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Mar (to go) conjugation

18 examples

Conjugation of mar

Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
I am going
you are going
he is going
she is going
we are going
you all are going
they are going
Perfect tense
I have gone
you have gone
he has gone
she has gone
we have gone
you all have gone
they have gone

Examples of mar

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
( b ) fil-paragrafu 3 , it-tieni inċiż hu sostitwit b' dan li ġej : -- « -- il-livell aġġornat ippjanat ta » dejn governattiv fl-aħħar tas-sena n u l-livelli ta » dejn governattiv attwali għas-snin n-1 , n-2 , n-3 u n-4 , u għandhom jikkonformaw mar-rekwiżiti tar-raba » inċiż tat-2 paragrafu .' ( 2 ) .( b ) In paragraph 3 , the second indent is replaced by the following : -- « -- their updated planned level of government debt at the end of year n and their levels of actual government debt for years n-1 , n-2 , n-3 and n-4 , and shall comply with the requirements of the fourth indent of paragraph 2 ."
(b) li l-adattamenti tar-rekwiżiti standard ta' linformazzjoni u lġustifikazzjonijiet relatati preżentati fid-dossier jew dossiers tekniċi jikkonformaw mar-regoli li jirregolaw tali adattamenti previsti flAnnessi VII sa X u mar-regoli ġenerali disposti flAnness XI;(b) that the adaptations of the standard information requirements and the related justifications submitted in the technical dossier(s) comply with the rules governing such adaptations set out in Annexes VII to X and with the general rules set out in Annex XI;
(ċ) dipartiment ta’ kunsilliera, fil-livell strateġiku, issekondati fl-istrutturi differenti tal-ministeru tad-difiża inkarigati biex jikkontribwixxu għall-ħidma relatata mar-RSS immexxija mill-amministrazzjoni Kongoliża, ua department of advisers, at strategic level, assigned to the various structures of the Ministry of Defence, responsible for contributing to work on SSR carried out by the Congolese administration, and
(ċ) għallfinijiet ta' informazzjoni biss, it-tqassim indikattiv ta' l-allokazzjoni ta' Fondi skond il-kategoriji, b'konformità mar-regoli implementattivi adottati millKummissjoni skond ilproċedura msemmija flArtikolu 103(3);(c) for information purposes only, the indicative breakdown of the allocation of Funds by categories, in accordance with the implementation rules adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 103(3);
.2 Madanakollu, f’bastiment bi spazji b’kategorija speċjali, kull spazju bħal dan għandu jikkonforma mad-disposizzjonijiet applikabbli ta’ Regolament II-2/B/14 u sa fejn din il-konformità tkun inkonsistenti mal-konformità mar-rekwiżiti l-oħra ta’ din il-parti, ir-rekwiżiti ta’ Regolament II-2/B/14 għandhom jipprevalu..2 However, in a ship with special category spaces, any such space shall comply with the applicable provisions of Regulation II-2/B/14 and in so far as such compliance would be inconsistent with compliance with other requirements of this part, the requirements of Regulation II-2/B/14 shall prevail.
(Għal aktar informazzjoni, ara Il- Ħażna Tal- Pinna ta ’ BYETTA Tiegħek f’ Sezzjoni 1 ta ’ dan il- manwal) • Meta jasal il- waqt għad- doża ta ’ rutina li jmiss, mur f’ Sezzjoni 3, Proċedura 1, u rrepeti l - Proċeduri 1 - 7.(See Storing Your BYETTA Pen in Section 1 of this user manual for more information.) • When it is time for your next routine dose, go to Section 3, Step 1, and repeat Steps 1 - 7.
* Għid lit- tabib tiegħek immedjatament jew mur l- emerġenza jekk issofri effetti sekondarji bħal nefħa fil- wiċċ, xufftejn, ilsien jew griżmejn, diffikultà biex tieħu n- nifs, urtikarja jew ħakk fil- ġilda u l - għajnejn, jew taħbit tal- qalb mgħaġġel (palpitazzjonijiet) jew tħoss ħass ħażin.* Tell your doctor immediately or go to casualty if you suffer side effects such as swollen face, lips, tongue and throat, difficulty in breathing, hives or itchy skin and eyes, or rapid heart beat (palpitations) and feeling faint.
