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Sab (to find) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of sab

Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
I am finding
you are finding
he is finding
she is finding
we are finding
you all are finding
they are finding
Perfect tense
I have found
you have found
he has found
she has found
we have found
you all have found
they have found

Examples of sab

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
Anke jekk l-Ombudsman ma sab l-ebda amministrazzjoni ħaina, huwa jista’ jidentifi ka opportunità sabiex l-istituzzjoni jew il-korp itejjeb il-kwalità ta’ l-amministrazzjoni tiegħu fil-futur.Even if the Ombudsman does not find maladministration, he may identify an opportunity for the institution or body to improve the quality of its administration in the future.
Anke jekk l-Ombudsman ma sab l-ebda amministrazzjoni ħażina, huwa jista’ jidentifika opportunità sabiex l-istituzzjoni jew ilkorp itejjeb il-kwalità ta’ lamministrazzjoni tiegħu fil-futur.Even if the Ombudsman does not find maladministration, he may identify an opportunity for the institution or body to improve the quality of its administration in the future.
Barra minn hekk, anke jekk lOmbudsman ma jkunx sab kaE ta’ amministrazzjoni åaEina, huwa jkun jista’ jiddentifika opportunità gåall-istituzzjoni jew gåall-korp biex itejbu lkwalità ta’ lamministrazzjoni tagåhom fil-ãejjieni. F’dawn il-kaEi, lOmbudsman jagåmel rimarka ulterjuri.Furthermore, even if the Ombudsman does not find maladministration, he may identify an opportunity for the institution or body to improve the quality of its administration in the future.
Conseil d'Etat, 16 ta’ Novembru 1998, Sille: “Billi, l-ewwel nett, kif iddeċidew il-Prim'imħallfin, jekk ir-responsabbiltà tas-setgħa pubblika tista’ tiġi involuta, anki mingħajr tort, fuq il-bażi tal-prinċipju tal-ugwaljanza taċ-ċittadini quddiem il-piżijiet pubbliċi, fil-każ fejn miżura li ttieħdet legalment ikollha l-effett li tikkawża għad-detriment ta' persuna fiżika jew ġuridika dannu speċjali u ta' ċerta serjetà, mhuwiex il-każ hawnhekk peress li s-Sur Sille, fil-kapaċità tiegħu bħala professjonist tal-proprjetà, ma setax jinjora r-riskji li jiffaċċja neċessarjament it-twettiq ta' programm ta' żvilupp bħal dak li kien ippjanat f'dan il-każ u li għat-twettiq tiegħu kien jeħtieġ b'mod partikolari li jinbidlu d-dispożizzjonijiet tar-regolament tat-tqassim tal-art u li jinkiseb il-kunsens tal-kunsill muniċipali li s-Sur Sille kellu normalment jikkunsidra l-possibbiltà li, quddiem ir-riżultati negattivi tal-investigazzjoni pubblika u l-ostilità li sab il-proġett, dan kien ikun abbandunat mill-belt; li billi ħa dan ir-riskju b'għarfien sħiħ tal-kawża, ma jistax isostni b'suċċess li sofra dannu mhux normali u li l-belt għandha tassumi l-konsegwenzi gravi li sofra mir-rinunzja tal-proġett”.Council of State, 16 November 1998, Sille: ‘First, having regard to the fact, as the judges in the court of first instance decided, whether the public authorities can be held liable, even without fault, on the grounds of the principle of the equality of citizens before public burdens, where a measure lawfully adopted has the effect of causing a special loss of a certain degree of gravity to a natural or legal person, that does not hold true in this case because Mr Sille, in his capacity as a real-estate professional, could not be unaware of the risks necessarily involved in the execution of a building project such as that planned in this case, in respect of which it was necessary, in particular, to amend the provisions of the land-use plan and obtain the agreement of the local council that Mr Sille should have contemplated the possibility or, faced with the negative findings of the public enquiry and the hostility encountered by the project, that it would be dropped by the local authority; that having taken on the risk in full knowledge of the facts, he cannot usefully maintain that he has suffered an abnormal loss and that the local authority must bear the substantial consequences for him arising from the shelving of the project’.
