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Ir (to go) conjugation

148 examples

Conjugation of ir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I go
you go
he/she/it goes
we go
you all go
they go
Present perfect tense
he ido
I have gone
has ido
you have gone
ha ido
he/she/it has gone
hemos ido
we have gone
habéis ido
you all have gone
han ido
they have gone
Past preterite tense
I went
you went
he/she/it went
we went
you all went
they went
Future tense
I will go
you will go
he/she/it will go
we will go
you all will go
they will go
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would go
you would go
he/she/it would go
we would go
you all would go
they would go
Past imperfect tense
I used to go
you used to go
he/she/it used to go
we used to go
you all used to go
they used to go
Past perfect tense
había ido
I had gone
habías ido
you had gone
había ido
he/she/it had gone
habíamos ido
we had gone
habíais ido
you all had gone
habían ido
they had gone
Future perfect tense
habré ido
I will have gone
habrás ido
you will have gone
habrá ido
he/she/it will have gone
habremos ido
we will have gone
habréis ido
you all will have gone
habrán ido
they will have gone
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I go
(if/so that) you go
(if/so that) he/she/it go
(if/so that) we go
(if/so that) you all go
(if/so that) they go
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ido
I have gone
hayas ido
you have gone
haya ido
he/she/it has gone
hayamos ido
we have gone
hayáis ido
you all have gone
hayan ido
they have gone
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have gone
(if/so that) you have gone
(if/so that) he/she/it have gone
(if/so that) we have gone
(if/so that) you all have gone
(if/so that) they have gone
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have gone
(if/so that) you have gone
(if/so that) he/she/it have gone
(if/so that) we have gone
(if/so that) you all have gone
(if/so that) they have gone
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ido
I had gone
hubieras ido
you had gone
hubiera ido
he/she/it had gone
hubiéramos ido
we had gone
hubierais ido
you all had gone
hubieran ido
they had gone
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ido
I had gone
hubieses ido
you had gone
hubiese ido
he/she/it had gone
hubiésemos ido
we had gone
hubieseis ido
you all had gone
hubiesen ido
they had gone
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have gone
(if/so that) you will have gone
(if/so that) he/she/it will have gone
(if/so that) we will have gone
(if/so that) you all will have gone
(if/so that) they will have gone
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ido
I will have gone
hubieres ido
you will have gone
hubiere ido
he/she/it will have gone
hubiéremos ido
we will have gone
hubiereis ido
you all will have gone
hubieren ido
they will have gone
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's go!
Imperative negative mood
no vayas
do not go!
no vaya
let him/her/it go!
no vayamos
let us not go!
no vayáis
do not go!
no vayan
do not go!

Examples of ir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! - Gracias muchachos, pero me tengo que ir.Thanks guys, but I've got to go.
! Estoy acostumbrada a ir al baño dentro de mi cuarto.I'm used to going to the bathroom in my room.
! Mamá, ¡no quiero ir al campamento de obesos!Mom, I don't want to go to fat camp!
! Pero hija mía, ¿tenías que ir hasta Messina para meterte en problemas?You had to go all that way to get into trouble?
! Tú quisiste ir allá ¿y porqué razón?You wanted to go to that summer house and what was the point?
! Aquí voy!Here I go!
! Está bien. Ya voy.All right, I'm going.
! Hmm, voy a sopesar esto y luego te devolveré la llamada.Hmm, I'm gonna pray on this and I'm gonna call you back.
! Le voy a capar!I'm gonna castrate him!
! - Lo sé... tú solo vas a recoger algo.- I know... you just got to go pick something up.
! - ¿Adónde vas?-Where are you going?
! - ¿Cuándo vas a llegar?- When are you going to get here?
! Así que, qué, ¿nunca vas a hablar con ella otra vez?So, what, you're never going to talk to her again?
! - Uno nunca va por el mercado, tú sabes eso Mo.- One never goes on the market, you know that Mo.
! Se va!There he goes!
