- Aga ma oskan temaga midagi peale hakata. | - But I know how to use him. |
- Ainul nii oskan ma lennata. | - This's the only way I know how to fly. |
- Asi ei ole kogemustes. Vähemalt oskan ma relva hoida. | I know because, how to keep a gun. |
"Mis sa oskad öelda." "Ta on räppar ja ment." | What do you know? She's a rapper and a cop |
"Mis sa oskad öelda." | What do you know? |
"Sappho krooni" oskad? | Do you know "Crown" of Sappho? |
- Danny, kas oskad juhtida? | - Danny, do you know how to drive? |
- Aga ta on minust suurem. Ja ta oskab karated. | But he's bigger than me and he knows karate. |
- Aga ta oskab kolaskeid tappa! | But he knows how to kill the Mechs! POPE: |
- Ettevaatust, ta oskab taekwondot. | - Beware she knows taekwondo! - Ah, Really? |
- Aga me oskame oma tööd. | - But we know our jobs. |
- Me oskame elada. | You and me, buddy, we know how to live, huh ? |
Cardassial oskame me infot inimestest saada, kuigi see võib olla pisut ebameeldiv, ja me kõik teame, kui väga Föderatsioon ebameeldivusi vältida tahab. | On Cardassia, we know how to extract information, though it can get a bit unpleasant, and we all know how the Federation dislikes unpleasantness. |
- Ei. Kui see side oli süüdistatava väljamõeldis, siis kas te oskate seletada, kust ta teie nime võib teada? | Well, if this relationship was made up by the defendant, then... can you think of any way she might've come to know your name? |
- Enamgi, kui te arvata oskate. | More than you know. |
- Hunt. Kas see on ainus sõna, mida te poolearulised öelda oskate? | I s that the only words you half-wits know? |
- Kas oskate andestada? | I know, but he'll do it anyway! Do you understand forgiveness? |
"Tegelikult ma ei teadnud, et kassid irvitada oskavad," ütles Alice viisakalt. "Sa ei tea suurt midagi," ütles hertsoginna. | In fact, I didn't know cats could grin," said Alice very politely. "'You don't know much," said the duchess. |
- C4 oskavad kasutada vähesed. | Only so many people know how to use C-4, Chief. |
- Ei, seda oskavad kõik, aga see on üks väheseid kordi, kui peaaegu terve Emma suguvõsaga tutvun, ning tahaksin tantsupõrandal särada, tead? | Anybody can slow dance, but this is one of the only times I've ever gonna meet most of Emma's extended family, and I'd like to be able to show some flair on the dance floor, you know? |
- Ei, ma ei oska seda mängu. | No, I do not know how to play. |
- Kuidas sa elad LA-s ja ei oska hispaania keelt? | How can you live in Los Angeles and not know Spanish? |
- Ma ei oska seda teha. | - I do not know. |
Aga võluda ma oskasin. | Well, I knew. |
Alates hetkest, kui ma olin veel poiss, oskasin ainult võidelda. | Ever since I was a boy, all I knew was how to fight. |
Aga inimesed, kes siin vastu peavad, need, kes olid tähtsad. oskasid teada, millal öelda ei. | But the people that last here, the ones that mattered... they knew when to say no. |
Esimestel Oru isandatel polnud küll palju, aga neil olid need mäed ja nad oskasid neid kasutada. | The first Lords of the Vale didn't have much, but they had these mountains and they knew how to use them. |
Inimesed oskasid käituda ja teadsid, mida neilt oodati. | People knew how to behave and what was expected of them. |
- Kes oskas arvata? | Who knew? |
- Ta ütles, et ta kihlatu jooksis ära kosmeetikatudengiga, kes oskas mängida oma naiselike ahvatlustega. | - She saidherfiancé hadrun off with a student cosmetologist who knewhow to plyherfeminine wiles. |
- Ta ütles, et ta kihlatu pani plehku koos kosmeetikatudengiga, kes oskas mängida oma naiselike ahvatlustega. | - She said her fiancé had run off with a student cosmetologist who knew how to ply her feminine wiles. |
