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Ilmuma (to appear) conjugation

59 examples

Conjugation of ilmuma

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I appear
you appear
he/she/it appears
we appear
you all appear
they appear
ei ilmu
(do/does) not appear
it is appeared
ei ilmuta
it is not appeared
Past tense
I appeared
you appeared
he/she/it appeared
we appeared
you all appeared
they appeared
ei ilmunud
did not appear
it was appeared
ei ilmutud
it was not appeared
Conditional mood
ilmuksin, ilmuks
I would appear
ilmuksid, ilmuks
you would appear
he/she/it would appear
ilmuksime, ilmuks
we would appear
ilmuksite, ilmuks
you all would appear
ilmuksid, ilmuks
they would appear
ei ilmuks
would not appear
it would be appeared
ei ilmutaks
it would not be appeared
Imperative mood
let him/her/it appear
let's appear
let them appear
be appeared
Imperative negative mood
ära ilmu
do not appear
ärgu ilmugu
let him/her/it not appear
ärgem ilmugem, ärme ilmume
let him/her/it not appear
ärge ilmuge
do not appear
ärgu ilmugu
let them not appear
ärgu ilmutagu
do not be appeared
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been appeared
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen ilmunud
I have appeared
oled ilmunud
you have appeared
on ilmunud
he/she/it has appeared
oleme ilmunud
we have appeared
olete ilmunud
you all have appeared
on ilmunud
they have appeared
ei ole ilmunud, pole ilmunud
(have/has) not appeared
on ilmutud
it has been appeared
ei ole ilmutud, pole ilmutud
it has not been appeared
Pluperfect past tense
olin ilmunud
I had appeared
olid ilmunud
you had appeared
oli ilmunud
he/she/it had appeared
olime ilmunud
we had appeared
olite ilmunud
you all had appeared
oli ilmunud
they had appeared
ei olnud ilmunud, polnud ilmunud
had not appeared
oli ilmutud
it had been appeared
ei olnud ilmutud, polnud ilmutud
it had not been appeared
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin ilmunud; oleks ilmunud; ilmunuksin; ilmunuks
I would have appeared
oleksid ilmunud; oleks ilmunud; ilmunuksid; ilmunuks
you would have appeared
oleks ilmunud; ilmunuks
he/she/it would have appeared
oleksime ilmunud; oleks ilmunud; ilmunuksime; ilmunuks
we would have appeared
oleksite ilmunud; oleks ilmunud; ilmunuksite; ilmunuks
you all would have appeared
oleksid ilmunud; oleks ilmunud; ilmunuksid; ilmunuks
they would have appeared
ei oleks ilmunud; poleks ilmunud; ei ilmunuks
would not have appeared
oleks ilmutud
it would have been appeared
ei oleks ilmutud; poleks ilmutud
it would not have been appeared
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) appears
ei ilmuvat
(allegedly) does not appear
(allegedly) it is appeared
ei ilmutavat
(allegedly) it is not appeared
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat ilmunud; ilmunuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has appeared
ei olevat ilmunud; polevat ilmunud; ei ilmunuvat
(allegedly) has not appeared
olevat ilmutud
(allegedly) it has been appeared
ei olevat ilmutud; polevat ilmutud
(allegedly) it has not been appeared
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it appear
ärgu ilmugu
so that he/she/it do not appear
so that it be appeared
ärgu ilmutagu
so that it not be appeared
Jussive perfect mood
olgu ilmunud
so that he/she/it have appeared
ärgu olgu ilmunud
so that he/she/it do not have appeared
olgu ilmutud
so that it have been appeared
ärgu olgu ilmutud
so that it not have been appeared
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while appearing
while appearing
(due to/following/for) appearing
for the purpose of appearing
without appear
that can be appeared
being appeared

