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Creer (to believe) conjugation

146 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to think, think, be of the opinion

Conjugation of creer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I believe
you believe
he/she/it believes
we believe
you all believe
they believe
Present perfect tense
he creído
I have believed
has creído
you have believed
ha creído
he/she/it has believed
hemos creído
we have believed
habéis creído
you all have believed
han creído
they have believed
Past preterite tense
I believed
you believed
he/she/it believed
we believed
you all believed
they believed
Future tense
I will believe
you will believe
he/she/it will believe
we will believe
you all will believe
they will believe
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would believe
you would believe
he/she/it would believe
we would believe
you all would believe
they would believe
Past imperfect tense
I used to believe
you used to believe
he/she/it used to believe
we used to believe
you all used to believe
they used to believe
Past perfect tense
había creído
I had believed
habías creído
you had believed
había creído
he/she/it had believed
habíamos creído
we had believed
habíais creído
you all had believed
habían creído
they had believed
Future perfect tense
habré creído
I will have believed
habrás creído
you will have believed
habrá creído
he/she/it will have believed
habremos creído
we will have believed
habréis creído
you all will have believed
habrán creído
they will have believed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I believe
(if/so that) you believe
(if/so that) he/she/it believe
(if/so that) we believe
(if/so that) you all believe
(if/so that) they believe
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya creído
I have believed
hayas creído
you have believed
haya creído
he/she/it has believed
hayamos creído
we have believed
hayáis creído
you all have believed
hayan creído
they have believed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have believed
(if/so that) you have believed
(if/so that) he/she/it have believed
(if/so that) we have believed
(if/so that) you all have believed
(if/so that) they have believed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have believed
(if/so that) you have believed
(if/so that) he/she/it have believed
(if/so that) we have believed
(if/so that) you all have believed
(if/so that) they have believed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera creído
I had believed
hubieras creído
you had believed
hubiera creído
he/she/it had believed
hubiéramos creído
we had believed
hubierais creído
you all had believed
hubieran creído
they had believed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese creído
I had believed
hubieses creído
you had believed
hubiese creído
he/she/it had believed
hubiésemos creído
we had believed
hubieseis creído
you all had believed
hubiesen creído
they had believed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have believed
(if/so that) you will have believed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have believed
(if/so that) we will have believed
(if/so that) you all will have believed
(if/so that) they will have believed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere creído
I will have believed
hubieres creído
you will have believed
hubiere creído
he/she/it will have believed
hubiéremos creído
we will have believed
hubiereis creído
you all will have believed
hubieren creído
they will have believed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's believe!
Imperative negative mood
no creas
do not believe!
no crea
let him/her/it believe!
no creamos
let us not believe!
no creáis
do not believe!
no crean
do not believe!

Examples of creer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! No si queremos hidra de creer que somos los escombros!Not if we want HYDRA to believe we're debris!
! Tenían que creer que era capaz de ello!They had to believe I was capable of that!
"...pero me gustaría creer que, de vivirlo algún día..."but l'd like to believe, if I ever were to feel it,
"A creer que nuestro equipo puede ganar"."to believe that our team can win.
"Algunos quieren creer que soy racista," "como si votar por mí," "fuera un voto a la intolerancia y el odio,"Some want you to believe that I'm a racist, as if a vote for me is a vote for intolerance and hate, as if there'll be race riots and ethnic cleansing...
! - No lo creo...- I don't believe...
! Ah! No le creo...I don't believe her...
! No creo que vaya a llamar.I don't believe you'll call.
! No me lo creo!I don't believe this!
" Le creo."I believe you.
! ¿Por qué no crees en nosotros?Why don't you believe in us?
! ¿Qué no me crees?- I don't believe it.
" Ooh, ¿crees que está lloviendo a cántaros?""Ooh, do you believe it's raining cats and dogs?"
" ¿crees que tu rey cree,"do you believe as your king believes,
" ¿crees que tu rey cree,"do you believe as your king believes,
"Ahora veremos quien cree en mí."We will see who believes in me now.
"Alguien le dijo que sus huellas dactilares eran únicas, y él cree..."Someone told him his fingerprints are unique, and he believes...
