Eixí a fora a veure-ho per sí mateixa; i hauria estat prou contenta de trobar que fos veritat un vint per cent de l'afirmació de Tom. | She went out to see for herself; and she would have been content to find twenty per cent. of Tom's statement true. |
Tom despengué tota la seva energia en encabir-se cinc versicles a la memoria; i tria una part del sermó de la Muntanya, perque no pogué trobar versicles que fossin més curts. | Tom bent all his energies to the memorizing of five verses, and he chose part of the Sermon on the Mount, because he could find no verses that were shorter. |
El senyor Walters es posa a «fer-se veure» amb tota mena de bellugueigs i activitats, donant ordes, formulant judicis, fent advertiments aquí, allí, onsevulla que pogués trobar una rodella. | Mr. Walters fell to "showing off," with all sorts of official bustlings and activities, giving orders, delivering judgments, discharging directions here, there, everywhere that he could find a target. |
Bona i generosa fou la seva pregaria, i feta per peces menudes. Pledeja per l'Església i els petits infants de l'Església; per les altres esglésies del poblet; pel poblet mateix; pel comtat; per l'Estat; pels funcionaris de l'Estat; pels Estats Units; per les esglésies dels Estats Units; pel Congrés; pel President; pels funcionaris del Govern; pels pobres mariners, malmenats en les mars tempestuoses; pels milions d'oprimits que gemeguen sota el taló de les monarquies europees i els despotismes orientals; per aquells que reberen ]a llum i la bona nova, i tanmateix no tenen ulls per a veure ni orelles per a oir, i pels pagans de les llunyanes illes de la mar; i acaba amb una súplica que les paraules que anava a dir poguessin trobar gracia i favor, i fossin sement sembrada en terra fertil, llevant amb el temps abundosa collita de bé. | A good, generous prayer it was, and went into details: it pleaded for the church, and the little children of the church; for the other churches of the village; for the village itself; for the county; for the State; for the State officers; for the United States; for the churches of the United States; for Congress; for the President; for the officers of the Government; for poor sailors, tossed by stormy seas; for the oppressed millions groaning under the heel of European monarchies and Oriental despotisms; for such as have the light and the good tidings, and yet have not eyes to see nor ears to hear withal; for the heathen in the far islands of the sea; and closed with a supplication that the words he was about to speak might find grace and favor, and be as seed sown in fertile ground, yielding in time a grateful harvest of good. |
No se li acudí que ell mateix ho havia intentat d'altres vegades, pero que després no pogué trobar mai els amagatalls. | It did not occur to him that he had tried it several times before, himself, but could never find the hiding-places afterward. |
No la trobo amo, ja no sé què fer. | I can't find her, Boss. Can't find her no place. |
Em trobo molt bé i podre trobar treball en un altre diari en una hora. | It's perfectly okay with me, I can find a job on any Newspaper in town within an hour. |
El teu marit ... Si el trobo, el portaré amb mi. | Your husband, if I find him, I'II bring him back with me. |
General Turgidson, trobo això molt difícil d'entendre. | I find this difficult to understand. |
I trobo que aquesta tapadora personalment m'avergonyeix. | I find this cover story personally embarrassing, myself. |
Quan has utilitzat Google i el seu estil senzill, de seguida trobes aquesta interfície sobrecarregada. | I personally think that your search ends when you find the CONTENT you’re looking for, not just a stupid and chaotic html. |
- Qui no trobes? | - Can't find who? |
Què vol dir que no la trobes? | What do you mean, "couldn't find her"? |
Si no el trobes, ... ... és perquè la gent comença a ensabonar-te ... ... amb noms com "vanguàrdia", "psicodèlic" ... Et pensaràs que ja hi has arribat, però en realitat no ets enlloc. | If you don't find it... ...and people start praising you... ...with such terms as "underground", "psychedelic"... you'II start feeling Iike you've arrived before you reaIly have |
Ho trobes? | Can you find it? |
Sigui com sigui, el tresor resta allí una pila de temps, i es rovella, i a la fi algú troba un paper vell i esgrogueit que explica com cal trobar les marques: un paper que per desxifrar-lo s'hi passa gairebé una setmana, perque gairebé tot són senyals i jeroglífics. | Anyway, it lays there a long time and gets rusty; and by and by somebody finds an old yellow paper that tells how to find the marks--a paper that's got to be ciphered over about a week because it's mostly signs and hy'roglyphics." |
