Sulkea (to close) conjugation

125 examples
This verb can also mean the following: turn, turn off, shut kotus type 58/laskea, k-j gradation

Conjugation of sulkea

Present tense
I close
you close
he/she closes
we close
you all close
they close
is closed
Past tense
I closed
you closed
he/she closed
we closed
you all closed
they closed
was closed
Conditional mood
I would close
you would close
he/she would close
we would close
you all would close
they would close
would be closed
Imperative mood
let's close!
be closed!
Potential tense
I probably close
you probably close
he/she probably closes
we probably close
you all probably close
they probably close
probably is closed
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to close
to close
while closing
while closing
just about to close
Passive infinitives
while not closing
not closing
Passive participles
not closed
not closed
Present negative tense
en sulje
I do not close
et sulje
you do not close
ei sulje
he/she do not close
emme sulje
we do not close
ette sulje
you all do not close
eivät sulje
they do not close
ei suljeta
is not closed
Past negative tense
en sulkenut
I did not close
et sulkenut
you did not close
ei sulkenut
he/she did not close
emme sulkeneet
we did not close
ette sulkeneet
you all did not close
eivät sulkeneet
they did not close
oli suljettu
had been closed
Conditional negative tense
en sulkisi
I would not close
et sulkisi
you would not close
ei sulkisi
he/she would not close
emme sulkisi
we would not close
ette sulkisi
you all would not close
eivät sulkisi
they would not close
Imperative negative mood
älä sulje
do not close!
älköön sulkeko
let him/her/it not close!
älkäämme sulkeko
let's not close!
älkää sulkeko
do not close!
älkööt sulkeko
do not close!
Potential negative tense
en sulkene
I probably do not close
et sulkene
you probably do not close
ei sulkene
he/she probably does not close
emme sulkene
we probably do not close
ette sulkene
you all probably do not close
eivät sulkene
they probably do not close
Present perfect tense
olen sulkenut
I have closed
olet sulkenut
you have closed
on sulkenut
he/she has closed
olemme sulkeneet
we have closed
olette sulkeneet
you all have closed
ovat sulkeneet
they have closed
on suljettu
has been closed
Past perfect tense
olin sulkenut
I had closed
olit sulkenut
you had closed
oli sulkenut
he/she had closed
olimme sulkeneet
we had closed
olitte sulkeneet
you all had closed
olivat sulkeneet
they had closed
Conditional perfect tense
olisin sulkenut
I would have closed
olisit sulkenut
you would have closed
olisi sulkenut
he/she would have closed
olisimme sulkeneet
we would have closed
olisitte sulkeneet
you all would have closed
olisivat sulkeneet
they would have closed
olisi suljettu
would has been closed
Imperative perfect tense
ole sulkenut
you have closed!
olkoon sulkenut
he/she have closed!
olkaamme sulkeneet
we have closed!
olkaa sulkeneet
you all have closed!
olkoot sulkeneet
they have closed!
olkoon suljettu
has been closed!
Potential perfect tense
lienen sulkenut
I probably have closed
lienet sulkenut
you probably have closed
lienee sulkenut
he/she probably has closed
lienemme sulkeneet
we probably have closed
lienette sulkeneet
you all probably have closed
lienevät sulkeneet
they probably have closed
lienee suljettu
probably has been closed
Present perfect negative tense
en ole sulkenut
I have not closed
et ole sulkenut
you have not closed
ei ole sulkenut
he/she has not closed
emme ole sulkeneet
we have not closed
ette ole sulkeneet
you all have not closed
eivät ole sulkeneet
they have not closed
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut sulkenut
I had not closed
et ollut sulkenut
you had not closed
ei ollut sulkenut
he/she had not closed
emme olleet sulkeneet
we had not closed
ette olleet sulkeneet
you all had not closed
eivät olleet sulkeneet
they had not closed
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi sulkenut
I would not have closed
et olisi sulkenut
you would not have closed
ei olisi sulkenut
he/she would not have closed
emme olisi sulkeneet
we would not have closed
ette olisi sulkeneet
you all would not have closed
eivät olisi sulkeneet
they would not have closed
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole sulkenut
you have closed!
