- Sa ei tea, kuidas ma kannatan. | You don't know what I suffer. |
-Küll ma kannatan Ja kui sa arvad, et mina olen see kes hakkama ei saa, siis eksid. | And if you're trying to insinuate that I'm the one that can't do this, then you are sorely mistaken, short bus. |
Ebamugavuse kannatan ma ära, kui tulemusi näha on. | I don't mind the inconvenience if I see the results. |
- Kuidas sa teda välja kannatad? | #How does she keep her job? |
- Selleks pole vaja olla ekspert et näha, et sa kannatad. | It doesn't take an expert to see you're suffering. |
- Vaevalt, et sellepärast kannatad. | - I doubt many people get the better of you. |
- Kuidas Marge küll teda kannatab? | -How does she put up with him? |
Aga äkki keegi teine kannatab sinu hea elu pärast? | When you're enjoying yourself, doesn't that mean somebody else is suffering as a result? |
Ega talle see eriti ei meeldi, kuid 12 tundi kannatab välja. | Well, he doesn't much like them, but 12 hours should be okay. |
Kui ta ei tõesta täna, et ta on tõeline Masata, kannatab ta piinarikast surma! | If he does not prove himself the true Masata tonight, he will suffer a torturous death beyond any other! |
Kuidas ta sind kannatab, Dirt? | How does she put up with you, Dirt? |
Hetke ärevus on see,mis meie ühiskonnas domineerib Identiteedi kriis,mille käes me kõik kannatame | Anxiety of the present time that dominates our society stems from the identity crisis that we all suffer |
Keerad käki kokku. Ja meie kannatame. | You do stuff and we pay for it. |
Kui sa ei taha teda neile anda, siis kannatame me mõningate tagajärgede käes. | If you don't want to give him to them, Then we will suffer the consequences. |
Kuid teiegi kannatate, aga mingeid ravimeid ei kasuta. | But you are suffering and you don't get any meds, so... |
Kuidas te mind küll välja kannatate? | I don't know why you put up with me. |
Kuidas te seda kannatate? | It just kills me. How do you stand it every day? |
Ma ei usu, et te kannatate vooruse koorma all. | I don't believe you suffer the burden of chastity. |
- Me ei näe lääne meditsiinis positiivi. Anne, need inimesed kannatavad! | - We don't see western medicine as a positive step to being. |
Iga kord, kui sa kahtled poliitikutes ja nende süsteemis, muudab see vaesed vaesemateks ja lapsed kannatavad, ning nad vastavad, et te ei saa seda teha. Selleks on oma protsess. Nii et see tsükkel aina jätkub. | Every time you question the politicians and the system that makes poor people poor and the children suffer, they said "no you can't do that, there's a process", so the cycle goes on and goes on and goes on. |
Iga kord, kui sa kahtled poliitikutes ja nende süsteemis, muudab see vaesed vaesemateks ja lapsed kannatavad, ning nad vastavad, et te ei saa seda teha. | Every time we questioned the politicians, and the system that makes poor people poorer, and the children suffer, they said, "No, you can't do that. |
Inimesed, kes kannatavad närvihädade all nii nagu mina, ei saa rääkimisest rõõmu tunda. | People who suffer as I do from nervous complaints can have no pleasure in talking to anybody. |
Aga ma kannatasin ära. | But hey, I didn't mind. |
Ma tõesti kannatasin. | l did suffer. |
Aga mu isa ja need mehed, riske, mida nad võtsid, haavu, mida nad kannatasid, nad tegid seda oma sõprade pärast. | But for my dad and these men, the risks they took, the wounds they suffered, they did that for their buddies. |
Kui sa tõesti kuuenda välja kannatasid, siis tahavad nad sind järgmisele Tippkäe võistlusele. | Well, if you really did a six they're gonna want you to ride in that Top Hand competition. |
Nad kannatasid malaaria, rõugete all... | Well, they did suffer from malaria, some smallpox... |
"Muidugi kannatas." | Of course she did. |
Aga ta kannatas, Gandalf. | And he did, Gandalf. |
Alessa ei surnud tuleriidal, kuid ta kannatas seal väga palju. | Alessa didn't die in the fire, but she suffered so much. |
Mõned teist saavad säästetud, aga te kõik saate olema tunnistajaks õudustele, mida te ise korda olete saatnud. Nii nagu te istusite käed rüpes, kui meie kannatasime. | Some of you will be spared, but you will all bear witness to the horror, just as you did in the hallways, just as you sat idly by as pain was inflicted upon us. |
Ma ei saa aru kuidas te teda nii kaua välja kannatasite. | I don't know how you've put up with him as long as you did. |
" Miks nad ei kannata? | "Why don't they suffer? |
"Minuga on kõik hästi, ära kannata minu pärast." | "I'm fine, I'm safe, don't suffer for me." |
Kutid, me põikame teemantide eest, mille suurus on nagu Cape Cod. Nii kannatage koos minuga. | Guys, we're dodging diamonds the size of Cape Cod, so bear with me. |
Kutid, me põrkume teemantide eest, mille suurus on nagu Cape Cod. Nii kannatage koos minuga. | Guys, we're dodging diamonds the size of Cape Cod, so bear with me. |
"Ma küsisin Jumalaemalt 'Miks ma pean kannatama?"' | "I asked the Blessed Mother, 'Why do I suffer like this?"' |
"Ma küsisin Jumalaemalt, 'Miks ma pean kannatama?"' | "I asked the Blessed Mother, 'Why do I suffer like this?"' |
- MA ei soovi põngerjale halba,... ..aga ta ema peaks kannatama, et ta õpiks kuidas oma lapsega hakkama saada! | - I don't wish the kid harm,... ..but his mother should suffer that ordeal so she'll learn how to manage her child! |
- Kuidas sa võid seda kannatada? | - How can you stand that? - I don't mind it. - Ken Aldorf. |
- Ma võin su välja kannatada, Ray, kuid usu mind - sul ei maksa mind õrritada. | I may have to tolerate you, Ray, but trust me, you don't want to bait me. |
- Ta on valmis su venna eest võitlema ja saab selle pärast kannatada. | - I don't know what you mean. - He's fighting for Bernie. |
- Ühiskonna nimel palun kannatada lahutusega kvartali lõpuni, siis lahutage, palju süda soovib! | - What do You want from me? - Wait untiI the end of the quarter. Then you may divorce as much as you like. |
Keegi pole kannatanud. | No harm done. |
Ma arvasin, kui oleme ära kannatanud aja kõikide halbade asjade eest, mis teinud oleme, siis on asi vaid minna laskmises ning edasi liikumises. | I figure once we've served our time for all the bad things we've done, then it's just about letting go and moving on. |
Mida olen teinud, millest loobunud või mida kannatanud, et olla see, kes ma olen. | Or what I've done or given up or endured to be who I am. |
Ta ei tundu just väga kannatavat. | He doesn't seem to be suffering much. |
Tema äri kohta käiva jutu kõrval ei näi Bruce Liebi eraelu kannatavat. | Even though Lieb under fire, his private life does not seem to suffer. |