"América cree en los milagros".'America believes in miracles'.
"Aquel que cree en mí vivirá, aún después de la muerte".He who believes in me will live even though he dies.
! No te creemos, cabrón!I can't believe this prick!
"...creemos firmemente que... "...en atención a su historial de comportamiento violento y delirante..."we strongly believe that due to a history of violent and delusional behavior,
"2. Creemos que él ha sufrido un daño mental permanente, pero no creemos que haya algún riesgo de que él cometa más crímenes."We believe him to have suffered permanent mental damage, but do not think there's any risk he will commit further crimes. "
"Categóricamente falso" dijo el departamento de guerra. Y nosotros le creemos. -Hey!Categorically false, says the War Department, and we believe them, so to every one of our brave G.I.s soon to be home...
" aunque está más solo porque solo no sabes estar..." "..y creéis que dividirse la vida es normal."You're no longer alone 'cause you don't want to be alone and believe that sharing your life is normal.
- Y ahora Napoleón intervendrá - ¿ De verdad lo creéis ?- And then Napoleon will intervene. - Do you really believe that?
- Y vosotros le creéis.- And you guys believe him.
- ¡Queréis parecer modernos y aún creéis en estas cosas! - No.You and him play the modern couple, and still believe in all that stuff?
- ¿Eso creéis?Do you believe that?
" Las fuerzas de seguridad británicas creen que esta fotografía,""British security forces believe this photograph,"
"Algunos expertos creen que la música clásica puede incrementar sumamente el CI del niño nonato".'Some experts believe that classical music can acutely increase the IQ of the unborn child. '
"Como tu mamá y tu papá sólo creen en lo que pueden ver""As your mom and dad who only believe what they can see"
"... Siempre creí..." "... que vale más conocer la verdad..."I had always believed that it is better to know the truth than to live in ignorance.
"Mi querido senador Dawes, como lo creí sincero cuando me pidió que lo mantuviera informado, Ie escribo de nuevo solicitando su asistencia."My dear Senator Dawes, as l believed you sincere in asking me to keep you informed, l write you again in an appeal for your assistance.
"Nunca creí que las lascivas cartas de tu revista fueran reales, hasta ahora."I never believed the wild and lascivious letters in your magazine were true until now."
"Para ser sincero, nunca creí en ninguno de ellos."To tell you the truth, I never believed in any of them.
# En el destino no creíste #Goodbye, my love... You'd never have believed in fate either
# Muchas veces, y me creíste #Countless times and you believed me
(TV) "Esmeralda, desde que te adopté creíste que yo era tu madre, pero la verdad es que... (Cambia a la voz de Darth Vader) "...Amber, you always believed I was your mother... but the truth is... I I am your father.
- ...y tú me creíste.- and you believed me.
"El mundo entero nos creyó"'The whole world believed us.'
"La Felicidad Psico-social Modular" como la llamamos aquí,... es más pequeño que se creyó."The Psycho-Social Happiness Modular" as we call it here, is lower than first believed.
"Los enterraremos", dijo Kruschev, y el público lo creyó."We will bury you, "Khrushchev said, and the public believed it.
"Para Roz, que creyó en mí desde el principio".Oh, hell no. "To Roz, who believed in me from the start."
"Renée creyó que la violaron.Renee believed she was raped.
- Descuida, Peter. Al que llama esposo... está vivo porque creímos que el entendimiento de su patología... nos ayudaría a atrapar a otros depredadores: hombres que actúan sin conciencia al tener impulsos irresistibles.The man you call your husband is alive because we believed an understanding of his pathology would help us to catch other human predators, men who act without conscience on irresistible impulses.
- Los dos creímos en ti.We both believed you.
- Sí, siempre creímos en ti.- Yeah, we always believed in you.
-Hemos venido porque creímos haberle oído llamarWe came because we believed hearing him call.
Dijo que estaba preocupado por mí, y os lo creísteis, cuando él es el que me metió aquí.He told you that he was worried about me, and you believed it, when he's the one who put me in here.
Es tan buen actor que le creísteis...He's so good an actor that you believed him...