olkoon sulkenut
he/she have closed!
olkaamme sulkeneet
we have closed!
olkaa sulkeneet
you all have closed!
olkoot sulkeneet
they have closed!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene sulkenut
I probably have not closed
et liene sulkenut
you probably have not closed
ei liene sulkenut
he/she probably has not closed
emme liene sulkeneet
we probably have not closed
ette liene sulkeneet
you all probably have not closed
eivät liene sulkeneet
they probably have not closed

Examples of sulkea

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"...joskus he unohtivat sulkea oven."--that sometimes they forgot to close the door.
"..mutta hän ei halua sulkea silmiään.."...but he doesn't want to close his eyes...
"Pelkään sulkea silmiäni, ettei se vaan katoa.""I fear if I close my eyes it'll all be gone when I open them."
"Saatoin sulkea silmäni ja nähdä sen aina uudelleen."I could close my eyes and see it again and again.
"täytyy sulkea asemanne."going to have to close your station.
"Joten silmäni suljen ja toivon jotakin."So I close my eyes and make a wish
"Se on kuin kirja, jonka minä suljen.""'They think it will be like a book I close.
- Avaa tuo ovi tuolla, kun suljen tämän.- Open that door while I close this one.
- Ei, suljen koko paikan.- No. I'm gonna close down.
- Haluatko, että suljen ikkunan?- You want me to close the window? - No, I got it.
"Jos suljet silmäsi ja kuuntelet, kunhan olen opettanut häntä, hän on"If you close your eyes and listen to him after I finish teaching him,
"Mihin ikinä vedätkin sen, - ja kun suljet illalla oven perässäsi, olet kotona.""Wherever you tow them, "when you close the door at the end of the day, you're home. "
"Mutta jos suljet silmäsi ja kuuntelet sydämesi kuiskausta. " "Jos yrität aina, etkä luovuta mitä sitten tapahtuikin. "But if you close your eyes and listen for the whisper of your heart, if you simply keep trying and never, ever give up, no matter how many times you get it wrong, until the beginning and end
"Niin lähellä että kun suljet silmäsi - "minä nukahdan"So close that when you close your eyes... l fall asleep."
(Mikael:) Jos suljet silmäsi, näetkö maailman, - jossa jokainen saa olla, mitä itse haluaa?(Michael :) If you close your eyes, can see the world, - where everyone can be what they want?
"ja sulkee valheiden pyhänkirjan.""and closes the holy book of lies.
- Hän sulkee hänen silmänsä tyytyväisenä, samalla nautttien tuottesta- She closes her eyes with pleasure while enjoying the product.
- Kun Jumala sulkee oven, Hän avaa ikkunan.When god closes a door, he opens a window. Heh.
- Olet ainoa, joka sulkee ovensa.You're the only one who closes your door.
-Hän sulkee paikan talveksi.- She closes up in the winter.
"Enpä usko." tai "En ole varma." - tai suljemme oven edessänne, se tarkoittaa "ei"!or "I'm not sure," or we close the door in your face, that means, "No."
- Avaamme oven, - ne menevät veteen ja me suljemme kannen.We open the door, They go for the water, we close the lid.
- Ei koskaan ole pimeämpää, kuin silloin, kun suljemme silmämme ja pidämme - ne kuitenkin suljettuna.Thank you. It's never darker than when we close our eyes and yet we keep them shut.
- Me suljemme nyt.Impossible. It's closed sir. It's closed?
- Me suljemme pian.-We close in a few minutes.
- Moneltako suljette?Yessir. What time do you close?
Ennen kuin suljette oven...And before you close the door, I just,
Ette halua tehdä mitään vaan suljette silmänneDo you want to do nothing and close your eyes?
Haluan, että suljette silmänne...I want you to close your eyes...
He ovat pahassa pulassa, jos suljette ainoan paikan, josta he saavat apua.They are going to be in desperate trouble if you close the hospital.