Aquests tresors amagats pertanyen a qui els troba. | Whoever finds one of these hid treasures, it belongs to him. |
L'arrel del problema no és altra que la malsana relació colonial encara existent entre el Canadà i els seus pobles autòctons i troba la seua expressió en multitud d'àmbits, des del medi ambient a la salut, passant per l'empresonament, el suïcidi, l'educació, la violència, etc. | The ongoing and unhealthy colonial relationship Canada has with indigenous peoples is at the root of this, and finds expression in so many problems from environment to health to incarceration to suicide to education to violence and so on. |
Tothom troba defectes en el seu cos quan es fa gran, per exemple en els ulls. | Everyone finds something wrong in your body when you get old, for example your eyes. |
Hem de suposar que si troba una oportunitat, segurament ho farà. | We should now assume that if he finds a chance, he would probably pay attention to them. |
Suposeu-vos que trobem un pot de llauna amb cent dolars a dins, tots rovellats i eixerits, o bé una caixa podrida tota plena de diamants: que us sembla? | Suppose you find a brass pot with a hundred dollars in it, all rusty and gray, or rotten chest full of di'monds. How's that?" |
Si no els trobem, m'avinc a donar-vos el meu timbal i totes les coses que mai hagi arreplegat. | If we don't find it I'll agree to give you my drum and every thing I've got in the world. I will, by jings." |
Des del PP creiem que davant la situació en què ens trobem les coses no se solucionen fent una vaga. | We at the PP believe that, faced with this situation which we find ourselves in, things will not be solved with a strike. |
Entrem en un edifici proper, on trobem un grup de civils terroritzats. | We enter a nearby building, where we find a crowd of civilians, trembling. |
“Així que aquí ens trobem, intentant de fer un manaqish amb qualsevol cosa que trobem, incloses aquestes llavors que no ens posem d'acord si són espècies o alquena”. | “So here we are, trying to make manaqish with whatever we can find, including these seeds that we found but we can’t seem to agree on whether they are spices or henna”. |
Continua escoltant, i conjumina, pels caps de la conversa, que hom pensava a la primeria que els minyons s'havien ofegat mentre nedaven; després hom repara la perdua del rai; després certs minyons digueren que els vailets desapareguts havien promes que el poblet «sabria quelcom» ben aviat; la gent de seny havien relacionat l'una cosa i l'altra, i havien decidit que els minyons havien fet una eixida amb el rai, i que deurien dar un tomb cap al poblet de més avall, a no tardar; pero cap a migdia hom havia trobat el rai, plantat contra la ribera del Missuri, a unes cinc o sis milles més avall del poblet, i aleshores l'esperança s'esvaí. Devien haver-se ofegat: altrament, la fam els hauria tornat a casa en caure la nit, si no més aviat. | He went on listening, and gathered by odds and ends that it was conjectured at first that the boys had got drowned while taking a swim; then the small raft had been missed; next, certain boys said the missing lads had promised that the village should "hear something" soon; the wise-heads had "put this and that together" and decided that the lads had gone off on that raft and would turn up at the next town below, presently; but toward noon the raft had been found, lodged against the Missouri shore some five or six miles below the village--and then hope perished; they must be drowned, else hunger would have driven them home by nightfall if not sooner. |
No s'hi arrisca de bell nou fins que l'hagué trobat, i ja aleshores els altres minyons eren afadigats i amb cor de reposar. | He did not venture again until he had found it, and by that time the other boys were tired and ready to rest. |
Aquí hi ha una grossa poma de Milum que us havia reservat, Tom, per si mai més éreu trobat. I ara aneu a l'escola. | Here's a big Milum apple I've been saving for you, Tom, if you was ever found again--now go 'long to school. |
En un indret, lluny de la banda usualment atravessada pels excursionistes, hom havia trobat les paraules BECKY i TOM damunt la paret de roca, escrites amb fum de candela, i ben a la vora un tros de cinta tacat de seu. | In one place, far from the section usually traversed by tourists, the names "BECKY & TOM" had been found traced upon the rocky wall with candle-smoke, and near at hand a grease-soiled bit of ribbon. |
Ha estat Tom Sawyer, qui ho ha trobat? | Was it Tom Sawyer that found it?" |
