Sposare (to marry) conjugation

131 examples
This verb can also mean the following: embrace, espouse, join, give in marriage, join in marriage, get someone married to

Conjugation of sposare

Present tense
I marry
you marry
he/she/it marries
we marry
you all marry
they marry
Present perfect tense
ho sposato
I have married
hai sposato
you have married
ha sposato
he/she/it has married
abbiamo sposato
we have married
avete sposato
you all have married
hanno sposato
they have married
Past preterite tense
I married
you married
he/she/it married
we married
you all married
they married
Future tense
I will marry
you will marry
he/she/it will marry
we will marry
you all will marry
they will marry
Conditional mood
I would marry
you would marry
he/she/it would marry
we would marry
you all would marry
they would marry
Past impf. tense
I used to marry
you used to marry
he/she/it used to marry
we used to marry
you all used to marry
they used to marry
Past perfect tense
avevo sposato
I had married
avevi sposato
you had married
aveva sposato
he/she/it had married
avevamo sposato
we had married
avevate sposato
you all had married
avevano sposato
they had married
Future perfect tense
avrò sposato
I will have married
avrai sposato
you will have married
avrà sposato
he/she/it will have married
avremo sposato
we will have married
avrete sposato
you all will have married
avranno sposato
they will have married
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I marry
(if/so that) you marry
(if/so that) he/she/it marry
(if/so that) we marry
(if/so that) you all marry
(if/so that) they marry
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia sposato
I have married
abbia sposato
you have married
abbia sposato
he/she/it has married
abbiamo sposato
we have married
abbiate sposato
you all have married
abbiano sposato
they have married
Imperative mood
let's marry!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei sposato
I would have married
avresti sposato
you would have married
avrebbe sposato
he/she/it would have married
avremmo sposato
we would have married
avreste sposato
you all would have married
avrebbero sposato
they would have married

Examples of sposare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Bene, allora che ne dici di un bel... bicchiere di 'Mi vuoi sposare? '"headache," I'm going to say, "Good, then how about a big tall glass of will you marry me?"
"Che razza di codardo sono stato a sposare lei invece di aspettare che arrivassi tu?".What kind of a coward was I to marry her and not wait for you to show up?
"Ci manca solo che tu mi dica che la vuoi sposare.""Next thing I expect to hear is that you'll marry the girl."
"Cioe' sposare un sostituto... "Dell'uomo "di cui..."Are marrying a stand-in for the man you really fell for."
"Cosa? Vuoi davvero sposare Frieda?"How, you'll marry Frieda?
"Io quella li' me la sposo.""I'm gonna marry that girl one day."
"Kàtisha mi vuole come suo sposo, ma io sono già sposato."Katisha claims me in marriage, but I can't marry her because I'm married already.
"Mi arrendo, vi sposo."[ Man ] I give up ! I'll marry you !
"Se la sposo e divento la sua regina del Male,"If I marry you and become your evil queen,
"Se la zuppa non è sicura, non mi sposo per la paura!""If the soup is not here, I won't marry for fear!"
! Ma e' legale che un uomo sposi suo figlio?Is it even legal for a man to marry his son?
"Ehi, divorziamo... tu sposi il maggiordomo e io saro' una mamma gay con 8 gemelli"."Let's get divorced. "You marry the butler, and I'll be a gay Octomom."
"Non e' mica giusto che ci si sposi da bambini."I don't approve of babies marrying one another."
"O sposi la sorella del tuo amico, o rischi di perdere il tuo migliore amico.""You marry your best friend's sister, or risk losing your best friend."
"Se ti piace davvero... perche' non lo sposi?"Well, if you like him so much, why don't you marry him?
"Gatto grato sposa poliziotto eroe"."Grateful cat marries hero cop."
"Nella disperazione, Domenico sposa Filomena""In desperation, Domenico marries Filumena
- "Egli sposa la terra"."He marries the land."
- Ci si sposa una volta solo- One marries only once.
- E' prima o dopo che Corey sposa Topanga?Is that before or after Corey marries Topanga?
