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Cerrar (to close) conjugation

134 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to shut, shut

Conjugation of cerrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I close
you close
he/she/it closes
we close
you all close
they close
Present perfect tense
he cerrado
I have closed
has cerrado
you have closed
ha cerrado
he/she/it has closed
hemos cerrado
we have closed
habéis cerrado
you all have closed
han cerrado
they have closed
Past preterite tense
I closed
you closed
he/she/it closed
we closed
you all closed
they closed
Future tense
I will close
you will close
he/she/it will close
we will close
you all will close
they will close
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would close
you would close
he/she/it would close
we would close
you all would close
they would close
Past imperfect tense
I used to close
you used to close
he/she/it used to close
we used to close
you all used to close
they used to close
Past perfect tense
había cerrado
I had closed
habías cerrado
you had closed
había cerrado
he/she/it had closed
habíamos cerrado
we had closed
habíais cerrado
you all had closed
habían cerrado
they had closed
Future perfect tense
habré cerrado
I will have closed
habrás cerrado
you will have closed
habrá cerrado
he/she/it will have closed
habremos cerrado
we will have closed
habréis cerrado
you all will have closed
habrán cerrado
they will have closed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I close
(if/so that) you close
(if/so that) he/she/it close
(if/so that) we close
(if/so that) you all close
(if/so that) they close
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya cerrado
I have closed
hayas cerrado
you have closed
haya cerrado
he/she/it has closed
hayamos cerrado
we have closed
hayáis cerrado
you all have closed
hayan cerrado
they have closed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have closed
(if/so that) you have closed
(if/so that) he/she/it have closed
(if/so that) we have closed
(if/so that) you all have closed
(if/so that) they have closed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have closed
(if/so that) you have closed
(if/so that) he/she/it have closed
(if/so that) we have closed
(if/so that) you all have closed
(if/so that) they have closed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera cerrado
I had closed
hubieras cerrado
you had closed
hubiera cerrado
he/she/it had closed
hubiéramos cerrado
we had closed
hubierais cerrado
you all had closed
hubieran cerrado
they had closed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese cerrado
I had closed
hubieses cerrado
you had closed
hubiese cerrado
he/she/it had closed
hubiésemos cerrado
we had closed
hubieseis cerrado
you all had closed
hubiesen cerrado
they had closed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have closed
(if/so that) you will have closed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have closed
(if/so that) we will have closed
(if/so that) you all will have closed
(if/so that) they will have closed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere cerrado
I will have closed
hubieres cerrado
you will have closed
hubiere cerrado
he/she/it will have closed
hubiéremos cerrado
we will have closed
hubiereis cerrado
you all will have closed
hubieren cerrado
they will have closed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's close!
Imperative negative mood
no cierres
do not close!
no cierre
let him/her/it close!
no cerremos
let us not close!
no cerréis
do not close!
no cierren
do not close!

Examples of cerrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... se preparó para cerrar la puerta por última vez."...prepared to close the door for the last time.
"Acabamos de recibir una llamada del director George Feeny, que dijo que va a necesitarse más de 32 centímetros de nieve para cerrar John Adams High.""We just received a call from Principal George Feeny, who said it's gonna take more than 32 inches of snow to close down John Adams High."
"Amenazan cerrar la Ciudad de los Niños. ""Authorities threaten to close Boys Town."
"Así que confío en ti para cerrar el caso."So I'm relying on you to close the case
"Estimada señora, me apena informarle de que, debido a la guerra, nos hemos visto obligados a cerrar nuestra escuela de brujería."Dear Madam, it grieves me to inform you that we have been forced to close down our College of Witchcraft."
" ¿La que veo cuando cierro los ojos?Who I close my eyes to see
"Ahora lo cierro", ¡pero tú estás loco!I closed it. You are crazy.
"Cuando cierro los ojos con fuerza, veo un centenar de tonalidades brillantes.""When eyes close tight I see a hundred hues bright"
"Cuando cierro los ojos, las lágrimas ruedan por mis mejillas.""When I close my eyes, tears roll down my cheek."
"Cuando cierro mis ojos, aún puedo ver tus hombros resplandeciendo bajo el sol de Karachi."When I close my eyes, I can still see your shoulders shining in the Karachi sun.
"A veces solo cierras los ojos""Sometimes you just got to close your eyes
"Donde sea que las remolques, cuando cierras la puerta al final del día, estás en casa.""Wherever you tow them, "when you close the door at the end of the day, you're home. "
# Pero si cierras la puerta... # # ...nunca más tendré que ver el día. #But if you close the door... I'll never have to see the day again.