Pisike, mis sa arvad, kuidas me oskasime sind leida? | How do you think we knew how to find you, little one? |
Selle eest, oskasime me, aga valetada. | But we knew how to lie. |
Sest me oskasime lepinguid sebida. | 'Cause we knew how to hustle a deal. |
- Vabandust, ma ei osanud midagi muud teha. | - I'm sorry. I did not know what else to do. |
Alguses ei osanud sellest midagi arvata. | At first I did not know what it was. |
Ma ei osanud muud teha. | I did not know what else to do. |
Ma ei osanud tõesti midagi muud teha. | I-I really did not know what else to do. |
- Sa ei saagi. Ma oskaksin sind aidata, kui ma vaid teaksin, mis sinu peas toimub. | I would know how to help you if I knew what was going on inside your head. |
Ma oskaksin sind aidata, kui ma vaid teaksin, mis sinu peas toimub. | I would know how to help you if I knew what was going on inside your head. |
Mulle meeldiks, kui minu lapsed oskaksid kaotada väärikalt. | I like to think my kids would know how to lose gracefully. |
"Ma ei oska relva kasutada"? | "I don't know how to use a gun"? |
'Ei oska õelda mis sellest mulle kasu on. 'Jasoniga koos olles pole mul mingit enesekontrolli. | 'I don't know what it's given me 'but I've got no control over myself when I'm with JD. |
'Ei oska õelda mis sellest mulle kasu on. | 'I don't know what it's given me |
'Ei oska öelda, mis sellest mulle kasu on. | 'I don't know what it's given me |
- Ehk mõlemad, Bruce ja härra Dent uskusid, et Batman on osake millestki tähtsamast, nagu terroristide võitmine, neiu Dawes. | - I know. He just stood by. Perhaps both Bruce and Mr. Dent... believe that Batman stands for something more important... than the whims of a terrorist, Miss Dawes... even if everyone hates him for it. |
-Ja sina oled osake sellest, George. | - And you know you're part of that, George. |
Arvan, et olid nõus, kuna sisimas osake sinust teab, et koht, kuhu sind viime, on eriline. | I think you're fine because deep down, a part of you knows that the place we're taking you to is special. |
- Peame oskama nendega võidelda. | - We have to know how to fight them. |
- Sa pead oskama tulega mängida, Momo. | You got to know how to play with fire, Momo. |
- Tean, et sa ei kanna relva. Kui aga taas välitööle lähed, pead end kaitsta oskama. | And I know you won't carry a gun, but if I'm sending you back in the field, you're getting some basic self-defense. |
- Kuidas sai munk kõiki neid keeli osata? | How could this one monk know all these languages? |
- Mis siin osata on? | What's there to know? |
Aga mul on piisavad keemiaalased teadmised, et osata õli kokaiinist eraldada. | But my knowledge of chemistry is such that I know precisely how to separate the oil from cocaine. |
Algupärane õpetajaskond õpetades metsikus looduses... ei osanud ettegi kujutada, et järgmised kolm sajandit... saab see olema üle maailma tuntud, kui õppetöö ja uurimuse keskus. | The original faculty, teaching in the wilderness could hardly have imagined that over the next three centuries it would become known throughout the world as a premier centre for teaching and research. |
Et ma pole osanud kunagi ilma sinuta elada. | That I've never really known how to live without you. |
Keegi ei osanud arvata, et ta midagi nii väärastunut teeb. | Nobody could have known she would do something so twisted! |
Kes oleks osanud arvata, et Jumala mängimisel võivad olla nii tõsised tagajärjed? | Who would have known playing God could have such terrible consequences? |
Keegi teine ei oskaks seda teha. | No one else would know how to do that. |
Minu ülemus oskaks enda ise lipsusõlme teha. | My guy would know how to tie his own tie. |
Minu ülemus oskaks ise lipsusõlme teha. | My guy would know how to tie his own tie. |