! - Durante una temporada vamos a irnos a otro sitio.We're going to stay somewhere else for a while.
! -¡ Estamos bien, vamos, vamos !- We're good,go,go!
! ; Que nos vamos a matar!You're going to kill us!
! Ahí vamos! ?Here we go!
! Eh ¡ ¿ Dónde vais ?- Where are you going?
"Con una miel así vais a ganar el concurso"... eso ha dicho.With such a honey you gotta win the contest... that's what he said.
"Je vais à un enterrement à Paris" (Voy a un funeral en Paris)I'm going to a funeral in Paris.
! De cualquier manera, van a morir.Either way, you're going to die.
! La gente de Clementine que envenenaste van a matarnos ahora¡The clementine people you poisoned are now gonna kill us!
! Las cosas van a mejorar.It is going to get better.
! Ni los taxis van allí!Even cabs won't go there.
! Y ahí van!And there they go!
! y fui y le hice, "ba-shaw"..." And I went, "ba-shaw!"...
" Bien, ya lo traigo. " Y me fui a la marcha."Fine, l'll bring them soon." And l went to the march.
" Y tengo antecedentes militares por lo que fui directamente a mi equipo y me muestro como soy un superior a ti" Así es como estás actuando justo ahora,Voy a tomar este camino y seguir estás direcciones" And I have military background So I just went right into my Gear which is you are superior To me, that is how you're acting Right now,I'm going to take Direction and follow directions.
"Ah, yo fui."oh, I went in there.
! ¡Te fuiste a la cafetería y la reencontraste, ¿no? !You went to a cafe and reunited with her, did you?
"Bueno, en la tercera curva entraste por el exterior, entonces giraste a la izquierda, después a la derecha y luego fuiste por dentro, ¿qué pasó?" Y respondes: "Eso"."So, in the third corner you came up the outside, then you jinked left, "then right and then you went on the inside, what happened?" And you just go, "That."
"Cuando te fuiste a Singapur, Alex también se marchó""After you left for Singapore, alex too went on leave"
"Desde que te fuiste no he disfrutado nada," "y aquellos que me importan se han marchado."Since you went away, I have had no pleasure in it, and everybody one cares for is gone.
"Me comporté muy mal. " "Cuando te fuiste, tomé mi foto y la arrojé al piso. "I felt like a bitch, when you went out I took my photo and I smashed it.
! - Ahí fue dónde Mary cayó.- That's were mary went.
! ¡Alegría fue por una hamburguesa, y todo esto se vino abajo!Lovejoy went to get a hamburger, and the whole thing fell apart!
" Richard fue diagnosticado con una muñeca rota sospecha ' y se fue en un viaje de cuatro horas al hospital más cercano .'Richard was diagnosed with a suspected broken wrist 'and went on a four-hour journey to the nearest hospital.
"...decidimos que no nos gustan los piques drags "y nos fuimos a Las Vegas a tratar de jugar billar."'..we decided we didn't like drag racing 'and went into Las Vegas to do strip billiards instead.'
"...tu hermana y yo fuimos a ver los restos de una nave que hundieron".Your sister and I went down to see the wreckage of a ship they sunk.
"A continuación, se rompió el mapa y fuimos a buscar a la boca de nuestro río.'We then broke out the map and went off to find the mouth of our river.
"Anoche fuimos a un partido de fútbol y luego..."Last night we went to a football game and then ...
"Así que nos fuimos a echar un vistazo más de cerca."'So we went to get a closer look.'
- No estuvisteis ayer allí, - fuisteis a ver a Juan.You weren't there yesterday, you went to see Juan.
- ¿Así que fuisteis a un club de striptease?So you went to a strip club? Busted.
-¿No sabéis como fuisteis?-You don't know where you went?
" y allí estaban enfermando a golpes como golpes fueron a casa en el que se retuerce , el cuerpo patadas,"and there were sickening thuds as blows went home on the squirming, kicking body,
"...contra la pantera y se fueron a buscar a la serpiente pitón Kaa."...against the Panther, and they went off to look for Kaa the Rock Python.