Ara tabib mill- aktar fis jew mur fl- eqreb sptar għall- għajnunaSee a doctor as soon as possible or go to the nearest hospital for help.
Biex issib eżempji ta' miżuri li jistgħu jintużaw sabiex jitnaqqas ir-riskju mur gtial-listi ta'kontroll specifici għall-periklifil-PARTI MI jew fil-PARTI IV.risk, go to hazardspecific checklists in PART III or PART IV.
Biex issib eżempji ta’miżuri li jistgħu jintużaw sabiex jitnaqqas ir-riskju mur għal-listi ta‘ kontroll speċifiċi għall-perikli lPARTI III jew lPARTI IV.To nd examples of measures which can be used to reduce risk, go to hazard-specific checklists in PART III or PART IV.
Għandek tmur għallintervista bil-ħsieb li ser taħdem hemm.You should attend the interview thinking that you are going to work there.
Fuq talba tal-istituzzjoni kompetenti, l-istituzzjoni fl-Istat Membru fejn tkun marret il-persuna qiegħda għanda tipprovdi l-informazzjoni relevanti kull xahar dwar il-progress tas-sitwazzjoni tal-persuna qiegħda, partikolarment jekk din tal-aħħar għadhiex reġistrata mas-servizzi tal-impjieg u jekk hijiex konformi mal-proċeduri organizzati ta’ verifika.At the request of the competent institution, the institution in the Member State to which the unemployed person has gone shall provide relevant information on a monthly basis concerning the follow-up of the unemployed person’s situation, in particular whether the latter is still registered with the employment services and is complying with organised checking procedures.
Il-kooperazzjoni f’dan ilproġett marret lilhinn minn dak li kien ġie propost sempliċement b’ittra jew minn dak li kien ġie diskuss matul id-diversi laqgħat internazzjonali.Cooperation in this project has gone beyond what has simply been proposed by a letter or talked about in the various international meetings.
Is-servizzi tal-impjieg tal-Istat Membru fejn il-persuna qiegħda marret biex tfittex impjieg għandhom jinfurmaw lill-persuna qiegħda bl-obbligi tagħha.The employment services in the Member State to which the unemployed person has gone to seek employment shall inform the unemployed person of his obligations.
Jekk hija tkun informat lill-istituzzjoni kompetenti taħt il-paragrafu 1 iżda tonqos milli tipprovdi dan id-dokument, l-istituzzjoni fl-Istat Membru fejn il-persuna qiegħda marret għandha tikkuntattja lill-istituzzjoni kompetenti sabiex tikseb l-informazzjoni meħtieġa.If he has informed the competent institution in accordance with paragraph 1 but fails to provide this document, the institution in the Member State to which the unemployed person has gone shall contact the competent institution in order to obtain the necessary information.
Jekk, fil-perijodu li fih il-persuna qiegħda żżomm id-dritt għall-benefiċċji, isseħħ kwalunkwe ċirkostanza msemmija fil-paragrafu (d) li x’aktarx taffettwa d-dritt għall-benefiċċji, l-istituzzjoni tal-post fejn il-persuna qiegħda marret għandha tibgħat minnufih lill-istituzzjoni kompetenti u lill-persuna kkonċernata dokument li fih l-informazzjoni relevanti.If, in the period during which the unemployed person retains entitlement to benefits, any circumstance likely to affect the entitlement to benefits arises, the institution in the Member State to which the unemployed person has gone shall send immediately to the competent institution and to the person concerned a document containing the relevant information.
Dan wassal, skont Flanders Ship Repair, għal telf ta’ dħul finanzjarju, minħabba li x-shippers li marru Ostende ma sewwewx aktar il-bastimenti tagħhom f’Zeebrugge.This has led, according to Flanders Ship Repair, to a loss of revenue, since the shippers who have gone over to Ostend no longer had their ships repaired in Zeebrugge.
L-ishma ta’ Sachsen LB, li waqt il-proċess tal-integrazzjoni marru għand l- LBBW, jiġu mibjugħa jew likwidati:The following assets of Sachsen LB, which during the course of the integration have gone over to LBBW, will be sold or liquidated:

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