"Mi ha fatto la proposta il giorno che ho tolto il gesso." "Tra un mese, ci sposiamo."The day the casts came off he proposed, and in a month I'm going to marry him.
"O ci sposiamo, oppure arrivederci"."Either you marry me or goodbye."
- Ci sposiamo.- She's marrying me.
- Se non lo siamo, allora perché ci sposiamo?- If you're not, then why marry?
Appena Phil trova lavoro, voi divorziate e noi ci sposiamo.When he gets a job, you'll divorce and we'll marry.
" Mia sorella ha sposato un uomo" . Certo. - È tutto quello che..."My sister has married a man." That was all I could tell...
"15 anni fa, ha sposato mia sorella,"15 years ago, married to my sister,
"5-9" è iI giorno in cui mi sono sposato."5-9" is the day I got married.
"A volte, vorrei aver sposato una donna più intelligente... "così almeno i miei figli potrebbero sperare di trovare un lavoro vero.""Sometimes I wish I married someone smarter, because then at least my kids would have a chance to get a real job."
"Anziano Marshall, se sei ancora sposato con Lily, stai andando benissimo".Old man Marshall, As long as you're still married to Lily, You're doing just fine.
- Allora perché le hai sposate?- So, what did you marry them for?
- Allora sposate lui.Well, then you'd better marry him.
- Lui morira', se voi vi sposate.He will die if you marry him.
Addio Se volete ancora sposarvi sposate un idiotaGood-bye If you still want to marry marry an idiot instead
Adoravano lui, o adoravano il fatto che forse si sarebbero sposate con 70 milioni di dollari?Did they love him, or did they actually love maybe marrying into $70 million?
(Ricky) hanno i soldi e sposano i calciatori che son miliardari... (Ricky) La vita gli cambia.(Ricky) have the money and marry the footballers who are billionaires ... (Ricky) Life the changes.
- "Alcune sposano un ricco", e' cio' che dite loro?"Some marry rich," that what you tell 'em?
- Ecco perche' i poliziotti sposano altri poliziotti.- That's why cops marry other cops.
- Gli uomini non sposano quelle come me.Men don't marry women like me.
- I Wilkes si sposano sempre tra cugini.-The Wilkeses always marry their cousins. Now do we get those waltzes?
- 19 anni fa, sposai la signora...- Nineteen years ago, I married Mrs...
- L'hai lasciato andare perche' si sposai?You let him go 'cause he's getting married?
- Non e' come credi, io... avevo 16 anni, ero incosciente quando sposai Jake.It's not how you think. I was 16 and a fool when I married Jake.
Accadde subito dopo che sposai Pauline.Happened right after I married Pauline.
Appena lo sposai, mi spronò perfino a studiare l'inglese e mi disse di chiedere il suo aiuto nel caso avessi avuto difficoltà."When I just got married to him," he even told me to study English and to ask him if I had problems
Ed io non ci ho mai creduto... non fino a quando non scappasti e... sposasti sul serio quel tizio.I never believed that, not until the day you ran off and actually married that bloke.
II giorno dopo sposasti Tom Buchanan, senza batter ciglio.Next day you married Tom Buchanan, without so much as a shiver.
Io ero la ragazza più elegante della città, quando mi sposasti!I was the best-dressed girl when you married me.
Quando sposasti Na Young, eri al settimo cielo.But when you married Na Young, you looked happy back then.
Solo tu sai quanto hai pianto, quando mi sposasti.Only you know how much you cried when I married you.
"Gennaro sposò la sua Marietta e vissero felici 'core a core'.""Gennaro married her Marietta and they lived happily ever after'."
"Messenger mi sposò per questo.""Messenger married me for it."
( Antonio ) Pochi mesi dopo Ettore si sposò.Few months afterward, Ettore got married.
- Si sposò con mio fratello Sigfrid. Ed ebbe sei figli.She married my brother Sigfrid and had six children.
- Si sposò per amore.He married for love.
"Io gli credetti... per cui ci sposammo".I really believed him, so we got married.
- No, no, a New York. Ci sposammo quando ci trasferimmo a Londra.We got married there and then we moved to London.