Conseil d'Etat, 16 ta’ Novembru 1998, Sille: “Billi, l-ewwelnett, kif iddeċidew il-Prim'imħallfin, jekk ir-responsabbiltà tas-setgħa pubblika tista' tiġi impenjata, anki mingħajr tort, fuq il-bażi tal-prinċipju tal-ugwaljanza taċ-ċittadini quddiem l-obbligazzjonijiet pubbliċi, fil-każ fejn miżura li ttieħdet legalment ikollha l-effett li tikkawża għad-detriment ta’ persuna fiżika jew ġuridika dannu speċjali u ta’ ċerta serjetà, dan mhuwiex il-każ hawnhekk peress li s-Sur Sille, fil-kapaċità tiegħu bħala professjonist tal-proprjetà, ma setax jinjora r-riskji li jiffaċċja neċessarjament it-twettiq ta’ programm ta’ żvilupp bħal dak li kien ippjanat f'dan il-każ u li għat-twettiq tiegħu kien jeħtieġ b'mod partikolari li jinbidlu d-dispożizzjonijiet tar-regolament tat-tqassim tal-art u li jinkiseb il-kunsens tal-kunsill muniċipali li s-Sur Sille kellu normalment jikkunsidra l-possibbiltà li, quddiem ir-riżultati negattivi tal-investigazzjoni pubblika u l-ostilità li sab il-proġett, dan kien ikun irrifjutat mill-muniċipalità; li billi ħa dan ir-riskju b'għarfien sħiħ tal-kawża, ma jistax isostni b'suċċess li sofra dannu mhux normali u li l-muniċipalità għandha tassumi l-konsegwenzi gravi li sofra mir-rifjut tal-proġett”Council of State, Sille, 16 November 1998: ‘First, as the judges in the court of first instance decided, while the public authorities can be held liable, even without fault, on the grounds of the principle of the equality of citizens before public burdens, where a measure lawfully adopted has the effect of causing a special loss of a certain degree of gravity to a natural or legal person, that does not hold true in this case, because Mr Sille, in his capacity as a real-estate professional, could not be unaware of the risks necessarily involved in the execution of a building project such as that projected, in respect of which it was necessary, in particular, to amend the provisions of the land-use plan and obtain the agreement of the local council. Mr Sille should have contemplated the possibility that if the findings of the public enquiry were negative or if the project encountered hostility it might be abandoned by the local authority. Having taken the risk in full knowledge of the facts, he cannot to any purpose maintain that he has suffered an abnormal loss and that the local authority must bear the substantial consequences for him arising from the shelving of the project’.
Biex tara jekk alli hux tajjeb għalik, sib it- tul tiegħek fit- tabella.To see if alli is right for you, find your height on the chart.
Għal kull magna jew attività, sib il-punti ta' kuljum billi timmultiplika l-għadd ta' punti kull siegħa ma' l-għadd ta' sigħat ta' użu tal-magna:For each machine or operation, find the daily points for by multiplying the number of points-per-hour by the number of hours use of the machine:
Ipprova sib informazzjoni kemm tista’ dwar il-kumpanija, innies u l-kultura talkumpanija.Try to find out as much information as possible about the company, people and company culture.
Issieħeb fl-lnizjattiva Saħħa Afijar fuq ix-Xogħol u sib l-għodda meħtieġa għal post tax-xogħol b'inqas periklu, aħjar għal saħħtek u aktar produttivοίη the Healthy Workplace Initiative and find all the tools needed for a safer, "healthier and more productive workplace
Il-grupp ta’ proġetti LUTR qiegħed isib metodi ġodda sabiex jgħin lill-ibliet u lillirħula l-kbar itejbu kemm jista’ jkun l-użu tagħhom tal-bini, l-art u n-netwerks tat-trasport bħala mezz ta’ tnaqqis ta’ problemi kroniċi, bħall-konġestjoni tat-traffiku u t-tifrix urban. www.lutr.netThe LUTR cluster of projects is finding new ways to help cities and large towns optimise their use of buildings, land and transport networks as a means of reducing chronic problems, such as traffic congestion and urban sprawl . www.lutr.net
Fażi ta ’ Manteniment - Ġaladarba sibt l- aktar doża adattataMaintenance Phase - Once you have found the most appropriate dose
Inkludi evidenza t-tweġibiet tiegħek li sibt aktar informazzjoni dwar il-kumpanija, iżda tagħmilhiex ovvja wisq.Include evidence that you have found out more about the company in your answers, but do not make it too obvious.
Inti sibt ħafna informazzjoni fuq is-sit tal-internet imma tixtieq tara b’mod konkret kif jaħdem ilParlament u x’jagħmel għalik?Perhaps you have found a lot of information on the website and now you’d like to see in practice how the European Parliament works and what it does for you.
) u Franza, il-Kummissjoni sabet indikazzjonijiet li tariffi regolati tal-elettriku setgħu jammontaw għal għajnuna millIstat lil kumpaniji kbar u ta’ daqs medju li jikkunsmaw l-elettriku.) and France, the Commission has found indications that regulated electricity tariffs could amount to State aid to large and medium-sized electricityconsuming companies.
