Mânca (to eat) conjugation

71 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to itch, itch, also to bitesting, corrode

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I eat
you eat
he/she/it eats
we eat
you all eat
they eat
Present perfect tense
am mâncat
I have eaten
ai mâncat
you have eaten
a mâncat
he/she/it has eaten
am mâncat
we have eaten
ați mâncat
you all have eaten
au mâncat
they have eaten
Past preterite tense
I ate
you ate
he/she/it ate
we ate
you all ate
they ate
Future tense
voi mânca
I will eat
vei mânca
you will eat
va mânca
he/she/it will eat
vom mânca
we will eat
veți mânca
you all will eat
vor mânca
they will eat
Conditional mood
aș mânca
I would eat
ai mânca
you would eat
ar mânca
he/she/it would eat
am mânca
we would eat
ați mânca
you all would eat
ar mânca
they would eat
Subjunctive present tense
să mănânc
(so that/if) I eat
să mănânci
(so that/if) you eat
să mănânce
(so that/if) he/she/it eat
să mâncăm
(so that/if) we eat
să mâncați
(so that/if) you all eat
să mănânce
(so that/if) they eat
Subjunctive past tense
să fi mâncat
(so that/if) I have eaten
să fi mâncat
(so that/if) you have eaten
să fi mâncat
(so that/if) he/she/it have eaten
să fi mâncat
(so that/if) we have eaten
să fi mâncat
(so that/if) you all have eaten
să fi mâncat
(so that/if) they have eaten
Past impf. tense
I was eating
you were eating
he/she/it was eating
we were eating
you all were eating
they were eating
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu mânca
do not eat!
nu mâncați
do not eat!
Past pluperfect tense
I had eaten
you had eaten
he/she/it had eaten
we had eaten
you all had eaten
they had eaten
Future alternative 1 tense
am să mănânc
I am going to eat
ai să mănânci
you are going to eat
are să mănânce
he/she/it is going to eat
avem să mâncăm
we are going to eat
aveți să mâncați
you all are going to eat
au să mănânce
they are going to eat
Future alternative 2 tense
o să mănânc
I am going to eat
o să mănânci
you are going to eat
o să mănânce
he/she/it is going to eat
o să mâncăm
we are going to eat
o să mâncați
you all are going to eat
o să mănânce
they are going to eat
Future perfect tense
voi fi mâncat
I will have eaten
vei fi mâncat
you will have eaten
va fi mâncat
he/she/it will have eaten
vom fi mâncat
we will have eaten
veți fi mâncat
you all will have eaten
vor fi mâncat
they will have eaten
Future in the past tense
aveam să mănânc
I was going to eat
aveai să mănânci
you were going to eat
avea să mănânce
he/she/it was going to eat
aveam să mâncăm
we were going to eat
aveați să mâncați
you all were going to eat
aveau să mănânce
they were going to eat
Conditional past tense
aș fi mâncat
I would have eaten
ai fi mâncat
you would have eaten
ar fi mâncat
he/she/it would have eaten
am fi mâncat
we would have eaten
ați fi mâncat
you all would have eaten
ar fi mâncat
they would have eaten
Presumptive tense
oi mânca
I might eat
oi mânca
you might eat
o mânca
he/she/it might eat
om mânca
we might eat
oți mânca
you all might eat
or mânca
they might eat
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi mâncând
I might be eating
oi fi mâncând
you might be eating
o fi mâncând
he/she/it might be eating
om fi mâncând
we might be eating
oți fi mâncând
you all might be eating
or fi mâncând
they might be eating
Presumptive past tense
oi fi mâncat
I might have eaten
oi fi mâncat
you might have eaten
o fi mâncat
he/she/it might have eaten
om fi mâncat
we might have eaten
oți fi mâncat
you all might have eaten
or fi mâncat
they might have eaten