- Quando ci sposammo non avevamo nulla.- We had nothing when we got married.
All'improvviso i suoi affari andarono male e poi ci sposammo.Suddenly his business went under and then we married.
Alla fine mollai il golf e ci sposammo otto anni fa.Eventually I gave up golf, and we got married eight years ago.
- Eri vergine quando vi sposaste?- Were you a virgin when you were married?
Che cosa succederebbe se vi sposaste?What would happen if you guys got married?
Ci frequentiamo da piu' tempo di te e Gus prima che vi sposaste.I've been dating him longer than you even knew Gus before you got married.
Come, non ne sapevate niente quando vi sposaste?You mean you knew nothing of your wife's illness when you married her?
Credevo che vi sposaste!I thought you were gonna get married.
"Dopo poco si sposarono e vissero felici insieme per molti, molti anni."They were married soon after, "and lived happily together for many, many years.
"Si piacquero immediatamente e si sposarono,"They liked each other immediately and got married,
"lnaspettatamente, McGee e la Tomlinson si sposarono ed ebbero una bambina nel 1980, Charlene McGee."" In an unexpected turn of events, McGee and Tomlinson were married that year and produced one child in 1 98O, Charlene McGee. '
# Era 20 anni fa # quando Harv and Marj si sposaronoIt was 20 years ago today When Harv and Marj were married
(Verso la fine di febbraio, Bruno e Clara si sposarono.Towards the end of February, Bruno and Clara got married.
- La sposerò, se lei mi vorrà. - Se lei ti vorrà?Yes, I will marry her, if she'll have me.
- Quando la troverò, la sposerò.- When I find her, I will marry her.
- Sissignore, sarai un uomo ricco! - Ora capisco perché lo sposerò!Oh, maybe I will marry him, then.
Bene, ho deciso... ti sposerò.Yeah, I decided... ..I will marry you.
Ci sono due ragazze dagli occhi verdi e io le sposerò entrambe.There are two girls with green eyes, and I will marry them both.
"Sì sposerai il conte!""You will marry the Count !"
- Bene, io mi fido di lui. Tu lo sposerai!You will marry him!
- La sposerai, William.You will marry her, William.
- Per sviare i sospetti, sposerai lui.- To remove all suspicion, you will marry him.
- Ti sposerai.You will marry.
- Anna si sposerà un sacco di volte.- Anna will marry many times.
- Chi ti sposerà ora?Who will marry you now?
Allora è tutto stabilito - Farhan sposerà tua sorellaSo it's all fixed - Farhan will marry your sister
Audrey mi sposerà.Audrey will marry me.
Che facciano quello che vogliono nessuno sposerà una bilakoro.Do what they please but no one will marry a bilakoro.
- Ci sposeremo entro un mese, Fancy.- We will marry within a month, Fancy.
Ad ogni modo, qui sposeremo il Dr. Wachowski... voglio dire Satana...Anyway, here we will marry Dr. Wachowski--
Ci sposeremo.We will marry.
Io e Ned ci sposeremo il prima possibile.Ned and I will marry as soon as we can.
Joachim e io ci sposeremo subito.Joachim and I will marry immediately.
Io son vostro servo umilissimo. Ma col vostro permesso, lo sposerete questa sera stessa.I am your very humble servant, but you will marry him this very evening.
Se mai vi sposerete, sarete sempre debole contro una regina sposata.If you never wed, you will always be vulnerable to a queen who will marry.
Voi e Madge vi sposerete e darete alla luce gli angioletti più belli delle colonie.You and Madge will marry and produce the most beautiful cherubs in the colonies.
Ci sono milioni di ragazze che sposeranno un ragazzo carino e guideranno una... station wagon qualcosa.There are millions of girls out there who will marry a nice boy and drive one those station wagon thingys.
Si è sempre dato per scontato che lui e sua cugina Adela Graham si sposeranno un giorno.It's always been sort of understood that he and his cousin, Adela Graham, will marry eventually.
"Non ho detto che ti sposerei, ma che mi piacerebbe sedermi""Now I did not say I would marry you, but I would like to sit down"
- Lo sposerei, se non lo fossi gia' con te.I would marry it if I wasn't already married to you.