"Chicagolla on paljon ongelmia ja ne vähenevät yhdellä - kun nämä ongelmanratkaisijat sulkevat ovensa."With as many problems as Chicago faces, we'll certainly be facing one less when these problem solvers close their doors." Wow.
- He sulkevat kymmenen minuutin päästä.- They close in ten minutes.
- He sulkevat tien hänen takanaan.- They let him through. They Roman line will close behind him.
- Ovet sulkevat meitä pois toisiltamme.Got a doorway. Doors close us off from one another.
Britit sulkevat sataman.The British are gonna close the harbour.
Hissit suljetaan.Attention, skiers, the chairlifts are closed. Have a merry Christmas.
Päivähoito suljetaan aikaisin, - joten iskä-päivä puistossa.Well, I didn't have much of a choice. Daycare closed early, so Daddy day in the park.
Seuraavat koulut suljetaan.{\pos(192,210)}The following schools are closed.
"otin nenästä, suljin silmät" kulautin§ I held my nose, I closed my eyes §
- Minä säikähdin ja suljin ovet.And then I got scared, George, and closed the doors.
- Minähän suljin sen.I closed that cover out.
- Mutta kun minä suljin jo.- Yeah, um, I'm closed.
- Olen pahoillani, suljin yöksi.- Sorry, I'm closed for the night.
- Kuulin juuri, että suljit pienen liikkeesi.Why's that? - I heard you closed down your little shop.
- Tapoit heidät ja suljit Lindan silmät.So you popped them and closed her eyes.
Avasit ja suljit sen, ja muistot palasivat heti.Just opened it up, closed it real quick, brought it right back?
Avasit piikkisi kello 16.53 ja suljit sen 01.23 aamuyöllä.You opened up the tab at 4:53, and then you closed it at 1:23 in the morning.
Heti kun suljit sen ikkunan, sinulta paloivat releet.The second you closed that window, your brain popped a gasket.
"Hän otti konnaa kädestä, vei hänet sisään ja sulki oven.""He took toad firmly by the arm, "led him into the smoking room, "and closed the door behind them.
"Hän sulki silmänsä ja rukoili." Arvaas, mitä essun sisällä oli?"So Beatrice closed her eyes and she offered up a prayer to god, and when she opened her apron, what do you think was there?" Roses.
"Isäni sulki silmänsä tältä maailmalta -- "My father's eyes had closed upon the light of this world...
- Destiny sulki sen osaston, - ja jostakin kumman syystä se ei hyväksy ohituskäskyä.Destiny's closed off the compartment from the rest of the ship, and for some reason we don't understand is refusing our override command.
- Hän sulki oven.- Yeah, she just closed the door.
- Aivan, suljimme kaikki satamat.Oh right, we've closed off all the ports.
- Olen pahoillani, mutta suljimme juuri.Sorry lady, we just closed.
- Sanoin, että suljimme jo.I told you we were closed.
-Valitan, suljimme jo.No, sorry, roger. We're closed.
Anteeksi, mutta suljimme jo.Sorry pal we're closed.
- Kun suljitte oven, näittekö ketään ennen kuin minä koputin ovelle aamulla? Mutta soitimme kylläkin yöpäällikölle, koska olimme... huolestuneita, eikö?Afteryou closed your door, around 10:15 P.M.... you didn't see anybody else until I knocked on your door this morning?
Ihmettelin, miksi suljitte taikurikoulun - ennen kurssin tärkeintä osaa.I was shocked when you closed down the college without that most important last lesson.
Istuitte tähän ja kun aloitte sanella, aamuaurinko kävi silmiinne. Joten nousitte, menitte ikkunalle ja suljitte kaihtimet.And you sat down and when you started to dictate, the early morning sun got in your eyes and you then arose, went to the window and closed the blinds.
Joko suljitte?- Are you closed? - Not yet.
Kun suljitte pullon, yksi koirasi karvoista tarttui korkin kierteisiin.When you closed the bottle, one of the hairs from your dog was sealed into the screw-on top.
- He sulkivat tehtaan.They closed the mill, and you know what?
- Hän lohdutti minua sen jälkeen kun ne sulkivat paikan. Emäntien vuoksi.He comforted me when they closed the place because of the hostesses.
