Curiosament, mentre que Navalni va agrair al Dr. Z que l'avisés, mai no va aclarir que el 80% del material que va publicar havia estat trobat i publicat pel Dr. | Curiously, while Navalny thanked Dr. Z for giving him a "heads up" on Pekhtin, he never made it clear that around 80% of the materials he posted were first found and published by Dr. Z. Navalny also didn't link to the original post. |
Molts dels convidats es quedaren després per parlar amb els autors i agrair-nos la inicitiva, ja que no havien estat mai a un esdeveniment semblant. | Many of the guests stayed behind to talk to the authors and thank us for the initiative, as they'd never been to an event like it. |
M'agradaria agrair-li tot el que ha fet per la gent d'aquesta zona. | I would like to thank you for what you have done to the people in that piece of land. |
Els russos poden agrair Roskomnadzor , l'agència federal responsable de supervisar els mitjans de comunicació, pel nou material de lectura, el qual compta amb dues mil pàgines aproximadament i vint seccions diferents. | Russians can thank Roskomnadzor, the federal agency responsible for overseeing the media, for the new reading material, which spans roughly two thousand pages and twenty different sections. |
Fins ara, tot i que és molt d'hora i molta gent no sap aquesta manera de cercar feina, una trentena de persones m'han enviat missatges per dir-me que n'han trobada i m'ho volien agrair. | Up until now, and it is very early yet and many don't know about this way of searching for a job, around 30 people have sent me messages telling me that they have been hired and wanted to thank me for this. |
Germans, els agraeixo molt a tots. | Brothers, I thank you all a lot. |
Greenleaf, els agraeixo que hagin sigut tan hospitalaris. | I'd like to thank you for your hospitality. It's been real interesting. |
Us agraeixo l'oferta, senyors... | I thank you for your offer, gentlemen... |
Us ho agraeixo, Altesa. | I thank you, Your Grace. |
L'hi agraeixo, a els qui vulgui que siguin. | I thank them, whoever they are. |
Però la majoria de dies... agraeixes a les teves estrelles per cada minut que has passat amb ells. | But most days... you thank your stars for every minute you got with 'em. |
Hòstia, fins i tot la meva ex-dona t'ho agraeix. | Hell, even my ex thanks you. |
La meva família els agraeix el seu préstec. | My family thanks you for the loan. |
T'ho agraïm , Zetterstrom. | For that we thank you, Zetterstrom. |
Senyor, t'agraïm aquest aliment i el que hem viscut. | Oh, Lord, we thank You for this meal and all of Your bounty. |
La facció Republicana conservadora està satisfeta, i li agraïm al Sr Lincoln. | The conservative Republican faction’s satisfied, and we thank Mr. Lincoln. |
Us agraïm la vostra hospitalitat, missenyor. | We thank you for your hospitality, my lord. |
No t'he agraït allò del sopar. | Great. I never thanked you for dinner. |
Aleshores agraïu-m'ho. | Well, then thank me. |
Moltes persones s'acosten a veure'ns a la fi de les nostres intervencions o conferències i, commoguts, ens agraeixen la tasca que hem fet amb aquesta volta al món i l'esperança que els hi transmet. | Many people come to see us at the end of our talk to thank us, they were moved by the work we achieved during this tour and the hope it gives them. |
Els meus fills t'ho agraeixen. | My kids thank you. |
I totes les noies de l'altra banda t'ho agraeixen. | And every girl on the other side thanks you for it. |
La comissió mèdica és sàbia, pero tu no saps si quan la nena creixi, t'agrairà les joguines i el televisor de plasma i el microones i la roba que té de més o et retreurà totes les hores d'absència. | The medical committee is wise, but you don't know whether, when the little girl grows up, she will thank you for the toys and the plasma TV and the microwave and the clothes she's got too many of, or whether she will reproach you for all the hours of absence. |
El poble agrairà als déus haver sobreviscut, i servirà el nou senyor. | The people will thank the Gods that they survived and serve their new master. |
No estic demanant que em deslligueu, però si pogués dormir tombat, la meva esquena us ho agrairia. | I'm not asking to be freed from my constraints, but if I could sleep lying down, my back would thank you for it. |
Primer vull que m'ho agraeixis. | I wantyou to thank me first. |
No cal que m'ho agraeixis tantes vegades. | - Stop thanking me. |
"Si disparen, et tocaran a tu." Primer vull que m'ho agraeixis. | If they fire, you'll be hit. I want you to thank me first. |
Jack, no m'ho agraeixis a mi, aquest és I'home que... | Jack, don't thank me. This is the bloke. |