Examples of ilmuma

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
* Ja ma ilmun Lavaliere'i ** And I'll appear in a lavaliere *
Härra Vivonne, ma ei arva, et see on sinu, või sinu õe, madam Montespan'i huvides, et ma uuesti Versailles'i ilmun.Monsieur de Vivonne, I do not think it is in your interest, nor that of your sister, Madame de Montespan, - that I reappear in Versailles. - Oh, yes?
Ja siis, põmm, ilmun mina ja kukun rääkima, kui äge sa oled.So, poof! I appear and start telling you how special you are.
Arvatigi, et sa ilmud kohale.There was speculation that you might make an appearance tonight.
Ja teiseks, kohe kui pidin kaduma, ilmud sina välja plaanid ja dokumendid näpus.And second, I need to disappear, you show up with plans and paperwork in hand.
Kui sa ilmud meie ette uuesti 30 päeva pärast pead sa olema täielikult ilma rahata ja ühegi varata. Koos kviitungi su maksete ja särgiga su seljas.When you appear before us again in 30 days you must be totally penniless, without assets of any kind having just the receipt for your expenses and the clothes on your back.
"Halb nõid pagendati tema oma dimensiooni, ta ilmub peegeldustes ja omab võimet seestuda...""An evil sorceress cursed into her own dimension, she appears in reflections and has the power to possess..."
"Hirmu deemon ilmub kord iga 1300 aasta järel kolmeteistkümnendal ja reedel."The Demon of Fear appears once every 1,300 years on Friday the 13th.
"Siis ilmub mu väike armas nirgike jaama""when my sweet little weasel appears at the station...
'Me ilmume õigete kohtumõistjate ette et põhjendada omategusid"?"We'll appear before the proper authorities to explain our actions"?
Abiks võib tulla kui kohale ilmume.Might help if he made an appearance.
Kui ma liiga vara sisse lülitan, ilmume Maa sees välja.If I engage too soon, we'll reappear right inside the Earth.
Ma armastan sind. 'Me ilmume õigete kohtumõistjate ette et põhjendada omategusid"?I love you. "We'll appear before the proper authorities to explain our actions"?
Ma lihtsalt arvan, et te ilmute kohale väga halval ajal.I just think this is an extremely bad time... to be making a personal appearance.
Me ei arvanud iial, et te isiklikult välja ilmute.I never thought you’d appear to us in the flesh.
Siis lähete Buckinghami peakorterisse - Grandstone`i lossi ja ilmute tema ette.You will then proceed to Buckingham's headquarters at Grandstone castle, and appear before him.
"Homme õhtul, laternad ilmuvad."*Tomorrow night, the lights will appear.*
"Juhised ilmuvad nähtavale vaid Öötulukese helenduses."The instructions inscribed will only appear in the glow cast by a Night Wisp.
- "Selles ürikus olevad juhised ilmuvad nähtavale vaid Öötuustide helenduses.""The instructions inscribed upon this scroll "will only appear in the glow cast by a Night Wisp."
Aga mis saab paari nädala pärast, kui Denise välja ei ilmu?what happens in two or three weeks, when denise laroque does not appear?
Gekk ei ilmu tööle ja teda hakatakse otsima.Geckos does not appear to work and come up to him.
Kui Pearce välja ei ilmu, vabaneme naisest ja lähme.If you do not appear (Pearce) will kill the woman and go
Kui sinu sõdureid on näha Atellasse viival teel, siis Spartacus ei ilmu ning sinu naine ja tema üsas olev laps on sinu jaoks igaveseks kadunud.And if your troops are seen on the road to Atella, Spartacus will not appear and your wife and the child she carries will be lost to you forever.
"Kui ma välja ilmusin, hakkas ta kartma ja looksis minema."When I appeared, he became frightened and ran off.
Butleril oli kõrini kapitalismi gängsteriks olemisest - nagu ta seda ise nimetas. ...Ma ilmusin Kongressikomitee ette... I appeared before the Congressional Committee the highest representation of the American people under subpoena to tell what I knew of activities which I believed might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship.
Ilmselt peale Van Nuysi ilmusin ma äkitselt verise ja teadvusetuna krevetilaevale Delacroix' lähistel.Apparently, after Van Nuys... I suddenly appeared, bloody and unconscious, on a shrimping boat off Delacroix.