- Ihmiset sulkivat sen, kun jääkaapit tulivat.People closed them up when fridges came in. - OK, well, give me a couple of secs.
- Mutta he sulkivat paikan silti.But they closed the place anyway.
- Poliisit sulkivat tiedekunnan.- The cops closed the faculty.
- Tiet suljettiin aikaisemmin.Roads were closed earlier.
Kaikki Välimeren kauppareitit suljettiin - Egyptin Alexandriassa tapahtuneen hyökkäyksen jälkeen.Anytrades Mediterranean were closed afterattack the port of Alexandria in Egypt .
Kaksi viimeistä klinikkaani suljettiin myös.Well, the last two ERs I worked at were closed down.
Kerron jotain muutakin: 2 viikkoa sitten yhtyeen kaivos suljettiin.l'll tell you something else you might not know. A fortnight ago... this band's pit were closed.
Lentokentät, satamat ja rajat suljettiin.We have to walk now. The airports, seaports and borders were closed.
Jos tietäisin sinun olevan onnellinen sulkisin silmäni nyt.If I knew that you would be happy, I would close my eyes now.
-Oletin, että hän sulkisi verhon.And I assumed she would close the curtain. - Well, I am not... - I'm not a fluffer.
Kuningas sulkisi teatterin.Can't. The Crown would close me down if I did.
Max sulkisi ennemin koko paikan.Max would close the place down first.
Keithin mukaan hukkasin aikaani. Studio suljettaisiin pian.I was wasting my time and the studio would be closed in six months.
"Jäävettä, puhtaita pyyhkeitä, avaa ikkuna, sulje ikkuna.""lce water, clean washcloths, open the window, close the window--"
"Ota henki... ja rakkaus pois seitsemältä lapselta, sulje ympyrä heidän verellään."Take the breath and the love out of seven children And close the circle with their blood when morning turns to night"
"sulje silmäsi ja ajattele näitä."or if you're ever scared, I want you to close your eyes "and think of these.
- Amy, sulje silmäsi!-Amy, close your eyes!
- Avaa ovi puolenyön aikaan näyttäydy herra Adamsille, palaa huoneeseen ja sulje ovi.Exactly at midnight, I want him to open that door And let Mr. Adams see you just for one second, Then jump back into the room and close the door behind you.
"..kietokaa minut kääriliinoihin ja sulkekaa arkun kansi"...wrap me in my shroud and close the coffin lid
"Vielä kerran tai sulkekaa muuri kuollein toverein."'POnce more, or close up the wall with our English dead."
- Avatkaa, sulkekaa, yrittäkää päättää!Open it, close it, make up your mind
Anteeksi, sulkekaa laatikko.Excuse me, would you just close the drawer.
Avatkaa portti, portin läpi, sulkekaa portti.Open gate, through gate, close gate.
- Ehdokaslista suljettakoon.- I move the nominations be closed.
Kuvernööri saa tarpeeksi syytä sulkeakseen Emerald Cityn pysyvästi.The governor will have enough ammunition to close down Emerald City permanently.
Sam teki urotöitä sulkeakseen Helvetin portit.Then Sam underwent a series of trials... in an attempt to close the Gates of Hell...
Ylös taaksemme sulkeakseen takaoven.Up behind us to close the back door.
- Ei, olemme sulkemassa.We're closing in a minute.
- Kuka on sulkemassa Soundia?- Who's closing off the sound?
- Kyllä, olen juuri sulkemassa.- Yeah, I'm just closing up.
- Mason Hetty ja Joan Tadford. Olivat sulkemassa paikkaa. Tuolla on omistaja John Harrison ja hänen poikansa Andy.Mason Heady and Joan Tapford, employees, supposed to be closing up, according to the owner who is right over there...
- Olemme juuri sulkemassa.We're closing up.
"Korostaakseni Psykon aiheuttamaa shokkia ja jännitystä, - suosittelen sulkemaan esiripun - välittömästi elokuvan loputtua ja pitämään ne suljettuna - puolen minuutin ajan.To further emphasize the sheer, unrelenting shock... and suspense of Psycho... right after the closing title, "The End"... we strongly recommend that you close your house curtains... over the screen for a full 30 seconds.