Habéis escucha mucho esto en Inglaterra. Y nunca lo creísteis, Y no os culpo por ello.You heard that lots of times in England and you never believed it once, and I do not blame you for it.
La creísteis necesaria y asumisteis la responsabilidadYou believed it to be necessary and bear the responsibility for it.
"Antiguos astrónomos creyeron que la estrella más brillante era Pleiades,"Ancient astronomers once believed that the brightest star in the Pleiades,
"Creo que me creyeron, no obstante. ""l think they believed me, though."
"Desearía agradecerles a todos" "quienes siempre creyeron en mí por este gran honor."I wish to thank everyone who's always believed in me for this great honor.
"Hubieron algunos que abogaron por comodidades, que creyeron que el enemigo sólo estaría enfurecido con la rebelión rotunda."There were some who advocated accommodation, "who believed the enemy would only be enraged "by outright rebellion.
- Bien, te creeré acerca de esto.All right, I will believe you on this.
-Pero creeré cualquier cosa...-But I will believe in anything...
Ahora creeré que existe el unicornio, los viajeros nunca engañan, aunque los tontos los condenen.Now I will believe that there are unicorns; travellers ne'er did lie, though fools at home condemn 'em.
Ahora creeré que existe el unicornio,Now I will believe that there are unicorns
Ahora creeré que hay unicornios, que en Arabia hay un árbol, el trono del fénix, y que, en este instante, en él reina un fénix.Now I will believe That there are unicorns; That in Arabia There is one tree, The phoenix' throne, one phoenix At this hour reigning-there.
"Sé que creerás que arderé en el infierno."I know that you will believe that I am destined for eternal hellfire.
- No creerás esto.- Not you will believe this.
Al menos tu me creerás.At least you will believe me.
Bueno, entonces... creerás.Well, then... you will believe.
"Estás loca, nadie te creerá" Con esta cinta de video.You're crazy, no one will believe in you with this videotape.
"La gente se creerá antes una gran mentira que una pequeña."people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one.
"Miércoles, tres menos cuarto de la tarde, un peón negro creerá ser el rey negro y tratará de capturar al... líder blanco del diagnóstico"."Wednesday, 2:43 p.m., "a black Pawn will believe he's the black King "and attempt to capture the... white head of diagnostics."
"Nadie lo creerá. " Me pareció... absurdo.Nobody will believe it. I thought it was, You know, absurd.
, todo será revelado muy pronto entonces creeremos que os voy a contar este lo ocurrido esta noche no se hizo por mi mroning buenaPlease believe, all will be unveiled real soon Then we will believe you I will tell you this what happened tonight was not done by my hands
Cuando todo haya acabado, creeremos que hicimos lo correcto.When all is said and done, we will believe we were right.
La mayoria te creeremos porque te hemos visto en el sauna.Most of us will believe that 'cause we've seen you in the steam room.
¡Lo creeremos si lo vemos!We will believe if we see!
- Ellos te creerán... No tiene sentido hablar de ello.–They will believe— –There's no point talking about it.
- No te creerán.No one will believe you.
- Tus amigos te creerán ahora.- Your friends will believe you now.
...cualquier cosa que hagan, tendrán más motivos. Todos creerán exactamente lo que hagan... y ustedes creerán lo que ellos hagan....you'll just have more purpose, and everyone will believe exactly what you do, and you'll believe what they do.
Actuemos o todos creerán lo que Ames dice de nosotras.Melsa's right. If we don't do something quickly, the whole town will believe Everything Ames and that stupid police inspector said about us.
- Entonces, te creería.Then I would believe you.
- Nadie creería a un galés.Nobody would believe a Welshy.
- Nadie le creería.- I don't think anyone would believe you.
- Nadie lo creería.No one would believe it.
- Nadie me creería de todas maneras.- No one would believe me anyway.
- No me creerías igualmente.- Ah, I see. - Not like you would believe me anyway.
A lo mejor, si hubieras estado allí para oírlo, me creerías.M - Maybe if you heard it with your own ears you would believe me.
Ahora estoy viendo a más mujeres de las que creerías.I am seeing more women now than you would believe.
De haberme conocido 50 años atrás me creerías.Oh, yes, if you'd known me 50 years ago, you would believe it.