Barra dan, l-investigazzjoni sabet li t-Tape grade li kapaċi jiflaħ iktar għat-tensjoni jista’ jiġi prodott skont l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet mitluba mill-konsumaturi ta’ dan il-prodott.Moreover, the investigation has found that ‘tape’ grade with a higher tensile strength can be produced depending on the specifications requested by the customers of this product.
Barra minn hekk, ilKummissjoni sabet evidenza li hemm barrieri sinifikanti għad-dħul ż-żewġt iswieq. Dan huwa l-aktar għaliex il-produzzjoni u d-distribuzzjoni tal-molol li jaħdmu bl-arja u taċ-ċineg li jittrasportaw il-merkanzija jinvolvu produzzjoni speċifika u għar en tal-konsumatur.Furthermore, the Commission has found evidence of significant barriers to enter both markets, mainly because the production and distribution of air springs and conveyor belts involves specific production and customer know-how.
Barra minn hekk, l-Awtorità sabet li l-profitt miksub permezz tal-operat tas-servizz pubbliku kien relattivament baxx u ma kienx jinkludi l-pagament ta’ kumpens żejjed.In addition, the Authority has found that the profit earned through the operation of the public service was relatively low and did not entail payment of overcompensation.
B’mod konformi mat-TFUE u l-ġurisprudenza tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Unjoni Ewropea, il-Kummissjoni għandha l-awtorità li tobbliga lill-Istat ikkonċernat jabolixxi jew ibiddel l-għajnuna [40] meta tkun sabet li din ma tkunx kompatibbli mas-suq intern.According to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union and the established case law of the Court of Justice, the Commission is competent to decide that the State concerned must abolish or alter aid [40] when it has found that it is incompatible with the internal market.
Ġaladarba inti u t- tabib tiegħek sibtu l- aħjar doża tal- pilloli Rapinyl li tikkontrolla l- uġigħ sfondat tiegħek, inti għandek tieħu din id- doża mhux aktar minn erba ’ darbiet kuljum.Once you and your doctor have found a dose of Rapinyl tablets that controls your breakthrough pain you should take this dose no more than four times a day.
Filwaqtli ħafna evalwazzjonijiet sabu li l-persuni interessati jsibu l-proċeduri kumplessi28, li kien ukoll suġġett ta’ tħassib għall-Parlament29 , ilQorti tirrikonoxxi l-isforzi magħmula mill-Kummissjoni biex tindirizza l-problema.While numerous evaluations have found that stakeholders find procedurescumbersome28, which hasalso beena matter ofconcernto Parliament29,the Courtrecog-nisestheefforts made by the Commission to address the problem.
Għalkemm huma mifruda mill-baħar Mediterran, iżżewġ reġjuni sabu li kellhom ħafna karatteristiċi komuni: mhux l-inqas li t-tnejn jafu kif jattiraw it-turisti.Although divided by the Mediterranean, the two regions have found that they have much in common: not least knowing how to attract tourists.
Hawnhekk, għalanqas, il-karnivori kbar u l-bniedem sabu kif jistgħu jgħixu flimkien.Here at least large carnivores and humans have found ways to co-habit.
Illum huwa l-bażi tat-tfassil tal-politika fis-sebgħa u għoxrin Stat Membru ta’ lEwropa li, fl-għażla tagħhom li jaħdmu flimkien, sabu l-aħjar mezz disponibbli biex jiżguraw li lEwropa tkun kompetittiva fil-ġejjieni f’dinja li kull ma tmur qiegħda ssir iżjed u iżjed globalizzata.Now it forms the cornerstone of policy-making in Europe’s twenty seven Member States who, in choosing to work together, have found the best means available to ensure Europe’s future competitiveness in a rapidly globalising world.
Instab li ma kienx mixtieq li jiġu koperti għal kollox l-ispejjeż tan-NOx peress illi kien jirriżulta li Hurtigruten ikollha inċentiv inqas sabiex tbaxxi l-emissjonijiet. [59]Il-qrati sabu miżuri tat-taxxa li jagħtu vantaġġi fuq ċerti impriżi bħala mhux selettivi peress li jkunu ġew ġustifikati min-natura u l-istruttura globali tas-sistema ġenerali li jiffurmaw parti minnha.Fully covering the NOx costs was found to be undesirable as it would result in Hurtigruten having less of an incentive to lower emissions [59].The courts have found tax measures conferring advantages on certain undertakings to be non-selective as they have been justified by the nature and overall structure of the general system of which they are part [60].

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