- Mujer de 21 años, virtuosa... licenciada, desea desposar a un profesional católico... médico, farmacólogo, dentista. | - 21-year-old girl, virtuous... college graduate, wishes to marry Catholic professional... doctor, pharmacist, dentist. |
Dedico este día a la mujer que quise desposar... ..antes de saber su nombre. | I dedicate this day to the woman I wanted to marry before I even knew her name. |
El Rey U-tane quiere desposar a nuestra princesa Kedsara. | King U-tane wants to marry our princess Kedsara. |
Entonces digo, "Nadie quiere desposar a una novia enferma". | Then I say, " Nobody wants to marry a sick bride." |
Es su deseo desposar a Shuichiro Chaya. | Kane wishes to marry Chaya Shuichiro. |
-A Gabriellina no la desposo. | - I won't marry Gabriellina! - Yes you will! |
Con este anillo, te desposo. | With this ring, I marry you. |
Inman... Te desposo. Te desposo. | Oh, Inman, I marry you, I marry you, I marry you, |
Querido hermano Bahrija, declara tu intención de casarte con la hermana Dija pronunciando: "Te desposo". | Dear brother Bahrija, declare your intention to marry the sister Dija saying: "I thee wed." |
-Jura que la desposas. | - Swear you'll marry her. |
Mientras el mundo ignora esta tragedia, te desposas con un hombre que lucha contra la política imperialista Rusa. | As the world ignores this tragedy, you're marrying a man who is fighting against Russian imperialist policy. |
-No hay nada que hablar. O Piero me desposa o desaparece. | There are no ideas, either Piero marries me or disappears. |
Alguien siempre las desposa y se las lleva. | Someone always marries them and whisks them off. |
En la obra griega, Edipo mata a su padre y desposa a su madre. Pero la Sra. Kirkland lo cambió, y ahora yo le pego a mi padre con una pala y llevo a mi madre a cenar al Howard Johnson's. | In the original Greek play, Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother... but Mrs. Kirkland made us change it so that now I just hit my father... over the head with a shovel and take my mother to Howard Johnson's for dinner. |
No si se desposa contigo. | Not if he marries you they won't. |
Su médico no puede ayudarle, pero alli conoce a Roswitha, la enfermera, y la desposa. | His doctor can't help him, but he does get to know the assistant, Roswitha. He marries her. |
? Sabe por qué esas señoritas desposan a los nuestros? | Do you know why those young ladies want to marry our guys? |
Señor, de una vida afortunada y pacífica, salud, salvación y ayuda en todo a tus siervos, que hoy se desposan, Pedro y Vera. | Give, Our Lord, prosperity and peace, health and freedom and sustenance in all, in marrying Pyotr and Vera. |
- No, yo desposé a una mujer baja... | - No, I married a little, short, fat... |
Después desposé a Marjorie. | Then I married Marjorie. |
En cuanto abrí el baúl... me di cuenta de que su contenido... nunca pudo haberle pertenecido a la mujer que desposé. | As soon as l opened that trunk... l realized that the things that were in it... could have never belonged to the woman I had married. |
La desposé para asegurarle ese refugio. | I married her to assure her that refuge. |
No ves que desposé a tu tio de amor consagrado? | Can't you see I have married your uncle under the laws of consecrated love? |
Es verdad, por una estúpida apuesta, legal y religiosamente desposaste a esta idiota, esta... | Is it true that for a stupid bet, you legally and religiously married this idiot, this... |
Más bella que cuando la desposaste, aunque no lo notes. | And prettier than the day you married her. I've noticed that even if you haven't. |
Natalie es una chica respetable de muy buena familia, no como la porrista de parque de casas rodantes que tú desposaste. | Natalie is a respectable girl from a very fine family, unlike that trailer-park cheerleader you married. |
¿Recuerdas el día en que te desposaste con Ulises? | Remember the contest when you and Ulysses were married? |
- Ud. Me desposó. | - You married me. |
Creía que el amor era más fuerte que nada y me desposó en secreto, a mí, la hija de un mercader de telas. | He thought that love was stronger than anything. He secretly married me. Me, the daughter of a cloth merchant. |
El rey Pandu desposó a Kunti y tomó a otra esposa que se llamaba Madri. | King Pandu married Kunti, and he took another wife as well, called Madri. |
La mujer que él desposó no es mi hermana. | The woman who married Monsieur Mahé is not my sister. |
Le dijo a la mujer que desposó desde la prisión que quería tener un hijo. | Fabricant told the woman he married in prison that he wanted to have a child. |
Me desposaré con el vencedor de los juegos. | I will marry the winner of the games. |
"Aquella a la que le entre el zapato dorado desposará al príncipe." | "The prince will marry the girl who fits the golden slipper." |
Si se enclaustra, su tío la desposará. Pero se porta tan mal que nadie la quiere. | If she is cloistered for a few months, her uncle will marry her off, but she's been behaving so badly that no-one wants her. |
Una vez los hayas conquistado todos tu hijo se desposará con la princesa. | Once you've conquered them all... your son will marry the princess. |
Vuestro señor hermano la desposará mañana. | Your brother will marry her tomorrow. |
Él me desposará. | I will marry him. |
Nuestros hijos se desposarán | BO TH: Our children will marry |
En tu lugar me desposaría con ella, de otra forma se casará con alguien más. | In your place I would marry her, otherwise she will be married to someone else. |
Me hizo saber que el Rey me desposaría... pero que no compartiría mi lecho más de dos o tres veces al año. | He then said that this King would marry me but would not expect to share my bed more than two or three times a year. |
Deseo suerte a quien la despose! | Good luck marrying her off! |
El eunuco ha dicho la verdad, pero ¿no es costumbre que el Rey despose a la hija de uno de sus aliados? | This eunich speaks truthfully. Is it not customary for the king to marry the daughter of one of his allies? |
Hay un 97% de probabilidad... de que la despose alguien que ha estado enviándole cartas de amor. | Well, uh, there's a 97% probability... that someone who's been sending her love letters will marry Tess. |
Lo robaremos antes de que mi hija despose a este tonto. | Now we'll get it before my daughter has to marry this fool. |
Luego despose al estudiante de Medicina o de Derecho y viva feliz para siempre. | Then marry the med student or the law student and "love" happily ever after. |
Alfonso, no es necesario que me desposes... para convertirte en un Borgia. | Alfonso, you need not marry me to become a Borgia. |
Antes de que te desposes con Yueyang quiero escucharte llamarme hermano. | Bef ore you marry Y ueyang... I want to hear you call me brother. |
No puedo soportar que os desposéis con un emperador moribundo. | I cannot abide you marrying the moribund emperor. |
Permitiré que desposéis a Yueyang con Wang Ben. | I will let you marry Y ueyang to Wang Ben. |
- Mi marido ha desposado a Cleopatra. | - That my husband has married Cleopatra. |
De haber sabido que estabas encinta, te habría desposado. | Had I known you expected a child I'd have married you. |
La han convertido, adoptado, desposado. | They converted her, adopted her, and married her. |
Me he desposado con Inglaterra. | I am married to England. |
Por obediencia incluso he desposado a la mujer que vos habíais destinado para mi hermano. | Out of obedience, I even married the woman that you had intended for my brother. |
Me estaba desposando con su negocio establecido y uniéndome en asociación en el equipo. | So I was marrying into his established business and joining him in partnership as the team. |