert's something that you eat after dinner. It's sweet.
" Respira como un Infante de Marina y come como un leñador".He bellows like a Marine and eats like a lumberjack.
"A un país que come helado en invierno... no se lo puede conquistar"."A nation that eats ice cream in winter can't be conquered."
"Aquí, aquí, ella come mucho."Here, here, she eats too much.
"Bueno, ¿quién come perejil?""Well, who eats parsley?"
"Con sus dientes manchados y sucios come sin parar, este Kamatchi.""Her teeth stained and dirty eats like a glutton, this Kamatchi"
"Chicos, ¿por qué comemos madera?"Guys, why are we eating wood?
"Dios, ¿por qué en el cielo comemos como pordioseros mientras que en el Infierno comen como reyes?""God, why in heaven do we eat like paupers while in hell they eat like kings?"
"La primera vez que te vi, yo me enamoré locamente de ti." No pesas nada, Pierrot, y eso que ahora comemos bien. "La primera vez que te vi..."You're so light, even though we eat so well these days.
"Las demás noches comemos hierbas de cualquier clase.""In all other nights we eat herbs of any kind.
"Las demás noches comemos pan con o sin levadura.""In all other nights we eat leavened bread or unleavened bread."
! Quizás son todas estas cosas que coméis.Maybe it's all this stuff that you both eat.
"Algunos pagan fortunas por lo que coméis vosotros.""Some pay a fortune for what you guys eat.
"En verdad, en verdad os digo,... que si no coméis la carne del Hijo del Hombre y no bebéis su sangre... no habrá vida en vosotros. El que come la carne...""Verily I say unto you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."
"Podréis tomar posesión de lo que os he legado si me cortáis en pedacitos y me coméis ante todos"."You may take possession of what I've left you if cut me up into morsel-size pieces, and eat me in full view of all."
! Los alcohólicos no comen bien.Drinkers don't eat right.
"Con amor," "la madre mira a los niños mientras comen".Lovingly the mother watches her children eat.
"Dios, ¿por qué en el cielo comemos como pordioseros mientras que en el Infierno comen como reyes?""God, why in heaven do we eat like paupers while in hell they eat like kings?"
"El cuerpo de Cristo" y luego se la comen....and then you eat it.
! Y, Eddie, me comí muchos Slinkys,And, Eddie, I ate so many Slinkys,
"Anoche me comí 6 bollos..."Maybe the pirate didn't get to finish it.
"La serpiente me engañó y comí"." 'The serpent beguiled me, and I ate.' "
"Me comí la avenida Baltic y Ralph."I ate Baltic and Ralph Avenue.
"Me comí todo, Eddie, yo solo."I ate it all, Eddie, by myself.
"Alguna vez comiste pez globo?""Have you ever eaten blowfish?
"Te comiste mi tren"Youatemy train JennyYoung,man .
"Veo que te comiste uno. ¿Soy yo"?"I see you ate one. Am l"?
"¡Te comiste la furiosa bola de fuego!""You ate up the raging ball of fire!"
! ¡¿Quién se comió mi pastel?Who ate my cake?
" Usted no está vivo si no comió allí ", dixit Ruth Reichl. ¿Que dijeron que pasaba?My four star, 'you haven't lived 'til you've eaten there, says Ruth Reichl,' food.
"BIENVENIDO A CASA, CASEY" Se comió a un maldito gato.He ate a damn cat.
"Como si eso no fuera suficientemente malo, se comió mi media en el páramo""As if that wasn't bad enough, it ate my sock upon the moor"
"Pasamos el rato" Tomando cerveza Paramos en un restaurante... pedimos sándwiches y los comimos en el auto.We stopped at a restaurant... and ordered and ate sandwiches in the car.
"comimos botas, zapatos y cualquier otra piel que encontramos".We ate boots, shoes, And any other leather we came across. Somebody, help!
"de dos huevos, que comimos tres. ""..with two eggs, which we ate in three.
"echamos mucho de menos del pan seco que comimos en el comedor"we sorely miss the dry bread we ate at the mess..."
"¿Dónde está el atasco que comimos ayer y el baño salón de belleza estación de tren?"- "Where's the clog that we ate yesterday at the beauty parlour train station bathroom?"
Bueno, comisteis paloma...All right, you ate pigeon...
Conociendo el valor del dinero, ¿podéis explicar por qué os comisteis un billete?Knowing the value of money, Mistress Bowen... can you explain why it was you ate a banknote?
Hay una razón por la que comisteis bizcocho de plátano durante tres años.There's a reason you girls ate nothing but banana bread for three years.
Leila... quiero que nos lleves adonde comisteis aquí.Leila, I want you to take us to where you folks ate.
"Boyle explica que en el primer Acción de Gracias comieron langosta". Lo hicieron."Boyle explains that they ate lobsters at the first Thanksgiving."
"Desafortunadamente, los cachorros entraron y se comieron todos los huevos...""Unfortunately, the puppies rushed in and gobbled up all the eggs
"Hoy me comieron duraznos ..."Today I ate peaches...
