De har allerede gjort s? meget for mig, jeg kan ikke takke Dem nok. | You've done so much for me already, I'll never be able to thank you enough. |
Lad os takke denne herre for hans venlighed mod os. | Let us go and thank this gentleman for his kindness to us. |
Og nu, vil jeg takke Dem for Deres elskværdig opmærksomhed. | And now, I thank you for your gracious attention. |
Vi vil gerne takke Dem for at invitere os til denne frokost. | We wanna thank you for inviting us to this lunch. |
I kan takke en heldig stjerne for, at de sendte mig til at beskytte liv og ejendom. | You may thank your lucky stars they sent for me to safeguard life and property. |
Jeg takker Gud og mit kolde blod for, at jeg er som De. | I thank God and my cold blood I am as you are at that point. |
Og takker Dem igen. | And thank you again. |
Jeg siger farvel til Dem og takker Dem for Deres elskværdig hjælp. | I'll say goodbye to you for the present and thank you for your gracious help. |
Vor fader, jeg takker dig, for i din barmhjertighed har du følt medlidenhed med min store ensomhed. | Our Father, I thank thee, that, in thy great mercy, thou hast taken pity on my great loneliness. |
Det er fordi, De er så taknemmelig og altid takker mig så pænt. | It's because you're so very grateful and always thank me so prettily. |
Jeg takkede Gud for dig. | I thanked God for you. |
Jeg takkede Barney og begyndte at stige ud... men han sagde, jeg ikke behøvede at g. At han kunne køre mig derind ad en anden vej. | So I thanked Barney and started to get out of the car... but he said that there wasn't any need for me to walk... that he could drive me into the park on another road. |
Detektiven var der, Norman fortalte ham om pigen, detektiven takkede ham og kørte sin vej. | This detective was there, Norman told him about the girl... the detective thanked him and he went away. |
Jeg takkede dem for den visdom, de gav mig, og begav mig mod bjergene. | I thanked them for the years of wisdom they had given me. And I wandered into the mountains. |
Jeg kom ind, og du takkede mig. | I walked in and you thanked me. |
Nej, ellers tak. | - No, thank you. |
- Nej, tak. | - No, thank you. |
Sir, jeg... tak. | Sire, I...thank you. |
- Nej tak. | - No, thanks. |
Og jeg har takket ham rigeligt. | And I thanked him plenty. |
Da jeg fik min elfenbensarm, kunne jeg have takket hvalen. | When I got this ivory jib, all spanking new and scientific... why, I could've thanked that whale. |
Jeg har lukket dem alle sammen ind, sat dem på rationer og takket Gud, når de var væk. | I've let them all in and rationed them, and thanked God when they were gone. |
Har hun takket onkel Kurt sådan før? | Has she thanked Uncle Kurt that way before? |
Jeg tror det er flovt for ham at blive takket. | I think it embarrasses him to be thanked. |