"Nunca podré compensarte todas las cosas... terribles y dolorosas que te hice, Bobby... y tampoco tengo excusas que ninguno nos creeríamos... pero espero que en algún lugar de tu pacífico corazón... donde vive la verdad... sepas que mis celos, aun tan grandes como fueron... no eran nada comparados con mi amor por ti.""I can never make up for all the terrible, hurtful things I did to you, Bobby, and I have no excuses either one of us would believe, but I hope in the quiet place in your heart where the truth lives, that my jealousy, as powerful as it was, was nothing compared to my love for you."
Me fui muy ofendida de la Isla de Redención. Ellos seis pensaron que les creeríamos eso. Y me pareció que la farsa estuvo muy sobreactuada y un poco patética.I was actually offended at redemption kind the six of them thought we would believe that and i found it to be over the top and somewhat pathetic.
Es como el asunto de Hazkel, ¿cuántos creeríais que cayó del auto?In the Haskell business, how many of you would believe he fell out of the car?
- Ella pensó que no le creerían.She thought no one would believe her.
- No imaginé que me creerían.- I did not imagine they would believe me.
Creo que los escépticos lo creerían si hubiera ocurrido en otras partes,I think the skeptics would believe that if it had occurred anywhere else.
He visto cosas que mis amigos no creerían.I'm seeing things I don't think my friends would believe.
! Han intentado que crea que es hijo de la cocinera del palacio, pero no lo he creído.They tried to make me believe he's the son of the palace cook, but I didn't believe it.
"'Quien crea en mí, aunque muera, vivirá para siempre"'."'He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."'
"'Quien viva y crea en mí nunca morirá"'."'Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."'
"'Y quienquiera que viva y crea en mi..."'And whosoever liveth and believeth in me...
" No creas todo lo sus profesores dicen."Don't believe everything your professors say.
"A menos que lo creas, no lo entenderás.""Unless you believe, you will not understand."
"Con tres niños en casa, será mejor que te creas que cada penique cuenta.""With three kids at home, you better believe every penny counts."
"Cuando digo que me parece fascinante, quiero que me creas.""When l say it sounds fascinating, l want you to believe me."
"Ellos quieren que creas que las armas no matan gente."They want you to believe that guns don't kill people.
"Diputado, Pensilvania" y empleados de niveles mucho más bajos ...vieron grietas en las paredes sintieron que temblaba, sintieron el traqueteo de las ventanas ...y Ud. Quiere que creamos ...que Ud. Se quedó sentado en su oficina sin... ¿Y que no tenía la menor idea de que estaba por derrumbarse?And people in far inferior positions to you could see cracks in the walls, feel the tremors, feel the windows rattling, and you want us to believe you sat there in your office and didn't... and had no clue
"Pero, ¿qué esperas que creamos de información de hace cuatro años?""But what do you expect us to believe from four year's old information?"
"cuando todos creamos en un solo Dios y una sola bandera.""When we are all of one faith and believe in one God and one flag."
"¡Muchacho estúpido! ¿No sabes que las brujas se untan en secreto con saliva, para que creamos que son lágrimas?"Don't you know that witches secretly smear themselves with spittle, so that we might believe it to be tears?"
"Hermanos, no creáis a cualquiera espíritu, probad los espíritus para... ver si son o no de Dios, pues muchos falsos profetas... hay en el mundo"."Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether or not they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."
"No creáis cualquier espíritu, probad los espíritus"."Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits!"
'´Nos creáis o no, estamos tan positivamente seguros... '´como el último test...Whether you believe us or not, we are as positive as...
- Bueno, ¡entonces no me creáis!Well, then don't believe me!
- Ni lo creáis - ¿Creer qué?Do not believe it. Believe what?
"Hacemos lo que queremos ..." "No tenemos miedo..." "Nos crean o no"We do as we wish... we're not scared of anyone... whether someone believes us or not.
"No crean ni una palabra", dijo Irving.[Welles] "don't believe a word of it," said Irving.
"No crean que exagero al decir..."Don't believe I go too far in saying...
"No le crean al padre en verdad pueden pagarlo"."Don't believe the father you really can afford it."