# Pero si cierras los ojos #♪ But if you close your eyes ♪
# Pero si cierras tus ojos #♪ But if you close your eyes ♪
"Cuando el señor cierra una puerta, en algún lugar abre una ventana"."When the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window."
"Cuando se cierra la puerta," la caja fuerte se vuelve una aspiradoraWhen the door closes, the safe becomes a vacuum
"Cuando se cierra una puerta se abre una ventana"."Whenever one door closes, another one opens."
"Cuando ve un fantasma en la película, cierra los ojos"."When she sees a ghost in the movie, she closes her eyes."
"El amor es ciego la amistad cierra sus ojos"."love is blind. Friendship closes its eyes."
" Cuando cerramos los ojos y soñamosWhen we all close our eyes And imagine
"Cabeceamos pero nunca cerramos.""We may doze, but we never close."
"De parte de la tripulación del Apolo 8, cerramos con buenas noches, buena suerte, Feliz Navidad, y que Dios los bendiga a todos, a todos ustedes en la buena Tierra."'From the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, 'a merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, 'all of you on the good Earth.'
"Lo siento, ya cerramos"."sorry, we're closed."
"Rose Clothes... nunca cerramos"."Rose Clothes -- we never close."
- ¿Por qué cerráis tan temprano?- Why'd you close up so early?
- ¿Qué día cerráis?- What day are you closed?
Así es como cerráis los casos.That is how you close a case.
Como me cerráis las puertas de vuestro despacho no tengo más remedio que veros aquí.Since your office doors are closed to me I had no choice but to come here.
Es ruidoso por la noche, pero si cerráis los ojos, suena como jazz.It's kind of noisy at night, but if you close your eyes, it sounds like jazz.
"Al igual que fluye la brisa, mis ojos se cierran.""As the breeze flows my eyes close"
"Cuando se cierran los ojos..."When eyes are closed...
"Si quieres, estos ojos que se cierran .."lf you agree a bit, these eyes that close..
"se cierran"Eyes closed
"¿Me pregunto si tus ojos se cierran...?"I wonder if your eyes close
"No cerré porque nadie murió todavía"."I haven't closed up cause ain't nobody got killed yet".
"Yo simplemente cerré mis ojos y pensé en ti, mi Boaz.""I simply closed my eyes and thought of you, my Boaz"
- ... y cerré un trato increíble...- and I just closed this amazing deal...
- Con Ann Rushing lo cerré.-I closed Ann Rushing.
- Cuando cerré el refrigerador...- When I closed the fridge...
- No la cerraste.One, I closed.
- Y ahora, cerraste la puerta.- And now, you've closed the door.
- Y tú cerraste el caso hace tres años.And you closed your case three years ago.
- ¿ Lo cerraste hoy? Me madrugué, los busqué y lo cerré.I got up early this morning, tracked 'em down, and closed it.
- ¿Tú cerraste la puerta?- You closed the door?
"Bond cerró sus ojos y esperó el dolor.' "Bond closed his eyes and waited for the pain.'
"Coma-lot" cerró.Clam-Elot's is closed.
"Ella se mordió los labios, cerró los ojos muda.""She bit the flesh of her lip, "closed her eyes, mute."
"Entonces sacó el resto y cerró la cuenta".Then he took out the rest and the account was closed.
"Entonces, Beatriz cerró sus ojos y le ofreció una plegaria a Dios y cuando ella abrió su delantal, ¿qué es lo que crees que había?""So Beatrice closed her eyes and she offered up a prayer to god, and when she opened her apron, what do you think was there?" Roses.
A Sean lo mataron porque vosotras cerrasteis la vuestra, y muchos otros cerraron las suyas.No. Sean was killed cos you closed yours, and loads of others closed theirs.
Abristeis los grifos, cerrasteis las puertas, e hicisteis volar la casa por los aires para cubrir lo que habíais hecho... todo porque Ethan había hecho de sí mismo, alguien.You opened the taps, closed the doors and blew the place to bits to cover up what you'd done. All because Ethan had made himself into somebody.
- Birgitte, cerraron los colegios. - Bien.Birgitte, the polling stations are closed.
- Cinco minutos. Voy a pasar una hora con mis hijos y regresar aquí, - A v er si cerraron algún contrato...I got to go home, grab one hour with my kids, come back here, see if any of you closed a contract, take the contract--
- Creía que lo cerraron.I thought that place closed down.