-N'heu demanat, i us en daré, perque jo no só de mena roina; pero, si trobeu que no us agrada, no us queixeu de ningú, sinó de vós mateix. | "Now you've asked for it, and I'll give it to you, because there ain't anything mean about me; but if you find you don't like it, you mustn't blame anybody but your own self." |
Potser ho trobeu reconfortant i comenceu a pensar en com prevenir que Hong Kong es converteixi en la Xina. | You may find it self-comforting and start thinking about how to prevent Hong Kong from becoming like China. |
I el tracte que us faig és el següent: ara us en aneu a la platja... i per cada vidre que trobeu us donaré 50 centaus. | So here's the deal. You guys go hunting for it. I'll give you 50 cents for any piece you find. |
Quan us trobeu en la foscor de la desesperació i lluiteu per tornar a la claror de la llu m de la veritat de Déu, recordeu el que heu après aquí sobre el poder senzill de la compassió. | When you find yourself in the darkness of despair, and you're struggling to get back... into the clear light of God's truth, remember what you learned here... about the simple power of compassion. |
si trobeu res que se suposa que no heu de trobar, el millor que es pot fer és fer veure que no ho heu trobat. | If you find something you're not supposed to, best thing to do is pretend you've never seen it. |
Mentrestant, els sirians que es troben a l'estranger tenen dificultats per contactar amb les famílies d'allà per desitjar-los un bon Dia de la Mare. | Meanwhile, Syrians abroad are finding it difficult to connect with family back home and wish their loved ones a Happy Mother's Day. |
Tanmateix, indiquen que també es troben amb casos de pares amb feina que han vist com les seves possibilitats s'han limitat cada vegada més a causa de l'elevat cost de la vida. | However, they have also reported cases of parents in employment who are finding it increasingly difficult to get by due to the high cost of living. |
A les històries positives d'aquelles persones que troben feina, se sumen les històries de mares i pares que deixen els seus fills a casa, d'espanyols que acaben dormint als seus cotxes o en llocs d'acollida perquè no troben feina i han acabat els estalvis que van portar, que no dominen la llengua però malgrat tot no els queda cap altra opció que sortir, històries de fracassos i de tornades a casa amb una situació molt pitjor que la que sentien abans de marxar. | To the positive stories of those who do find work must be added the stories of mothers and fathers who leave their children behind, of Spanish citizens who end up sleeping in their cars or in shelters after failing to find work and having no more savings left, who can't speak the language but, despite it all, they have no other option than to leave, stories of failure and returning home to a situation even worse than it was before they left. |
Actualment, les dones es troben atrapades entre la lluita contra el règim i amenaces quotidianes, com els que plantegen els grups extremistes que omplen el buit de poder a les zones alliberades, amb un efecte negatiu sobre els drets de les dones. | Today, women find themselves trapped between the struggle against the regime and other daily threats, such as the ones posed by extremist groups filling the power vacuum in the liberated areas, that have a chilling effect on women´s rights. |
Hamburgueses d'Homs, dolços assetjats, pizza tenaç… Així és com la gent de la ciutat siriana d'Homs es refereix als àpats, després de vint-i-quatre mesos sota un setge que els obliga a menjar qualsevol cosa que troben. | Homsi hamburgers, besieged sweets, tenacious pizza… This is how the people of Homs are referring to their meals these days, 24 months into a siege that has forced them to eat whatever they can find. |
Ja trobaré la manera. | I will find a means. |
jo trobaré la manera de despistar-lo ... ... i de la resta m'encarrego jo! | I will find a way of inducing him at a short break... ...the rest I'll take care of! |
I ei, si està per allà fora, Henry, trobaré el teu llibre. | And hey, if it's out there, Henry, I will find your book. |
I més enllà, el trobaré a ell, esperant-me. | And behind it, I will find him there, waiting for me. |
El seguiré buscant i el trobaré. | I will keep looking for him and I will find him. |
Vés al jardí, allà hi trobaràs aquell que vam confondre amb un geni. | Turn over to the garden, you will find there the one that one took for a genius. |
Estic segur que el trobaràs allà. | I am certain you will find it there. |