"Que lo crean o no los otros, la vida es una canción.""Whether others believe it or not I do, life is a song."
El pobre Chan Ho Yin puede que creyera sus mentiras, pero Quemadura no.Poor little chan ho yin may have believed your lies, But not scorch.
Porque si lo hacía, entonces ella... porque... había posibilidad de que no me creyera, y... y eso me habría dolido más que nada de lo que él me hizo.Because if I did,then she w-- because... there was a chanceshe wouldn't have believed me,and... and thatwould've hurt a lot worse than anythinghe ever did to me.
Quizás no creyera todas las historias de fantasmas, pero sigo siendo una McDougal.I may not have believed all the ghost stories but I'm still a McDougal.
Dice que pudo haber venido aquí por sus medios, pero que tenía miedo de que nosotros no le creyéramos.He said he would have come in on his own but he said he was afraid we wouldn't have believed him.
Si el médico de muñecas oyó el mismo mensaje que nosotros ... .. .quizás creyese que Abby fue testigo de algo inapropiado.If the doll doctor heard the same message we did, he might have believed that Abby witnessed something inappropriate.
Bueno, creed lo que queráis, yo estoy listo.Well, guys, believe what you want, but I'm boning.
Después de vivir con vosotras dos toda mi vida, creed me, la prisión ha sido como un spa.After living with you two all my life, believe me, prison was like a spa.
Pero cuando encontreis mi cuerpo no creed a la nota de suicidio.But when you find my body, don't believe the suicide note.
Tenéis que leerlo y creed lo que leáisYou have to read it and believe it
Vosotros seguid y creed lo que queráis.You guys go ahead and believe whatever you want to.
"Y yo que la llevé al río creyendo que era mozuela", "Ser o no ser, ésa es la cuestión"..."And l who took her to the river believing she was a maiden,"... "To be or not to be, that is the question" ... and so many others that he composed.
- Usted no me cree. Le creé a él.You don't believe me.
- ¿No me creés?- Won't you believe me?
"El viajero del tiempo era uno de esos hombres demasiado inteligente para ser creído;"The Time Traveler was one of those men "who are too clever to be believed;
# Sigue creyendo lo que lees en los diarios♪ Keep on believing What you read in the papers
# Un canario se subía por la trenza de tu pelo, # un canario se subía creyendo que era una fuente.¤ A canary was climbing up your hair's braid,... ¤ a canary was climbing up believing it to be a fountain.
# Voy a seguir creyendo # Voy a seguir creyendo♪ I'll keep believing ♪ I'll keep believing
*Haces que siga creyendo*(Maddie) ♪ You keep me believing ♪
- Venga, salga - ¿Qué pasa aquí? ¿No me creé?You do not believe me?
De hecho, su comandante creé que podria ser un asesino serial y ha pedido nuestra ayuda.Actually, their precinct commander believes it may be a serial and has asked for our help.
Detective Park, ¿Usted la creé?Detective Park, do you believe her?
El creé que la playa debe pertenecer a la elite.He believes the beach should belong to an elite.
- ¿Y lo creés?- And you believe it?
-En serio, creés que porque le chupes las medias a Serrato, te van a dar laburo?-Seriously, you believe that because of sucking Serrato's feet, you will get a job?
-No me creés.--You don't believe me.
"Nunca había creído en la suerte, o el destino, o lo que sea, hasta ahora."l've never believed in fate, or destiny, "or whatever, until now.
"Por el momento, al menos, he dejado a un lado mi preocupación por que usted y el otro Sr. Price-Owens sean lo que, hasta ahora, he creído que son impíos sodomitas ateos."For the time being, anyway, I have put aside my concerns that you and the other Mr. Price-Owens are what I, up to now, have long believed to be godless, atheistic sodomites. "
"Siempre he creído... que aquel día te salvé por una razón."I've always believed "there was a reason I saved your life that day.
"Soy el único que lo sabe, y si nunca me ha creído nada... de lo que le he dicho, crea esto, Sr. Peyton, si va a la policía, ella morirá"."I'm the only one who does know where she is", "and if you've never believed anything" "I've said to you before, believe this, Mr. Peyton",

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