Żreć (to eat) conjugation

46 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I eat
you eat
he/she/it eats
we eat
you all eat
they eat
Imperfective future tense
będę żreć
I will eat
będziesz żreć
you will eat
będzie żreć
he/she/it will eat
będziemy żreć
we will eat
będziecie żreć
you all will eat
będą żreć
they will eat
you eat!
niech żre
let him/her/it eat
let's eat
you all eat
niech żrą
let them eat
Past feminine tense
I ate
you ate
she ate
we ate
you all ate
they ate
Future feminine tense
będę żarła
I will eat
będziesz żarła
you will eat
będzie żarła
she will eat
będziemy żarły
we will eat
będziecie żarły
you all will eat
będą żarły
they will eat
Conditional feminine tense
I would eat
you would eat
she would eat
we would eat
you all would eat
they would eat
Conditional perfective feminine tense
żarłabym była
I would have eaten
żarłabyś była
you would have eaten
żarłaby była
she would have eaten
żarłybyśmy były
we would have eaten
żarłybyście były
you all would have eaten
żarłyby były
they would have eaten
Past masculine tense
I ate
you ate
he ate
we ate
you all ate
they ate
Future masculine tense
będę żarł
I will eat
będziesz żarł
you will eat
będzie żarł
he will eat
będziemy żarli
we will eat
będziecie żarli
you all will eat
będą żarli
they will eat
Conditional masculine tense
I would eat
you would eat
he would eat
we would eat
you all would eat
they would eat
Conditional perfective masculine tense
żarłbym był
I would have eaten
żarłbyś był
you would have eaten
żarłby był
he would have eaten
żarlibyśmy byli
we would have eaten
żarlibyście byli
you all would have eaten
żarliby byli
they would have eaten
żarto by
there would be eaten
żarto by
there would be eaten

Examples of żreć

Example in PolishTranslation in English
- Mamy burzliwą przeszłość. Podkradałem wam sprawy, każąc wam żreć gruz, ale to już za nami, bo skoro teraz tu rządzę, będzie dużo gorzej. Ssijcie pęto.Now, I know we have our history, me vulturing your cases, me telling you to eat my farts, but that's all in the past, 'cause now that I run this precinct, things are gonna get much, much worse.
- Ptaki też muszą coś żreć.Birds have to eat too.
Do roboty, jeśli chcemy dzisiaj żreć.Get to work if we want to eat today.
I staraj się mniej żreć.And try to eat less.
Jak żreć ziemię?How to eat dirt?
Zbytnia uprzejmość, żrę jak świnia.I eat like a pig. I want to thank you for what you did last night.
Ćwiczę. Nie żrę jak świnia.I exercise, eat like a normal person.
- Dlaczego go żresz? - Smaczny!- What are you eating it for then?
Bo widzisz, Sykes, ryba rybie wilkiem. Albo ty żresz, albo żrą ciebie.You see, Sykes, it's a fish-eat-fish world.
Cały czas żresz.You're always eating.
Dlatego, że żresz jak przeklęty koń.That's 'cause you eat like a horse.
Howard właśnie mówił o tym, że żresz jak dzika, prawda Howard?Howard was just saying what a rough eater you are, weren't you, Howard? I-I...
Dlatego, że twoja matka ciągle żre jajka!It's because your mother eats all those eggs.
Dużo żre, ale została stworzona do dymania.She eats a lot, but she was born to screw.
Kto żre osiem batoników proteinowych?Who eats eight protein bars?
Może i ładna... ale żre jak świnia.She looks okay but oh my god, she eats like a pig.
Pryce to pies, który żre własne gówno i myśli, że to befsztyk z polędwicy.He is a dog who eats his own feces and thinks it's sirloin steak.
/Wszyscy żremy bezwstydnie jak świnie.We all eat shamelessly like pigs.
Nazywaj go Pooja. Bo cię zdzielę ścierą. Oni są tak szaleńczo w niej zakochani, że ostatnio to żremy tylko karmę dla psów...Otherwise with a broom... they are so madly in love with her that nowadays we eat dog food... dog... oh, no.
Od porwania nie żremy nic innego jak te jebane kraby.Since the kidnapping we haven't eaten nothing but these tails.
To nie moja wina, że ciągle żremy psy.Who's laughing? Don't blame me when all you have to eat is dog meat. Hey!
- Wy Chińczycy żrecie ślimaki!- You Chinese eat slugs!
Ale to wy żrecie i chlejecie, nie odczuwając głodu ni pragnienia!But you yourselves eat and drink without being hungry and thirsty!"
Po co żrecie, jeśli nie jesteście głodni?Why do you eat if you're not hungry? It's ridiculous!
Widać was wszędzie, jak żrecie i chlejecie.You are seen eating and drinking at every occasion.
Zawsze tyle żrecie?You eat this much each time?
- A tu napisali, że żrą trawę.It says here they eat grass.
- Dobrze żrą, bydlaki!- Won't eat, bastards
Bo widzisz, Sykes, ryba rybie wilkiem. Albo ty żresz, albo żrą ciebie.You see, Sykes, it's a fish-eat-fish world.
Czemu oni żrą fasolę?Why do they have eat fama beans, fangulo?
Gościu, ludzie nie żrą kiełbas.Dude, people don't eat sausages.
- Koleś, żryj moje kozy!- Dude, eat my boogers!
- Siadaj i żryj!- Sit down and eat!
- To nie żryj.- Then don't eat it.
- Ty żryj moje kozy!- You eat my boogers!
-Żryj, żryj...! -Basanti...!- Go ahead and eat...!
Zamknijcie się i żryjcie.Just shut up and eat.
Ale u nas kawa i talerz żarła to za mało, by zarwać kobietę z klasą.But here, it takes a lot more than a cup of coffee and a plate of chow to get a sophisticated woman like me into the sack.
Nie ma już w nas iskry, wszystko co robimy to oglądanie telewizji i jedzenie żarła na wynos z restauracja, co masz kupon na nią,.There's no spark anymore. All we do is sit around, watch TV and eat takeout from whatever restaurant you have a coupon for.
Theresa myślałam, że ci mówiłam żebyś nie żarła tyle czekolady.Theresa I thought I told you to lay off the chocolate.
Zawsze zbyt wiele żarłeś.You always ate too much.
Co się stało z tym, którego żarł kot?Well, what happened to the one the cat ate?
Facet do wszystkiego żarł bekon.The man ate bacon with every meal.
A my żarliśmy je do oporu.And we ate till we nearly burst.
Cały dzień żarliśmy jakieś śmieci zamiast prawdziwego posiłku.Instead of eating real food, we just ate junk food all day.
Współlokatorzy brata żarli cheeseburgery aż jeden rzygnął.Watched my brother's roommates eat as many cheeseburgers as they could until one of them puked.

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