"Las flores se comieron a la chica""The Flowers ate the Girl"
"Realizaron safaris, comieron en Italia, cubrieron una guerra."They've safaried, eaten across Italy, covered a war.
"A sí que los comeré en una caja, Y comeré hasta la última migaja."So I will eat them in a box and I will eat them with a fox.
"Los comeré con una boca"."I will eat them with a mouse.
"Me los comeré en cualquier parte.""I will eat them anywhere."
"Perra, deja de enviar mensajes o te comeré.""Bitch, stop texting me or I will eat you."
- Y tanto que comerás.- You will eat the rabbit.
Antes de que yo haya terminado contigo, comerás, dormirás y respirarás como Haskell Lutz.Before I'm done with you, You will eat, sleep, and breathe Haskell Lutz.
Como penitencia no comerás carne en 3 meses... y le harás una generosa ofrenda a la Virgen.As a penance, you will eat no meat for three months. And you will give a generous gift to Our Lady.
De ahora en adelante, comerás arroz.From now on, you will eat rice.
" Y habrá un alma oscura... y esta alma oscura se comerá otras almas ocuras y se convertirá en su heredero."And there shall be a dark soul, and this soul will eat other dark souls and so become their inheritor.
" Y habrá un alma oscura..., y esta alma se comerá otras almas oscuras y se convertirá en su heredero.[ Thomas ] "And there shall be a dark soul, and this soul will eat other dark souls and so become their inheritor.
"El pecador se hace cargo de ellos y comerá con ellos"."The sinner takes care of them and will eat with them. "
"El tonto comerá unas donas. ""The fool will eat the doughnut.'
"Si actúan como ovejas, el lobo se las comerá. ""If you act like a sheep, the wolf will eat you."
- Houston, estamos preparados... para iniciar el Control Térmico Pasivo... y creo que una vez estemos en esa barbacoa, Jack y yo comeremos.- Houston, we are ready... for the beginning of the P.T.C... and l think once we're in that barbecue roll, uh, Jack and l will eat.
- Nos lo comeremos.- We will eat it.
- ¿qué comeremos en la cena?- We will eat at dinner soon.
Ahora comeremos y beberemos y te presentaré a la Srta. Barkley.Now we will eat and drink and I will take you to meet Miss Barkley.
Os comeréis el aperitivo entero.You will eat the snack in its entirety.
Os comeréis este juramento.You will eat this oath.
Os lo comeréis.You will eat this as well.
"Sus sirvientes lo comerán antes que usted... para comprobar si la comida está envenenada".Your servant will eat some before you... to check if the food is poisoned or not.
"Un día, una de estas cosas se comerán a alguien"."Eventually, one of these things will eat somebody."
- Ellos comerán, cállate.- They will eat, keep quiet.
- ¿Ustedes asumen que los indigentes comerán lo que sea?-Oh, so you just assume the homeless will eat them? They'll eat anything?
(Truenos) A ver, si hubiera parado en el mar, comería cosas de mar, pero no hay restos ni de algas, ni de peces, solo semillas.Look, if he had stopped at sea, he would eat sea things... but there are neither remains of algae nor fish. Only seeds.
- Baby se comería a George.- Baby would eat George.
- Es una sabandija es un gusano ilegítimo que se comería todo lo que es mío.- He is vermin! He is an illegitimate maggot who would eat his way through what is mine.
- Me comería un caballo.- I would eat a horse.
- Siempre pensé que Juno la comería joven.- I always thought Juno would eat her young.
- ¡Pensé que comerías sólo un poco!-I thought you would eat just a little!
Bien, esto es algo que comerías...Okay, so this is something that you would eat...
Si me hicieras caso, tú también comerías azna al vapor.If you'd listen to me, you would eat steamed azna, too.
Te traería la mitad de la comida si pensara que la comerías.I'd bring you half the meal if I thought you would eat it.
Un gato tan bonito que te lo comerías... en sólo tres meses ya es tan grande que no te cabe en la boca.A cat as nice as you would eat ... in just three months and is so great that do not fit in the mouth.
- Dijiste que comeríamos eso.You told me that's what we would eat.
En mi infancia, mi familia a menudo se preguntaba cuándo comeríamos, dónde dormiríamos.Growing up, my family often wondered how we would eat, where we would sleep.
Entonces yo, Jamil y mi mamá los comeríamos con pan, y nos sentaríamos bajo el sol por la tarde.Then me, Jamil, and my mother would eat them with flatbread and sit in the low sun of the evening.
No, dijimos que comeríamos juntos todos los días.No, we said we would eat together every day!
Para ser sincera, pensábamos que esta noche comeríamos bacalao.To be honest, I thought we would eat codfish.
- No creí que os comeríais la piña.- i didn't think you guys would eat the pineapple.
- nunca he estado en uno. - oh, te encantaría te comerían entera- I've never been in one. - Oh, you'd do great there. They would eat you up.