- George, ya cerraron.-George, they closed up.
- Hace 65 años, todas las habitaciones de ese piso se cerraron con un mantra mágico.65 years ago, all the rooms of that floor were closed.. ..with magic and mantra.
- Las cerraré.- I will close.
- Sí cerraré.- I will close!
Antes de que hoy se ponga el sol... cerraré las rutas comerciales de Gobi... y dejaré sin víveres a Karakórum.Before the sun sets today... I will close down the Gobi trade routes... starve Karakorum.
Bien, en ese caso, cerraré la puerta.Oh, well, in that case, I will close the door.
Bien, meteré el dinero en esta maleta y la cerraré con un rápido movimiento.Well, put the money this bag and will close with a rapid movement.
- ¿Esta noche cerrarás temprano?- Tonight, you will close early, huh?
'Usted cerrará la producción y dejará Israel inmediatamente.''You will close production down and leave Israel immediately.'
- Esta noche, el mercado bursátil cerrará en 10.233 puntos, después de recuperar 617 puntos.- Tonight, the stock market will close at 10,233 points, after regaining 617 points.
- No, entonces la tienda cerrará, campeón.- Nah, then the shop will close, chief.
- Todavía no... pero todo cerrará cuando el ejército declare la ley marcial.- Not yet... but everything will close down when the army proclaims martial law.
- Valentin cerrará. - De acuerdo, señor.- Valentin will close the shop.
A partir de hoy, cerraremos la tienda.As of today, we will close the store.
Ahí cerraremos el negocio.That will close the business.
Después de que entreguen la carga, les cerraremos los ojos para siempre.After the load is received, we will close their eyes forever.
Pronto lo cerraremos, pero aun no.We will close it soon, but not yet.
Richie y yo cerraremos nuestro trato con nuestro hombre en México.Richie and I will close our deal with our guy in Mexico.
"Por orden de la policía ocupacional todos los restaurantes, cafés, teatros y edificios públicos cerrarán inmediatamente."By order of the Occupational Police... "all restaurants, cafes, theaters... "and public buildings will close immediately.
"Un bocado de la manzana envenenada... y los ojos de la victima se cerrarán para siempre... en la Muerte Durmiente.""One taste of the Poisoned Apple... "and the victim's eyes will close forever... in the Sleeping Death."
A menos que haya un repunte en los próximos 90 minutos, el Dow Jones va a cerrar con pérdidas del 2,5 por ciento, y SP y NASDAQ cerrarán con pérdidas del 2,3 por ciento.Unless there's a rally in the next 90 minutes, the Dow's gonna close down about 2.5%, SP and NASDAQ will close down 2.3.
Bueno, sus hormonas lo cerrarán por ti.Well, his hormones will close it for you.
Cuando cuente tres, tus ojos se cerrarán y te encontrarás en un agradable, profundo y relajado estado de hipnosis.On the count of three, Your eyes will close, and you will find yourself in a very nice, deep, comfortable, relaxed state of hypnosis.
- Dijiste que se cerraría.- You said it would close.
Antes, Max cerraría el local.Max would close the place down first.
Cualquier juez cerraría la planta.Any judge would close the plant.
Cuando contrataron a Frank Sinatra supe que se cerraría la brecha.When they got Frank Sinatra, I knew they would close the gap.
El salón se cerraría sobre nosotros.The shop would close in on us.
Pero hay que recordar que cada colección pensábamos que sería la última, que cerraríamos estas puertas de la calle Spontini.But we must remember that we thought each collection would be the last and that we would close Rue Spontini.
Las ventanas de la mente se cerrarían.The windows of the mind would close.
Los hospitales cerrarían.Hospitals would close.
Los mercados financieros cerrarían, los aviones perderían sus sistemas de navegación.The financial markets would close, planes would lose their nav systems.
Más negocios cerrarían sus puertas y millones de estadounidenses podrían perder el empleo.More businesses would close their doors and millions of Americans could lose their jobs.
Pero si Ahmed o cualquiera lo averiguase las puertas se me cerrarían de inmediato.But if Ahmed or anyone would find out, doors would close like that.
"Alejandro, hijo mío, mira lo que he sido y lo que soy, con nadie al lado que me cierre los ojos".(Alexander) "My son, Alexander, look now what I was and what I am, with no one near me to even close my eyes."
"Cuando cierre el libro, no tendré remordimientos.""When I close the book, I will have no regrets."