"Anoche en Fort Worth nueve agentes del Servicio Secreto fueron al Club de Prensa a tomar unas copas."Last night in Fort Worth, nine Secret Service agents went to the Fort Worth Press Club for drinks.
"Así que fueron cruzando el puente...""So off they went across the bridge..."
"A donde quiera que vayas, yo iré."Whither thou goest, I will go.
"Adonde vayas, allá iré""Whither thou goest I will go
"Cuando termine mi helado, me iré a nadar"When I finish my ice cream, I will go for a swim.
"Donde tú vayas, allí iré yo. ""Where you go, I will go."
"Donde vayas, allí iré yo"Where you go, I will go.
"A muchos sitios irás, y algún enemigo habrá.""On you will go, though your enemies prowl.
"no me acercaré a ti porque irás a la cárcel."I won't come closer to you because you will go to the jail.
# Sé que te irás un día, sé que habré de perderte, # porque eres un ensueño, una brisa, un cantar. #¤ I know you will go one day, I know I shall miss you,... ¤ Because you're a dream, a breath, a song. ¤
'Si elegís la piedra del color de tu tribu irás en esta aventura'."If you choose your tribe-colored stone you will go on this adventure"
"Adiós" al celuloide. Se irá, me temo, y será guardado para ocasiones especiales, creo, pero va a cambiar.It will go away, I'm afraid, and it'll be kept for special occasions, I think, but it's gonna change.
"Si no vienes mañana, "Rivi irá por ti"."Rivi will go for you."
"The Battle of Xerxerus", con dos "x"... irá como estaba previsto, y nuestro cliente no perderá 200 de los grandes."The Battle of Xerxerus", two "x"s... will go on as planned, and our client will not lose 200 grand a month.
"... Y nos iremos con las manos vacías de este mundo ...""...and will go empty handed from this world..."
"A un campamento iremos".♪ A-camping we will go ♪
"Hoy iremos al mar, juntos.""Today we will go to the sea together."
- A las 8. Dime cuándo estás lista e iremos juntas. No estés siempre enfadada conmigo.-8 let me when you are ready and we will go together don't get upset on me all the time.
- Castle y yo iremos allí.Castle and I will go over there now. Okay.
Ahora todas vosotras iréis a poner flores en el santuario de Santa Catalina.Now, now, all of you young ladies will go to place flowers on the shrine of St. Catherine.
Al alba, a pie y en solitario, a vuestro retiro iréis pero antes vuestra alma recibirá el consuelo del pan angélico.At dawn, you will go alone, on foot, to the hermitage; but first let the holy bread bring comfort to your soul.
Al menos el veinte por ciento os iréis a la calle.At least 20% of you will go.
Algunos os quedaréis y otros os iréisSome of you will stay, and some of you will go.
"Mis raíces irán profundas dentro de la tierra..."My roots will go deep into the earth...
"Y los ingleses se irán"."And the British will go away."
"Y si viene a pie... "los judíos irán a Israel..."And if he comes on foot, the Jews will go "to Israel
(Locutor) y los perdedores irán cabeza a cabeza en una prueba de presión ...(Announcer) And the losers will go head to head in a pressure test...
"Cuando tenía 22 años soñaba con que un día iría a una región cubierta de hielo y nieve y continuaría hasta llegar a uno de los polos de la Tierra".l had a dream when l was 22 that someday l would go to the region of ice and snow and go on and on till l came to one of the poles of the Earth.
"Eddie iría"."Eddie would go.
"Los más tontos vienen de Irlanda pero sólo un tonto mayor iría allá"."All the best fools come from Ireland but only a greater fool would go there. "
"Por un poco de amor iría a los confines de la tierra... ""For a little love I would go to the ends of the earth... "
- ... ¿te irías conmigo?- ... Do you would go with me?
- ¿Te irías a vivir con él?- You would go live with him?