Examples of mânca

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Am încercat cu struguri, dar îi mânca!I tried grapes, but she kept eating them!
" Putem mânca dragoste, putem purta dragoste""We can eat love, we can wear love"
" nu mânca acel cadavru!""hey, don't eat the dead body!"
" veți mânca la cină sauteîntâlneștiîniad""I'll eat you for supper or meet you in hell."
" În curând va fi adormit. Vom puta mânca "It'll go to sleep soon, and then we can eat it."
! De patru zile mănânc sub stres.I've been stress-eating for four days.
! M-ai lăsat s-o mănânc!You let me eat the last one!
! Muncesc mult, nu fac deloc sport, mănânc multă mâncare grasă la birou.I'm working long hours, I'm not exercising, eating a bunch of junk at work.
! Păi, omor oameni şi le mănânc mâinile.Well, I kill people, and I eat their hands.
! Spune-mi, altfel îţi mănânc sufletul!You will tell me or l will eat your stinking soul!
" După ce a fost flirtin "cu luna aprilie și mănânci creveți ta resturile.""After he was flirtin' with April and eatin' your leftover shrimp."
"'O să mănânci toţi peştii""'You'll eat all the fish"
"A"./Nu trebuie să la mănânci în ordine."A." / You don't have to eat it in order.
"Ai vrea să mergi să mănânci o bucăţică"Would you like to go and grab a bite to eat
"Ashley, trebuie să mănânci ceva.""Ashley, you really need to eat something."
! Numele ei este Percy şi mănâncă insecte şi chestii.Lts name is Percy, and it eats bugs and stuff.
" Probabil că mănâncă friptură lui rare"He probably eats his steak rare
"Binecuvântează această mâncase şi pe cei care o mănâncă.""Bless this food and us that eats it."
"Bucătarii mănâncă mereu separat", asta spune ea."Cook always eats separate," that's what she says.
"Cei care îmi mănâncă carnea şi îmi beau sângele vor avea viaţă eternă... şi îi voi ridica în ziua de apoi"."He who eats of my flesh and drinks of my blood shall have eternal life... and I will raise them up on the last day".
! Probabil vor să ne facă poze, apoi să ne pună să mâncăm nisip sau alte chestii.- They probably gonna take our picture and makes us eat sand and stuff.
"Binecuvântat eşti Tu, Doamne, Stăpânul Universului care ne-a binecuvântat cu porunci şi ne-a poruncit să mâncăm matzo. ""Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler of the Universe who has sanctified us with Commandments, and commanded us to eat matzo."
"Binecuvântat eşti Tu, Doamne, conducătorul Universului care ne-ai bincuvântat cu porunci şi care ne-ai poruncit să mâncăm iarba amară. ""Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler of the Universe who has sanctified us with Commandments, and commanded us to eat the bitter herb."
"Dacă nu ucizi pe nimeni implicat într-un program guvernamental secret, poate vii să ne uităm la Pretty in Pink, să mâncăm Oreo"?"If you're not killing everybody involved "in a top secret governmental program, "maybe you can come over and watch Pretty in Pink, we can eat some Oreos"?
"Doamne, de ce în Rai mâncăm precum săracii, când în Iad mănâncă precum regii?""God, why in heaven do we eat like paupers while in hell they eat like kings?"
"Cu un astfel de om nu trebuie nici să mâncați.""With such a one, you shall not even eat!"
"Nu mâncați oricare dintre produsele alimentare de la vânzătorii ambulanți,"Don't eat any of the food from the street vendors,
- Noi nu mâncați în timpul întâlnirilor noastre.- We don't eat during our meetings.
- Nu mâncați?- Do you eat?
- Vouă v-a rămas ceva să mâncați?Won't you have something to eat?
"Dai mâncă nişte dulceaţă şi se gândi mult,""Dai ate some jam and thought a lot,
Acum mâncă nişte mamifer.Now eat some manatee.
Aşadar, Pooh mâncă, şi mâncă... şi mâncă şi mâncă... Şi mâncă.So Pooh ate and ate and ate and ate... and ate and ate and ate and ate... and ate.
Cerem să mâncă un om pentru fiecare Omicronian care a fost mâncat!We demand... ...toeatone humanforeach Omicronian that was eaten!
Crac, crac, crac... mâncă tot !I've eaten it all!
- Da, mâncam cea mai bună mâncare, purtam cele mai bune costume, beam cel mai bun vin... din cel care are dop.Yeah, I was eating the best food, wearing the best suits, drinking the best wine... the kind that has corks.
- O mâncam!I was eating it.
- Trebuie s-o spun tuturor? S-a întâmplat în timp ce mâncam o farfurie cu rigatoni.- I was eating a plate of rigatoni.
- si mâncam bine.- and I was eating well.
-Eu mâncam şi ea m-a lovit.And then I was eating my tater tots, Then she just punched me. Wait a second.