Ellos te comerían viva.Those guys would eat you alive.
Estarían al final de la cadena alimentaria, y se comerían a otras criaturas que podrían comer a otras criaturas.They would be at the end of a food chain, and they would eat other creatures that would eat other creatures.
Irían a la guerra con la tribu vecina, y cuando los conquistasen, los ganadores comerían a los mejores guerreros de la otra tribu que hayan sido vencidos, y después a sus curanderos, y después a sus jefes.They would go to war with a neighboring tribe, and when they conquered them, the winners would eat the vanquished tribe's best warriors, and then their medicine man, and then their chief.
Les invito, , pero los chicos de la Castro... comerían vivo.I would invite you, but the boys in the Castro-- they would eat you alive.
"Coma la otra carne blanca, coma cerdo. ""Pork, the other light meat."
"Como vamos a hacer para que la gente no coma cerdo?""How can we get people to not eat pork?"
"Cuidado, no coma ese queso,warning,do not eat the cheese!
"La muerte es mi amiga", coma. ¿Y donde está la coma ahí?"Death is my friend," where's the colon?
! Mejor que te comas esto!Better eat this!
! No te comas eso!Don't eat that.
! Sera mejor que comas! ?You'd better eat!
" No te lo comas entero.""No, no, no, don't eat him alive.
" ¡No comas eso!"Don't eat it!
"Traed la mejor túnica y ponédsela. Poned un anillo en su mano y sandalias en sus pies, y traed un becerro bien cebado y matadlo, y comamos y alegrémonos.'Bring forth quickly the first robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry.
"comamos y después escupamos en los disidentes políticos." Espero que os guste el ketchup."Let us eat and then spit on political dissidents." Hope you guys like ketchup.
*Comamos, comamos*♪ Let's eat, let's eat ♪
- Así que comamos juntos más seguido.- So let's eat together more often.
- Bien, comamos.- Well, let's eat.
"Cuando comáis bacalao en salsa," "o quizá un fricandó,"Whether you eat cod or mushrooms, ask for a "porró" of wine.
- Espero que todos comáis mucha..- Uh, I hope you all, um, eat a lot...
- No comáis ni bebáis nada, chicos.- Don't eat or drink anything here, guys.
- No las comáis.Don't eat them.
" No coman la fruta de aquel árbol. "'"Do not eat of the fruit from that tree. '"
"Al menos no le digo a los niños que coman sano mientras lleno mi cara de bruja con hamburguesas."At least I'm not telling kids to eat healthy while I stuff my bitch face with burgers.
"No coman de él,..."Ye shall not eat of it...
"Porque hay tiburones en el mar y tal vez me coman""For there are sharks in the sea, and maybe they'll eat me"
Cientificos dijeron que quizas hayan descubierto... evidencia de una rana gigante apodada "rana diablo"... que vivió hace 65 millones de años... y que es posible que comiera dinosaurios recién nacidos.Scientists on Monday said they have discovered evidence of a large toad... nicknamed the "devil frog", which lived 65 million years ago... and may have eaten newborn dinosaurs.
"Tomad y comed... porque éste es mi cuerpo que será entregado por ustedes."He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and said... "Take this all of you and eat it... this is my body which will be given up for you."
"Tomad y comed."Take and eat.
"tomad y comed."take, eat.
"Bueno, se lo llevo a mi mamá, porque seguró no habrá comido", corrí afuera y tenía un 928 para probar esa semana."Well, I'll take that for my mum, cos she won't have eaten", ran outside and I had a 928 on test that week.
! Os estáis comiendo a mamá!They are eating my mom.
- Dale, comé ahora.-Come on, eat.
- Pero vos te comés cualquier cosa!- But you'd eat anything!
"El oso no ha comido todavía"?"The bear hasn't eaten yet"?
"Instituto yo" se hubiera comido vivo a "instituto tu".High School me would have eaten High School you alive.
"Keith, Keith, en todo el día solo has comido patatas". Lo sé."Oh, Keith, Keith, you've eaten nothing but crisps all day." I know!
" Siobhan se está comiendo tus sandwichs"'Siobhan's eating your sandwiches...'
" Sí, toma un respiro, te pillé comiendo de mi mano"♪ Yes, catch a breath, gotcha eating out of my hand ♪
"... y permanecer en aquella casa comiendo y bebiendo de lo de ellos pues el trabajador es digno de su salario...""And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the labourer is worthy of his hire."
- Vení y comé.- Come and eat.
Aprovechá y comé ahora.Then eat now.
Bueno, comé si tenés hambre, bueno enojate, andá a cagar.Well, eat if you are hungry, well, get angry, I don't give a damn.
Como puedo tener algo que ver con algo que comé árboles?How could I have anything to do with something that eats trees?
- ¿Cómo comés la torta como un chicle?How can you eatcakewith gum?
- ¿Lo comés acá o lo llevás?-To eat here or to go?
- ¿No comés?- You're not eating?
-No, que después no comés nada.- No, because you don't eat.

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