"El combustible esta bajo." "Por favor cierre la puerta.""Your fuel is low. " "Please close your door. "
"Enfréntate al armario, ve a tu exnovia, ten un cierre"."Deal with the closet, see your ex-girlfriend, get closure."
"Usted está muy cerca de mí, Así que cierre...."You are very close to me.
"Pensaba entrar en ti cuando cierres los ojos..."Thought of coming in if you close your eyes...
*Porque cuando cierres tu corazón, y luego tu mente*♪ 'Cause when you close your heart then you close your mind ♪
- Esperá' no la cierres.- Wait' don't close it.
- Necesitamos que tú cierres.We need you to close. Me?
- No cierres esa puerta.- Woman: Don't you close that door.
" Por ello, cerremos nuestras filas aún con mayor firmeza... " ...fielmente seguiremos a nuestro amado líder, " y dedicaremos nuestros esfuerzos para que nuestro mayor honorTherefore, let us close our ranks even more firmly we shall faithfully follow our beloved leader, and devote our efforts and make it our honour to be loyal to his commands, and to do our very best.
"Por ello, cerremos nuestras filas aún con mayor firmeza.Therefore, let us close our ranks even more firmly.
# Cuando cerremos los ojos ##When we close our eyes #
*Alto flotaremos cuando los ojos cerremos*♪ Up we will float as we close our eyes ♪
- 7... 6... - No conseguirán que cerremos.- They'll never close us up today!
"Será mejor que cerréis vuestras mentes"I think u better close it
- Me iré cuando cerréis.I'll go when you close.
- Os he dicho que cerréis la cortina.I told you to close the curtain.
Cuando cerréis la puerta, tirad hasta que se eche la cerradura.Just, when you close the door, pull it till it locks.
He dicho que cerréis los ojos.I said close your eyes.
"...paga para que cierren el restaurante... "...donde almuerza y contrata a una mandolina".Pay the guy to close down the restaurant where she eats lunch and hire a mandolin player. "
"Buenas noches, gatitos, cierren los ojos."'Good night kittens, close your eyes.
"En Sydney hace demasiado calor para trabajar, que cierren las fábricas"."In Sydney it's too hot to work, factories close."
"Respira hondo y espera a que cierren las puertas"."Just take a deep breath and wait till they close all the holds."
"y cierren sus filas."And close your ranks.
- Cerrad eso, cerrad eso.Close one, that, close one, that.
- para nosotros, Sarge? - Sí, cerrad la puerta.Yeah, close the door.
Ahora cerrad la boca.Now close your mouth.
Ahora todo el mundo cerrad los ojos y pensad en algo que queráis cambiar de vosotros mismos.Ok, great. Now all of you, everybody, close your eyes. And think about something you want to change about yourselves.
Ahora, cerrad los ojos e intentad imaginaros el día más bonito que hayáis visto.Now, close your eyes. Try to imagine the most beautiful day you've ever seen!
! Claro, porque me grabó una cámara de circuito cerrado!That's because he saw me on the closed-circuit camera.
"..dormitorio cerrado, lloriqueando...""..bedroom door closed, whimpering..."
"A cada minuto todos nosotros, con pasión el camino abrimos. Un ojo abierto, el otro cerrado, y el dedo en el gatillo. Oídos atentos a los jabalíes y sus ruidos."At every minute of the day, with fervent hearts we make our way... one eye open, the other closed, finger on the trigger we are posed... with attentive ears we prowl, to hear the boar's growl.
"Archivo cerrado."File closed.
"Caso cerrado."'Files closed.'
! Vienes cuando estamo cerrando!You come when we are closing!
" ¿ La red se está cerrando ? "The net's closing?
" ¿ Lo tienes todo ? " " ¿ La red se está cerrando ? "You're flush? The net's closing?
"Nada," dijo. "Están cerrando el estadio."Nothing," he says. "They're closing the stadium.
"Y así pereció la última reina de Egipto", dijo ella, y cerrando sus ojos, se desvaneció."'And so perishes the last queen of Egypt,' she said, and closing her eyes, collapsed."
- Cuando te vayas, cerrá la puerta.- When you leave, close the door.
Bueno, amigo, ya sabés, simplemente cerrá tu laptop y apoyá a tu estudio local.Well, dude, you know, just close your laptop and support your local studio.
De acuerdo, cerrá los centros... dejá a miles de personas en la calle.All right, close the centres, put thousands of people out of work.
Está bien, pero cerrá los ojos.Okay, but close your eyes.
La botica está "cerrá".The pharmacy is closed.

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