Si continues veuràs que el passadís arriba a un carreró sense sortida, trobaràs que no és un carreró sense sortida en absolut. | If you continue on to where the hall you're in dead-ends, you will find that it's not a dead end at all. |
Si surto de viu d'aquí, em trobaràs al número 55 de la Rue Plumet. | If I come out of this alive... You will find me at Rue de I'Homme Armé, number 5 |
I et trobarà... ...si tu ho desitges. | And it will find you... ...if you want it to. |
Esta nit trobarà gautas Esperant--ho, no ovelles temoroses! | Tonight, he will find Geats waiting for him, not frightened sheep |
Només n’hi ha una, i la bruixa la trobarà. | There's only one, and the beldam will find it. |
Qui hagi fet a la humanitat, no trobarà cap humanitat ja aquí, no senyor. | Whoever made humanity, will find no humanity here, no sir. |
I el nen la trobarà! | And the boy will find it! |
* El trobarem llavors. | * Then we will find him. |
I si ens mantenim junts, trobarem el nostre camí en aquesta època estranya i sense precedents. | And if we remain together, we will find our way through these strange and unprecedented times. |
Hi ha una dotzena d'oficials venint cap aquí amb els gossos..... ...i trobarem al nen. | There are a dozen officers on their way over here with a pack of dogs, and we will find that little boy. |
I trobarem en Benjen Stark, viu o mort. | And we will find Benjen Stark, alive or dead. |
Tant tu com en Bent Sejro trobareu la meva informació molt interessant. | Both you and Bent Sejro will find my information very interesting. |
Crec que ho trobareu fascinant. | I believe you will find it fascinating. |
En mi, trobareu un governant just; | In me, you will find a fair ruler; |
Però amb sort, trobareu la força per fer el que cal fer. | But with luck, you will find the strength to do what needs to be done. |
En cada sobre trobareu les vostres llunes de mel. | Inside each of your envelopes you will find your very own honeymoon showcase showdown. |
La lluita és a prop, Sydney... si els vietnamesos entren l'Angka ho destruirà tot... i els vietnamesos només trobaran cendra. | The fighting is close by, Sydney. If the Vietnamese get here... ...Angka will destroy everything... ...and the Vietnamese, they will find only ashes. |
En ell trobaran... una automàtica del calibre 45... 2 caixes de munició... racions d'emergència concentrades per a 4 dies... una farmaciola amb antibiòtics... morfina, vitamines... amfetamines, píndoles per a dormir... tranquil·lizants... un llibret mig diccionari de frases russes i mig Bíblia... 100$ en rubles... 100$ en or... 9 paquets de xiclets... 1 tira de profilàctics... 3 llapis de llavis, 3 parells de mitges de niló... | In them you will find one.45 caliber automatic... two boxes of ammunition... four days concentrated emergency rations... one drug issue containing antibiotics... morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills... sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills... one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible... $ 100 in rubles... $ 100 in gold... nine packs of chewing gum... one issue of prophylactics... three lipsticks, three pair of nylon stockings." |
I no el trobaran pas. | Pullbrook. And they will find him. |
Però si ets viu, ells et trobaran. | But if you're alive, they will find you. |
Els portalliteres el trobaran. | The stretcher-bearers will find him. |
Que el trobaria a Ell. | That I would find the One. |
Sempre he volgut creure que un dia trobaria un home en qui podria confiar amb tot el meu... | I've always wanted to believe that one day I would find a man in whom I could trust with all my... |
Però en Wells m'ha dit que us trobaria aquí. | But Wells, he told me I would find you here. |
Algú pitjor que jo et trobaria. | Someone worse than me would find you. |
I si aconseguia tornar a casa, vaig prometre a Déu i a mi mateix que trobaria un lloc tranquil, i que passaria la resta dels meus dies en pau. | And if somehow I managed to get home again I promised God and myself that I would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace. |
Sempre vaig saber que ens trobaries. | I always knew you would find us. |
Si enterraveu una bala amb certs necessaris encantaments i la deixaveu tota sola per una quinzena, i després obríeu el lloc amb l'encantament que ell havia dit, trobaríeu que totes les bales que havíeu perdut s'hi haurien acoblat, per més escampadament que haguessin estat separades. | If you buried a marble with certain necessary incantations, and left it alone a fortnight, and then opened the place with the incantation he had just used, you would find that all the marbles you had ever lost had gathered themselves together there, meantime, no matter how widely they had been separated. |
