Kui nad teada saavad, et ta minuga kohtub, naidavad ta mõne vana raisaga. | If they find out she's seeing me, they marry her off to some old sod. |
- Miks ei või naida hoopis ettekandijat? | why can't i marry one of the waitresses? |
Kavatsesin täna küsida te luba abiellumiseks, kuid hoidusin sellest, sest kavatsesite ta ise naida. | I intended to ask you today to let me marry her and I was only deterred from it because you spoke of marrying her. |
Nüüd oli isal vaja merkitidega sõlmida rahu. ja ta otsustas mind naida merkitiga. | Now my father had to make peace with them. So he decided to marry me off to a merkit. |
Pühendan selle päeva naisele, kelle otsustasin naida, enne kui ta nimegi teadsin. | I want to dedicate this day to the woman I wanted to marry when I first saw her, even before knowing her name, |
Ta oli lootnud naida ühe oma kenadest, juhmidest tütardest printsile. | She had hoped to marry off one of her beautiful, stupid daughters to the prince. |
Et temaga naituda; teie, mu vend, tulete, et nad naita. | To be married to her, Friar. You come to marry her. |
Kas ta üritab sind endiselt kena moslemitüdrukuga naita? | Is she still trying to get you to marry a nice Muslim girl? |
Te tulete, mu isand, et naita see daam? | You come hither, my lord, to marry this lady. |