- Jenny, aloita sulkemaan pääilmalukko heti.Jenny, start closing the main airlock. Now!
Alan sulkemaan jo.I'll start closing up.
Aloita nyt vain sulkemaan heti!Just close it. Start closing it right now!
Hän on ilmeisesti hyvä sulkemaan ovia.Apparently very good at closing doors. Door doors.
-Sitten sinun pitäisi voida nähdä - liekin kirkkaan magian vain silmät sulkemalla - ja kiinnittämällä katseesi otsasi keskipisteeseen.TAPE: After that you should be able to see the bright magic of the flame in your minïs eye simply by closing your eyes and fixing your gaze at the spot in the centre of your forehead.
Aloitetaan sulkemalla silmät ja hengittämällä syvään.Now, we'll start by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
Ehdotan aloittavamme sulkemalla oven?Might I suggest that we begin by closing the door?
He pilasivat perheeni - sulkemalla tämän kaivoksen, vain pelastaakseen omat nahkansa.They ruined my family, closing down this mine, trying to save their asses.
Hän antoi merkin avaamalla ja sulkemalla verhot.He used to... signal by opening and closing the curtains.
Näen sen sulkematta silmiäni - iso, ystävällinen ja karvainen nukkumassa jaloissanne - pitämässä seuraa kun yritätte tehdä ärsyttäviä piirroksianne.Even without closing my eyes, I can picture him big, friendly, shaggy, asleep at your feet keeping you company while you're trying to finish up those pesky little sketches.
"Sulfaattitehtaan sulkeminen oli onnenpotku Molkomille.""'The factory closing was the best thing for Molkom."'
- En ole koskaan ajanut aineissa, - mutta olen monesti katsellut sitä touhua etupenkiltä, - ja silloin silmien sulkeminen todella auttoi.I'd never driven on meth before, but I've ridden shotgun plenty of times while someone else did and closing your eyes did help. So I gave it a shot.
- Yritin tulkita sitä, mutta Goldin sulkeminen häiritsi.I tried to decipher it but Gold's closing was distracting. Sure.
-Sairaalan sulkeminen tuntuu oudolta.It's pretty bizarre closing the hospital.
Ansa oli viritetty sisältä niin että oven avaaminen ja sulkeminen irrotti sokan.It was wired from the inside, so the opening and closing of the door pulled the pin.
-Haluan heidän nimensä ja... -Se viivästyttää sulkemista.Okay, so, uh, I want to get their names, where the -- it's gonna delay the closing.
...syöksyi 200 pisteellä juuri ennen sulkemista....plunge from 200 points right before closing.
Aluksi syytimme kaivoksen sulkemista, - työpaikkojen puutetta, - rahan puutetta, kaiken puutetta.At first, we blamed the closing of the mine, the lack of jobs, the lack of money, the lack of everything.
Hän ei halunnut antaa rahaa veteraanien terveydenhuoltoon - ja kannatti sairaaloiden sulkemista.He opposed giving veterans a billion dollars more in health-care benefits and he supported closing veteran hospitals.
Hän ei ollut tekemisissä Russon kanssa ennen telakan sulkemista, -mutta tuki yhtäkkiä Russoa.He had nothing to do with Russo before the shipyard closing, and then suddenly he's propping him up...
- Olen sulkenut.- I'm closed.
- Älä huoli. Olen sulkenut kaikki tilini ja peittänyt jälkeni.I've closed all my accounts and buried my trail.
-En ole sulkenut niitä koko yönä.-I haven't closed them all night.
Ehkä Moretti olisi sulkenut tapauksen ennen meitä.Maybe Moretti would have closed that case before us.
Ei, tietenkin olen sulkenut kaupan.No, of course I've closed the shop.
On vaarallista, jos takaluukku ei ole suljettu kunnolla.It is very dangerous when a trunk is not closed.
Siis, Amerikka ei ole suljettu- So, America not closed. No.

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