- Ai abandonat-o pe doamna mea, când ea conducea satul ăsta în timp ce tu mâncai terci de ovăz în vale cu mămica ta.- Throwing over my lady, when she's been running this village since you were eating porridge in the glen with your mummy.
- Îl mâncai de parcă erau chipsuri!- You were eating it like it was potato chips!
-Ce făcea ea când tu mâncai?What was she doing while you were eating your tater tots? I don't know.
A spus că mâncai în timp ce vorbeai la telefon.He said you were eating something on the phone.
Am văzut ce mâncai ieri, aşa că ţi-am cumpărat una la fel.I noticed that you were eating one with your lunch the other day, so I stopped and bought you one. Same kind, red velvet.
- Ele mâncau cadavrul?They were eating the body?
A lovit masa unde mâncau.He raised his hand and hit the table they were eating on.
Adică, până azi, dacă întrebi orice canadian unde erau când Robin Sparkles şi-a pierdut minţile, nu numai că ştiu să îţi zică în care Tim Hortons era, dar şi ce gogoaşă mâncau. Eu?I mean, to this day, you ask any Canadian where they were when Robin Sparkles lost it, not only can they tell you which Tim Hortons they were in, but what donut they were eating.
Ai spus că ai mâncau în hambar, corect?You said you were eating in the barn, correct?
Amândoi copiii ăstia le mâncau.Both of these kids were eating them.
Toată lumea vedea ce mâncasem eu în ajun. Aveam nevoie de o jumătate de oră pentru a-mi curăţa aparatul.All knew that he/she had eaten the day before, because the taenia in the corrector it always took half hour in taking out the remains of the food.
Vai, mâncasem la prânz un dinozaur d o zi.Alas, I had eaten a day-old swinosaur for lunch.
Alte bărci, care fuseseră pe Tiberias, au acostat lângă acelaşi loc... unde mulţimea mâncase pâinea mulţumindu-i Domnului.Other boats, which were from Tiberias, came to shore near the place... where the crowd had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.
Ceva îi mâncase din faţă.Something had eaten at her face.
Când am deschis stomacul lui Lynn, am descoperit că şi el, înainte să fie jefuit, mâncase o blinie cu brânză.When I opened Petty Officer Lynn's stomach, I discovered that he, too, before his mugging had eaten a cheese blintz.
El şi-a pierdut sărmana mamă care mâncase prea mult peşte.He lost his poor mama, who had eaten too much fish.
Imaginaţi-vă cât de dezamăgită am fost când am descoperit că Lt. Paris mâncase toată omleta.Imagine my disappointment when l discovered that Lieutenant Paris had eaten all the scrambled eggs.
Japonezii îl mâncaseră pe ticălos.the japs had eaten the son of a bitch.
Peştii îi mâncaseră aproape toată faţa.The fish had eaten away most of her face.
Ratonii ne mâncaseră toate legumele din grădină.Raccoons had eaten all the veggies in our garden.
Şi ei le-au adunat pe toate, şi au umplut 12 coşuri... cu rămăşitele de la tot ce mâncaseră oamenii.So they gathered them all and filled 12 baskets... with the pieces left over from the five barley loaves which the people had eaten.
! N-am mai mâncat de cinci zile!And I haven't eaten in five days!
"A mânca" se spune... întreabă-mă dacă am mâncat."To eat" is... ask me if i have eaten.
"Ai mâncat vreodată peşte balon?"Have you ever eaten blowfish?
"Mănâncă sau fii mâncat"."Eat or be eaten."
"N-am mâncat, le-am aruncat-mă pe străzi...""I have not eaten; they've thrown me out on the streets..."
! Ce dracu faceţi la şcoală mâncând cotlet?What are you doing eating Salisbury steak?
"Cooter" pentru că arăt ca o broască ţestoasă şi "Berger" fiindcă m-a văzut mâncând un hamburger, o singură dată.Cooter because I look like a turtle and Berger because he saw me eating a hamburger one time.
"Mai degrabă aş înnebuni, mergând spre Mexic, curgându-mi heroină prin vene, ochii şi urechile pline de marijuana, mâncând buna mescalină pe podeaua unei colibe la graniţă... mai degrabă îmi zdruncin trupul pe drum, plângând după o cină la lumina soarelui vestic;I would rather go mad, gone down the track to Mexico, heroin dripping in my veins, eyes and ears full of marijuana, eating the god Peyote on the floor of a mudhut on the border... rather jar my body down the road, crying by a diner in the Western sun;
"Motivul pentru care sărbătorim Pastele evreiesc mâncând "matzoh", este comemorarea momentului când Moise i-a scos pe copiii lui Israel din Egipt."And so the reason we celebrate the Passover holidays is by eating Matzo, is to commemorate the time that Moses led the children of Israel from Egypt.
"Şi, deşi după viermii vor distruge pielea mea şi acest organism, mâncând carnea..."And though after my skin worms destroy this body, eating my flesh...

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