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Mendapati (to find) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mendapati

Present tense
I find
Past tense
sudah mendapati
I found
Present perfect tense
sudah mendapati
I have found
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mendapati
I will have found
Future recent tense
mendapati nanti
I will find
Future distant tense
mendapati kelak
I am going to find
Present continuous tense
sedang mendapati
I find
Past distant tense
dulu mendapati
I (a long time ago) found
Past recent tense
mendapati tadi
I (recently) found
Past very recent tense
baru saja mendapati
I (just now) found

Examples of mendapati

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Wajah haiwan atas terma sendiri, anda akan mendapati anda tidak Adakah jadi sangat kuat.Face the animal on his own terms, you will find you Are not so very strong.
Atau anda akan mendapati diri anda bergantung pada belas kasih sebuah langkah keajaiban.Or you may find yourself at the mercy of a divine move.
Tempat ini adalah kematianmu, bila ada keluargaku yang mendapati Anda disini.This place is death if any of my kinsmen find you here.
Jika kau mendapati ada siapa pun yang pergi tanpa ijin, langsung bawa dia padaku!If you find anyone leaving without permission, bring him to me immediately.
Kami mendapati terdakwa bersalah.We find the defendant guilty.

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Not found
We have none.



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Not found
We have none.

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None found.