- Dijiste que iríamos juntos al norte - ¡Así es!He said he would go together north. We will!
- Pero cariño, dije que iríamos.But honey, I said that we would go.
- Prometiste que iríamos contigo.- You promised that we would go with you.
Al contrario de la mayoría que, si nos dijeran que íbamos destinados a Iraq, iríamos como el Cabo Klinger más rápido de lo que tardas en ponerte un vestido de picnic de tafetán amarillo.As opposed to most of us who, if told we were being deployed to Iraq, would go Corporal Klinger faster than you can pull on a yellow taffeta picnic dress.
Excepto, Theo, que pensaba que tú y Cole iríais juntos.Except, Theo, I thought you and Cole would go together.
- ¡Papá! También parece ser del tipo de fiesta a la que los Van der Woodsen irían.Also sounds like the kind of party the Van Der Woodsens would go to.
- ¿La del vestido púrpura? - Sí. De verdad pensaba que irían a por los débiles, pero ellos son el equipo Coach.I really thought they would go for weak but they're going for team Coach.
Ahora, sí fueran listos, se irían a casa y olvidarían esta estúpida idea...Now, if you were smart... you would go home and forget this stupid idea....
Al oír este testamento, los hombres comunes... que, perdonadme, no voy a leer... irían a besar las heridas de César... y mojarían sus pañuelos en su sangre sagrada... pedirían un cabello suyo para recordarlo, al morir lo mencionarían en el testamento.Let but the commons hear this testament, which, pardon me, I do not mean to read, and they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds, and dip their napkins in his sacred blood, yea, beg a hair of him for memory, and, dying, mention it within their wills,
! Oh, vaya, qué buena noticia!Oh, well, here's good news!
" Camarada... ¡no vaya!"Comrade... don't go!
" Es importante que vaya allí y hable a los obreros metalúrgicos, para que no perdamos la dirección del movimiento. ""lt 's important that you go there and speak to the metalworkers, so that we don't lose the leadership of the movement."
! Kyle, tu madre y yo no queremos que vayas al concierto de "Coños Salvajes".Kyle, your mother and I don't want you going to the Raging Pussies concert!
! Mike, avisame cuando vayas a hacer eso.Mike, warn me when you're gonna do that?
! No te vayas!Don't go!
! No vayas! !Don't go!
! Dejemos esta nave y vayamos en busca de los verdaderos placeres!Let us leave this vessel and go where true delights lie!
"Ahora, vayamos a Francia a robar arte.""Now, let's go to France and steal all their objects de art. '"
"Bollo por favor, vayamos al final del bosque"Please let us go to edge of forest!
"Bueno, no vayamos tan lejos."♪ Well, let's not go too far ♪
"Da una fiesta en su nueva casa en Sussex quiere que vayamos todos sus amigos"."and he wants us to go. He wants all his friends to be there."
"Separaos, y no vayáis a casa esta noche"."Split up, and don't go home tonight. "
- Antes de que os vayáis...- Before you go...
- Cuando vayáis a Pyongyang...- When you go to Pyongyang... - No!
- Desea hablar con vos en su habitación antes de que os vayáis a dormir.Impart. She desires to speak with you in her closet, ere you go to bed.
" Para que pueda contemplarlo a placer Cuando las cosas vayan malSo I could see it at my leisure Whenever things go wrong
"Asegúrese de que sus hijos vayan a la universidad, Sr. Gregory."Make sure your children go to university, Mr Gregory.
- A estas alturas de mi rehabilitación... - KITT... podríamos haberlo atravesado como si fuera de espuma.Michael, at this stage of my recovery-- KlTT... we could have gone through that thing like shaving cream.
- Nunca hubiésemos ido... a la oficina del director... si no fuera por tú llegas todos los días tarde.We would never have gone into the principal's office if it weren't for you being late every single day.
- Si yo fuera un blanco, me hubiera ido bajo tierra, moviendome cada par de meses.- If I had a target on my back, I'd have gone to ground, moved every couple of months.