Al tuo posto la sposerei. Altrimenti si sposerà con qualcun altro.In your place I would marry her, otherwise she will be married to someone else.
Beh, sembrerebbe il genere di persona che sposerei...Uh, well, that does sound likesomeone that I would marry--
Benjamin Murphy, ti sposerei domani vestita con un sacco di patate.. . ...nel bel mezzo di una tempesta, pur di passare il resto della mia vita con te.Benjamin Murphy, I would marry you tomorrow in a potato-sack dress in the middle of a rainstorm, if it meant I could spend the rest of my life with you.
- Hai idea di chi sposeresti...Any idea of who you would marry if --
- Lo sposeresti comunque.- You would marry him, anyway.
Ma grazie per aver detto che mi sposeresti.But thank you for saying that you would marry me. You didn't send me these, right?
Ovviamente tu sposeresti Capitan America.Obviously, you would marry Captain America.
Se ti accogliessero nella famiglia, mi sposeresti?If they were to welcome you into the family, you would marry me?
- Chi sposerebbe Shershow?- Who would marry Shershow?
- Nessuno mi sposerebbe.- No one would marry me
- Sì. - E una donna della tua cultura e bellezza e denaro e ricchezza e denaro sposerebbe quest'impostore?- You mean that a woman of your culture and beauty and money and wealth and money would marry that impostor?
A Lodz dicono che... Carlo sposerebbe Mada Müller, se...In Lodz they say... that Karol would marry Made Muller if...
Abbinato a un drink, Larissa lo sposerebbe.If it came with a drink, Larissa would marry it.
Cosi sposereste Wisley?And so you would marry Wisley?
Ci sono un sacco di altri ragazzi che ti sposerebbero adesso.There are plenty of other guys who would marry you right now.
Credi che le ragazze li sposerebbero adesso?Do you think those girls would marry them now?
Walden, ci sono milioni di donne che ti sposerebbero in un batter d'occhio.Walden, there are literally millions of women who would marry you at the drop of a hat.
- Che voi sposiate me.-That you should marry me.
Che la sposiate, d'accordo.If you wish to marry her, fine.
Chiunque sposiate, sara' un'alleanza strategica per la Francia.Who you marry, it's a strategic alliance for France.
Ma se vi sentite a posto con Ia vostra mente... ...riguardoallapersonacon cui passerete il resto delle vostre vite... ...ese nessunoqui presente si oppone al fatto che vi sposiate...But if you feel correct in your minds about how you're going to carry on your future lives together and nobody around here's got any objection to your marrying...
Non e' fattibile, ne' desiderabile, che voi sposiate Heathcliff.Tis neither practical nor desirable for you to marry Heathcliff.
- Che le tue figlie si sposino? - Certo!So that your daughters can marry?
- Ma resterà nubile, teme che la sposino per i soldi.- But she'll remain nubile, she's afraid people might marry her for the money.
- Sì. Mio padre gli ha proibito di rivedersi, a meno che non si sposino.My father told her not to see him again if she doesn't marry.
- Temete che vi sposino per soldi?You're afraid somebody'll marry you for your money.
A Greer spettera' la decisione finale sui matrimoni delle sorelle, per assicurarsi che sposino uomini che amano... E non persone a loro imposte.Greer will have final approval over her sisters' marriages, so she can see to it that they marry men they love, not those forced on them.
"Chi cavolo e' questo tipo sudato e al verde che sto sposando?""Who the hell is this sweaty, broke guy I'm marrying?"
"Sai con chi ti stavi sposando"."You knew who you were marrying."
- Chi sto sposando, Auggie?Who am I marrying, Auggie? No, no, no.
- Ma non stai sposando la mia famiglia.-You're not marrying my family.
- Non e' scontato? Cioe', lo stai sposando...I mean, you're marrying him.
Volevano che si sposassero.He should have married her.
Se prima che ci sposassimo tu avessi saputo che davo la caccia a Merritt, mi avresti sposato?Suppose you'd known before our marriage that I meant to go after Merritt. Would you have married me?

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