- Eelmine nädal ilmusid nad ühel ja samal kellaajal.At least the last week, appeared around the house, exactly the same hour.
- Laevad ilmusid nelja päeva eest.- The ships appeared four days ago.
- Sõnad ilmusid paberile?- Words have appeared on paper.
Aga siis, ilmusid sa.But then, you appeared.
"Devonshire'i hertsoginna ilmus eelmisel nädalal Bathi mobcapis.""The Duchess of Devonshire appeared last week in Bath in a mobcap.
"Eelmisel nädalal märk ilmus uuesti.""Last week the mark reappeared."
"Issanda ingel ilmus neile,"An angel of the lord appeared to them,
Ma käivitasin masina mõni sekund enne seda, kui teie sellesse ilmusite.Look, I had activated the machine seconds before you appeared inside it.
Te ilmusite nagu välk selgest taevast...No, just because, you suddenly appeared...
Tegime ulatuslikke ülevaateid alal, kuhu te ilmusite.Our security forces did extensive sweeps of the area where you appeared.
- Ei ilmu jalutama eile -- Will not appear for a walk yesterday -
Aga mis saab paari nädala pärast, kui Denise välja ei ilmu?what happens in two or three weeks, when denise laroque does not appear?
Aga mis siis, kui ta ei ilmu?What if he doesn't appear?
Aga see ei ilmu kunagi Composure Magazines.But it's never going to appear in Composure Magazine.
Kaduge, kuni me teda otsime. Ärge avalikkuse ette ilmuge ja ta ei leia teid.Don't appear in public and he won't be able to reach you
Ärge avalikkuse ette ilmuge ja ta ei leia teid.Don't appear in public and he won't be able to reach you.
- Võtan enda kätte. Olete käesolevaga kohustatud ilmuma Senati Relvateenistuskomitee ette homme hommikul kell 9.You are hereby ordered to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow morning at 9am.
Anomaaliad on hakanud ilmuma.Anomalies are starting to appear.
Anun andestust, et säärasel näotul kujul olen sunnitud teie ette ilmuma.I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion.
- Ja võime ilmuda meist igaühe kujul!And the ability to appear as anyone.
- Ma ei oleks söandanudki selleta teie ette ilmuda.I wouldn't have dared to appear before you without it.
- Tore. On ainult kolm põhjust miks mitte kohtuistungile ilmuda.Hey, there's only three reasons you couldn't make your court appearance.
Aeg mil võlur suvatseb ilmuda on hiline.Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear.
Aeg mil võlur suvatseb ilmuda... ...on hiline.Late is the hour. . . . . .in which this conjurer chooses to appear.
"Kahe viimase päeva jooksul on ta ilmunud igal pealelõunal."He's appeared each afternoon for the past two days.
"Räägiti, et promenaadile oli uus nägu ilmunud - daam koerakesega.""The talk was that a new face had appeared on the promenade, a lady with a little dog."
Dokument, mis sisaldab kõiki 4400 nimesid ja aadresse, on ilmunud internetti. Praegu avaldatakse seda rohkem kui 20 saidil.A doment containing the names and the current addresses of all the 4400 has appeared on the Internet, and is now posted on more than 20 sites.
Hunt on ilmunud kahel õhtupoolikul.He has appeared each afternoon for two days.
Näib, et pannkoogisiirupisse on ilmunud Neitsi Maarja kujutis.Uh, well, it would seem that a Virgin Mary has appeared... in the syrup of a local man's pancake.
See sümbol on ilmunud kõikjale Bajoril.This emblem has appeared all over Bajor.
Kui täiuslik oleks, kui just nüüd ilmuks kohale Ana Pascal.How perfect then that in this space Ana Pascal would appear.
Kui täiuslik oleks, kui just nüüd... ...ilmuks kohale Ana Pascal.How perfect then that in this space... ...Ana Pascal would appear.
Ütlen endale, et kui see oleks tõsi ja ma piisavalt kaua ootaksin, siis ilmuks teisele poole põldu horisondile tilluke kuju, mis aegamööda kasvaks, kuni ma näeksin, et see on Tommy.I tell myself if that were true, and I waited long enough, then a tiny figure would appear on the horizon across the field and gradually get larger until I'd see it was Tommy.

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