Ikkuntattja l- eqreb dipartiment ta ’ l - Aċċidenti u l- Emerġenza fi sptar jew tabib għal parir jekk blajt aktar kapsuli milli qalulek biex tieħu jew jekk it - tifel/ tifla tiegħek belgħet minnhom. | Contact your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department or a doctor for advice if you have swallowed more capsules than you have been told to take or if you think a child has swallowed any. |
Ikkuntattja l- eqreb dipartiment ta ’ l- Aċċidenti u l- Emerġenza fi sptar jew tabib għal parir jekk blajt aktar pilloli milli qalulek biex tieħu jew jekk taħseb li t- tifel/ tifla tiegħek belgħet minnhom. | Contact your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department or a doctor for advice if you have swallowed more tablets than you have been told to take or if you think a child has swallowed any. |
Ikkuntattja l- eqreb dipartiment ta ’ l - Aċċidenti u l- Emerġenza fi sptar jew tabib għal parir jekk blajt aktar kapsuli milli qalulek biex tieħu jew jekk it - tifel/ tifla tiegħek belgħet minnhom. | Contact your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department or a doctor for advice if you have swallowed more capsules than you have been told to take or if you think a child has swallowed any. |
Ikkuntattja l- eqreb dipartiment ta ’ l- Aċċidenti u l- Emerġenza fi sptar jew tabib għal parir jekk blajt aktar pilloli milli qalulek biex tieħu jew jekk taħseb li t- tifel/ tifla tiegħek belgħet minnhom. | Contact your nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department or a doctor for advice if you have swallowed more tablets than you have been told to take or if you think a child has swallowed any. |