BEN PARKER, AMADO ESPOSO Y TÍO No fue justo que se fuera así.It wasn't fair to have gone like that.
Bueno, su caballo está ahí fuera, así que no puede haber ido muy lejos, teniendo en cuenta que el hombre apenas daría diez pasos para mear, mucho menos para marcharse.Well, his horse is just outside, So he can't have gone far, Given that the man would barely walk 10 steps to pish,
Bueno, puede que no fueras a mis espaldas, pero esto nunca hubiera pasado si me hubieras dejado hablar públicamente en primer lugar.Well, you may not have gone behind my back, but this never would have happened if you'd let me speak publicly in the first place.
No hubiera salido contigo si no lo fueras.I wouldn't have gone out with you in the first place... if you weren't.
Que fueras a su oficina por mí, fue---So for you to have gone to his office for me was...
Si fueras un tipo gordo, habría ido a donde sirven pasteles.If you were a fat guy, I would have gone to where they serve pies.
Hubiéramos ido solas, pero Madre Zehra quería que fuéramos juntos.We would have gone alone but Mother Zehra wanted us to go together.
Si fuéramos a la iglesia, deberíamos ir a la suya.If we were going to church, we should have gone to her church.
Te dije que fuéramos por el otro lado.I told you, we should have gone the other way.
Te dije que no fuéramos a Colima.I told you we shouldn't have gone to the Colima.
Hubiera continuado con todo sin importar quién fuerais.I would have gone through with it no matter who you are.
Creo que si su objetivo fueran los traficantes habrían ido tras una banda negra o hispana.I think if they were gonna target drug dealers, they would have gone after a black or Hispanic gang.
No importan lo nobles que fueran sus intenciones cuando empezaron,Clark, these people have gone too far.
- Entiendo todo lo que has dicho, pero... - Por qué no podía haber vuelto? - Aunque fuese de visita?I understand all that well enough, but... why couldn't I have gone back, even for a visit?
- ¿Quería que fuese para el Palace?- Should he have gone to the Palace?
La única cosa posible es que fuese a ver a su madre.She may have gone to her mother. She misses her a lot.
No iría si no pensara que fuese a volver.He wouldn't have gone if he didn't think he was gonna come back.
Si fueses legal, habrías llegado muy alto.If you'd gone straight, you'd have gone to the top.
Si fuésemos más honestos, esta conversación habría sido así:If we'd have been more honest with each other, that conversation would have gone a bit more like this.
! Nada se ve bien!- Nothing goes!
! Qué rico se ve!Oh, it looks so good.
! ve con ellos!You go with them!
" Ahora eres grande, así que por favor ve y... haz este trabajo" ."You are big now, so please go and- and do this job. "
"Id a decile, O nubes de lluvia, id a decidle""Go tell him, O rainclouds, go tell him"
"O nubes de lluvia, id a decidle a mi amor""O rainclouds, go tell my lover"
, no soy un gran fan de Juliette Barnes, pero id vosotras.You know, I'm not much of a Juliette Barnes fan, but y'all go ahead.
- Ahora id a cama.- You go to bed now.
- Andá, andá.- Go, go.
! Se ha ido!It's gone!
! ¡Paige, no sabes adónde estás yendo!Paige, you don't know where you're going!
- Aníbal, andá, en serio.- Aníbal, go, really.
! ellos se han ido!They're gone!
! la maleta con mi dinero se ha ido!The case with my money is gone!
" Mañana usted está yendo a trabajar a Bahia. ""Tomorrow you're going to work in Bahia."
"50.000 soldados estaban yendo a la guerra ,no por EE.UU." "sino por la humanidad" "por el respeto humano"50.000 soldiers were going to war not for the United States but for humanity, for human respect, for human freedom, and human greatness.
"Cállate, Bodie." ¡Vamos! , ¿dónde estamos yendo?"Shut up, Bodie." Oh come on, where we going?

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