Els homes la trobarien atractiva? | You think men would find that attractive? |
La trobí així. | I found it that way. |
Els minyons tornaren al campament, força esporuguits; pero hi trobaren encara quelcom de plaent, perque el gran sicomor, l'abric de sos jaços, era convertit a ruina, enderrocat pel llamp, i ells no hi havien estat davall quan la catastrofe s'esdevingué. | The boys went back to camp, a good deal awed; but they found there was still something to be thankful for, because the great sycamore, the shelter of their beds, was a ruin, now, blasted by the lightnings, and they were not under it when the catastrophe happened. |
En venir l'hora baixa es trobaren rondant pel veinatge de la presoneta isolada, potser amb una indefinida esperança que s'esdevindria quelcom que remogués llurs dificultats. | As the twilight drew on, they found themselves hanging about the neighborhood of the little isolated jail, perhaps with an undefined hope that something would happen that might clear away their difficulties. |
En un cantó trobaren una cambreta que prometia misteri; pero la promesa va ésser un frau: no hi havia res a dins. | In one corner they found a closet that promised mystery, but the promise was a fraud--there was nothing in it. |
No en trobaren cap, pero capturaren un gros embalum de… | They found none, but captured a bulky bundle of-- |
En trobaren una al cap de poca estona, i Tom digué que era hora de tornar a reposar. | They found one presently, and Tom said it was time to rest again. |
Un cop dit això, és gairebé segur que començarem a treballar amb l'aplicació per a Android, una vegada l'aplicació per a iOS surti i trobi el seu lloc al mercat. No tenim plans perquè funcioni per a Blackberry o Windows. | Having said that, we will most certainly start working on an Android App once the iOS app takes off and finds its place on the market. we do not have plans for Blackberry and Windows. |
Deixin que trobi una habitació en un altre lloc. | Let him go and find a room somewhere else. |
Resa perquè no et trobi! Que resi? | You better pray I don't find you, prick. " Pray"? |
Procura que en Hicks trobi el niu abans que sigui massa tard. | Make sure that Hicks finds that nest before it's too late. |
Espero que em trobi. | I hope he finds me. |
No ho ha de saber ningú. La propera vegada que trobis una noia inconscient, no la toquis. | And next time you find a girl unconscious, you don't touch her. |
Torna a trucar-me quan el trobis. | Call me back when you find him. |
Quin és el teu pla quan trobis a en Quinn? | Uh, what's your plan once you find Quinn? |
Espero que el trobis. | I hope you find him. |
Sixsmith, espero que trobis la força de perdonar-me en el teu cor . | Sixsmith, I do hope you will be able to find it in your heart to forgive me. |
Després d'aquests primers mesos del projecte, Hinojo destaca com a dada positiva que "els alumnes trobin molt útil que el seu treball estigui "publicat" a la viquipèdia i sigui útil per a la resta". | After these first months of the project, Hinojo points out the positive fact that “students find it really useful that their work has been 'published' in Wikipedia and is available to everybody”. |
- No s’amoïni, espero que el trobin. | Don't worry, I hope you'll find him. |
Han d’obligar-lo a adoptar una forma que trobin d’allò més graciosa. | You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. |
Quant de temps creus que tindre, Matt, Abans que ens trobin? | How much time do you think you have,matt,before they find us? |
Que els xeus fillets trobin un dia la felicitat. | For her shon to find happinesh. |
Fustes de cim arrodonit, menjades de corcs, feien tentines damunt les tombes, cercant decantades un puntal, i no trobant-ne cap. | All the old graves were sunken in, there was not a tombstone on the place; round-topped, worm-eaten boards staggered over the graves, leaning for support and finding none. |
Ha fet un treball brillant trobant a aqueixos xiquets amb una trepitjada. És realment sorprenent. | Brilliant work you did finding those kids from just a footprint, it's really amazing. |
I sóc bastant bona trobant-les. | I'm pretty good at finding them. |
Tu saps això, Harold, i tal com t'he dit, sóc extremadament bona trobant-los. | You know that, Harold, and like I told you, I'm awfully good at finding them. |
Esteu tu i una altra persona trobant impossible estar completament a soles? | ANNOUNCER: Are you and another person finding it impossible to be completely alone? |